Francophiles discussion

French Themed Links and Services > French Facebook Pages

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message 1: by Linda, Author of the French Illusions Series (last edited Feb 18, 2016 10:54AM) (new)

Linda Kovic-Skow | 198 comments Mod
Please add your French-themed Facebook Pages Below.

I often post about France or French-related subjects at my Facebook Fan Page,. If you "Like" my page and message me a link to yours, I'll "Like" you back. Merci!

message 2: by Emma (new)

Emma (wordsandpeace) Not exclusively French, but a lot of it is:

message 3: by Liza (new)

Liza Perrat (httpwwwgoodreadscomlizaperrat) thanks, Linda and Emma, I've Liked your pages. If anyone wants to return the favour, here's mine:
Thank you!

message 4: by Liza (new)

Liza Perrat (httpwwwgoodreadscomlizaperrat) Here is the FB group pertaining to France that I enjoy:

And the bookclub offshoot (just started up) of French Focus Friends:
Members can post their French-themed books in a file of the bookclub.

message 5: by Jacqueline (new)

Jacqueline (frenchvillagejacqui) | 21 comments Here is my Facebook page where I share lots of photos of France, stories about life in France and books set in France, especially free or discounted ones. Do come and say hello!

message 6: by Linda, Author of the French Illusions Series (new)

Linda Kovic-Skow | 198 comments Mod
Liza wrote: "Here is the FB group pertaining to France that I enjoy:

And the bookclub offshoot (just started up) of French Focus Friends:"

Liza, thanks so much for this information. I'm going to check it out today!

message 7: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa Couchman | 23 comments Have liked your pages, Linda and Emma. I had already liked yours, Liza and Jacqueline.

This is my FB page, centred on my writing about the French Mediterranean island of Corsica.

message 8: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa Couchman | 23 comments Liza wrote: "Here is the FB group pertaining to France that I enjoy:

And the bookclub offshoot (just started up) of French Focus Friends:"

Thanks for this, Liza. Will join the group and the Book Club.

message 9: by Linda, Author of the French Illusions Series (new)

Linda Kovic-Skow | 198 comments Mod
Vanessa wrote: "Have liked your pages, Linda and Emma. I had already liked yours, Liza and Jacqueline.

This is my FB page, centred on my writing about the French Mediterranean island of Corsica."

I just hopped over to your Facebook Page. Corsica high on my list of places to visit :)

message 10: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa Couchman | 23 comments Linda wrote: "Vanessa wrote: "Have liked your pages, Linda and Emma. I had already liked yours, Liza and Jacqueline.

This is my FB page, centred on my writing about the French Mediterranean island of Corsica. ..."

Thanks, Linda! Yes, you must get to Corsica. As well as wonderful scenery it has such a fascinating history and culture. Separatist violence (some Corsicans don't like being part of France) sometimes erupts but is never directed against tourists.

message 11: by Sunny (new)

Sunny Fields | 5 comments Bonjour a tous,
I have finally found my treasure trove of books to read! I read anything to do with life in France. I am particularly interested in stories on buying and renovating as we have done the same thing with a little rental apartment in the lovely Loire. I have been writing about our adventures since 2008 but have yet to get it to a final stage. These books inspire me to share those highs and lows and maybe inspire others to take the plunge.

message 12: by Laura (new)

Laura Bradbury (laurabradbury) | 7 comments My books are about my French husband and myself buying / renovating old ruins in Burgundy to turn them into vacation rentals. A herculean task, I know! This place is a fantastic spot to find new titles to add to my TBR pile! We may have to arrange a house swap in France one of these days - it's been too long since we visited the Loire!

message 13: by Linda, Author of the French Illusions Series (new)

Linda Kovic-Skow | 198 comments Mod
Sunny wrote: "Bonjour a tous,
I have finally found my treasure trove of books to read! I read anything to do with life in France. I am particularly interested in stories on buying and renovating as we have done..."

Hi Sunny. You might want to join the conversation in the "Introduce Yourself" thread. There are some fun discussions going on there. Here's the link.

Also, Laura Laura Bradbury's book "My Grape Escape" comes to mind when I think of books about buying and renovating homes. Also, "Fat Dogs and French Estates," by Beth Haslam.

message 14: by Linda, Author of the French Illusions Series (new)

Linda Kovic-Skow | 198 comments Mod
Laura wrote: "My books are about my French husband and myself buying / renovating old ruins in Burgundy to turn them into vacation rentals. A herculean task, I know! This place is a fantastic spot to find new ti..."

I would love you to read my French Illusions Series set in the Loire Valley in 1979. I think you'd find my stories intriguing. I'd be happy to gift you a copy :)

message 15: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 92 comments Here's another FB page about France-themed books. I don't always agree with her reviews but she's a great source.

message 16: by Linda, Author of the French Illusions Series (new)

Linda Kovic-Skow | 198 comments Mod
Leslie wrote: "Here's another FB page about France-themed books. I don't always agree with her reviews but she's a great source."

Yes, I know Jacqueline Brown and have enjoyed her reviews on many occasions (including my own). Thanks for sharing :)

message 17: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa Couchman | 23 comments Some of you might be interested in a new group that's just started on Facebook, Wartime Fiction Fans. It focuses on WW2 and, to a lesser extent, WW1. While not specifically about France, there's bound to be quite a lot about France on it by virtue of the topic. It's for readers and writers of fiction and there's a separate private authors' group.

message 18: by Laurette (new)

Laurette Long | 76 comments So far I have resisted Facebook (paranoia?) Am on Twitter and Linked In, now coming to the conclusion that Facebook is inevitable. Any do's and dont's from you wise ones ?
They would be greatly appreciated...
Thanks in advance

message 19: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 92 comments Laurette, I resisted Facebook for a long time, too, but I really enjoy it now that I've succumbed. It's a great way to keep in touch with friends and some old pals have found me that way, which was a lot of fun. I have a FB page for my art as well as a personal one, and I put up a lot of my photos from France to make a virtual tour for people when I was there this past fall. I don't have my phone number or my hometown up there, and there's a lot I don't share, but it's been a good experience.

message 20: by Laurette (new)

Laurette Long | 76 comments Leslie wrote: "Laurette, I resisted Facebook for a long time, too, but I really enjoy it now that I've succumbed. It's a great way to keep in touch with friends and some old pals have found me that way, which was..."
Thanks for that info Leslie. I know your professional site and its lovely paintings, will take another tour just to see what you've put on there, obviously as you say no phone numbers or addresses.

message 21: by Linda, Author of the French Illusions Series (new)

Linda Kovic-Skow | 198 comments Mod
Laurette wrote: "So far I have resisted Facebook (paranoia?) Am on Twitter and Linked In, now coming to the conclusion that Facebook is inevitable. Any do's and dont's from you wise ones ?
They would be greatly app..."

Yes, Laurette, I think it's a good idea to be on Facebook. I recommend you create an author Facebook FanPage rather than a personal page and try not to spam people with book promotions. Other than that, post regularly and gather "Likes" whenever possible through other groups and places like Twitter. Forgive me if you've seen it, but here is my page if you're interested.

message 22: by Laurette (new)

Laurette Long | 76 comments Thanks to all for your advice. Created an author page with difficulty, but inadvertently ended up with personal page as well which I don't really want. Now engaged in struggle to sort things out, if successful I will celebrate by liking all of your pages...where is the local 10 year old genius who can help me out???

message 23: by Linda, Author of the French Illusions Series (new)

Linda Kovic-Skow | 198 comments Mod
Laurette wrote: "Thanks to all for your advice. Created an author page with difficulty, but inadvertently ended up with personal page as well which I don't really want. Now engaged in struggle to sort things out, i..."

I'm not positive, but I think you have to have a personal page to create an author page. Facebook doesn't make it easy, do they?

message 24: by Jacqueline (new)

Jacqueline (frenchvillagejacqui) | 21 comments I think Linda is correct. You need a personal page in order to have a public page.

message 25: by Laurette (new)

Laurette Long | 76 comments Thanks Linda and Jaqui, so does that mean I should put the same stuff on my personal page as well as author page? Or do I have to run two pages? This social media stuff is getting very time-consuming...And how do people get directly to my Author page? You're right Linda, I found Twitter much easier to navigate, even Goodreads now that I'm used to it!

message 26: by Jacqueline (new)

Jacqueline (frenchvillagejacqui) | 21 comments You post what you want, where you want! You can totally ignore your page and just use your author one, but people can only like your author page not become friends, that has to be via your personal page.

message 27: by Laurette (new)

Laurette Long | 76 comments Ah, the mystery begins to clear...friends are for one page, likes for another. Thanks Jaqui!

message 28: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 92 comments And it seems as though it used to be that in order for me to have full access to my artist page I had to change the identity in which I was using FB, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. If I post something on my portrait page, though, I can share it with my personal page. And I post a lot of things on my personal page that don't fit on my professional one.

message 29: by Laurette (new)

Laurette Long | 76 comments Leslie wrote: "And it seems as though it used to be that in order for me to have full access to my artist page I had to change the identity in which I was using FB, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. I..."
Is there a Ph D in Facebookology?? I think you have 'liked' my author's page, Leslie, is that correct? Will try to do the same for yours...

message 30: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 92 comments Yes, I did, immediately! Wanted to show my support for this big step into the unknown waters of Facebook!

Mine is called Leslie's Portraits.

message 31: by Laurette (new)

Laurette Long | 76 comments Leslie wrote: "Yes, I did, immediately! Wanted to show my support for this big step into the unknown waters of Facebook!

Mine is called Leslie's Portraits."

Thanks for the encouragement, ok, think I liked your page as well, and think I commented... who knows? Anyway it's a great page!

message 32: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 92 comments Thanks, Laurette! Yours looks excellent! Welcome to social media...

message 33: by Linda, Author of the French Illusions Series (new)

Linda Kovic-Skow | 198 comments Mod
Leslie wrote: "And it seems as though it used to be that in order for me to have full access to my artist page I had to change the identity in which I was using FB, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. I..."

Leslie, I try to keep my personal page...well...personal. I encourage people to "Like" my Facebook Author Page instead. Here it is if anyone would like to visit and "Like" it. I will check and make sure I've "Liked" your page and Laurette's (if I can find them).

message 34: by Linda, Author of the French Illusions Series (new)

message 35: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 92 comments Yes, that is indeed me. What I was trying to say, though, was that formerly, in order to post as Leslie's Portraits instead of Leslie M. Ficcaglia, I would have to switch identities at the top right of the blue bar. Then the comment box would have my portrait page atavar rather than my personal one. Now I no longer have to do that, and can access anything on my portraits page as Leslie Ficcaglia. I'm not sure what functions I've lost, if any, with that change...

message 36: by Laurette (new)

Laurette Long | 76 comments Wouldn't say I've got past Facebook Level 1 yet but thanks to your helping hands I'm making progress. Now managed (I think) to like everyone's pages: Leslie, Linda, Jacqueline, Vanessa, Liza, Emma
Let me know if I've missed anyone...

message 37: by Leslie (new)

Leslie | 92 comments I saw that you liked my page; thanks! You are coming along wonderfully!

message 38: by Laura (new)

Laura (lklawless) | 5 comments Bonjour !

My Facebook page has lessons and other resources for learning French, as well as comics, news, and whatever other interesting stuff I happen to find:

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