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Author & Blogger Shop-Talk > Author & Blogger Shop-Talk *RULES*

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message 1: by Anna (last edited Mar 26, 2014 10:56AM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Welcome Space Opera Authors & Bloggers!!!

Author & Blogger Shop-Talk is where Science Fiction/Space Opera authors and bloggers can talk shop amongst themselves and share information about things such as:

-writing skills
-how to write a better space opera novel
-how to write space opera which caters to that vast untapped demographic of younger, minority, and female genre fans who grew up with video games, television, technology, and blockbuster sci-fi movies
-how to wade through the maze of publishing (both legacy publishing & self-publishing)
-niche space opera sub-genres, such as military space opera, hard-tech space opera, soft space opera, romantic space opera, space opera erotica, fantasy/space opera crossover, etc.
-how to scrounge up book reviews
-navigating the different online and book distributors
-building an author or sci-fi book blogger website
-building a social media presence
-book formatting & cover design
-ways to build your readership and reach out to new fans
-marketing tips (not self-promotion here!)

This folder is dedicated to the nuts-and-bolts mechanics of being a content creator of edgy, cutting edge, kick-butt Space Opera in a world which has come to view Science Fiction as the realm of old, rich, white science nerds.

Any author or blogger can start a topic thread in the Author & Blogger Shop-Talk folder to open up a dialogue with other Space Opera Fans members so long as it fits within this category. Simply click into the folder, and then click 'new thread' on the top right-hand side of the folder.

Author & Blogger Shop-Talk is not for self-promotion!!! All self-promotion must go in the self-promotion folder or it will be deleted as spam!!! The purpose of this folder is to bring Space Opera authors and bloggers together to discuss ways we can 'do the thing' and revive the genre. If you'd like to drop a link in for your book, do it here:


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