Space Opera Fans discussion


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message 1: by Dale (last edited Apr 15, 2014 11:37AM) (new)

Dale Russell | 14 comments EVE ONLINE is an mmorpg on a scale that is universal 5000 star systems thousands of players and the lore is immense. you can find the books on amazon.
however the game is not kind at all. the players will kill you with no remorse, so stay in high security till you get an hang on the game if your going to play it, mineing/missions/pirate/trade/faction warfare/ you name it you can do it, if you don't like star ships and got a ps3 download DUST 514 for free and play as the ground force to the eve universe, this just adds to the massive scale of things to the game.
ill will try and give detailed reports of eve of myself or things that happen remember its a sand box game so the player with the biggest guns make the rules

message 2: by Anna (last edited Apr 15, 2014 02:43PM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Thanks, Dale!

EVE Online link:

(try it free)

And for anybody who hasn't heard it yet, HERE is the AWESOME epic music soundtrack for EVE Online, six hours worth of perfect listening for poking through that next engineering project or, heaven forbid, write a science fiction novel :-)

message 3: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Russell wrote: "Let me add that the novels are great, even if you do not play the game. Space politics and exploding spaceships everywhere. The best of the three EVE novels is Eve Online: The Burning Life from 2..."

Good to know, Russell! I think movie/video game/book expanded universes will be the entertainment of the future, so if you wish to drop in links to book reviews you might have done here on Goodreads to the Eve books, that might be nice?

message 4: by Dale (new)

Dale Russell | 14 comments Russell wrote: "Let me add that the novels are great, even if you do not play the game. Space politics and exploding spaceships everywhere. The best of the three EVE novels is Eve Online: The Burning Life from 2..."

I found the last 2 books better than the first. but the first book goes deep into pirate factions.

message 5: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Ever since I played a test-run of EVE (after your first post) I keep getting ads to go play again in my web-surfing :-) Those beautiful graphics are so much more pleasant than the clothing ads Google usually sticks there :-)

message 6: by Nick (new)

Nick Wyckoff | 1 comments If you want to try dipping into a safer nullsec area, try the Providence sector and make friends with the local alliance mates.

It used to be....noob friendly

message 7: by Anna (last edited Aug 28, 2014 12:35PM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Just a laundry list of EVE tie-in music and novels:

Here's the EVE soundtrack. It makes great ambient 'mood' music while working or writing:

And ... some EVE tie-in novels:

EVE The Empyrean Age by Tony Gonzales Templar One (EVE, #2) by Tony Gonzales EVE The Burning Life by Hjalti Danielsson EVE Online ISK Strategy Guide by Y. Michael Xu Eve Online The Second Genesis (Prima's Official Strategy Guide) by Eric Mylonas EVE Survival by Milosh Rankov EVE Source by Ccp Games

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