Space Opera Fans discussion

Space Opera Anime/Manga/Comics > Space Opera Anime/Manga/Comic Tie-Ins *GUIDELINES*

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message 1: by Anna (last edited Aug 26, 2014 04:43AM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Are manga, graphic novels, anime or comics your passion? Or the anime/manga/comic inspired animated television series? With the ongoing success of animated series such as Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy soon to be released in movie theaters, the Avengers moving towards a future epic showdown with Thanos the Mad Titan, and the globalized popularity of animated manga classics such as Space Battleship Yamato, space opera doesn't just live in print anymore, but sketched out by artists.

Do you have a favorite space opera themed anime, manga or comic book series you'd love to discuss with other space opera fans? Why not open a discussion thread of your favorite graphic medium? The only restrictions are must be related to space opera and no self-promotion!

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