The Challenge Factory discussion

2013 ♦Archives Buddy Read ♦ > December Buddy Read Final Sign Ups

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message 1: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7078 comments Mod

If you want to participate in the Buddy Read and want to find a partner....
Head on over to the December Discussion Thread and read the how to's to find a buddy and a book!

To Sign Up:
✒Please us this example as the format to sign you and your partner up...

Denise and Lauren will be reading Prodigy by Marie Lu
Prodigy (Legend, #2) by Marie Lu

message 2: by Lauren (last edited Nov 24, 2013 08:57PM) (new)

Lauren Lauren and Holly will be reading Room

message 3: by Lauren (last edited Nov 24, 2013 08:57PM) (new)

Lauren Lauren and Denise will be reading Champion

message 4: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 995 comments Christine and Logan will be reading White Cat by Holly Black

message 5: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Vazquez Mary and Barbara will be reading Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens

message 6: by Stephany (new)

Stephany (thebigmachine) Jason and Stephany will be reading A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

message 7: by Jennifer C. (new)

Jennifer C. | 1722 comments Jennifer C and Katie will read Save Me by Lisa Scottoline.

message 8: by Gea (new)

Gea (gea89) Christina and Gea will read I Love the Earl by Caroline Linden

message 9: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Would you mind keeping the Allegiant topic open for December? Thanks

message 10: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Also the topic for Dream Thieves?

message 11: by Sanna (new)

Sanna (sappleby) Megan and Sanna will read Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor

message 12: by Sanna (new)

Sanna (sappleby) Christine and Sanna will read Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

message 13: by Christine (new)

Christine (inhalesbookslikepopcorn) | 332 comments Orikamane and Christine will read Neuromancer by William Gibson

message 14: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7078 comments Mod
Threads are up for everyone who has signed up so far! :)

Lauren wrote: "Would you mind keeping the Allegiant topic open for December? Thanks"
Lauren wrote: "Also the topic for Dream Thieves? "

Sure, no problem!

message 15: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Thanks Denise! (:

Lauren and Jennifer C. will be reading Extras

message 16: by Jennifer C. (new)

Jennifer C. | 1722 comments Can you please keep the Bloodlines and Body & Soul discussions open in December.

message 17: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7078 comments Mod
Will do! :)

message 18: by Jennifer C. (new)

Jennifer C. | 1722 comments Sorry. Can you please keep the Pretties & Specials threads open too?

message 19: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7078 comments Mod

message 20: by Jennifer C. (new)

Jennifer C. | 1722 comments Stacey and Jennifer C will be reading Limitless by Alan Glynn.

message 21: by Jennifer C. (new)

Jennifer C. | 1722 comments Jennifer C and Elishia will be reading Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick.

message 22: by Angie ~aka Reading Machine~ (last edited Nov 30, 2013 08:24PM) (new)

Angie ~aka Reading Machine~ (wolffaerie17) | 2160 comments Angie and Orikamane will be reading The Magicians' Guild by Trudi Canavan

Angie ~aka Reading Machine~ (wolffaerie17) | 2160 comments Can you please keep the The Fellowship of the Ring thread open? Thank you!

message 24: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7078 comments Mod
Will do, and your new thread is up, too - enjoy the book, I liked it a lot! :)

message 25: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7078 comments Mod
I've moved all the November threads to the Archives, except the ones that were requested to stay open and those obviously not finished reading yet. :)

message 26: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
Melissa and Ezi will be reading A to Z (Coda Books, #2) by Marie Sexton ..and continuing the series

message 27: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Vazquez Angie ~aka Reading Machine~ and Barbara will be reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

message 28: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
Pat and Ezi will be reading Wrath (New Species, #6) by Laurann Dohner ...and we will continue until we finish the series (5 more books)

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