Space Opera Fans discussion

Upcoming Conventions & Events > BOSKONE 2015 - Boston, MA - February 13-15

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message 1: by Anna (last edited Mar 28, 2014 11:15AM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) BOSKONE 2015

Do you love science fiction and fantasy?

Join us at BOSKONE®, a regional science fiction convention, which features an impressive array of well-known figures in the field, including writers, artists, editors, publishers, musicians, scientists, gamers, bloggers, conrunners, reenactors, and fanzine editors. The longest-running SF con in New England, Boskone usually attracts more than 1000 fans and pros for a weekend of panels, readings, kids activities, demonstrations, small-group discussions, filksinging, videos, games and more!

Our innovative no-boundaries layout is designed to stimulate conversation between friends (old and new), and to support a warm, family-friendly, fannish community. Join us as we explore the worlds of the human imagination all served up with a dash of whimsy!

Dates: February 13-15, 2015
Where: Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel

Guest of Honor: Robin McKinley
Official Artists: Charles Lang and Wendy Snow-Lang
Featured Filkers: Maya and Jeff Bohnhoff
Special Guest: Robert K. Wiener

Annual NESFA Awards (New England Science Fiction Awards)

Feel free to drop questions, comments, or any general discussion into the thread below.

message 2: by Anna (last edited Mar 28, 2014 11:18AM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Greetings Space Opera Fans!

I, mod-Anna have been a long-time attendee of this conference as a fan. It is a warm, friendly conference which has always been lots of fun and very congenial to all groups. And ... more recently they've begun to actively promote themselves to a more diverse demographic of science fiction fans. And oooh! They finally listened to wacko nutso people [*ahem*] ... hardcore fangirls like me and started welcoming costumes!!! [*squee!*]

[*Time to break out that Lieutenant Uhura mod mini-dress!*]

There are some great activities here for your kids, and the hotel is secure enough that most parents feel perfectly comfortable bringing their teens and tweens to wander around. They are trying very hard to be welcoming to convention-goers children, our future fans, so why not plan on bringing them unless they are hellspawn like mine in which case bring tranquilizer darts as well.... :-)

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