Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge discussion

2016 Read Harder Challenge > Task 20: Read a Book About Religion (Fiction or Nonfiction)

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message 1: by Book Riot (new)

Book Riot Community (book_riot) | 456 comments Mod
This thread is for dropping ideas, questions, resources, comments, and discussion about Task 20: Read a Book About Religion (Fiction or Nonfiction).

A few resources to get you started:

message 2: by Bea (new)

Bea I am slotting The Screwtape Letters here.

message 3: by Rainey (last edited Dec 19, 2015 09:51AM) (new)

Rainey | 241 comments I am either reading The Name of the Rose or The Library at Mount Char, which would also cover task 1 - read a horror book. The NYPL link on the BookRiot Read Harder challenge had this book listed in this section.

message 4: by Ollie Z (new)

Ollie Z Book Minx I'll read No god but God by Reza Aslan for this.

message 5: by Cheryl (last edited Aug 13, 2016 10:11AM) (new)

Cheryl Hager (cheryl_is_reading) | 72 comments I am going to read The Book of Life (All Souls Trilogy, #3) by Deborah Harkness because it's been too long already since I read the first two in the trilogy. Ended up reading Uprooted by Naomi Novik instead.

message 6: by Cheri (new)

Cheri (jovali2) I'm going to read Faith Versus Fact: Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible by Jerry A. Coyne. It would count in science, too.

message 7: by May (new)

May | 15 comments wondering if Rushdie's latest novel would qualify... I feel like it's not about religion per se, but I'm fairly certain there are religious themes, probably?

otherwise I'll read "oranges are not the only fruit" by Jeanette Winterson - it's also being read by a local queer women's book club that just got started, so might as well use it for this challenge too.

message 8: by Allie (new)

Allie (allieeveryday) Bea wrote: "I am slotting The Screwtape Letters here."

Ooh, that's an excellent choice! I really enjoyed it.

Jessica // Starjessreads (starjessreads) If you haven't read The Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs, you definitely should. That book is hilarious and really informative. It's basically about a guy who spent one year trying to follow the rules of the Bible to the letter (like Old Testament weird rules, etc.). I laughed a lot.

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Maybe Siddartha - I loved Steppenwolf when I was 17/18.

message 11: by Kathryn (new)

message 12: by Leslie Ann (last edited Dec 29, 2015 04:40AM) (new)

Leslie Ann (leslie_ann) | 153 comments I will try to finish M.A.S. Abdul Haleem's translation of The Qur'an or read Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why .

message 13: by Sean (new)

Sean (leftmostcat) | 28 comments I'm opting for D.C. Lau's translation of the Tao Te Ching. I figure that counts, right?

message 14: by Laura (new)

Laura (liacobet) | 37 comments Bea wrote: "I am slotting The Screwtape Letters here."

I think I'll do this as well; seems rather interesting!

message 15: by SibylM (new)

SibylM (sibyldiane) | 62 comments I'm leaning towards either Uncovered: How I Left Hasidic Life and Finally Came Home or The Butterfly Mosque: A Young American Woman's Journey to Love and Islam for this task. Bonus for me with the first is that I already have it checked out of the library, but it isn't due until January 6 or so.

message 16: by Bryony (new)

Bryony Nelson (bryonyreadsbooks) I've chose The Children Act by Ian McEwan for this one.

message 17: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (lisasyarns) I'm reading "Under the Banner of Heaven" by Jon Krakauer for this category.

message 18: by Trudie (last edited Dec 21, 2015 02:04PM) (new)

Trudie (trudieb) Bryony wrote: "I've chose The Children Act by Ian McEwan for this one."

Yes McEwan is another favourite of mine, I had not thought about this book for this task but I think it is perfect - thanks

message 19: by Martha (new)

Martha (marthag503) | 174 comments Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life is my first choice so far. I have it and haven't read it yet.

message 21: by Neptunalia (new)

Neptunalia (wxguesser1800) I'm reading "The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror" by Bertrand Lewis for this one.

message 22: by Ashley (new)

Ashley | 120 comments I'm interested in reading Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation for this task. I know it mostly deals with science but also gets into the argument of creationism vs. evolution - there's some religion in there too... Thoughts?

message 23: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Morgan (sarahamo) | 7 comments I am probably going to read A.D. 30 for this task.

message 24: by Shirley (new)

Shirley | 69 comments I'm hoping to read nine parts of desire, the hidden world of Islamic women by Geraldine brooks

message 25: by Emma (new)

Emma | 7 comments I'm trying for two from my TBR mountain for this category :Going Clear (Scientology); The God Delusion

message 26: by Leslie Ann (new)

Leslie Ann (leslie_ann) | 153 comments Can anyone identify this nonfiction book?

I think the book takes place in the Middle Ages (?) and describes a journey taken by Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land to convert Muslims, but then end up learning and appreciating the Islam culture instead.

message 27: by Andi (new)

Andi | 2 comments SibylM wrote: "I'm leaning towards either Uncovered: How I Left Hasidic Life and Finally Came Home or The Butterfly Mosque: A Young American Woman's Journey to Love and Islam for th..."

I have never heard of the Butterfly Mosque, but I plan to look it up. I will be reading Islamic Etiquette because I was given this in a stack of books for Christmas from a local Imam.

message 28: by Christie (new)

message 30: by Desiree (new)

Desiree (desah_rayray) | 3 comments I'm thinking about reading The Red Tent, to check off this category and the historical fiction one. Has anyone else read it? Or interested in reading it?

message 31: by Caro (new)

Caro (karopi) | 2 comments Does The Reluctant Fundamentalist can be considered for this challenge?

message 32: by Beth (new)

Beth G. (thistangledskein) | 25 comments Desiree wrote: "I'm thinking about reading The Red Tent, to check off this category and the historical fiction one. Has anyone else read it? Or interested in reading it?"

I read it years ago and absolutely loved it. I wonder how I would react to it now.

message 33: by Robin P (new)

Robin P Desiree wrote: "I'm thinking about reading The Red Tent, to check off this category and the historical fiction one. Has anyone else read it? Or interested in reading it?"

It's very good, the woman's side of the Old Testament world

message 34: by Martha (new)

Martha (marthag503) | 174 comments Caro wrote: "Does The Reluctant Fundamentalist can be considered for this challenge?"

I didn't think there was a lot about religion in the book. While it might not fit with the religious theme, it does fit under the political book category.

message 35: by Kate (new)

Kate (ifitaintkate) | 28 comments Bea wrote: "I am slotting The Screwtape Letters here."

That was my first thought! I'm also considering The Power of Myth.

message 36: by Martha (new)

Martha (marthag503) | 174 comments If I could have renewed the book, I would have chosen Under the Udala Trees for this category. It's overdue, so I had to read it for 2015. At any rate, it has a lot to say about the subject.

message 37: by Caro (new)

Caro (karopi) | 2 comments Martha wrote: "Caro wrote: "Does The Reluctant Fundamentalist can be considered for this challenge?"

I didn't think there was a lot about religion in the book. While it might not fit with the religi..."

Thanks a lot Martha!

I had never read this book and sound very interesting so I was wondering if I would it be able to include it here.

message 38: by [deleted user] (last edited Dec 28, 2015 01:31AM) (new)

Kate wrote: "I'm also considering The Power of Myth."

I can recommend the audiobook: it's in the form of dialogues/interviews between JC and BM. :)

message 39: by Karin (new)

Karin (8littlepaws) | 119 comments I just finished a book called The Hired Girl. It's YA that just came out this fall by Laura Any Schlitz I think is her name. Sorry the goodreads app on Android doesn't let you link books in the groups. Anyways it's about a Catholic teenaged girl who runs away and ends up working for a Jewish family in Baltimore. There is a lot of discussion about learning to accept that not everyone believes your religion is the true route to God so I would think that book would qualify for this challenge. I really enjoyed it.

message 40: by Kate (new)

Kate (ifitaintkate) | 28 comments Dom wrote: "Kate wrote: "I'm also considering The Power of Myth."

I can recommend the audiobook: it's in the form of dialogues/interviews between JC and BM. :)"

Oh, great! Thanks. I'm definitely a majority audiobook person these days.

message 41: by Bobby (new)

Bobby | 195 comments I'm planning to read The Conference of the Birds by the Sufi mystic Farid ud-Din Attar.

message 42: by Nicole (new)

Nicole (nic0lexmichele) The God Delusion has been on my TBR list for a long while, so that's what I'll be reading.

Thegirlintheafternoon | 61 comments Christie wrote: "Probably will be reading The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible. Its been on my to-read list forever."

Love this book! Surprisingly moving, though I'm not a person of faith.

message 44: by Leslie Ann (last edited Dec 30, 2015 03:58AM) (new)

Leslie Ann (leslie_ann) | 153 comments I highly recommend _Disobedience_ by Naomi Alderman.

message 45: by Kristi (new)

Kristi (kristicoleman) What about The Poisonwood Bible? I'd like to read this if it fits in this category. from the description it sounds like it would.

message 46: by Kelli (new)

Kelli (kzdeasy) | 3 comments Kristi wrote: "What about The Poisonwood Bible? I'd like to read this if it fits in this category. from the description it sounds like it would."

I think it absolutely would fit this category.

message 47: by EllenZReads (new)

EllenZReads For this topic, I'm planning to read Uncovered: How I Left Hasidic Life and Finally Came Home

message 48: by Kristi (new)

Kristi (kristicoleman) Kelli wrote: "Kristi wrote: "What about The Poisonwood Bible? I'd like to read this if it fits in this category. from the description it sounds like it would."

I think it absolutely would fit this c..."

Great! It's on my list!

message 49: by Kristi (new)

Kristi (kristicoleman) I also came across these two that would be great for this task:

The 19th Wife
Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith

if anyone is looking for ideas

message 50: by Rokkan (new)

Rokkan (rokk) | 35 comments Your God Is Too Small: 50 Essays On Life, Love & Liberty Without Religion by Atheist Republic was my choice here... Freebie on Kindle. So many freebies... Would count as a collection of essays too, I guess, but I'm reading something else for that.

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