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Like A Box Of Chocolates: A Collection of Poetry
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Poetry > Like A Box of Chocolates: A Collection of Poetry

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message 1: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) | 2262 comments Hey Everyone,
I am looking for 6 people to read and review my book,Like A Box Of Chocolates It's only 50 pages so it's a fairly quick read. I'm giveaway away free PDF copies to the first six people who comment requesting for a copy. You will have a week to read the book though it will probably take you less than that to read it.

If you could leave your review on Goodreads and Amazon it would be much appreciated.

If you are interested in reading and reviewing it please leave your e-mail in a comment below and I will send you a copy.


Liselott | 1 comments I actually love chocolate. It did take me 43 years and a broken ankle to realise it though. [email protected]

message 3: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) | 2262 comments Liselott wrote: "I actually love chocolate. It did take me 43 years and a broken ankle to realise it though. [email protected]"

Sent you an e-mail

Christine Herb | 1 comments I would like to read and review for you. [email protected]

message 5: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) | 2262 comments Christine wrote: "I would like to read and review for you. [email protected]"

Thank you for your interest Christine, I have sent you a copy in an e-mail.

Hope you enjoy the book.

message 6: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) | 2262 comments In honor of National Poetry Month and it's birthday, I am doing a giveaway for Like A Box of Chocolates. Comment and enter for your chance to win!
Giveaway for the poetry book "Like A Box of Chocolates"-

message 7: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) | 2262 comments The book is now FREE for the next five days on Amazon.

message 8: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) | 2262 comments I've had quite the journey in trying to get my books out there but new book's journey has been tougher than Like A Box of Chocolates. While I've done my best to get the book out to poetry lovers, poetry just isn't the most searched or wanted genre on Amazon or least not like it used to be. However, I will not let any of that stop me and I will continue my efforts to get my poetry out there and noticed to those who do enjoy poetry and do enjoy unique creativity.

Here's what I've done in efforts to appeal to the poetry market on Amazon:
-Fixed up the book's description
-Added current and popular keywords
-Changed the Kindle ebook categories the book in
-Made more connections to the types of poetry as well as who the poetry is most like rather than direct poetry fans.

It's not much but I'm a believer in a little goes a long way. I hope to run a promotion soon to see if I can get the book off the ground, out of the clouds or wherever it has ended up and in the hands out poetry fans.

message 9: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) | 2262 comments Hey Everyone,
I thought I would resurrect my thread for my third book, Like A Box of Chocolates. While it's been a long time and I've written nine more books since I feel like this book has become lost in translation and I want to liven it up by giving it some new life and attention.

I will be using this thread to post some of the poems in the book as well as some of the ideas and inspiration behind them. I hope you enjoy!

message 10: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) | 2262 comments Razorblades and Revolutions

Battling against time as it sits at a stand still
The overwhelming rush of thoughts uncharted
Sharpe is the blade, keen and made to kill
It takes precision to make one feel outsmarted
The structure is in the tips as it brushes against skin
Until it infiltrates like a soldier behind enemy lines Tempting is the feeling to go forth with sin
Taking out and piercing into whatever it finds
Order must be restored and this is one of the choices Dangling freedom in front of the beheld eyes
Listen to the brain-waves, not the inner voices
The image is an illusion, it’s the blades disguise
The longer contemplated the more the idea worsens
So that it becomes more than a means of escape
Like the hope of heaven awaiting with 1,000 virgins
If the Razorblades are love then Revolution is rape

This is not only one of my favorite poems within the book but also one of my favorite poems I've ever written. There are a few interpretations of what the poem is about but I suppose it depends on the individual. I was inspired to write this after hearing a story about someone who was in a dark place and depressed. They of course got the help they needed but it neverthe less inspired me to write this what-if type of poem. It could be considered controversial in its own way but again, it depends on the individual.
What you have is a beautiful poem that means to get you thinking of what's behind the words.

message 11: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) | 2262 comments Upon the Strike of Midnight

A man sits still in his chair
A bird sits perched on a branch
The man hears nothing and is unaware
The bird glares, seemingly in a trance
Suddenly the man hears all the sounds
Loudly, the bird caws every thirty seconds
The volume fills the room in surround
The bird cawing like a broken record
The man now suddenly hears a rapping
The bird flies to the window sill
He now hears a quiet gentle tapping
Again the bird sits perched and still
Maddened, the man screams in a fright
The bird seems amused by his proclamation
The bird flies away satisfied causing devastation Nevermore.....
Clock stops upon the strike of midnight

The poem pays homage to Edgar Allan Poe's, "The Raven". I decided to go with a more unconventional style of poetry by using the tick-tock words after every line to add emphasis to the clock and to demonstrate how the man in the poem is growing more infuriated by it along with the increasing madness that the raven is driving him to.

message 12: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) | 2262 comments Brutal Mentality

To be considerate of others
Is for the way of the wise
There’s more fighters than lovers
Leaving us with blackened eyes

They give without taking
Ask without permission
Their actions they are faking
Yet there’s no lining of suspicion

If only the brain burned
Upon thinking too much
Maybe then they’d be concerned
Of others feelings and such

But they don’t and it’s a joke
Only thinking of themselves
The mind is but a broken yolk
Your like dust on a shelf

Collected and forgotten
Looked upon from time to time
It’s as if your aura is rotten
It’s as if you’ve committed a crime

But they are in the wrong
Needing a check back into reality
Perhaps their intentions all along
Pushing us with brutal mentality

message 13: by Justin (last edited Mar 07, 2024 07:27PM) (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) | 2262 comments The book has a new cover, description, and category on Amazon. The digital dust was building up on it and I felt it was time to give it a much needed upgrade. The poems inside are still the same but it's just got a fresher more contemporary look.

message 14: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) | 2262 comments The book covers many different topics and truly lives up to its title. I originally wrote the book back in 2015 when I held a poem picking contest. I had friends and family vote on which title they liked best and the winning title would have a poem written for it. The funny thing was, however, even if a title seemed obvious to what it was going to be about it might not be as not even I knew what the poem would be about before I started writing it.

message 15: by Justin (last edited Mar 15, 2024 03:57PM) (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) | 2262 comments Killer Instinct

Imagine slaughtered women, London 1888
Hey! Don’t be mad at me I’m just telling the facts
Brutally murdered by a knife so sharp and straight
God only knows by how many gruesome hacks
Why any of it was done to this day is a mystery
But disturbance and immorality would be a good guess
Nonetheless the tale has found it’s place in history
Turning innocence into a horrid bloody mess
What was going through the head of this man
Clearly no psychologist could ever dare depict
Obviously he had quite a twisted plan
He had issues in the brain brick wall thick
With the streets now bloody, things will never be the same
And all that was will no longer remain
Victims we don’t but we know the murderer’s name
It was his killer instinct that left the biggest stain

message 16: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) | 2262 comments Sandstorm

I walk slowly through the desert to a humid breeze
With the heat beating down bringing me to my knees
No horse and little water with sand for miles
All alone stranded this isn’t a desert isle
Suddenly I hear a sharp whistling sound
Aeolus and Amun have become earth bound
They circle the area that I must walk through
It’s amassed so much I no longer see the sky so blue
The wind picks up and carries the sand
Nothing worst then flying pebbles of land
Not being able to see what’s ahead
Even though it’s the same and I’m as good as dead
I’m in a tempest yet there’s no rainfall
No one around and no one to call
Psamathe has indeed made herself known
A sandstorm has begun and the effects are being shown

message 17: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) | 2262 comments Corroded Filth

Defining sickness
Putrid livid dreams
Hate is a key witness
Spuing fluids upon the screams

Tainted souls filled black
Rising fumes of anguish
There is no looking back
Soon the purity will vanquish

Garbage filled words
The mouth is a dirty alleyway
Eating the pain that burns
A cat is still a cat even stray

Scars are constant enemies
Embedded within the skin
Madness tattooed memories
Like shards of glass in a bin

Corruption is to dishonesty
As bacteria is to griminess
Clearly there can hardly be
A definition of why this is

A badly blemished brain
Is but a corroded cerebral
The endless shots of pain
Are the filth that seep through

message 18: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) | 2262 comments The book will be free at some point in April in for National Poetry Month. I will post links when the book will be free and if you pick up a copy please let me know (:

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