CPL's Book a Week Challenge discussion

2014 Mini-Challenges > March mini-challenge: Biography, Autobiograpy, Memoir

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message 1: by Liz (new)

Liz (liz_the_librarian) February flew by! I hope everyone enjoyed their fantasy book. This month the challenge is to Get to Know Someone by reading a biography, autobiography or memoir.

Feel free to share any suggestions you might have. I'm planning to read Doris Kearns Goodwin's "A Team of Rivals" about Lincoln. I've heard it's very good. So onward, and good luck!

message 2: by Angela (last edited Mar 01, 2014 10:05AM) (new)

Angela Malerman (angelamal) | 41 comments I picked up "Seven Dirty Words - The Life and Crimes of George Carlin" and "If you ask me (And of course you won't) by Betty White... Not sure if I will like them, but I stuck my hand on shelves and they were the two that I happened to grab.

message 3: by Donna (new)

Donna (donnajdoak) | 27 comments I just finished The Little Bookstore of Big Stone Gap, a memoir about a couple who opens a used bookstore in a small Appalachian Virginia town. I'd recommend that one for any who is a book lover. It's a quick read with interesting insights from a true bibliophile, particularly regarding the rise of e readers.

message 4: by LindaD (last edited Mar 11, 2014 09:16AM) (new)

LindaD (freedom333) | 22 comments Finishing up Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Interesting life. Also, listened to I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou. similar lessons in these books

message 5: by Kyra (new)

Kyra Hay | 41 comments Would Orange Is the New Black count as a biography? I've heard it's really good and I feel like it wouldn't bore me to death!

message 6: by Ann (new)

Ann (ann-fracturedfiction) | 516 comments I want to try A Team of Rivals. I've seen the movie, and have heard good things about the book. Winston Churchill's books about WWII are also on my to be read list, so I might try one of those.

message 7: by Julie (new)

Julie | 130 comments I may get "If You Ask Me" by Betty White as well. It has been on my list for a while.

If anyone is looking for suggestions I thought both of Michael J. Fox's books are interesting reads (Lucky Man and Always Looking Up). Jim Henson's life is a great read as well. Just a Geek by Wil Wheaton is fun too, but those are just a few off the top of my head!

message 8: by Lanette (new)

Lanette (prvrbs31gal) While up in Williamsburg this past weekend, I happened across "Unwise Passions: A True Story of a Remarkable Woman---and the First Great Scandal of Eighteenth-Century America" about Nancy Randolph. I just brought it home from the library today, so when I finish my current read, I'll be starting this one.

message 9: by LindaD (new)

LindaD (freedom333) | 22 comments Kyra wrote: "Would Orange Is the New Black count as a biography? I've heard it's really good and I feel like it wouldn't bore me to death!"

it's based on her life, so go for it!

message 10: by Liz (new)

Liz (liz_the_librarian) Kyra wrote: "Would Orange Is the New Black count as a biography? I've heard it's really good and I feel like it wouldn't bore me to death!"

Definitely. That falls under the umbrella of autobiography and memoir. Enjoy!

message 11: by Julie (new)

Julie | 130 comments On second thought, I went to the library tonight to return a book, and got a little carried away (for me at least). I walked out with five new audiobooks. One of which was Shatner Rules: Your Guide to Understanding the Shatnerverse and the World at Large so I will be starting that sometime this week.

message 12: by Pattie (new)

Pattie Babbitt Julie wrote: "On second thought, I went to the library tonight to return a book, and got a little carried away (for me at least). I walked out with five new audiobooks. One of which was Shatner Rules: Your Gui..."

That audiobook is a hoot! You will love it. :)

message 13: by Lacie (new)

Lacie | 5 comments I'm reading Rosaria Butterfield's "The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert"... really great so far!

message 14: by Julie (new)

Julie | 130 comments Pattie wrote: "Julie wrote: "On second thought, I went to the library tonight to return a book, and got a little carried away (for me at least). I walked out with five new audiobooks. One of which was Shatner R..."

So far you are right, I started Shatner Rules today, and it is hilarious!!

message 15: by Angela (new)

Angela Malerman (angelamal) | 41 comments I finished reading and listening to Betty White's "If You Ask Me", and loved it. I have to say, listening to it with her inflections and feelings was so much more enjoyable than reading it so sometimes I would listen to chapters I had already read! Now off to start George Carlin!

message 17: by Pattie (new)

Pattie Babbitt Just finished the Biography challenge! Bon Jovi: When We Were Beautiful was filled with amazing photographs and conversations with the band. It was a beautiful book (although I may be biased since I am quite enamored of Jon!).

message 18: by Janet (new)

Janet (janetmccord) | 10 comments Reading a very funny autobiography: "At My Mother's Knee and other low joints" by Paul O'Grady. The British comedian may not be very well-known (if at all) by Americans but he is a very funny man and has had quite a life. He always made me laugh on TV and the book is hilarious.

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