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Coat Check [All About You] > Where Are You From?

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Jackie - Fire & Ice Book Reviews (jackiefireicebookreviews) Where are you from? What is the weather like right now?

message 2: by Maxine (new)

Maxine (Booklover Catlady) (booklovercatlady) | 4 comments I'm from England, I lived in Australia for 30 years then came back to England end of 2013. The weather? It's been cold and rainy, it's Autumn here now. I love the snow.

Fictionophile  (fictionophile) | 96 comments Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada.
It has been a beautiful autumn day.
Right now (8:00 p.m.) it is 13 degrees C.

message 4: by Davida (new)

Davida Chazan (chocolatelady) | 41 comments I live in Jerusalem, Israel but I was born in Evanston, IL.

message 5: by Sandra (new)

Sandra (the_librocubicultarist) El Salvador (central america)

message 6: by Heather (new)

Heather Lawson (teevee) I'm from Scotland and currently it is cold, wet, and trying to snow.

message 7: by Carmen (new)

Carmen Blankenship | 5 comments I am from Portland, Oregon. In my opinion one of the most beautiful of all the 50 states in the US. I absolutley LOVE that there are so many people from around the world on Goodreads.

message 8: by Carmen (new)

Carmen Blankenship | 5 comments Heather wrote: "I'm from Scotland and currently it is cold, wet, and trying to snow."

Hi Heather! I am so fascinated by Scotland and the culture there. I have never been and only know what I have read but I get a sense that family and heritage means everything. Can you tell me what authors and books are most popular in Scotland right now? Anyone I should try that I may not have heard about here in the States?

message 9: by Irene (new)

Irene (yorkistgirl) I'm from Yorkshire originally but now live in Dorset, UK.

message 10: by Susan (new)

Susan | 94 comments Im originally from New Jersey now living in the suburbs of Phoenix Arizona.

message 11: by Irene (new)

Irene (yorkistgirl) That sounds lovely Susan - one of the warm or should that be hot States! Dorset is considerably cooler

message 12: by Irene (new)

Irene (yorkistgirl) Maxine wrote: "I'm from England, I lived in Australia for 30 years then came back to England end of 2013. The weather? It's been cold and rainy, it's Autumn here now. I love the snow."

Was that a bit of a shock to the system after all those years in Australia?!

message 13: by Gail (new)

Gail (smutjunkielover) | 2 comments I am from Iowa... Born here.. did live in Minnesota for 9 years but moved back... and I think today its gonna be pushing 80.....

message 14: by CL (new)

CL (cljones) | 13 comments Good Afternoon All!! I am from the Midwest in the USA and have lived here my whole life. I am an avid mystery reader. I look forward to getting some good tips on how to navigate Net Galley as I have recently joined them.

message 15: by Martha (new)

Martha Rivera (marthacrivera) Chicago Suburbs, where weather is unpridictable and we have long winters.

message 16: by Susan (new)

Susan | 94 comments Martha wrote: "Chicago Suburbs, where weather is unpridictable and we have long winters."

We lived in SE Wisconsin for seven years and i dont miss that weather or the one hundred inches of snow either!!

CD {Boulder Blvd} (boulderblvd) | 38 comments I'm also from the Midwest in the USA, although I've moved around quite a bit. I've spent a number of years on the east coast and even had the good fortune to live abroad at one point. Spent some time in Chicago as well and definitely don't miss the winters and the wind.

message 18: by Martha (new)

Martha Rivera (marthacrivera) CD {Boulder Blvd} wrote: "I'm also from the Midwest in the USA, although I've moved around quite a bit. I've spent a number of years on the east coast and even had the good fortune to live abroad at one point. Spent some ti..."

Yes, one of my goals for the future is to move somewhere warmer.

message 19: by Susan (new)

Susan | 19 comments I live in London.

Being London - it is raining here at the moment. What a surprise!

message 20: by Chris (new)

Chris (cdavies1951) | 2 comments I live in Wichita, Kansas and spend some part of the year in Phoenix. It doesn't cause me to read any differently :-)

message 21: by Emma (new)

Emma (keeperofthearchives) I'm from Cambridge but i've lived in the US, New Zealand and Oz. Back in the rain in the UK now though. Hello summer!

message 22: by Jane (new)

Jane | 6 comments Germany :-)

message 23: by Robin (new)

Robin (ukamerican) | 38 comments I'm from PA, Philadelphia area. I lived in England for 8 years and now live in Colorado.

message 24: by Sean (new)

Sean Peters Hi

I am from Jersey, Channel Islands UK

Not sure I can make my ten posts a month though !

message 25: by Carolina (new)

Carolina Godinho | 2 comments I´m from Brazil. I´d love to know another countries, but so far only by books.

message 26: by Heather (new)

Heather Another Oregonian here. ^_^

message 27: by Kat (new)

Kat (bookworm2017) Scotland

message 28: by Annika (new)

Annika I'm from Munich, Germany, and I'm still waiting anxiously for winter to come. It just isn't right to get no snow at all. :-(

Paris        (kerbytejas) (kerbytejas) | 10 comments the woods outside of Austin Texas

CD {Boulder Blvd} (boulderblvd) | 38 comments Annika wrote: "I'm from Munich, Germany, and I'm still waiting anxiously for winter to come. It just isn't right to get no snow at all. :-("

I'm back in the USA now, but I lived in Stuttgart for 1 1/2 and loved being in Germany. Munich was one of the cities we visited while we were there and really liked it.

message 31: by Annika (new)

Annika CD {Boulder Blvd} wrote: "Annika wrote: "I'm from Munich, Germany, and I'm still waiting anxiously for winter to come. It just isn't right to get no snow at all. :-("

I'm back in the USA now, but I lived in Stuttgart for 1..."

Cool! I've been to Stuttgart only once, even though it's so close to Munich. I've been to so many places, in Europe and overseas, but I hardly know any other German cities. Funny, huh?

message 32: by Lauren (new)

Lauren (literarywisdom) | 3 comments I live in Scotland, have done all my life. It is currently raining but that's not a surprise in Scotland :)

message 33: by Nicki (new)

Nicki (goodreadscomnickirichards) | 30 comments I live in England but i was born in Malaysia,Singapore,my dad was in the Navy and we came back to England when i was 2 years old.

message 34: by Heike (new)

Heike I'm from Lower Saxony, Germany, 5 minutes to the border to Holland.

Paris        (kerbytejas) (kerbytejas) | 10 comments I live in the woods outside of Austin Texas

Sissy's Romance Book Review  (sissymae) | 6 comments Hi!
I am From Tennessee... it is great to see how far Good Reads go!
I would love for you to follow my pages and if you want me to follow yours just let me know.
Thank You,

message 37: by Barbee (last edited Mar 21, 2016 06:53PM) (new)

Barbee | 21 comments Jackie wrote: "Where are you from? What is the weather like right now?"
New Jersey USA about 15 minute from Ivy League college Princeton University and 45 minutes from Philadelphia.

Also run a Book group on Facebook of readers, authors and bloggers for historical romance and fiction books book releases, giveaways, new release updates, sneak cover peaks, history corners, photos from author events and more. Tartan Book Reviews on Facebook and I am a book review blogger at

It's windy and the high 50's today. I am currently Blazing Earth by Terru Brisbin also is w NJ author

message 38: by Barbee (new)

Barbee | 21 comments Blazing Earth my current netgalley read.

message 39: by Sandra (new)

Sandra (sandracheng) | 7 comments I am from Suriname, South-America. A country squeezed in between Guyana and French-Guiana on the left and right. North we have the Atlantic, and in the South our border with Brazil.

So far the weather has been pretty wet. Lots of rain and flooding of streets because the sewers and soil can't handle that much water in such a short time.

message 40: by Zippergirl (new)

Zippergirl | 49 comments Hi Sandra, I didn't know where you located. Another of those little countries most of us can't find on a map. I have a hard time finding my way home sometimes.

I'm on the Space Coast in Florida--home to historic space shuttle and rocket launches. Close enough to hear the rumbles when they send them up. We're enjoying the high 70s daytime, but it won't last. Soon it will be endless summer here.

message 41: by Sandra (new)

Sandra (sandracheng) | 7 comments DJ Zippergirl wrote: "Hi Sandra, I didn't know where you located. Another of those little countries most of us can't find on a map. I have a hard time finding my way home sometimes.

I'm on the Space Coast in Florida--h..."

Ah Florida, a favorite vacation getaway for us, as it is easy to reach with a daily flight.
We don't feel or hear any launching, but we can often view a rocket launch from French-Guiana.

Most people think Africa when they hear about Suriname :)

message 42: by Barbee (new)

Paris        (kerbytejas) (kerbytejas) | 10 comments Born and raised in San Francisco, I now live in the woods in a rural town named Cedar Creek in Texas. There are more trees than people here

message 44: by Danielle (new)

Danielle (iamhorriblylimited) | 4 comments Paris (kerbytejas) wrote: "Born and raised in San Francisco, I now live in the woods in a rural town named Cedar Creek in Texas. There are more trees than people here"

Hey I'm in Texas, too!
Born and raised in Buffalo, NY, but now I'm living in Laredo, TX.

message 45: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth | 34 comments Charleston WV , its 5:54 pm here

message 46: by Luke (new)

Luke Gracias | 11 comments On Main Beach on the beautiful Gold Coast in Australia.

message 47: by Teresa (new)

Teresa  (teresaoh) West coast of Ireland. Sunshine and showers!

message 48: by Helen (new)

Helen (helendes) | 8 comments New Hampshire, USA. Having a heat wave in the 90's for days now. I guess that is why I am awake and on Goodreads at 2:00 am.

message 49: by Bookish Veenita (new)

Bookish Veenita (bookishveenita) | 18 comments From India. The weather should have been with a little cool breeze by now but so far very hot.

message 50: by Nicki (new)

Nicki Jersey in the Channel Islands and it looks like it's going to be a beautiful day here :-)

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