Urban Fantasy discussion


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message 1: by J.K. (new)

J.K. Walker (JKWalker) | 13 comments Okay, just finished the last draft of a new novel, and I have some free time to kill. I need a new book. I picked up Sealed with a Curse by Cecy Robson. I’m almost 2/3 of the way through it but I’m not sure I can stomach to finish it. I need recommendations.

I’m more for UF than PR though, so long as the protagonist isn’t whiney, PR can work too. My favorite series are; Anita Blake by Laurel Hamilton, Women of the Otherworld by Kelley Armstrong, The Hollows Series by Kim Harrison, Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, and Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews. There are more, but I don’t want to turn this post into a wall of text. I’d prefer that the books be available in audio, this allows me to go to the gym, paint novel covers, and otherwise be productive if necessary.

Any suggestions?

message 2: by Geneva (new)

Geneva Vand | 8 comments J.K. wrote: "Okay, just finished the last draft of a new novel, and I have some free time to kill. I need a new book. I picked up Sealed with a Curse by Cecy Robson. I’m almost 2/3 of the way through it but I’m..."

Here are some book ones in series I think you would like. I freely admit that I have not dug through your read shelf, but I think they're likely to have audio versions.
Urban Shaman
Rosemary and Rue
Moon Called
Grave Witch
Once Bitten, Twice Shy

message 3: by Practical Mike (new)

Practical Mike | 35 comments I love the Dresden Files. Kate Daniels is tepid for me. Liked The Hollows pretty well. Not so keen on Blake (first was ok, but gave up due to reviews of later books being too porny) or Armstrong (bored me). I tell you this just to give you a frame of reference on our differing/similar tastes.

Here are the UF(ish) books I enjoyed:
Monster Hunter International (MHI, #1) by Larry Correia
Hounded (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #1) by Kevin Hearne
Fated (Alex Verus, #1) by Benedict Jacka
Midnight Riot (Peter Grant, #1) by Ben Aaronovitch
Hold Me Closer, Necromancer (Necromancer, #1) by Lish McBride Didn't see an audio for this title, and even though it is YA, I thoroughly enjoyed it and its sequel.
Spider's Bite (Elemental Assassin, #1) by Jennifer Estep My guilty pleasure series. Heroine definitely ain't whiny, her logic falters occasionally, and series gets a little wash/rinse/repeat on plot, but generally is entertaining with likeable characters.

message 4: by Leiah (new)

Leiah Cooper (leiahingolden) | 330 comments Some of my favorites, in no particular order and in no particular specificity regarding PR, UF, etc. Enjoy!

Charles de Lint (the God of UF)
Emma Bull (the Goddess of UF)
Ilona Andrews (of course)
Natasha Mostert
J.D. Horn
Meghan Ciana Doidge
Robert Lynn Asprin (be prepared to laugh)
Susanna Kearsley (wonderful ghost tale set in Scotland)
J. C. Mells
C. E. Murphy (great series)
Kirsten Weiss
Patricia Briggs (again, of course)
Kat Richardson
Simon R. Green (a favorite)
Joseph Delaney
Lilith Saintcrow
Jonathan Stroud
Garth Nix
Wen Spencer
Jeanne C. Stein
Kim Harrison
Jeaniene Frost
Marjorie M. Liu
Jim Butcher
Jaye Wells
Adrian Phoenix
Kelly Meding
Nicole Peeler (a more interesting than normal cast of creatures)
Kelly Gay
Kalayna Price
M.L.N. Hanover
Garth Nix
Gaiman Neil

message 5: by J.K. (last edited Feb 11, 2014 02:34PM) (new)

J.K. Walker (JKWalker) | 13 comments Syl wrote: "Here are some book ones in series I think you would like. I freely admit that I have not dug through your read shelf, but I think they're likely to have audio versions. "

Other than Moon Called and Grave Witch, those are new to me. Definitely will take a look.

On a side note, I did find that Chloe Neill released her 9th book, so I've been on that one.

P.S. I doubt my read list is up to date. I should look at that.

message 6: by J.K. (last edited Feb 11, 2014 02:36PM) (new)

J.K. Walker (JKWalker) | 13 comments Mike wrote: "I love the Dresden Files. Kate Daniels is tepid for me. Liked The Hollows pretty well. Not so keen on Blake (first was ok, but gave up due to reviews of later books being too porny) or Armstrong (bored me). I tell you this just to give you a frame of reference on our differing/similar tastes."

Okay,I have read the Iron Druid Chronicles and the Elemental Assassin Series. I THINK I'm up to date on those. Kevin Hearne is very old school in his writing style. Very much a teller and not a shower. It works for his stories, but I think they'd be more exciting if he wrote them as Showing instead of telling. Same goes for Kelley Armstrong though, and she was in my list of favorites.

Might go through Elemental Assassin again, I can remember the general story, but since I also learn from writing styles, I'd like to have a clearer picture of Jinnifer Estep's style.

I THINK I've read all of the Anita Blake books... well most, I really started giving up on her after 9, but tried to pick it up again at 20... decided after 21, that I'm fine with limiting Anita to books 1-9. So, I'm right there with you on the overly porny. Not that I have anything against the porn, but that's not why I started reading Anita.

Rest of your list is new. I need to start a list.

message 7: by J.K. (new)

J.K. Walker (JKWalker) | 13 comments So, I Read This Book Today wrote: "Some of my favorites, in no particular order and in no particular specificity regarding PR, UF, etc. Enjoy!

Wait? I'm not the god of UF? :P

Okay, many familiar faces in that list, many unfamiliar. I'll go through it. If I can find audiobooks to take to the gym with me, etc, they take priority. I just need to make the most of my time.

message 8: by Brandy (new)

Brandy J.K. wrote: "Okay, just finished the last draft of a new novel, and I have some free time to kill. I need a new book. I picked up Sealed with a Curse by Cecy Robson. I’m almost 2/3 of the way through it but I’m..."

I am a big audio book fan too. 2 series I would suggest are Fever series by Karen Marie Moning and Charley Davidson by Darynda Jones. They both come in audio and are done really well.

message 9: by Leiah (new)

Leiah Cooper (leiahingolden) | 330 comments J.K. wrote: "So, I Read This Book Today wrote: "Some of my favorites, in no particular order and in no particular specificity regarding PR, UF, etc. Enjoy!

Wait? I'm not the god of UF? :P

Okay, many familiar ..."

yes, for new authors you DO qualify for "god" status, silly. But for us old people, Charles is the king - he was one of the very first, and I have always been a little bit in love with him. (Shhhh don't tell Mary Ann!)

message 10: by Geneva (new)

Geneva Vand | 8 comments J.K. wrote: "Syl wrote: "Here are some book ones in series I think you would like. I freely admit that I have not dug through your read shelf, but I think they're likely to have audio versions. "

Other than Mo..."

Jennifer Rardin is just hilarious, though she can get a little dark. Rosemary and Rue starts a little slow, but the series is really great. She's a little bit literary and heavy on very traditional Celtic and Welsh fae mythology.

I would also recommend First Grave on the Right and The Enchantment Emporium. The sequel to the Emporium is even better, as well.

message 11: by Leiah (new)

Leiah Cooper (leiahingolden) | 330 comments I haven't read Jennifer Rardin, will have to put her on my list. I tried Rosemary and Rue, but found it irritating and put the series on the back shelf. Does it really get better? I do like the Celtic and Welsh fae mythology, it happens to be a favorite. I wanted to like Charlie Davidson more than I did. The whole Reyes thing is just a bit overblown to me . . . I really liked the first two, but by the third I was just burned out on it. Maybe if I get time I will go back and pick up the third one again and try once more.

I have read and enjoyed some Tanya Huff over the years, will have to check out Enchantment Emporium.

message 12: by Geneva (new)

Geneva Vand | 8 comments So, I Read This Book Today wrote: "I haven't read Jennifer Rardin, will have to put her on my list. I tried Rosemary and Rue, but found it irritating and put the series on the back shelf. Does it really get better? I do like the Cel..."

I did the same thing with Rosemary and Rue. I started and stopped about three times before I finally got into it and finished it. The rest of the series is soooo much better. And Toby gets less annoying, I promise. She is now one of my favorite authors. I agree on the whole Reyes thing. I have to be in the right mood to pick those up.

What about Kindling the Moon?

message 13: by Maria (new)

Maria Schneider (bearmountainbooks) | 299 comments I never finished Rosemary and Rue either...

Kindling was okay, but it felt a little like "been there read that, read better" for me...

message 14: by April (new)

April (dwndrgn) | 44 comments So, I Read This Book Today wrote: "I haven't read Jennifer Rardin, will have to put her on my list. I tried Rosemary and Rue, but found it irritating and put the series on the back shelf. Does it really get better? I do like the Cel..."
I felt the same way about that series and it annoyed me because it started out so good.

I'll second the Kat Richardson series, I really like that she doesn't overdo the relationships and focuses a lot on the actual mystery and her attempts to figure out what the blip is going on.

message 15: by April (new)

April (dwndrgn) | 44 comments I didn't see Devon Monk listed in the rather comprehensive lists above, I really enjoyed her Allie Beckstrom series even though I've heard others say they are a bit grim - and added bonus, a pet gargoyle.

message 16: by Leiah (new)

Leiah Cooper (leiahingolden) | 330 comments Yep, I left Devon out, My bad! Absolutely worth a read.

message 17: by April (new)

April (dwndrgn) | 44 comments So, I Read This Book Today wrote: "Yep, I left Devon out, My bad! Absolutely worth a read."
Have you read the Shame & Terric spinoff? I haven't gotten to it yet.

message 18: by Leiah (new)

Leiah Cooper (leiahingolden) | 330 comments I belong to audible.com, have for coon's age, and have really enjoyed it. They have a kickin' selection, and if you watch you can get in on some really great sales. Especially if you already own the Kindle edition of books! You might cruise around and check it out-Amazon owns Audible now, which I am not that fond of, but if you have Kindle editions, or Audible editions, their Whispersync for Voice is really good.

message 19: by Leiah (new)

Leiah Cooper (leiahingolden) | 330 comments April wrote: "So, I Read This Book Today wrote: "Yep, I left Devon out, My bad! Absolutely worth a read."
Have you read the Shame & Terric spinoff? I haven't gotten to it yet."

Not yet. I have such a wealth of books to read, I often find myself totally frozen from the overabundance! LOL I got the opportunity to read the first two Allie Beckstrom books, and also have Hell Bent on the list. So many books, so little time!

message 20: by Maria (new)

Maria Schneider (bearmountainbooks) | 299 comments Devon Monk was too dark for me!

message 21: by Leiah (new)

Leiah Cooper (leiahingolden) | 330 comments really? it has been quite a while since i read the two i did. i will have to pull them out and see what my reviews were!

message 22: by Leiah (new)

Leiah Cooper (leiahingolden) | 330 comments lol.... it's a pain in the hoo-haw when i can't remember what i read, and i didn't do a review, just marked it as 'read'!

message 23: by Maria (new)

Maria Schneider (bearmountainbooks) | 299 comments So, I Read This Book Today wrote: "lol.... it's a pain in the hoo-haw when i can't remember what i read, and i didn't do a review, just marked it as 'read'!"

Ha! Well, there were various things that bothered me, including the loss of memory. That was a horrid condition. In the first book, the poor woman didn't have a friend to her name...or a dollar either...

message 24: by Leiah (new)

Leiah Cooper (leiahingolden) | 330 comments Oh! I sort of remember that. . . . What? Loss of memory? Moi??


message 25: by Maria (new)

Maria Schneider (bearmountainbooks) | 299 comments So, I Read This Book Today wrote: "Oh! I sort of remember that. . . . What? Loss of memory? Moi??


There is some irony there, isn't there????

message 26: by Leiah (new)

Leiah Cooper (leiahingolden) | 330 comments Uh? Where? Huh? Were we talking about something???? ;-)

message 27: by Leiah (new)

Leiah Cooper (leiahingolden) | 330 comments Oh!!! I just realized, I didn't mention YOUR BOOKS in my list!!! Hey, everyone!!!! Check out


You are gonna LOVE IT!

message 28: by Leiah (new)

Leiah Cooper (leiahingolden) | 330 comments And I still love that paint pony. . . ;-)

message 29: by Maria (new)

Maria Schneider (bearmountainbooks) | 299 comments Anything you say, goes! :>)

message 30: by Practical Mike (new)

Practical Mike | 35 comments I just finished Hell Bent. It was the first Devon Monk book I read, and even though it finished leaving a lot up in the air, it will likely be the last Devon Monk book I read.

Main character was written inconsistently and rather unlikeable... didn't connect with him at all. In spite of this, there was some good about the book, as I did manage to finish it. The last forty four pages were a real struggle though.

message 31: by Maria (new)

Maria Schneider (bearmountainbooks) | 299 comments Mike wrote: "I just finished Hell Bent. It was the first Devon Monk book I read, and even though it finished leaving a lot up in the air, it will likely be the last Devon Monk book I read.

Main character was ..."

That wasn't the one I read, but I can't disagree with what you said about the characters. I failed to connect and was depressed reading it so I just moved one after reading about half of it.

message 32: by April (new)

April (dwndrgn) | 44 comments Anyone know if the OP has chosen and/or already read the book she/he was looking for? I know, curiosity killed the cat...

message 33: by Sharon (new)

Sharon Michael | 111 comments Syl wrote: "
I would also recommend First Grave on the Right and The Enchantment Emporium. The sequel to the Emporium is even better, as well. "

Liked both The Enchantment Emporium and The Wild Ways, agree that Wild Ways was my favorite of the two as well and keep hoping for another in this series.

message 34: by Leiah (new)

Leiah Cooper (leiahingolden) | 330 comments I think someone said something about "non mammalian" UF were's? Anyway, just happened across a series by Eve Langlais that apparently has some really interesting couplings: https://www.goodreads.com/search?utf8...

Croc And The Fox (Furry United Coalition, #3) by Eve Langlais Swan and the Bear (Furry United Coalition, #2) by Eve Langlais Bunny and the Bear (Furry United Coalition, #1) by Eve Langlais

Just a few of hers... going to check them out. The only croc I ever knew was in Kate Daniels in a one-off of the woman who was watching over Kate for that short time.

message 36: by Leiah (new)

Leiah Cooper (leiahingolden) | 330 comments Hey, J.K.! Inquiring minds want to know....

What 'cha Readin'?

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