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Trailers and Video Topics > Articles on the Importance of Book Trailers

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message 1: by Justin (last edited May 24, 2016 12:12PM) (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) I am a firm believer in book trailers being a great way to gain exposure of a book. I believe they are one of the most underrated tools in book promoting these days. I've written several articles on them.

-Why Are Book Trailers Underrated:
-6 Ways to Generate Book Trailer Views
-The Importance of Book Trailers
-The Right Music for Book Trailers

message 2: by Paul (new)

Paul West (pauwwest) | 14 comments I would love to do a trailer for my book but don't know how.

message 3: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) Paul wrote: "I would love to do a trailer for my book but don't know how."

It's quite simple Paul. If you have a Windows Movie Maker program or something similar what do you is find some pictures(be sure to get the links and source for them) and upload them. It's quite an easy process when you get the hang out it.

message 4: by Paul (new)

Paul West (pauwwest) | 14 comments Thanks Justin. It does sound easy. I'll have to check to see if I have Window Movie Maker, then find some time to look for that aren't copywrited.

message 5: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) No problem. Let me know if you need any more help or get stuck on something I'd be more than happy to help.

message 6: by Paul (new)

Paul West (pauwwest) | 14 comments Great. Thanks

message 7: by Elaine (new)

Elaine (httpgoodreadscomelaine_chaika) | 48 comments I have a video trailer for my new book "Humans, Dogs, and Civilization" but haven't a clue how to add it to other people's blogs or Facebook or even to Goodreads, even though I've been a member since 2008. How does one do this? Please give a step by step method.
Elaine Chaika

message 8: by Elaine (new)

Elaine (httpgoodreadscomelaine_chaika) | 48 comments Paul wrote: "I would love to do a trailer for my book but don't know how."

Paul wrote: "I would love to do a trailer for my book but don't know how."

/Users/brainylainy3/Desktop/PRWeb Press Release - Elaine Chaika Humans Dogs and Civilization copy.pdf

To have a brilliant video trailed, go to Ellen Green at AMI. They did mine for me at the address below:I have a Mac, & in any event, I couldn't have fashioned a Video trailer as brilliant as this. If you can't access the address below, send me an email at

[email protected]

& I'll send you a clickable link. Goodreads doesn't allow clickable links. I have no connection with AMI, except for my being a customer. Note that I also have a PR Release they did, and it has the link to the video trailer.

/Users/brainylainy3/Desktop/PRWeb Press Release - Elaine Chaika Humans Dogs and Civilization copy.pdfnt video trailer, click on this link:

message 9: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) Updated this thread.

message 10: by BookInMotion (new)

BookInMotion | 3 comments Hey all,
What should you do with a book release video from Book in Motion?
1. Upload your book trailer to YouTube and Vimeo
2. Post your book trailer on your author website
3. Share your book trailer on Facebook
4. Tweet your book trailer on Twitter

message 11: by Feliks (new)

Feliks (dzerzhinsky) | 1 comments H'mmm. You may be firmly convinced but I'm far from enjoying the same conviction.

Just think about what you're saying:

You want me to watch a convince me read a book?

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