NetGalley Addicts Support Group discussion

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message 1: by Jackie - Fire & Ice Book Reviews (last edited Mar 18, 2014 06:38PM) (new)

Jackie - Fire & Ice Book Reviews (jackiefireicebookreviews) Hi everyone, welcome to the group! Tell us a little about yourself.

Here are a few questions just to get you started! You don't have to use them if you don't want to!
What do you like to read? How long have you been addicted to NetGalley? What is your favorite color?

I hope you will feel at home here on our support group!

message 2: by Jenni (new)

Jenni (thefabjenni) | 2 comments Hi, I'm Jenni, I've just joined NetGalley and I'm having some problems I wondered if you could help with...
I received 'Throwaway Girl' from them but I can't download it or have a kindle that would work...How can I get it?

message 4: by Jenni (new)

Jenni (thefabjenni) | 2 comments Thanks! I'll look at it...

message 5: by Noor (new)

Noor (jadedpoppies) Hi. Noor here. I've added a book to the shelf. Hope we all start reading that soon enough...

message 6: by Maxine (new)

Maxine (Booklover Catlady) (booklovercatlady) | 4 comments Hi, I'm Maxine, I joined and discovered NetGalley at the end of July 2014, since then I've sent feedback and read 154 books.

My fav genre is crime and psychological thrillers, but I explore books in all genres. From horror to contemporary. Open minded. Even non-fiction sometimes. I don't read pure romance, new adult, erotica or vampire/werewolf/zombie books.

My favourite colour is purple. I'm 42, married with a 15 year old son and live in the UK. I'm addicted to NetGalley! I have 155 on my approved list.

Fictionophile  (fictionophile) | 96 comments Hello everyone.
My name is Lynne and I'm a NetGalley addict.
I made the mistake of many others before me by requesting many titles at first.
Only now am I coming close to the preferred 80% recommended feedback to approval ratio.

Not only do I get the opportunity to read new authors, but also established authors that I have not yet tried.

Love it!
My reviews can be found on my blog: Fictionophile

Fictionophile  (fictionophile) | 96 comments The last novel I read via NetGalley was "Shadows on our skin" by Jennifer Johnston.
Published in 1977 and shortlisted for the Booker Prize, this novel is only now available in ebook format.
I would never have read Jennifer Johnston if it wasn't for NetGalley. Since reading "Shadows on Our Skin" I have purchased two of her other titles from Kobo.

Jackie - Fire & Ice Book Reviews (jackiefireicebookreviews) Welcome everyone, I am glad you joined!

message 10: by Davida (new)

Davida Chazan (chocolatelady) | 41 comments Hello, my name is Davida and I'm a NetGalley addict!

I've had 15 declines, 41 approvals, 2 invites and given feedback on 37 (with another in two in the pipeline) of books on NetGalley. I started getting ARCs from them in April of 2013.

The best thing about NetGalley combined with Goodreads is that if the author is here, you can contact them and become friends. If they like you, they might send your ARCs of their next books. I've gotten a few of those and one was actually a print version (uncorrected proof copy)!

message 11: by Fictionophile (new)

Fictionophile  (fictionophile) | 96 comments If I have one negative about NetGalley it would be that I LOVE novels set in Britain and therefore British publishers. Living in Canada I only rarely get approved for the titles I REALLY want to read... With our reviews posted on the Internet which is an international platform, I think they are being short sighted in this regard. I work for a large public library system and we often order from British publishers.

message 12: by Davida (new)

Davida Chazan (chocolatelady) | 41 comments I don't think that is NetGalley's fault, but the publishers.

message 13: by Sandra (new)

Sandra (the_librocubicultarist) Hi I'm Sandra and I joined NetGalley just last month.
I already have 7 approvals and 1 invite and have given feedback to just one. I'm reading the second and will give feedback by the end of this week.
I'll dedicate part of december to the NetGalley arcs I have so I can up my ratio. The other part of the month I'll be travelling and I don't see myself with time to read...we'll see.

I'm not an addict...yet but so far I'm loving the platform.

Oh, by the way, my favorite color is green ;)

Jackie - Fire & Ice Book Reviews (jackiefireicebookreviews) Hi Sandra, welcome!

message 15: by Heather (new)

Heather Lawson (teevee) Hi everyone!

I'm Heather and I joined NetGalley on the 5th. I've had 19 declines, 37 approvals and have given feedback on 5 titles so far, I also have 21 pending requests. I've been invited to 2 blog tours so far and I can honestly say that I am completely addicted.

I just finished My True Love Gave to Me and I'm about to start a story called The Jumbies which looks amazing!

I like to read a bit of everything really, but I lean more towards Fantasy or Crime Thrillers.

My favourite colour is baby blue :D

It's lovely to meet you all!

message 16: by Sarah Elizabeth (new)

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) Hi guys! I'm a total netgalley addict! why can't I stop clicking that 'request' button?

message 17: by Lauren (new)

Lauren (literarywisdom) | 3 comments Hi i'm Lauren, 20 from Scotland. I have only just joined net galley and I am waiting to hear back about a book i requested. I love to read especially YA books but i will try monst genres. My favourite colours are pink, purple, blue and black. :) Happy Reading

message 18: by Fictionophile (new)

Fictionophile  (fictionophile) | 96 comments Sarah wrote: "Hi guys! I'm a total netgalley addict! why can't I stop clicking that 'request' button?"


I share your pain. I try not to go on too often. I try to keep my ratio as near to 80% as I can, so I have to use all of my willpower. LOL

message 19: by Sarah Elizabeth (new)

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) Lauren wrote: "Hi i'm Lauren, 20 from Scotland. I have only just joined net galley and I am waiting to hear back about a book i requested. I love to read especially YA books but i will try monst genres. My favour..."

I am obsessed with pink and purple! ☺

message 20: by Sarah Elizabeth (new)

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) Lynne wrote: "Sarah wrote: "Hi guys! I'm a total netgalley addict! why can't I stop clicking that 'request' button?"


I share your pain. I try not to go on too often. I try to keep my ratio as near to ..."

Thankfully I'd cleared my netgalley dashboard a few months ago, because it is crammed again right now! You know you have too many books on netgalley when your 'shelf' covers 3 pages. oops.

message 21: by Carmen (new)

Carmen Blankenship | 5 comments right when I broke the 65% Mark I go on another "bender". I'm appalled at my inability to not hit request. Then when I check my emails and have been approved for most, I'm elated and stressed..I don't and won't let down any author so now I'm striving for 3 books a week. I do feel like it's an honor that the publishers are trusting us with these titles. Each book received is the hard work of numerous people, and an extension of the author. So I am allowing my self 2 requests a week until I'm at 85%.

Wish me luck. Oh by the way, My name is Carmen and I'm a Netgalley addict.

message 22: by Fictionophile (new)

Fictionophile  (fictionophile) | 96 comments Carmen,
Your message made me smile.
My name is Lynne and I am a NetGalley addict.
I can't imagine striving for 3 books per week.
I work full time and have a parent in a nursing home... so I'm lucky if I get one per week read.
Therefore I have to refrain from browsing the new titles offered on NetGalley because if I saw them I would be sure to hit 'request'.
It is a sickness...

message 23: by Gail (new)

Gail (smutjunkielover) | 2 comments just found net galley LOVE IT!! I love to read.. Ill try just about anything once.. but I love MC/Fighter/ROCKER books.. My fav color.. Blue

message 24: by Irene (new)

Irene (yorkistgirl) Hello - I discovered Netgalley in one or two groups on Facebook & signed up towards the end of March & joined this group a few days ago. Love reading & always have. Anything & everything even cereal packets if there is nothing else - this hasn't been necessary for quite some time! Look forward to getting to know other members.

message 25: by Irene (new)

Irene (yorkistgirl) Sarah wrote: "Lynne wrote: "Sarah wrote: "Hi guys! I'm a total netgalley addict! why can't I stop clicking that 'request' button?"


I share your pain. I try not to go on too often. I try to keep my rat..."

I know the feeling especially when this is all so new!

message 26: by Sarah Elizabeth (new)

Sarah Elizabeth (bookworm_sarah) It's just so easy to click that 'request' button ☺

message 27: by Irene (new)

Irene (yorkistgirl) I'm trying but not succeeding not to request more books because I have so many tottering piles of books not to mention all the others on kindle too. Don't you just love problems like this!

message 28: by Fictionophile (new)

Fictionophile  (fictionophile) | 96 comments Yes Irene.
We suffer from an embarrassment of riches. :-)

message 29: by CL (new)

CL (cljones) | 13 comments Hello everyone. I am a reading addict and a shoe in for any free book!! I have recently joined Net Galley so I am looking forward to sharing reviews and getting some good ideas for future books to read as well as tips on how to get more approvals for books. Happy Reading All!!

message 30: by Susan (new)

Susan | 94 comments Welcome!!!

message 31: by CL (last edited May 20, 2015 12:46PM) (new)

CL (cljones) | 13 comments Susan wrote: "Welcome!!!" Thanks Susan, I look forward to learning alot about Net Galley and sharing reviews.

message 32: by Dre (new)

Dre Battles | 1 comments Hello everybody! My name is Dre and I've been with Netgalley for about a month now. I'm 22 and I will read pretty much anything, but my favorite genre is paranormal Romance, psychological thrillers, and classics (The Art of War, The Princeand etc).
Feel free to checkout my reviews on my blog:

message 33: by Alexa (new)

Alexa Hi everyone! My name is Alexa and I'm a Netgalley addict. I joined over a year ago but only recently got into reviewing books seriously. I have 66 approvals and and yet, the accursed Request button calls to me. I'm generally drawn to family sagas and sci-fi/fantasy. My favorite color is aqua.

message 34: by Penmouse (new)

Penmouse | 24 comments Hi! all,

I joined NetGalley at the end of June. I've posted 20 reviews and have received 4 Top Reviewer posts. I'm reading book number 21. I like to read and review cookbooks followed up by historical fiction, Amish romances, Biblical-based romances, history, medicine, books about disabilities, books about pets and biographies.

I also write reviews for Edelweiss and I am in the Top 500 at Amazon. At one time I was a Top 100 reviewer at Amazon.

I'm a retired opinionated reporter who has raised two special needs kids.

I've been married to the same lucky guy for 35 years.

I love cats and dogs especially cats. As a kid I had all kinds of pets including snakes, mice and turtles.

I found your group when I Googled to find out more about how you get Top Reviewer badges at NetGalley.

Nice meeting you all!

MA aka Penmouse

message 35: by Martha (new)

Martha Rivera (marthacrivera) Hi, I joined Netgalley about a year ago and feel like I'm just now getting the feel for it. I love to read Romance, specifically New Adult, YA and Erotica.

CD {Boulder Blvd} (boulderblvd) | 38 comments Hi all,

I've started getting active in Net Galley and Goodreads and this seemed the perfect group to join.

I'm a retired accountant (yeah bean counter - I know) that loves to travel but also enjoys down time at home. In addition to reading, I love photography and jewelry design. I used to love gardening, but its starting to feel like work.

My favorite reads are romantic suspense, heavy on the suspense but I also like to try out new authors and new genres.

message 37: by Tara (new)

Tara Scilluffo (hobbes4626) Hello everyone!
My name is Tara and I just discovered NetGalley a few days ago and thought it might be fun. I am addicted to Goodread Giveaways and love posting reviews on GoodReads. I came across a review from someone who reviews for NetGally. That's when I began to nosey around. I joined NetGalley, created an account and Created a Blog. I have never Blogged before. The closest thing to Blogging is my daughter and I watch "Dog with a Blog" on Disney.
I got approved for a book and I am anxiously reading so I can get started on my first entry on the blog. Wish me luck!!

message 38: by Chris (new)

Chris (cdavies1951) | 2 comments Hi! I'm new to NetGalley in the last month, and am finally finding my way around. I'm working to get to 20 books @ 80%. I like to read anything historical or mystery or romantic or....

There are so many hints about improving your profile on the website. Does anyone have advice?

message 39: by Susan (new)

Susan | 19 comments Hi everyone. My name is Susan and I've been a NetGalley member for a couple of years now and am absolutely addicted! I do try to control my addiction to keep unread NetGalley books to under 20, or I feel over-whelmed though.

I live in London with my husband and three children, work part time in a college and am a reading mentor to children expelled from school. I love reading and reviewing and am interested in joining in with the group.

message 40: by Emma (new)

Emma (keeperofthearchives) Hi all. I'm Emma, and i've only been on Netgalley for a month or two. Love that I get books for free in exchange for my opinion. Looking forward to speaking to you all.

message 41: by Susan (new)

Susan | 94 comments Welcome to the group everyone!

message 42: by Peter (new)

Peter Henrichsen (peter_dk) | 2 comments Hi everyone :)

This is Peter from Denmark. I'm the editor at our YA blog Youth Culture Denmark.

I joined Netgalley this weekend.

Best wishes from Copenhagen, Peter

message 43: by CBReader (new)

CBReader | 2 comments Hi! I'm Carrie.
I just joined NetGalley in early June. So, I guess close to two months ago. I'm shocked at the number of approvals I've gotten and have been so excited about all the great books I've read. I'm a Reading teacher, so this has been a fun "summer months" filler for me. It's started quite the addiction though, so I'm gonna have to carve out time once school starts.

I love any books that have some sort of romantic plot woven in. Sci Fi, Fantasy, Realistic, Historical, anything goes really. I've been on a huge YA kick lately.

Anyway...looking forward to talking books in the group.

message 44: by Diane (new)

Diane (ladieswholunchreviews) | 4 comments Hi I'm Diane and i joined NetGalley in the spring. I had an invite from a Goodreads author and I've since gotten a bunch of books to review, but, of course many, many more declined. I'm thinking of starting a blog to review, suggestions from many publishers were that if i had a blog I'd be more likely to receive more ARCs. Do you all have blogs? I'm struggling with the whole process, starting with choosing a name...

Dorie  - Cats&Books :)  (dorie--catsbooks) | 416 comments I'm Dorie and have been a member since January 2014. I'm a part time bookseller and belong to 3 book clubs. I don't have a blog. After all of these months I now get approved at least 90% of the time. I review everything I get and try to get it posted to Goodreads and Amazon by the publication date, but I send my review in to NetGalley as soon as I finish the book. Also if there is some reason why I decide not to review a book I always send feedback to the publisher.

message 46: by Diane (new)

Diane (ladieswholunchreviews) | 4 comments Dorie, are you listed as a reviewer or bookseller on NetGalley? I think it makes a difference as to how you are approved.

message 47: by Jane (new)

Jane | 6 comments Hello everyone!

I'm Jane.
"What do you like to read?"
I like to read: classics, contemporary-non-love-stories, magic realism, gay, erotica.
"How long have you been addicted to NetGalley?"
Only a month so far, but I'm already very excited!
"What is your favorite color?"
Black :-)

PS: Thank you Dorie for your post. It's interessting to see how others work with netgalley. I'm a bookseller, blogwriter (wordpress,amazon,goodreads), too.

message 48: by Danie (new)

Danie (daniexj) | 2 comments Hey, I'm Danie.

I've been on Netgalley since May 2013 (had to look that up).

I'm not sure that I'm 'addicted' to Netgalley, but I do find it very useful both in finding new books before they become popular, and getting the good ole books before they get published as well.

I'm a librarian so that's how I got hooked up with it in the first place (although I also publish reviews on LT), and so I do get approved for a lot of books (as well as having some delightful auto approvals). And definitely more often than not I do pass on things I've read on Netgalley to the patrons I help.

message 49: by Angie Elle (new)

Angie Elle (angieelle) | 22 comments I'm Angie, and I've been a Netgalley member since 2012. Romance was my first love, but I also like Suspense and True Crime. My favorite color changes on a regular basis! :)

Dorie  - Cats&Books :)  (dorie--catsbooks) | 416 comments I've been a netgalley member since this past January but have been really active on the NetGalley reader site. I like historical fiction, history, and lately psychological thrillers. thanks for adding me as a friend

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