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Heroines > Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)

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message 1: by Baneen (new)

Baneen Hemani | 6 comments She is the best :)

message 2: by Baneen (new)

Baneen Hemani | 6 comments she is the best

message 3: by Carol (new)

Carol Douglas | 20 comments She's very interesting, but did she really have to leave her parents forever?

message 4: by Lana (new)

Lana Glennon (lanaglennon) | 2 comments I really like her character, she used to be a kind of role model when I was younger. I can definitely see the flaws in her character though, which makes her all the more real and relatable to me.

message 5: by Dorothy (new)

Dorothy (starshinedorro) | 15 comments Carol wrote: "She's very interesting, but did she really have to leave her parents forever?"

She didn't. She went to get them back after the war. She only did what she did to save them in the event the death eaters came after them or she never came home...

message 7: by Tommy (new)

Tommy Hancock (tommyhancock) | 126 comments If I ever have a kid I hope that when they read Harry Potter(and they will, at least once) that Hermione Granger is the character they look up to most. No matter if I had a girl or a boy.

message 8: by Mercedes (new)

Mercedes (mudmule99) She's a lot like my mother, personality wise. I've never thought anything bad about her, I've always loved her and Ron; Harry needed them both. And besides, she does a lot for the story.

message 9: by Evelyne (new)

Evelyne What can I say? I just want to be her.

message 10: by Kirstin (new)

Kirstin | 54 comments Hermione is awesome. And I love Romione.

message 11: by Salma (new)

Salma I absolutely adore her..she's the perfect role model for young girls...she's independent ,smart, feerless and at the same time thoughtful and sensitive

Ertica*~She'sABookBirdy~*Castley (ertica) | 102 comments If i had a daughter one day or a boy, i would like them to be as smart as Hermione. Well, of course, i read them a bedtime story of the rest of the harry potter series to them when i tuck them to sleep.

message 13: by Archie (new)

Archie (aswarmofbees) I think Hermione is one of the best heroines for younger readers. She is smart and clever and doesn't need to be beautiful to be one of the main protagonists. She doesn't let her love get in the way of saving the world and she doesn't let others force her to be like them. She is one of the few female protagonists who doesn't let her love story take over everything else she did. She would still have the same impact on the story of she didn't find love in the story.

message 14: by Taylor (new)

Taylor Hermione was always one of my favorite characters because Rowling wasn't afraid to portray her as on the same level (or sometimes above) the boys. She was much better at school and wasn't afraid to tell people the truth when they were wrong. Ron and Harry knew that she was better at spells than them, and even though they sometimes teased her they knew how much her education meant to their success against Voldemort. Also, her beauty came from such an internal perspective for a lot of the novels as many characters grew to appreciate her as a friend and someone to rely on, not just a pretty face.

message 15: by LilyCat (new)

LilyCat (lilycat_reads) I love Hermione! She's not just the weakling girl character who needs to get saved, or just dates one of the guys and acts as a the personal cheerleader. She's intelligent, super awesome, independent, great at DADA, and tenacious.

message 16: by Brie (new)

Brie (briester510) | 8 comments I agree, Hermione is fantastic. Fully developed character, upset one page, giggling the next. And I love her un-tameable hair.

message 17: by Emmy (new)

Emmy (bookqueen30) | 12 comments Hermione is definetly my alter ego! I loved how she developed throughtout the series and she showed people who was boss and that she wasnt just clever, there was so much more to her! Definetly my all time favourite heroine!

message 18: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Kelly (herfictionalfelicities) Awesome! She is super smart and very capable.

message 19: by Brie (new)

Brie (briester510) | 8 comments I am enjoying re-reading the Goblet of Fire. I appreciate how well the story builds mystery. I love all the subplots, Fred and George trying to get Ludo Bagman, the house elfs, and of course Rita Skeeter!

message 20: by Victoria (new)

Victoria (victoriammd) | 45 comments I love Hermione, she's the best role model I had in my life as a kid. I love the fact that she's bookish and yet still goes on amazing adventure, it's such a rare combination. And let's face it, without her Ron and Harry would have been long dead and would never have to manage half of what they did, she's the true hero of Harry Potter.

message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

I love hermione. i currently took a quiz that said i would be hermione from harry potter. i always wanted hermione to end up with draco but well she didn`t. like victoria said ron and harry would long be dead. hermione forever!!!!!!

" I`m going to go, before one of you gets us killed or worse expelled"- hermione granger

message 22: by Alyson (new)

Alyson Stone (alysonserenastone) | 111 comments Taylor wrote: "Hermione was always one of my favorite characters because Rowling wasn't afraid to portray her as on the same level (or sometimes above) the boys. She was much better at school and wasn't afraid to..."


message 23: by Cassie (new)

Cassie Doran | 25 comments there are some good things about her and bad. she does come off as a know it all. I dig it that's she's smart but not annoying so. However the boys did need her. I always liked that she was willing to help. she cares about her friends and family. I loved when she punched Draco. However she doesn't think she's better than everyone and she's able to admit it. I'm reading order of the Phoenix right now. last year, I started reading them for the first time. Finally right. some people when don't like to admit someone's better. but she does. I felt like Harry should of focused more on goblet of fire theb waiting till last minute. Harry, yes he defeated voldemort and deatheaters and can do a patronus but in school, he's so stupid. he never knows what anyone is saying half the time. I do love him but... Ron is smarter than him. if it weren't for her, I don't think Harry or Ron would of made it. she's accepting of other people. she has standards and emotions and people can relate to her.

message 24: by Jane (new)

Jane Jackson (janejackson91) | 12 comments I liked Hermione a lot. She's got spunk! Sassy, a bit of a fast mouth, intelligent, doesn't always kowtow and tells it like it is. Just what you want from a leading character, be they male or female...

message 25: by Lina (new)

Lina | 79 comments I adore and admire all characters in Harry Potter, but Hermoine was still my favorite. She was brave, smart, she was not whiny like most heroines, she was supportive of her friends, she stood up for herself and the others, she wasn't scared of punching guys (Malfoy), she was proud that she was half-blood, that is what most heroines have to be, i adored her, and i hope she will stay favorite in other young hearts too.

message 26: by Erin (new)

Erin Johnson (erinjohnsonwrites) Victoria wrote: "I love Hermione, she's the best role model I had in my life as a kid. I love the fact that she's bookish and yet still goes on amazing adventure, it's such a rare combination. And let's face it, wi..."

LOL! It's true, they would be long dead. =)

message 27: by Natalie (new)

Natalie (british-teacup) ofc I adore her! I do wish people wouldn't put her on such a pedestal because she does have flaws, and that's what I love about her. We can relate to her and she isn't perfect.
(This is mostly due to the amount of times I've had to defend Ron's "worth" for her affection. I don't even...)

I admire her passion, her thirst for knowledge and her courage, she constantly inspires me.

Cordelia the Ardent Reader I love her! She was an awesome role model to me as a teenager

message 29: by Katie (new)

Katie VanderPoel | 3 comments The reason I love Hermione is because she is the character that I can identity with the most. First I love learning and reading. Also my work ethic is like hers because I am someone who can be bossy and a nag in group projects (plus I work really hard in school). However at the same time I love to help people and am the person my friends go to for advice. Lastly we both have frizzy hair that is hard to manage. :p

message 30: by Anna (new)

Anna Maria | 3 comments Hermione really is awesome!🙂 I grew up with the books and movies. Hermione is one of my favorite characters. She reminds me of me, a bit because of her goodness and bravery, and because we both like to look things up when we're not sure of something.

message 31: by Mark (new)

Mark Kloss (markkloss) | 25 comments Hermione is just an amazing character! Such a strong female lead, one that both guys and girls really resonated with. She shows young girls it is ok to be strong, to be smart and to stick up for yourself!

message 32: by Suzi!!! (new)

Suzi!!! (suzievelyn) Hermione is definitely smarter than most of the characters, but what I love about her is that she doesn't act like she's better than everyone. She intelligent, but modest. Also, she sticks up for people who don't/can't stick up for themselves, and that's amazing. She's brilliant in school, despite the teasing she gets for it. She just gets teased a lot in general, but that doesn't hinder her in any way. Hermione Granger is the kind of person I want to be one day.

message 33: by Valerie (new)

Valerie Edwards | 1 comments Smart, intuitive, strong-willed and yet very sensitive. Her bark is more than her bite, but that makes her so likable in my opinion.

message 34: by yannie reads (new)

yannie reads (yandraconfesses) Hermione is just sensational. She was always my role model and continues to be to this day on. She totally own her title of “brightest witch of her age”. She’s short— tempered which makes her so comical as well as sassy. I however think she should have belonged in Ravenclaw.

message 35: by Momo (new)

Momo (Momo324) | 5 comments Hermione is literally my favorite character. She’s smart, kind, and the best friend anyone could have. Hermione cares about her friends more than anything else, as we find out in the third book. (And pretty much all of the books) Emma Watson did a great job depicting Hermione and no one could be as perfect for the part as her.

message 36: by Amelia (new)

Amelia Valentine (ameliavalentine) I just love how headstrong she is. Hermione is by far the best heroine of a series... ever. Don't fight me on this. I mean, how could anyone not like her!?

message 37: by C.R.R. (new)

C.R.R. Hillin (crrhillin) I adore Hermione :) A lot of people thought she wasn't a good character or a good person anymore after the whole SNEAK thing with the zits but it kind of made me love her more, my vicious hero <3 Only thing I didn't like: trying to trick the house-elves into being freed. Yeah their situation is messed up but that's still a really bad way to go about it.

message 38: by Alice (new)

Alice Bello (alicebelloromance) | 2 comments Hermione was absolutely my favorite, thought most underused heroine in the Harry Potter books. Book one, she was used as much as Harry and Ron. Then she was petrified for most of book 2. She stole the show in book 3, but went back to backup singer in book 4. Book 5 also didn't show off her skills or personality, and neither did the sixth. But she got to show off many of her skills, knowledge, cleverness and kickass planning in the finale book. Though I wanted her to be able to handle Bellatrix by herself. I see now that she wasn't up to going wand to wand with the insane murderer... but at least Mrs. Weasley got to finally show her stuff.

message 39: by Dalia (new)

Dalia | 194 comments Hermione is my queen

message 40: by Kim (new)

Kim Vermaak (kim_vermaak) | 5 comments I enjoyed the evolution of Hermione. I think as authors we can get that impostor syndrome. She has talent, but her muggle family background makes her feel she has to work harder than anyone else to prove herself.  Hermione is the backbone of the trio of friends. This to me is what women are all about. We offer support in ways that others may not perceive. Hermione strength and courage help to shelter and propel the trio forward into their destiny.

message 41: by lunisneptune (new)

lunisneptune | 149 comments I love how Hermione changed over time and how her friendship with Harry and Ron changed. At first they disliked each other and now they are best friends ever and Ron and Hermione even got married and had kids. I personally love Hermione with all of my heart. She is one of the best characters. She is awesome.

message 42: by The_ReadinGuYYY (new)

The_ReadinGuYYY | 8 comments All I know is it's LeviOsa, not LevioSA!

message 43: by Stanlei (new)

Stanlei Bellan | 4 comments She is fantastic. My daughter has her as her favorite heroine. And I loved how she evolved after being a grown woman in the play afterwards. So fitting.

message 44: by Minal (new)

Minal | 111 comments She is an amazing character!! She is bossy but that doesn’t bother me. Harry and Ron wouldn’t have survived if it wasn’t her! She is so intelligent. I admire her

message 45: by Nicole (new)

Nicole (nc9131) | -4 comments She is great.

message 46: by May (new)

May | 206 comments Who doesn't love her??????

message 47: by Janssen (new)

Janssen Hermione's one of the best characters. Harry and Ron would be nowhere without her.

TheKaleChip (Semi-Hiatus) (chronicbibliophile) Honestly tho! she is the entire reason they lived till the end of the series

Sid (Taylor's version) ⭐ ~semi-hiatus~ (youdontwannaknow) We all agree that Harry would have died in the first book/movie if hermione wasn't there lol

Sid (Taylor's version) ⭐ ~semi-hiatus~ (youdontwannaknow) And if I have a girl, I am gonna name her hermione and make her read (and watch) the HP series when she's young (around 7-10) so she realizes why I named her that and she makes her (or Emma) her role model (I don't really care if she doesn't) but yeah

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