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Our Writing > Writing Contests & Beta Reading *RULES*

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message 1: by Anna (last edited Apr 16, 2014 05:21AM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Greetings Space Opera Fans!

Since one of the goals of this community is to promote Space Opera as a genre and Science Fiction as a whole, the best way to do that is to encourage people to write more of the stuff.

Our Writing is where Space Opera Fans community members can post an announcement they are working on an *UNPUBLISHED* story and would like some feedback from other members of the community. You don't need to be a published author to make a request. In fact, in the future we will be sponsoring some writing contests to entice non-professionals to spool up their creative hyperdrives and submit short stories.

Since Goodreads makes a mess of big, long stories and those then clutter up the daily email announcements, you will have to post your actual story elsewhere and post a link to connect readers to the story. If you do not have your own blog, then I recommend Wattpad or Fictionpress.

As in real life, your PITCH can be no more than 300 words!!!

Okay ... here is the desired format:

START A BRAND-NEW POST UNDER OUR WRITING!!! Don't drop it here in the rules folder ... it will get lost.


Hi everybody!

I'm community member XYZ and I'm working on a military space opera about John Smith who is sent to an alien planet to subdue a race of hostile beings called the Quarks. While there, John realizes all is not as it seems and begins to question PLOT TWIST. I was wondering if people could read this fourth chapter I've been having trouble with and maybe help me out?

Thanks ... XYZ Member.

LINK is here:


Remember to always put a copyright notice on any unpublished works (do it on the actual work, not here).

Copyright 2014 Jane XYZ

And here are the links for Wattpad and Fictionpress.

Blogger is also a nice place to post random chapters or short stories and is free and easy to set up off your Google+ account.


Anybody who posts here to self-promote an existing book or drive traffic to their blog or mailing list will be shot out of the nearest airlock!!! All self-promotion must go in the Self-Promotion folder!

message 2: by Brian (new)

Brian (uefalliance) | 34 comments Hello, My name is Brian. I am a military veteran and college graduate. I have written my first book ( first in a long series) its currently at the editor for its second revision. Currently, I am working on the back cover, what are your opinions?

Book Description
Alex and his three friends discover a revolutionary way to travel into space with a device that repels gravity. Their present-day world changing technology is sought by the government and they are forced to go into hiding while they perfect their technology. Their adventures into orbit and space become a global sensation. Then they discover something so profound they fear what unleashing that information might do to humanity. Follow these friends as they navigate fame, family and those who are determined to stop them, because for better or worse the choices they make, will shape the future forever!

message 3: by Betsy (new)

Betsy | 964 comments Mod
Brian, you really should start a new thread under the Our Writing folder. That way the thread will focus on just your book.

message 4: by Brian (new)

Brian (uefalliance) | 34 comments Ok thank you! :)

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