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Group Read Archive > 2014 Reading Challenges

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message 1: by Pamela, Moderatrix (last edited Nov 03, 2013 06:08PM) (new)

Pamela (foxglovewitch) | 614 comments Mod
If you have suggestions for monthly reading challenges in 2014, we'd love for you to share them!

January - January Holidays (Belkis)
February -
March -
April -
May -
June -
July -
August -
September -
October -
November -
December -

message 2: by Belkis (last edited Nov 03, 2013 05:32PM) (new)

Belkis (bminaya) | 861 comments Hi Pamela, what do you think about something like this for our January challenge?

January holidays challenge

1. January 1st is New Year's Day: read a book by a "new to you author", or a book for a "new to you series".
2. January 2nd is Science Fiction Day: read a book that has different species or different worlds in the story, or a book that takes place in the future or that has time travel in the story.
3. January 3rd is Festival Of Sleep Day: read a book that has a main vampire character, or a book in which a main character sleeps during the day.
4. January 14th is Clean Off Your Desk Day: read a book that's been in your TBR list for more than a year.
5. January 18th is Martin Luther King Day: read a book where there is a power struggle (good vs evil, one cast vs another), or a revolution, or where one character stands up to defend a person or cause.
6. January 24th is Belly Laugh Day: read a funny book, or a book that has a funny main character in the story.
7. January 26th is Australia Day: read a book by an Australian author, or a book that has an Australian character in the story, or a book in which at least part of the story takes place in Australia.
8. January 29th is Free Thinker's Day: read a book where a main character has a mental ability or power.
9. January 30th is Inspire Your Heart with Art Day: read a book in which a main character is some type of artist, or a book where some part of the story takes place in an art gallery, museum, theater, or concert venue.
10. January birthstone is Red Garnet: read a book with a red cover, or red lettering in the title.

message 3: by Pamela, Moderatrix (new)

Pamela (foxglovewitch) | 614 comments Mod
Ooh, that's a great challenge! Let's use that one for January. Thanks, Belkis!

message 4: by Belkis (new)

Belkis (bminaya) | 861 comments Pamela wrote: "Ooh, that's a great challenge! Let's use that one for January. Thanks, Belkis!"

Awesome Pamela :) yay

message 5: by Daffodil (new)

Daffodil (daffodil--ripcranberry) | 96 comments I really liked the challenge we did in February 2011: Author's Web Challenge

We used the Literature Map site to generate a list of ten authors to read during the month.

message 6: by Hixxup (new)

Hixxup (hixxup79) I really like the book color challenges, or the word challenges like the seasons, or holidays or something example since it's close to winter...


challenges like those.

message 7: by Dee (new)

Dee (phonebooklady) Daffodil wrote: "I really liked the challenge we did in February 2011: Author's Web Challenge

We used the Literature Map site to generate a list of ten authors to read during the month."

That challenge does look like fun!!

message 8: by Elissa (new)

Elissa Barbosa (mrsemama30) | 1 comments I love the ideas above to coincide with the different dates throughout January...very thorough. ::)

message 9: by Pamela, Moderatrix (new)

Pamela (foxglovewitch) | 614 comments Mod
Great suggestions, everyone! Thanks so much!

message 10: by Mina (new)

Mina Khan (spicebites) | 127 comments I know August is far away, but it happens to be my birthday months and so is a personal about going with the following challenge:

1. A book featuring a lion shifter in honor of all Leos.
2. A book featuring a dragon shifter/a pyrokinetic character to celebrate the fiery heat of summer.
3. A read with a Chimera (dragon, lion & human shifter)
4. A HAWT & Steamy read as a nod to triple digit temperatures.
5. A beach read -- something to do with water, ocean, beaches.

message 11: by PepperP0t (new)

PepperP0t  | 539 comments as an August baby I like it Mina

message 12: by Ann aka Iftcan (new)

Ann aka Iftcan (iftcan) | 2659 comments Mod
Mina--the only problem with using a CHimera is--there are very few books written about them. Or are you referring to shifters that are maybe dragon/human or lion/humans?

message 13: by Mina (last edited Nov 13, 2013 10:01AM) (new)

Mina Khan (spicebites) | 127 comments Ann aka Iftcan wrote: "Mina--the only problem with using a CHimera is--there are very few books written about them. Or are you referring to shifters that are maybe dragon/human or lion/humans?"

Hmm, I was thinking a shifter that had all 3 forms. I guess I have come across a few recently.

We could make the Chimera option a bonus or replace it with something else.

Just found out August is National Romance Awareness Month -- hee, hee! So how about:

3. Read a Paranormal Romance to celebrate Romance?

Anyone else have any August-inspired suggestions? Pat?

message 14: by PepperP0t (last edited Nov 13, 2013 01:17PM) (new)

PepperP0t  | 539 comments how about we have fun with the crazy/bizarre holidays of the year?
4/5 books = odd
6/7 books = queer
8/9 books = ridiculous
+10 books = outrageous

or recipes of the month
spell a food or drink with author or MC last names only

or jewel of the month
spell a birthstone with author or mc first names only

or zodiac
1) find character with each trait
2) book published between dates of astrological sign
3) activity in book noting month

message 15: by Ann aka Iftcan (last edited Nov 13, 2013 03:48PM) (new)

Ann aka Iftcan (iftcan) | 2659 comments Mod
August is also "back to school" for a lot of places. So how about something with a teacher or student or set in a school? LOTS of those. . .

And let us not forget the infamous "back to school SALES." So maybe one where one of the character has something to do with sales.

message 16: by Mina (new)

Mina Khan (spicebites) | 127 comments Ann aka Iftcan wrote: "August is also "back to school" for a lot of places. So how about something with a teacher or student or set in a school? LOTS of those. . .

And let us not forget the infamous "back to school SALE..."

Ha! You're getting uber creative! ;) But yes, lots of options to replace the chimeras!

message 17: by Ann aka Iftcan (new)

Ann aka Iftcan (iftcan) | 2659 comments Mod
Ok, ladies and gentlemen--we have only 3 months worth of challenges.

Are we going to want to repeat some of our past favs? Like cover colour, the one we are doing this month (single fem/male, couple, no humans at all)? Any more ideas at all?

Here's what we have thus far:

2014 Monthly list of challenges

January –
1. January 1st is New Year's Day: read a book by a "new to you author", or a book for a "new to you series".
2. January 2nd is Science Fiction Day: read a book that has different species or different worlds in the story, or a book that takes place in the future or that has time travel in the story.
3. January 3rd is Festival Of Sleep Day: read a book that has a main vampire character, or a book in which a main character sleeps during the day.
4. January 14th is Clean Off Your Desk Day: read a book that's been in your TBR list for more than a year.
5. January 18th is Martin Luther King Day: read a book where there is a power struggle (good vs evil, one cast vs another), or a revolution, or where one character stands up to defend a person or cause.
6. January 24th is Belly Laugh Day: read a funny book, or a book that has a funny main character in the story.
7. January 26th is Australia Day: read a book by an Australian author, or a book that has an Australian character in the story, or a book in which at least part of the story takes place in Australia.
8. January 29th is Free Thinker's Day: read a book where a main character has a mental ability or power.
9. January 30th is Inspire Your Heart with Art Day: read a book in which a main character is some type of artist, or a book where some part of the story takes place in an art gallery, museum, theater, or concert venue.
10. January birthstone is Red Garnet: read a book with a red cover, or red lettering in the title.

January Holidays idea courtesy of Belkis

February -
March -
April -
May -
June -
July –

1. 2 books featuring a lion shifter in honor of all Leos.
2. 2 books featuring a dragon shifter/a pyrokinetic character to celebrate the fiery heat of summer.
3. 2 reads with a Chimera (dragon, lion & human shifter) (alternate read teachers or sales person for either the H or h, in honour of back to school and back to school sales)
4. 2 HAWT & Steamy reads as a nod to triple digit temperatures.
5. 2 beach reads -- something to do with water, ocean, beaches, boats

Courtesy of Mina

September -
October -
November –

December – I think we’ll go with our tried and true “Clear out the TBR pile” challenge from years past. Books must be preselected and posted to the thread. You are allowed 5 alternates in case you decide that you can’t get hold of one of your books. SO, 10 books from your TBR mounta—er pile.

message 18: by Drea (new)

Drea I was thinking of one for April. I don't know if it will appeal to the group members outside the USA. But here it is if you want to use it.

Fun with taxes
Read two books for each of the letters in taxes useing the frist letter of the title of the book (or the the frist letter of the author's frist or last name). Only useing an author once.

message 19: by PepperP0t (new)

PepperP0t  | 539 comments how about this for a February challenge?

What's so special about February?
1. Valentine's Day: MC is part of a romantic couple at the beginning and the end of the book or the MC is single at the beginning and the end of the book
2. In honor of the Winter Olympics: read a book set in one of the locations of one of the last 5 Winter Olympics (1998 - Japan; 2002 - USA; 2006 - Italy; 2010 - Canada 2014 - Russia) or features an athlete or a game
3. Presidents Day read a book that features a President, King/Queen or God/Goddess
4. Groundhog Day: reread a favorite book or a book you've put off reading at least twice
5. Random Act of Kindness: read a book that was highly recommended or given to you
6. Now is the time for Academy Awards: read a book that sounds like it would be (or is) a great movie
7. Leap Day: read a book released during a leap year (2000, 2004, 2008, 2012)
8. Black History Month: read a book by a black author or is set in Africa or has red, black & green cover
9. St. Valentine's Day Massacre:read a book that is set in Chicago, the MC owns a bar or it has rival gangs
10. February Birthstone: Amethyst, read a book with a purple cover

message 20: by PepperP0t (new)

PepperP0t  | 539 comments Drea wrote: "I was thinking of one for April. I don't know if it will appeal to the group members outside the USA. But here it is if you want to use it.

Fun with taxes
Read two books for each of the letters i..."

I'm thinking that X will be hard

message 21: by Belkis (last edited Nov 22, 2013 09:03PM) (new)

Belkis (bminaya) | 861 comments Wow, I like your February idea Pat :)
We seem to have been working on options at the same time LOL! Anyway, since I already worked on this I figure we can have options for the following year.

February month of Love: Goddesses of Love

1. Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of love and beauty. In the story of the Trojan War, the Trojan Paris awarded Aphrodite the apple of discord after judging her to be the most beautiful of the goddesses. She then sided with the Trojans throughout the war: Read a book where a war or battle takes place, or a book where main characters fight over a love interest.

2. Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of love, procreation, and war. When the love of her life, the farm god Tammuz, died, she followed him to the Underworld: Read a book involving demons or a book where at least part of the story takes place in an underground realm.

3. Inanna was the oldest of the love goddess of the Mesopotamian region. She was a Sumerian goddess of love and war. Although she is regarded as a virgin, Inanna is a goddess responsible for sexual love, procreation, and fertility: Read a book where a wedding takes place, or where someone is having a baby, or a book where one of the characters is a virgin.

4. Ashtart or Astarte is a Semitic goddess of sexual love, maternity and fertility. She is also a war goddess and is associated with leopards or lions. Sometimes she is two-horned: Read a book about shifters.

5. Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty. She was originally an Italic goddess of vegetation and patron of gardens: Read a book involving any woodland creatures, Fairies, Elves, Fae, Dryads, Satyrs, Gnomes, Nymphs, etc.

6. Hathor is an Egyptian goddess who sometimes wears a sun disk with horns on her head: Read a book where a main character has powers similar to the sun, some sort of fire power or pyrokinetics, dragon shifter, fire demon, etc.

7. Isis is the Egyptian goddess of magic: Read a book where a main character is some kind of magic user, spellcaster, sorcerer, or mage.

8. Freya was a beautiful Vanir Norse goddess of love, magic, and divination, who was called upon for help in matters of love: Read a book where a character has the power of divination or foretelling the future or a book where at least part of the story involves time traveling to another time or place.

9. Nügua was primarily a Chinese creator goddess, but after she populated the earth, she taught mankind how to procreate, so she wouldn't have to do it for them: Read a book where at least one character is of Asian descent, or a book where there’s some sort of Asian martial arts fighting, or a book where part of the story takes place in an Asian named place or city.

10. Tlazolteotl is the Aztec goddess of fertility, sex, childbirth and love. She appears in four forms that correspond to the phases of the moon: Read a book where at least one main character is a werewolf.

message 22: by PepperP0t (new)

PepperP0t  | 539 comments I like your's too. I actually thought about gods/goddesses but was too lazy to do the work

message 23: by Belkis (new)

Belkis (bminaya) | 861 comments Pat wrote: "I like your's too. I actually thought about gods/goddesses but was too lazy to do the work"

LOL! Now we have options for challenges to come. The more options we have the better off we are for future choices :)

message 24: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) | 319 comments Mod
Here are some we've done before that I really liked.

New to you series-

10 different series

Go-by-the-Year- read a book published in 2014,2013,2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006,2005,

Popular paranormal creatures

Reading with Friends

Characters Alphabet Parade Challenge.

Literary Colors Challenge.

Literature Map

The Power of Three- 3 word author, 3 word title, 3rd in series & a tilogy

Count the title- one word title, two word title etc

message 25: by Belkis (new)

Belkis (bminaya) | 861 comments Oh I like all of those Dawn :)

message 26: by PepperP0t (new)

PepperP0t  | 539 comments who said we only had 3 challenges for the year! great Dawn

message 27: by Ann aka Iftcan (new)

Ann aka Iftcan (iftcan) | 2659 comments Mod
Great, now we are getting somewhere. :o) And hey--just because a challenge was suggested for a certain month doesn't mean that we can't use it in a DIFFERENT month, right?

I volunteered to be in charge of this folder for the next year, and I'll have the challenges up around the 25th of the month, giving us all time to plan out our reading for the month--or for those like me who just reach in and grab whatever happens to be laying on top, it gives us a chance to restack the piles of books that constitute our TBR mountain ranges--and, who knows, maybe we'll find a long forgotten treasure as we are moving those mountain ranges around. :o) (I think I found one of the elusive Yeti when I was working on mine--but it ran off too fast to be sure when I disturbed the cave it had hollowed out of my piles of books.) Any hoo--will be working on getting these up so we have time for planning.

message 28: by Ann aka Iftcan (new)

Ann aka Iftcan (iftcan) | 2659 comments Mod
Ok, all, I've been working on the 2014 challenges, and am up to 7 challenges. Some are oldies, some are new, but here's what I have so far.

2014 Monthly list of challenges

January –
1. January 1st is New Year's Day: read a book by a "new to you author", or a book for a "new to you series".
2. January 2nd is Science Fiction Day: read a book that has different species or different worlds in the story, or a book that takes place in the future or that has time travel in the story.
3. January 3rd is Festival Of Sleep Day: read a book that has a main vampire character, or a book in which a main character sleeps during the day.
4. January 14th is Clean Off Your Desk Day: read a book that's been in your TBR list for more than a year.
5. January 18th is Martin Luther King Day: read a book where there is a power struggle (good vs evil, one cast vs another), or a revolution, or where one character stands up to defend a person or cause.
6. January 24th is Belly Laugh Day: read a funny book, or a book that has a funny main character in the story.
7. January 26th is Australia Day: read a book by an Australian author, or a book that has an Australian character in the story, or a book in which at least part of the story takes place in Australia.
8. January 29th is Free Thinker's Day: read a book where a main character has a mental ability or power.
9. January 30th is Inspire Your Heart with Art Day: read a book in which a main character is some type of artist, or a book where some part of the story takes place in an art gallery, museum, theater, or concert venue.
10. January birthstone is Red Garnet: read a book with a red cover, or red lettering in the title.

January Holidays idea courtesy of Belkis

February –
What's so special about February?
1. Valentine's Day: MC is part of a romantic couple at the beginning and the end of the book or the MC is single at the beginning and the end of the book
2. In honor of the Winter Olympics: read a book set in one of the locations of one of the last 5 Winter Olympics (1998 - Japan; 2002 - USA; 2006 - Italy; 2010 - Canada 2014 - Russia) or features an athlete or a game
3. Presidents Day read a book that features a President, King/Queen or God/Goddess
4. Groundhog Day: reread a favorite book or a book you've put off reading at least twice
5. Random Act of Kindness: read a book that was highly recommended or given to you
6. Now is the time for Academy Awards: read a book that sounds like it would be (or is) a great movie
7. Leap Day: read a book released during a leap year (2000, 2004, 2008, 2012)
8. Black History Month: read a book by a black author or is set in Africa or has red, black & green cover
9. St. Valentine's Day Massacre:read a book that is set in Chicago, the MC owns a bar or it has rival gangs
10. February Birthstone: Amethyst, read a book with a purple cover
Courtesy of Pat

March -
April –
Everyone knows that April showers bring May flowers—so, to celebrate all the colours we are looking forward to—Colour Challenge
Cover must have the colour in it. Preferably as the main colour, but, any amount of the colour works. Please post your cover so we can see that the book fits the colour.

May -
June -
July –
July’s Alphabet Challenge Character’s first or last name must start with one of the letters given
This is an oldie but goodie, and is fairly easy to find books to fit.

1. 2 books featuring a lion shifter in honor of all Leos.
2 books featuring a dragon shifter/a pyrokinetic character to celebrate the fiery heat of summer.
2 reads with a Chimera (dragon, lion & human shifter) (alternate read teachers or sales person for either the H or h, in honour of back to school and back to school sales)
2 HAWT & Steamy reads as a nod to triple digit temperatures.
2 beach reads -- something to do with water, ocean, beaches, boats

Courtesy of Mina

September –

October –
1. Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of love and beauty. In the story of the Trojan War, the Trojan Paris awarded Aphrodite the apple of discord after judging her to be the most beautiful of the goddesses. She then sided with the Trojans throughout the war: Read a book where a war or battle takes place, or a book where main characters fight over a love interest.

2. Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of love, procreation, and war. When the love of her life, the farm god Tammuz, died, she followed him to the Underworld: Read a book involving demons or a book where at least part of the story takes place in an underground realm.

3. Inanna was the oldest of the love goddess of the Mesopotamian region. She was a Sumerian goddess of love and war. Although she is regarded as a virgin, Inanna is a goddess responsible for sexual love, procreation, and fertility: Read a book where a wedding takes place, or where someone is having a baby, or a book where one of the characters is a virgin.

4. Ashtart or Astarte is a Semitic goddess of sexual love, maternity and fertility. She is also a war goddess and is associated with leopards or lions. Sometimes she is two-horned: Read a book about shifters.

5. Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty. She was originally an Italic goddess of vegetation and patron of gardens: Read a book involving any woodland creatures, Fairies, Elves, Fae, Dryads, Satyrs, Gnomes, Nymphs, etc.

6. Hathor is an Egyptian goddess who sometimes wears a sun disk with horns on her head: Read a book where a main character has powers similar to the sun, some sort of fire power or pyrokinetics, dragon shifter, fire demon, etc.

7. Isis is the Egyptian goddess of magic: Read a book where a main character is some kind of magic user, spellcaster, sorcerer, or mage.

8. Freya was a beautiful Vanir Norse goddess of love, magic, and divination, who was called upon for help in matters of love: Read a book where a character has the power of divination or foretelling the future or a book where at least part of the story involves time traveling to another time or place.

9. Nügua was primarily a Chinese creator goddess, but after she populated the earth, she taught mankind how to procreate, so she wouldn't have to do it for them: Read a book where at least one character is of Asian descent, or a book where there’s some sort of Asian martial arts fighting, or a book where part of the story takes place in an Asian named place or city.

10. Tlazolteotl is the Aztec goddess of fertility, sex, childbirth and love. She appears in four forms that correspond to the phases of the moon: Read a book where at least one main character is a werewolf.
This was actually a suggestion for February, but I thought it could work for October too. Courtesy of Belkis

November –

December – I think we’ll go with our tried and true “Clear out the TBR pile” challenge from years past. Books must be preselected and posted to the thread. You are allowed 5 alternates in case you decide that you can’t get hold of one of your books. SO, 10 books from your TBR mounta—er pile.

message 29: by Belkis (new)

Belkis (bminaya) | 861 comments Wow, thanks so much Ann :) we're definitely going to have plenty of time to ready our books for our monthly challenges for sure.

message 30: by Dee (new)

Dee (phonebooklady) Thanks Ann!! It is exciting to be able to get the books together ages before the challenge starts. It's always hard for me to pick what to read near the end of the month, I'm always afraid the book I want to read will be on next months challenge. Awesome job!!!

message 31: by Ann aka Iftcan (new)

Ann aka Iftcan (iftcan) | 2659 comments Mod
I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row as fast as possible. I'm going to be moving here, sometime in the (hopefully) near future. So I'm trying to get as much stuff pre-planned as possible. That includes getting this set up, so that even if I'm in the middle of the move at the "wrong time" then everyone will STILL know what the challenge is.

message 32: by Ann aka Iftcan (last edited Nov 29, 2013 12:22PM) (new)

Ann aka Iftcan (iftcan) | 2659 comments Mod
OK, here is the latest schedule I've come up with. I am still open to changing any month's challenge (well, except for October's and that's because I love all those Goddesses) if someone comes up with one that they think is really interesting or if everyone wants to repeat another challenge off our "Golden Oldies" chart for one month. Let's hear your thoughts on these 12. :o)
2014 Monthly list of challenges

January –
1. January 1st is New Year's Day: read a book by a "new to you author", or a book for a "new to you series".
2. January 2nd is Science Fiction Day: read a book that has different species or different worlds in the story, or a book that takes place in the future or that has time travel in the story.
3. January 3rd is Festival Of Sleep Day: read a book that has a main vampire character, or a book in which a main character sleeps during the day.
4. January 14th is Clean Off Your Desk Day: read a book that's been in your TBR list for more than a year.
5. January 18th is Martin Luther King Day: read a book where there is a power struggle (good vs evil, one cast vs another), or a revolution, or where one character stands up to defend a person or cause.
6. January 24th is Belly Laugh Day: read a funny book, or a book that has a funny main character in the story.
7. January 26th is Australia Day: read a book by an Australian author, or a book that has an Australian character in the story, or a book in which at least part of the story takes place in Australia.
8. January 29th is Free Thinker's Day: read a book where a main character has a mental ability or power.
9. January 30th is Inspire Your Heart with Art Day: read a book in which a main character is some type of artist, or a book where some part of the story takes place in an art gallery, museum, theater, or concert venue.
10. January birthstone is Red Garnet: read a book with a red cover, or red lettering in the title.

January Holidays idea courtesy of Belkis

February –
What's so special about February?
1. Valentine's Day: MC is part of a romantic couple at the beginning and the end of the book or the MC is single at the beginning and the end of the book
2. In honor of the Winter Olympics: read a book set in one of the locations of one of the last 5 Winter Olympics (1998 - Japan; 2002 - USA; 2006 - Italy; 2010 - Canada 2014 - Russia) or features an athlete or a game
3. Presidents Day read a book that features a President, King/Queen or God/Goddess
4. Groundhog Day: reread a favorite book or a book you've put off reading at least twice
5. Random Act of Kindness: read a book that was highly recommended or given to you
6. Now is the time for Academy Awards: read a book that sounds like it would be (or is) a great movie
7. Leap Day: read a book released during a leap year (2000, 2004, 2008, 2012)
8. Black History Month: read a book by a black author or is set in Africa or has red, black & green cover
9. St. Valentine's Day Massacre:read a book that is set in Chicago, the MC owns a bar or it has rival gangs
10. February Birthstone: Amethyst, read a book with a purple cover
Courtesy of Pat

March –
1. March 2 is Texas Independence Day—read a book with a setting in Texas, or where one of the characters is from Texas
2. Mardi Gras ends on March 9, so a book set in New Orleans or just in Louisianna, or with a major party theme or one of the MC's has something to do with parties--a party planner, baker, DJ, musician.
3. First Wednesday in March is World Maths Day—so read a book where one of the characters has some kind of mathematical job or is a scientist
4. Saint Patrick’s day is March 17, so—one of the characters must be Irish (or of Irish descent) or is fae.
5. March 26 is Purple Day—aka the Global Day of Epilepsy Awareness—read a book with a purple cover or, if you can find one, where one of the characters has epilepsy (I knew this one would be hard, hence the purple cover option)
6. March is either the first month of spring or the first month of fall (depending on your hemisphere) Read a book that is set in either the spring or fall
7. The Ides of March—read a book where one of the characters is Italian—or the setting is Italy or ancient Rome or one of Rome’s colonies--this is a very broad setting, since it covers a great deal of the world--England, Germany, France, most of the Middle East, Greece, parts of Asia Minor. . .
8. March is named for the God of War—so one of the characters must be a soldier/sailor/member of the Air Force OR there is a war as a main part of the background of the book
9. The Vernal (spring) equinox or the autumnal equinox (fall) (depending on which hemisphere you reside in) falls in March. Read a book that has something to do with water—one of the characters is a sailor, a mermaid, a selkie, a skindiver or lives/works on a boat/lake/pond/ or by the ocean. (Ok, I admit, this one is kind of bothering me, so if anyone can come up with a replacement for it, lmk and we'll change it.)
10. March 20 is Internation Day of Happiness—read a humourous book. (Shelly Laurenston, Lynsay Sands, Katie MacAlister all write this type of book.

April –
Everyone knows that April showers bring May flowers—so, to celebrate all the colours we are looking forward to—Colour Challenge. One book per colour.
Cover must have the colour in it. Preferably as the main one, but, any amount of the colour works. Please post your cover so we can see that the book fits the colour.

May –
The Power of Three challenge—the author must use 3 names, (Mary Higgins Clark, e.g.) the title of the book must have 3 words in it--you can count "A", "The", and "And" or not, depending on if they are needed for this one--or the book must be #3 in its series OR it must be part of a trilogy.

June –
June is Graduation Day, Father’s Day and, of course, the month that is favoured for weddings.
1) Read 3 book with a student or teacher as one of the characters
2) A father (or father figure) must play a part in the next 3 books
3) Four books with a wedding theme—either one is taking place, being planned or one that is cancelled or one of the main characters is a wedding singer, planner, preacher, etc.

July –
July’s Alphabet Challenge Character’s first or last name must start with one of the letters given
This is an oldie but goodie, and is fairly easy to find books to fit.

1. 2 books featuring a lion shifter in honor of all Leos.
2 books featuring a dragon shifter/a pyrokinetic character to celebrate the fiery heat of summer.
2 reads with a Chimera (dragon, lion & human shifter) (alternate read teachers or sales person for either the H or h, in honour of back to school and back to school sales)
2 HAWT & Steamy reads as a nod to triple digit temperatures.
2 beach reads -- something to do with water, ocean, beaches, boats

Courtesy of Mina

September –
Another Golden Oldie here.
Read a book from 10 different series. Include the books title and author as well as the name of the series and what position it has in the series. Ex. Dragon Actually by A. G. Aikens, (Dragon Kin #1)

October –
1. Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of love and beauty. In the story of the Trojan War, the Trojan Paris awarded Aphrodite the apple of discord after judging her to be the most beautiful of the goddesses. She then sided with the Trojans throughout the war: Read a book where a war or battle takes place, or a book where main characters fight over a love interest.

2. Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of love, procreation, and war. When the love of her life, the farm god Tammuz, died, she followed him to the Underworld: Read a book involving demons or a book where at least part of the story takes place in an underground realm.

3. Inanna was the oldest of the love goddess of the Mesopotamian region. She was a Sumerian goddess of love and war. Although she is regarded as a virgin, Inanna is a goddess responsible for sexual love, procreation, and fertility: Read a book where a wedding takes place, or where someone is having a baby, or a book where one of the characters is a virgin.

4. Ashtart or Astarte is a Semitic goddess of sexual love, maternity and fertility. She is also a war goddess and is associated with leopards or lions. Sometimes she is two-horned: Read a book about shifters.

5. Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty. She was originally an Italic goddess of vegetation and patron of gardens: Read a book involving any woodland creatures, Fairies, Elves, Fae, Dryads, Satyrs, Gnomes, Nymphs, etc.

6. Hathor is an Egyptian goddess who sometimes wears a sun disk with horns on her head: Read a book where a main character has powers similar to the sun, some sort of fire power or pyrokinetics, dragon shifter, fire demon, etc.

7. Isis is the Egyptian goddess of magic: Read a book where a main character is some kind of magic user, spellcaster, sorcerer, or mage.

8. Freya was a beautiful Vanir Norse goddess of love, magic, and divination, who was called upon for help in matters of love: Read a book where a character has the power of divination or foretelling the future or a book where at least part of the story involves time traveling to another time or place.

9. Nügua was primarily a Chinese creator goddess, but after she populated the earth, she taught mankind how to procreate, so she wouldn't have to do it for them: Read a book where at least one character is of Asian descent, or a book where there’s some sort of Asian martial arts fighting, or a book where part of the story takes place in an Asian named place or city.

10. Tlazolteotl is the Aztec goddess of fertility, sex, childbirth and love. She appears in four forms that correspond to the phases of the moon: Read a book where at least one main character is a werewolf.
This was actually a suggestion for February, but I thought I would make it work for October too. Because, well, I just loved it, so, here it is. Courtesy of Belkis

November –
Because November tends to be a bit harried—we’ll go for another tried and true challenge. Paranormal Creatures November
Read 3 books featuring Vampires or vampire slayers as the main characters
Read 3 books with Were-wolves
Read 2 books with either Witches/sorceress or Warlocks/wizards/sorcerors
Read 2 books with a Fae character

December – I think we’ll go with our tried and true “Clear out the TBR pile” challenge from years past. Books must be preselected and posted to the thread. You are allowed 5 alternates in case you decide that you can’t get hold of one of your books. SO, 10 books from your TBR, the longer they've been on the pile the better.

message 33: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) | 319 comments Mod
I like it!

message 34: by Rachel (new)

Rachel | 192 comments That's awesome! Though I looked forward to the end of the month when the next month's challenge would be revealed, I think I'll really appreciate being able to pick my books in advance.

Great work Ann!

message 35: by Irene (new)

Irene (irenemikhaylova) | 478 comments Great challenges!

message 36: by Ann aka Iftcan (new)

Ann aka Iftcan (iftcan) | 2659 comments Mod
As the month gets closer, and people start assembling their books (like say a week and a half) if a lot of people are having problems finding one or two books, we'll still be able to nip-and-tuck to get a better fit if we have to. But, I like to have at least a vague plan on what's going to be coming up, so that I can dig through the mountain range that is my TBR (dead tree) pile. (And which is currently packed into 22 cardboard boxes, in a storage unit. At least I still have all the books on my Kindle and on my Nook. And yes--I DO have both, and there isn't any over-lap on the two. I think a total of about 1500 books, with that number growing constantly as I find new freebies.)

message 37: by Rhonda (new)

Rhonda What about a Spell It Out type one for March. Could use the words March Madness for book or author.



I know we typically only have 10 books, but none of the months have ten letters. Or we can use March Mania.

M -
A - Allegient by Veronica Roth
R -
C - Revealed by P.C. Cast
H -

M - The Fiery Heart by Richelle Mead
A -
N -
I -
A -

Just a few examples of how it could work, most of these have probably been read by everyone here, but I'm sure there's some that can be pulled from our TBR list.

message 38: by Belkis (new)

Belkis (bminaya) | 861 comments Oh this is AWESOME Ann! Love that we can plan way ahead of time for all of our monthly challenges. I hope this brings our member participation back up to what it used to be. I miss having so many of us join in. This is a great start for sure.

message 39: by Rhonda (new)

Rhonda I really should have read through the post instead of scrolling. Since September is an oldie but goodie, maybe we could do the spell it out for September with the extra being open for whatever.

* - Anything you choose

message 40: by Rhonda (last edited Dec 30, 2013 05:28PM) (new)

Rhonda I also liked this one from another group that I know we could use here (since theirs a couple series that the characters are based on these).

Vices & Virtues

RULES: There are fourteen (14) categories to use below, seven (7) virtues and seven (7) vices. Using them or any book with these virtues or vices that appear in the title, series name, or author’s would count.

Also, feel free to use any words that follows the virtues below.

Mix and match, or do only one type. See what books you can find.

The Latin spelling also is there, in case you want more to choose from for the Spell-It-Out Option.

Devil in the Details: 3 - 4 books
Sinner: 5 - 6 books
Speed Demon: 7 - 9 books
Saint: 10 - 13 books
Book Angel: 14 or more books

Virtues (Latin):

Chastity (Castitas) - Purity, knowledge, honesty, wisdom. - Read a book where the main character practices abstinence from sexual conduct, or tries. Or practices “courtly” love. Or is named Chastity or Chaz.

Temperance (Temperantia) - Self control, justice, honor, abstention. - Read a book where the main character practices control over excesses. Or is named Temperance or Prudence.

Charity (Caritas) - Will, benevolence, generosity, sacrifice. - Read a book where the main character is generous, charitable, or self-sacrificing. Or is named Charity, Cherry, or Rita.

Diligence (Industria) - Persistence, effort, ethics, rectitude. - Read a book where the main character is diligent, decisive, has integrity, has a strong work ethic, or is steadfast. Or is named Dillan or Bensen.

Patience (Patientia) - Peace, mercy, ahimsa, sufferance. - Read a book where the main character is good at resolving conflicts and injustice peacefully, as opposed to resorting to violence. Or is named Patience, Pat, or Patty.

Kindness (Humanitas) - Satisfaction, loyalty, compassion, integrity. - Read a book where the main character shows empathy and trust without prejudice or resentment. Or shows unselfish love and voluntary kindness without bias or spite; have a positive outlook and cheerful demeanor; inspires kindness in others. Or is named Kim, Mildred, or Rebecca.

Humility (Humilitas) - Bravery, modesty, reverence, altruism. - Read a book where the main character shows modest behavior, bravery, selflessness, and the giving of respect. Or humility (which is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less). Or has a moment of self-examination. Or is named Annas or Anna.

Vices (Latin)

Lust (Luxuria) - Read a book where a character has excessive sexual desire. (Dante's estimation the soul's detachment from sensual appetites become the vices most difficult to tame, urges not as easily curbed by mere good manners.) Dante put lust in the second circle of hell, so you may read a book that is second in a series.

Gluttony (Gula) - Read a book where a character overindulgence in food, drink or intoxicants, or has a misplaced desire of food as a pleasure for its sensuality. Dante put gluttony in the third circle of hell, so you may read a book that is third in a series.

Greed/Avarice (Avaritia) - Read a book where a character has a desire to possess more than one has need or use for (or according to Dante, "excessive love of money and power"). Dante put greed in the forth circle of hell, so you may read a book that is forth in a series.

Sloth (Acedia) - Read a book where a character shows idleness and wastefulness of time or other allotted resources. Or their laziness results in others having to work harder.

Wrath (Ira) - Read a book where a character has feelings of hatred, revenge, or denial, as well as punitive desires outside of justice (Dante's description was "love of justice perverted to revenge and spite"). Dante put this vice in the fifth circle of hell, so you may read a book that is fifth in a series.

Envy (Invidia) - Read a book where a character is resentment of others for their possessions (Dante: "love of one's own good perverted to a desire to deprive other men of theirs").

Pride (Superbia) - Read a book where a character displays an excessive love of the self - or is holding the self outside of its proper position regarding God or fellows. (Dante's definition was "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbor").

A list for copying:

Spell-It-Out Option Example: Read books with titles, series names, or authors (first or last name) that begin with letters that correspond to the word you choose. You may ignore the indefinite and definite articles (a, an, the, etc.). Feel free to spell and many virtues or vices as you desire.

E. - ✔ Envy, by Sandra Brown 1/10/14
N. - ✔ Neville, Katherine = The Eight 1/23/14
V. - ✔ Vampire Academy #2 - Frostbite, by Richelle Mead 1/5/14
Y. - Yasmine Galenorn = Legend of the Jade Dragon

This challenge was inspired by a Wiki article and others on the subject.

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