Classic Science Fiction discussion

Reading challenge

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message 1: by Ric (new)

Ric (ricaustria) | 102 comments Mod
Worlds Without End posted the 2014 Grand Master Reading Challenge - to read 12 books by 12 different Grand Master authors, whom you have never read before, in 12 months and to write 12 reviews.

The Grandmasters are listed here:

I'm thinking of picking up something by:
James E. Gunn
Philip José Farmer
Lester del Ray
L. Sprague de Camp

message 2: by Gerhard (new)

Gerhard (gerhardh) | 2 comments Wow. Looking at that page of Grand Master pics gives me goosebumps. I was a teenager when I read many of them; these are the guys who made me fall in love with SF. They look so ... old.

message 3: by Ric (new)

Ric (ricaustria) | 102 comments Mod
Gerhard wrote: "Wow. Looking at that page of Grand Master pics gives me goosebumps. I was a teenager when I read many of them; these are the guys who made me fall in love with SF. They look so ... old."

Yeah, the pictures were a bit shocking. Mostly I knew about these authors by their written work, without any idea of how they looked. That's not the case today where I would recognize John Scalzi or Orson Scott Card quite readily. If I became a grandmaster will request that no picture be shown :)

message 4: by Gerhard (new)

Gerhard (gerhardh) | 2 comments ... Or use a judiciously Photoshopped file photo. Yeah, there is a lot of history in the genre.

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