Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Aug 16, 2015 03:45AM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Team Maximus


Eldarwen Captain
Lucy Co-Captain

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Jul 31, 2015 09:42PM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

Master Spreadsheet

Team Spreadsheet

- Once all columns of a goal have been filled out a new goal will appear within 5 minutes.

- Do not change existing pages. You may add a new page to your spreadsheet if you want to track additional information.

- Mark books as used in your books list once they are used for a goal.

- Only books read during the current round may be applied towards goals, once the round has ended those books may no longer be used for a goal.

- Once you merge teams, you may use your books for your partner teams goals. List them in your books list and on their goals sheet. Mark them as used.

- If you end up with more than 3 open goals, contact a moderator for help.

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 4: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 5: by Eldarwen (last edited Aug 02, 2015 12:39AM) (new)

message 6: by Teri-K (last edited Jul 31, 2015 07:28PM) (new)

Teri-K | 2 comments Greetings, everyone!

Captain(s) - Somehow in the process of cleaning up my GR shelves I eliminated the one for this game. I've put it in again as "2015 glad ch", but I'm not completely sure that's the name In said I'd use when I signed up. Let me know if I got it wrong. Sorry. :)

message 7: by ♦Ashley♦ (new)

♦Ashley♦ (ascherger12gmailcom) | 1131 comments Hello everyone :)

message 8: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
The master spreadsheet and team spreadsheet has been added to the beginning of your team thread.

Captains and co-captains should message the moderator account with their team name and google doc e-mail to be added to the approved editors of the team spreadsheet.

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Checking in. Hello Team!!!!

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Where is everyone from? I will start

As you see my name is Marguerite and I live in Florida, USA. I love to read and read a vast number of genres. If it looks interesting and sounds interesting I will read it. I also have my own personal library (around 1000 books or more lol) with hardbacks as well as soft backs and lets not forget my kindle (over 1000 books on it lol).

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

Now do we add our books to the spreadsheet ourselves or do the team captain/co-captain do so? If captain/co-captain do it, do we just then leave a comment with name of book, point(s) or what?lol

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

Captain/Co-Captain here is the link to my bookshelve.

message 13: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12477 comments Mod
Thanks for the link Marguerite!

Could everyone else please also post a link to their shelves here? Thanks! That would make things a little easier for Lucy and me.

I'll add them to my first post.

message 14: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12477 comments Mod
The spreadsheet will be handled by the captains only. It is much easier to keep an eye on things if it's done by only one or two people, otherwise.. too many cooks.. you know the saying :-)

So yes, just leave a comment with the title of the book you have finished and the read date.

The most important thing is to put the read date onto your finished books and shelve the books on your gladiator shelf. That is where the captains and mods will be checking to see if everything is in order.

Also, if possible, please use the "add book/author" feature when you're posting your finished books, or even your planned books, as it will greatly help us find the correct ones as sometimes a title exists multiple times by different authors.

If I'm unclear, please go ahead and hit me over the head with a pillow or something and I'll try to explain better :-)

And if you have any other questions, please feel free!

message 15: by [deleted user] (new)

Eldarwen you are very welcome!!!!

message 16: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12477 comments Mod
Marguerite wrote: "Where is everyone from? I will start

As you see my name is Marguerite and I live in Florida, USA. I love to read and read a vast number of genres. If it looks interesting and sounds interesting I ..."

Gosh, can I come live in your library?? :-)))

I'm much the same as you though. I read a lot, and a lot of different genres as long as it catches my eye and sounds interesting. I do have a preference for fantasy though and if I have a choice between a non-fantasy and a fantasy book, I usually go with fantasy.

I'm from Luxembourg, the one in Europe mind you, so I'm in a completely different time zone as most of you. (Please bear that in mind if there isn't an instand reaction to questions or spreadsheet updates.) Reading.. well.. since we're all on Goodreads and doing nutty challenges, I think we can agree that we're all somewhat crazy about books? ;-)

message 17: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12477 comments Mod
Oooh I've been meaning to read the first book in that series!

No worries about the reading, Kathryn! The most important thing is to have fun.

Where are you off to university? And what will you be studying?

I'm going to start off with The 5th Wave tomorrow. I feel in the mood for a bit of dystopian and a peek into the book told me that it could be an interesting read. (Besides, I need it for other challenges hehe.)

message 18: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12477 comments Mod
Very interesting! I've been told that Aberystwyth is quite cool. A couple of friends of mine studied there.

message 19: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 1933 comments Hi, I'm Sarah, also from England. I won't be able to check in much for the first week as I'm very happily hidden under a mountain of visiting nieces and nephew. :) Really looking forward to this once I have some thinking space!

message 20: by Teri-K (new)

Teri-K | 2 comments Hi, I'm Teri. I live in the US, out in the country not too far from Memphis, TN. No, I'm not an Elvis fan. :) I'm originally from a farm in Colorado, but I've lived all over.

I read a lot, fiction and non-fiction. But I especially like anything related to history. I love my e-readers, as they let me check out lots of books that I could never get through my tiny local library. I'll be reading less than usual due to several big projects and a trip to see my grandsons. But a couple of books a week shouldn't be a problem.

Hats off to our Captains. I captained a Wheel-a-thon team last time, and it was a lot of work. (We came in second.) I appreciate your willingness to take on the job! Here's the link to my challenge shelf:

message 21: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12477 comments Mod
Thanks Teri!
Oooh, yes, wheel-a-thon wasn't easy sometimes to keep track of everything but this spreadsheet is a little easier. There's less juggling from the looks of it hehe :-)

A trip to see the grandsons sounds lovely! Are they far away?

message 22: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12477 comments Mod
Haha a mountain of visiting nieces and nephew! That's nice!

How long are they going to be staying for, Sarah?

message 23: by Lucy (new)

Lucy Luu (lovelucyluu) | 229 comments Hello everyone!!

I wish everyone well :). My name is Lucy and I am from Baltimore, Maryland. I'm one of your captains and I am soooo excited for this challenge! I love love books, but I guess everyone here participating does. :). My favorite genre is dystopian <3. I'm jealous of you guys that have your own library, I would absolutely love that! This is my first time being captain so I hope I do my job well, but if there's anything I need to improve on as the game progresses, please let me know. Happy reading lovelies.

Dear Elderwen,
This is my book shelf for the challenge, so if you can add it to your post. Thank you dear :)
Oh and I can't wait to be working with you!

message 24: by Teri-K (new)

Teri-K | 2 comments Eldarwen wrote: "Thanks Teri!
Oooh, yes, wheel-a-thon wasn't easy sometimes to keep track of everything but this spreadsheet is a little easier. There's less juggling from the looks of it hehe :-)

A trip to see th..."

Wheel-a-thon: I spent every Saturday night juggling books trying to maximize our points. Go Fire Opals!

Grandsons are in Va, I'm in TN. So they're too far away for me. :( Wish they were closer, but I'm blessed to have them at all.

message 25: by Teri-K (last edited Aug 01, 2015 09:56AM) (new)

Teri-K | 2 comments I have a book I've been wanting to reread that's set in Ecuador, South America. I can plan to start it tomorrow if that helps the group out. There doesn't seem to be any sense in having several of us reading books for the same task. It won't take me more than a few days to read it.

Through Gates of Splendor

ETA- I have a question about the rules. "Only books read during the current round may be applied towards goals, once the round has ended those books may no longer be used for a goal."
In another thread I was sure I read that a book you started after the games begin but didn't finish during the first two weeks could be used whenever you did finish it. This seems to say the opposite. Could I get a clarification? I usually read a lot of books at once. If I can't start them in one two-week period and finish them in the next I'll have to change my reading strategy a bit.


message 26: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12477 comments Mod
Lucy!! It's nice to have you as my back-up! It's been a while since we bumped into each other :-)

Teri, sure, if you want to read that one, absolutely go for it! That would cover the second of our tasks, well done!

message 27: by ❀Tea❀ (last edited Aug 01, 2015 10:32AM) (new)

❀Tea❀ (ttea) | 9598 comments Teri-k wrote: "ETA- I have a question about the rules. "Only books read during the current round may be applied towards goals, once the round has ended those books may no longer be used for a goal.""

For first round you need to star book when challenge starts. After that we'll only be looking at finished dates. Of course all books will still need to be started after challenge.

Only books read during the current round may be applied towards goals, once the round has ended those books may no longer be used for a goal.

This means finished books. So if you finish book in round I, you can't use it in round II.
At the same time, if you start reading book in round I, but finish it in round II, you can use it for round II tasks.

Make sense?

message 28: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12477 comments Mod
As for your question about the rules:
Every round we get new goals - so the books we read within that round can count towards the goals of that specific round. If we do not finish a book for a goal, then that goal will remain unfinished.
The book however CAN be finished and can count towards attack points in the next round, but it cannot be used for a new goal as the goals are specific per round, and once a book is marked down for a particular goal, it cannot be changed / used for a different goal.

So, if for instance we have a goal "Read a book with author initial X", and someone reads a book towards that goal, the book is marked down for that goal. It cannot be moved to goal "Read a book with character name Y" even if that other goal is within the same round.

message 29: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12477 comments Mod
Lol replying at the same time and still managing to reply to different parts of the question. ;-)

message 30: by ❀Tea❀ (new)

❀Tea❀ (ttea) | 9598 comments As long as we covered it all... :)

message 31: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12477 comments Mod
I hope so! :-)

message 32: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12477 comments Mod
Teri-k wrote: "Wheel-a-thon: I spent every Saturday night juggling books trying to maximize our points. Go Fire Opals!

Grandsons are in Va, I'm in TN. So they're too far away for me. :( Wish they were closer, but I'm blessed to have them at all. "

That is... yeah.. I was captaining one of the teams with less books read per week, so it was much easier for me and they were helping out a bunch as well with listing all the possibilities.

And yeah, they may be far, but it's still lovely to have family like that :-)

message 33: by Teri-K (new)

Teri-K | 2 comments ❀Tea❀ wrote: "Teri-k wrote: "ETA- I have a question about the rules. "Only books read during the current round may be applied towards goals, once the round has ended those books may no longer be used for a goal...."

Makes sense, yes. That's how I'd understood it, but I wanted to be sure I had it right.


message 34: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Please welcome your new team member Emma.

message 35: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Eldarwen wrote: "As for your question about the rules:
Every round we get new goals - so the books we read within that round can count towards the goals of that specific round. If we do not finish a book for a goal..."

Just an FYI. You get new goals as you finish your existing ones. You'll always have 3 open goals. Goals transfer into the next round except then players from your partner teams can also contribute to them.

message 36: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12477 comments Mod
Ah cool! I didn't get that the goals would transfer as well.

Thanks for that! :-)

message 37: by Lucy (new)

Lucy Luu (lovelucyluu) | 229 comments Eldarwen, it's good to be on the team with you again! :)

Welcome Emma!! :)

message 38: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12477 comments Mod
And what do you know?
Thanks to a nice catch from Lucy, our first three goals will already be taken care of with the first three books that have been mentioned in the thread.

Very nice work and we haven't even properly started the games yet! :-)

message 39: by Teri-K (new)

Teri-K | 2 comments Eldarwen wrote: "And what do you know?
Thanks to a nice catch from Lucy, our first three goals will already be taken care of with the first three books that have been mentioned in the thread.

Very nice work and we..."

Good work, Team!

(Of course, I always feel funny calling reading work.)

message 40: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12477 comments Mod
Lol, yes, me too.

Maybe we should come up with a different expression? ;-)

message 41: by Emma (M) (new)

Emma (M) | 1777 comments Hi all, I am very excited to be joining Team Maximus.

To introduce myself, I live in Canberra, Australia, l like lot of different genres and will try most genres if they take my fancy, but I tend to favour romances and just plain contemporary literature at the moment.

message 42: by [deleted user] (new)

Eldarwen wrote: "Marguerite wrote: "Where is everyone from? I will start

As you see my name is Marguerite and I live in Florida, USA. I love to read and read a vast number of genres. If it looks interesting and so..."

Hi Eldarwin, what is Luxembourg like?
Wouldn't do much good to live in my library right now, it is packed in

The genres in my library are fiction, fantasy/scifi, classics, biographies, american old west history, american indian history, american civil war history, vietnam war, history on the royal families of Europe and England/Scotland, religious, true ghost stories, interesting true facts books to name some of

message 43: by [deleted user] (new)

Kathryn wrote: "Hi all! I'm Kathryn and I'm in England.

I probably won't read a ton seeing as the next couple months are actually quite busy but I just couldn't miss the team challenge!

I'm working for the fi..."

Hi Kathryn and what part of England are you from? What is it like there? Good luck on going to university!!!!

message 44: by [deleted user] (new)

Sarah wrote: "Hi, I'm Sarah, also from England. I won't be able to check in much for the first week as I'm very happily hidden under a mountain of visiting nieces and nephew. :) Really looking forward to this ..."

Hi Sarah and what part of England are you from and what is it like there?

message 45: by [deleted user] (new)

Teri-k wrote: "Hi, I'm Teri. I live in the US, out in the country not too far from Memphis, TN. No, I'm not an Elvis fan. :) I'm originally from a farm in Colorado, but I've lived all over.

I read a lot, fiction..."

Hi Teri-k, TN is beautiful, I lived in NW TN in 82 and 83 and loved it there.

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

Exciting news today. Hubby and I started the process today to buy a house and been prequalified. If all goes well be closing on the house the end of August. Yeeeeeaaaaaaaa

message 47: by Teri-K (new)

Teri-K | 2 comments Marguerite wrote: "Hi Teri-k, TN is beautiful, I lived in NW TN in 82 and 83 and loved it there.

Where in NW TN? It can't have been far from here, TN isn't very tall. lol It is nice and green around here. I'm not crazy about the summers, though our highs dropped from 100's last week to low 90'2 this, so that's a big relief.

Congrats on the house. That's always exciting.

message 48: by [deleted user] (new)

Lucy wrote: "Hello everyone!!

I wish everyone well :). My name is Lucy and I am from Baltimore, Maryland. I'm one of your captains and I am soooo excited for this challenge! I love love books, but I guess eve..."

Hi Lucy!!!!

message 49: by Lucy (new)

Lucy Luu (lovelucyluu) | 229 comments Just a few more minutes guys!!! :)

message 50: by Teri-K (new)

Teri-K | 2 comments Hurray! Off to start reading! Have fun everybody...

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