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Need Help? [Ask the Group] > Do you post your netgalley arc reviews on amazon?

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message 1: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer | 9 comments Do you post your netgalley arc reviews on If so what do you write at the bottom concerning where you got the book.

On goodreads I always write something like: Thanks to netgalley and Atria books for allowing me to read this e-book.

Would you put the same thing on an amazon review? I was told a while ago not to mention the word arc or the review would not get posted.

I would love to know what others do. Thanks.

message 2: by Penmouse (last edited Dec 14, 2015 06:01PM) (new)

Penmouse | 24 comments I always include a disclaimer as it is required by the FTC.

I usually write something like: Sample provided for review or Review written after downloading a galley from NetGalley

My reviews always post. Some may take a bit longer as Amazon's computer finds a no-no word and I have to edit the review. I don't use profanity or anything close to it but Amazon's mindless computers can be dumb.

Angela M is taking a break. Jennifer, I post the exact same review to Amazon as I post to NetGalley feedback and Goodreads . At the end of every review, I thank the publisher and NetGalley. Most times I have to wait to post to Amazon until it's published .

message 4: by Penmouse (new)

Penmouse | 24 comments You can't post reviews at Amazon until the book is published. If you are a member of the Vine, you can post reviews before the book is published. That's it.

message 5: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer | 9 comments If I write: Thanks to netgalley and Atria books for allowing me to read this e-book.

Would the review go through?

I post the same review to both sites. Although since there are no spoiler tags on sometimes I have to adjust that part of the review (if i have anything in spoiler tags).

Angela M is taking a break. I'm not a member of Vine so I just keep a log of NetGalley or Edelweiss titles I've reviewed that haven't been published yet and post them to Amazon then .

Angela M is taking a break. Jennifer, mine have always been added to Amazon and I just copy and cut from from my Goodreads review.

message 8: by Pia (new)

Pia I also post that I got the ARC from Netgalley. Haven't had a problem so far, but I do have to wait until Amazon notifies me the review has been posted.

message 9: by A (new)

A Klue (fromthesouth) | 47 comments Jennifer wrote: "Do you post your netgalley arc reviews on If so what do you write at the bottom concerning where you got the book.

On goodreads I always write something like: Thanks to netgalley and A..."

My standard: "This review is based on NetGalley ARC provided in exchange for an honest, unbiased opinion."

message 10: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 55 comments Jennifer - that whole you can't mention ARC's is something that routinely gets spread by authors freaking out - normally because they've had reviews deleted because the statement wasn't included

Dorie  - Cats&Books :)  (dorie--catsbooks) | 416 comments Angela M wrote: "Jennifer, I post the exact same review to Amazon as I post to NetGalley feedback and Goodreads . At the end of every review, I thank the publisher and NetGalley. Most times I have to wait to post t..."

Exactly what I do and seems to satisfy everyone!

message 12: by Fictionophile (new)

Fictionophile  (fictionophile) | 96 comments I post the same review, but I change the star rating as it means different things on different sites.

message 13: by A (new)

A Klue (fromthesouth) | 47 comments I've posted 200+ Amazon reviews using my NetGalley feedback review and never had a problem. I doubt Amazon cares if it is an ARC almost always generates sales for them. FCC does require you state it was an ARC & the source...and you received it in exchange for an honest opinion.

PS Only one review ever got held up by Amazon. I was trying to be funny and wrote ... shite...because it was used several times in the historical Scottish romance. I edited it and took the word out & it went through.

message 14: by Heather (new)

Heather I never even thought of posting on Amazon. I should start doing that.

message 15: by Barbee (new)

Barbee | 21 comments I have posted tons of ARC and am a seasoned beta reader for authors on Amazon never a problem been told to remove Facebook account off Amazon as if they see you are Facebook friends they might remove the review. Most readers are FB friends with hundreds of favorite authors but have never met these authors in most cases besides the few who attend author events, I assume they think the reviews aren't honest which they are actually honest. Doesn't make sense to me since Amazon sells books from a bookseller point of view the more positive reviews the more books that sell and money in Amazons pocket.and revenue. I don't get it???

message 16: by Zippergirl (new)

Zippergirl | 49 comments I just say 'I received this book in exchange for an honest review.'

Sometimes I forget to do it, though. :-/

message 17: by Pia (new)

Pia I have fun watching my stats on Amazon. When I started posting my reviews, my ranking was somewhere around 760 thousand.

Now I'm # 82,817. Just considering how many books Amazon sells and how many reviews they get, seems I've been getting some "helpful votes".

I wonder how many reviews/votes you have to have in order to among the top thousand?

message 18: by Carole (new)

Carole (Carole's Random Life) (carolesrandomlife) | 28 comments I am ranked #5,182 on Amazon right now. It goes up and down a bit but stays in that area usually.

I have written 353 reviews on Amazon and have 694 helpful votes. I have had quite a few unhelpful votes as well from people who didn't like my opinion. I have no idea what Amazon uses to calculate the ranking.

message 19: by Pia (new)

Pia Carole wrote: "I am ranked #5,182 on Amazon right now. It goes up and down a bit but stays in that area usually.

I have written 353 reviews on Amazon and have 694 helpful votes. I have had quite a few unhelpful..."

From Amazon: "We rank customer reviewers based on the opinions of customers like you. Each time you indicate that a customer review was helpful or not, we use that vote, along with votes from other customers, to determine how helpful a review is. A reviewer's rank is determined by the overall helpfulness of all their reviews, factoring in the number of reviews they have written."

message 20: by Zippergirl (new)

Zippergirl | 49 comments Interesting, I've never looked before.

This is a nice round figure:

Customer Reviews: 100 (posted one a couple days ago.)

#151,238 with 99 helpful votes.

Ann Marie (Lit·Wit·Wine·Dine) (litwitwinedine) | 5 comments Pia wrote: "Carole wrote: "I am ranked #5,182 on Amazon right now. It goes up and down a bit but stays in that area usually.

I have written 353 reviews on Amazon and have 694 helpful votes. I have had quite ..."

I'm just curious as to what the advantages of posting on Amazon are... It's my understanding you can't mention your blog, there's no friend network that benefits the poster in terms of allowing you to get ideas for other books you may want to read, etc. And it seems as though the the folks deciding what gets posted annoy/upset the posters on a regular basis. Other than it being helpful to the authors and publishers (which is not unimportant) to have as many reviews in as many places as possible, why post on Amazon?

This is not meant to be negative or argumentative at all as I have never posted on Amazon and am truly uneducated. I'd considered it when I started my blog but there seems to be some pretty mixed feelings in this community...

message 22: by Gina (new)

Gina Wynn (ginawriteswords) | 11 comments I think the benefit of reviewing on Amazon is for the author rather than the reviewer - the number of Amazon reviews feeds into whatever weird algorithm Amazon is using for how discoverable they make the book, etc.

message 23: by Carole (new)

Carole (Carole's Random Life) (carolesrandomlife) | 28 comments Ann Marie wrote: "Pia wrote: "Carole wrote: "I am ranked #5,182 on Amazon right now. It goes up and down a bit but stays in that area usually.

I have written 353 reviews on Amazon and have 694 helpful votes. I hav..."

I do have a link to my blog on my Amazon profile page. I do get the occasional contact on my blog from individuals who have found me through Amazon. It is generally authors who are making review requests that contact me in this manner.

I don't know that I get any real advantages from posting on Amazon. I also post on B&N, Kobo, and LibraryThing in addition to my blog and Goodreads. I do know that it is something that publishers and authors request so it is now a part of my routine. It only takes a minute and I don't worry about it after I post my reviews.

message 24: by Gina (new)

Gina Wynn (ginawriteswords) | 11 comments I should look into posting to other venues.

message 25: by Zippergirl (last edited Apr 07, 2016 11:27AM) (new)

Zippergirl | 49 comments (I love Amazon. I've been a fan for almost twenty years.)

Really, I don't even know why I post anywhere. lol I'm just another voice in the wilderness.

But I read mostly free books on my Kindle and I decided this year (perhaps the only resolution I've ever kept) that I would join GR and try to send a little good karma out into the world, to thank the authors who aren't all about the money.

And I do like knowing that once in a blue moon I can influence a like-minded reader to give a new writer a shot. I rely on the reviewers at Amazon when choosing whether to download a book, bless their hearts.

And I've never had a review turned down at Amazon, and I just posted my hundredth.

message 26: by Pia (new)

Pia I think posting on Amazon helps the author/publisher, and as long as I got a free book from them/NetGalley, it's a way of saying thank you.

Also, it helps me to get more books on NetGalley, as it's one more place the book will be promoted.

I didn't know about adding my (almost non-existent) blog link to my profile on Amazon. Thanks for the tip!

message 27: by Penmouse (new)

Penmouse | 24 comments I wouldn't post my blog link on Amazon. Don't ask why I wouldn't do it but I wouldn't.

I've only had a few Amazon reviews be rejected and that was usually because Amazon's computer thought I wrote a naughty word when I didn't. Once I figured out what the offending word was, and removed it, the review posted with no problems.

I attained the Top 100 ranking and am in the top 200 reviewers. I've written close to 2,200 reviews in the past 10+ years of Amazon reviewing.

message 28: by Pia (new)

Pia That's amazing! More than 2000 reviews!

I've only once had a problem posting a review on Amazon. The offending word was "gay". I didn't know it would be a problem, as the character described himself that way, so I didn't think it was offensive or anything.
As soon as I figured out what was happening and changed the wording, the review passed

Ann Marie (Lit·Wit·Wine·Dine) (litwitwinedine) | 5 comments Interesting... I just posted a few. I can't believe I was the first to post a review of On the Shores of Darkness There is Light. Such a great book. I will be so sad if it doesn't receive the recognition it deserves.

message 30: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 55 comments often times publishers ask you to post your reviews on amazon, barnes and noble, goodreads and anywhere else that you can

message 31: by Zippergirl (new)

Zippergirl | 49 comments I agree: 2200 reviews is such an accomplishment.

Bravo on this mind boggling achievement, Penmouse.

Sandysbookaday  (sandyj21) | 526 comments Wow Penmouse! I take my hat off to you. I will have to watch for your reviews.

message 33: by Sean (new)

Sean Peters Yes, I do.

Only 50 to 100 reviews on Amazon.

message 34: by Penmouse (new)

Penmouse | 24 comments Thank you everyone for your compliments. Reviewing sort of grew on me. I never planned on getting this far but I did.

Everyone here has the same opportunity to write reviews and I wish you the best. I look forward to seeing everyone here as a "neighbor."

Good luck with your review writing.

message 35: by Dorie - Cats&Books :) (last edited Jun 17, 2016 11:30AM) (new)

Dorie  - Cats&Books :)  (dorie--catsbooks) | 416 comments I post the same review on Amazon that I do on Goodreads, don't know how many I've reviewed but it has to be at least 150. I've never had a review rejected, didn't know they did that.

message 36: by PattyMacDotComma (new)

PattyMacDotComma | 592 comments Dorie wrote: "I post the same review on Amazon that I do on Goodreads, don't know how many I've reviewed but it has to be at least 150. I've never had a review rejected, didn't know they did that."

I've had a couple of reviews rejected because I had quoted bad language, but as soon as I edited them to s**t and bulls**t, the reviews went through fine. There was possibly even f**k. I don't look for quotes with language, but sometimes they're the good ones!

message 37: by Susan (new)

Susan Underbrink | 9 comments I also when I remember post the same review on Goodreads and on Amazon. Sometimes I review them early so I may forget to put it on amazon.

Sandysbookaday  (sandyj21) | 526 comments Susan wrote: "I also when I remember post the same review on Goodreads and on Amazon. Sometimes I review them early so I may forget to put it on amazon."

I post all my NG reviews on Amazon. If I review prior to the book's publication, I make a note in my diary reminding me to post the review on Amazon.

I have only ever had one review rejected by Amazon, and I still don't know why.

message 39: by Susan (new)

Susan Underbrink | 9 comments So far so good with me. I haven't had any rejected but I have heard horror stories about being rejected and not understanding why. That's a great idea to but it in your calendar. Thanks for the tip. I still can't quite figure out NetGalley's system of approval. I get 3 approved by the same publisher and do reviews and then get the next 3 rejected. You just never know. Has anyone ever gotten a Harlequin romance approved? I think they want 500 followers. Any ideas on how people get that many on goodreads??

Dorie  - Cats&Books :)  (dorie--catsbooks) | 416 comments Why do any reviews get rejected by Amazon? I'm confused. I always post on NetGalley, Goodreads and Amazon, same review, cut and past never had a rejection in over 2 years.

Living My Best Book Life (livingmybestbooklife) | 2 comments is there a way to copy netgalley profile link?

message 42: by MissBecka (new)

MissBecka Gee (missbeckagee) | 31 comments Dorie - Cats&Books :) wrote: "Why do any reviews get rejected by Amazon? I'm confused. I always post on NetGalley, Goodreads and Amazon, same review, cut and past never had a rejection in over 2 years."
I had on rejected for the book title (had the word f*ck in it).
Had nothing to do with my review at all lol.

message 43: by Teresa (last edited Mar 24, 2020 04:22AM) (new)

Teresa | 30 comments I post my reviews on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, BookBub, Goodreads, and my high school and local libraries. If the author/publisher has taken the time to approve me, then I will take the time to review the book in as many places as I am able.

message 44: by Fictionophile (new)

Fictionophile  (fictionophile) | 96 comments I post my reviews on my blog first, then Goodreads, Amazon, Twitter and Instagram. Sometimes I also post to B&N and/or Chapers/Indigo.

message 45: by Stanley (new)

Stanley McShane (stanleymcshane) | 3 comments Yes, Lynne, I almost do the same. Blog first, then Goodreads. After that if the book is from NG, I post it on NG and they point the review to B&N. Used to point to Amazon. No more. No problem. I go separately and post the same review on Amazon.

Dorie  - Cats&Books :)  (dorie--catsbooks) | 416 comments I always post right away to Goodreads, Edelweiss and BookBub, I post on Amazon upon publication. The authors and publishers really want to see those Amazon posts I have found out from conversations with them. People still seem to look to Amazon for reviews, I wish we could post before publication date like the vine reviewers can :(

message 47: by Connie (new)

Connie | 10 comments I always post on Amazon. I have noticed that they do not like quotation marks, i.e., if you mention another title of a book. If I give a book 5 stars, I nearly always get an immediate link from them for the review. If I give a book say 3 stars, I may wait for 2-3 days to receive a link from them. Amazon is very "touchy" about how they want reviews to be written. It's aggravating but I try to comply because it's one of the best places for authors to get publicity. Of course, one has to remember that Amazon only wants a disclaimer such as this:

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

The Kawaii Slartibartfast (thekawaiislartibartfast) | 30 comments yeah, I review on Amazon. the more reviews help with the algorithm and recs. I have a laptop now so hopefully bn will be more user friendly.
has anybody reviewed on Google play books?

message 49: by Tonya (new)

Tonya (dreamreader70) | 2 comments I definitely post on Amazon when the book is published, because I read many reviews there for books. I have not had any issues with the wording or language in my reviews and my disclosure statement is something like this:
Thank you to (Author), NetGalley and (Publisher) for this temporary digital advance review copy for me to read and enjoy. As always, my opinion is my own.

message 50: by Vivienne (new)

Vivienne (vivienneor) I always post to Amazon. I actually save my NG titles to an Amazon wish list (or actually monthly lists) and then once read move to a pending wish list.

That serves as a handy way to keep track of what titles are coming up. Once the review is approved, I delete the title from my pending wish list.

As for rejections, I have had a couple and it’s usually due to key words that trips their algorithm. So I tend to find ways less explicit to express myself.

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