A Good Thriller discussion

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Book Pals - Archive > February Book Pals ~ Sign Up

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message 1: by Autumn (new)

Autumn (autumnmemory80) Hi, Everyone! IT'S Book Pal SIGN UP TIME!

Ever feel like your To Be Read shelf is overwhelming? Now is the time to sign up with a partner to take down that list! This will be the opportunity to be randomly paired with another member from A Good Thriller group and read one book from the ever growing list of TBR.

If you are interested, sign up for Book Pals during the month of Januaray. You will be randomly paired with another member, and you will each select a book from your partner's TBR list that you have read and would suggest for them to read. You can then chat through PM (personal message) about the books you have each selected for the other to read. After both of you are finished, please post a summary of the book the you chose to read and what you both thought of the book.
If you are like me, I do not always post a summary, but mainly what I thought about the book.

If you would like to participate, please sign up by January 25th. Pairings will be announced in this thread before February 1st.

~ Make sure your profile is set to Public, or at least allow non-friends to Private Message you.
~ Have a specific shelf you'd like your partner to choose from? Post a link when signing up.
~ Consider adding more books to your "To-Read" shelf so it's easier for your partner to choose.
~ Only sign up if you are committed to participating.
~ Remember to check back on between the 26th - 31st to see who you've been paired with.
~ Have fun!

message 2: by IShita (new)

IShita | 187 comments I'm in! :)

message 3: by Kim (new)

Kim Roberts | 13 comments I'm in again

message 4: by Val (new)

Val (valugalde) | 81 comments me too! x

message 5: by Daisy (new)

Daisy | 328 comments I'm in

message 6: by Kat (new)

Kat (bookworm2017) | 28 comments I'm in

message 7: by Amy (new)

Amy (thenikitagirl) | 653 comments I'm in!

message 8: by Kim (new)

Kim Kaso | 11 comments I am in!

message 9: by Perri (new)

Perri | 11 comments In again :)

message 10: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 9 comments I'm in :)

message 11: by Sheila (new)

Sheila Gilliam | 2 comments I'm in.

message 12: by Gopal (new)

Gopal (gopaliyer) | 521 comments In

message 13: by Jamie (new)

Jamie I'm in :)

message 14: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments Count me in!

message 15: by Darkslyric (new)

Darkslyric | 119 comments I am in.

message 16: by Laura (new)

Laura Poppins I am in

message 17: by Manju (new)

Manju P | 3 comments I'm in.

Tim The Enchanter | 511 comments me

message 19: by carla (new)

carla | 9 comments I am in

message 20: by Juliana (new)

Juliana | 350 comments Me please

message 21: by Deb (new)

Deb Jones (feisty56) | 15 comments Yes, oh yes!

message 22: by Brenda (new)

Brenda | 3213 comments I'm in again!

message 23: by Devi (new)

Devi Nair (views_she_writes) | 165 comments Me too.. This time I won't forget to sign in

message 24: by La Tonya (new)

La Tonya  Jordan | 54 comments Definite

message 25: by Marsha (new)

Marsha | 3 comments I'm in

message 26: by Christine (new)

Christine (chrissychrissybb) | 0 comments I'm in

message 27: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments How many book pals d'ya want Christine?

message 28: by Christine (new)

Christine (chrissychrissybb) | 0 comments Lmao!! That was an accident. Just one

message 29: by Debbie (new)

Debbie Loftis (debbiejusticeloftis) I am new to the group and this is my first time. I would like to participate.

message 30: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments You'll love it, Debbie!

message 31: by Brenda (new)

Brenda | 3213 comments Christine wrote: "Lmao!! That was an accident. Just one"

Christine, I believe you can delete the duplicate posts.

message 32: by Diane Lynch (new)

Diane Lynch (dianedesmarrstlynch) | 308 comments Christine Goodreads does this to my posts often. IDK why.

message 33: by Perri (new)

Perri | 11 comments Poor Autumn's going to have a mess matching partners next month ;)

message 34: by Malia (new)

Malia (calypso007) | 27 comments I'm in:-)

message 35: by Faouzia (new)

Faouzia | 288 comments I'm in :)

message 36: by Dominique (new)

Dominique (authordominiquelwatson) | 24 comments I'm in

message 37: by Lee (new)

Lee Johnson | 4 comments I am in! Pick it for me Shelf please

message 38: by MELISSIA (new)

MELISSIA LENOX (love_melissialenox) | 9 comments I would like to participate . Thank you.

message 39: by Theweebarrell (new)

Theweebarrell | 17 comments Im in

message 40: by Sarah-Jane (new)

Sarah-Jane (JaneyHeartsBooks) | 4 comments I'm in :)

message 41: by Denise (new)

Denise Cowling | 28 comments Count me in again!

message 42: by Lynne (new)

Lynne I'm in.

message 43: by Maryann (new)

Maryann Bosah | 13 comments Pls sign me up

message 44: by Shelly (new)

Shelly (akashelly) | 0 comments I'm in.

message 45: by Jamie (new)

Jamie (nocturnal777) | 18 comments I'm in.

message 46: by La Tonya (new)

La Tonya  Jordan | 54 comments Yes, sign me up.

Kelby *TwistedCactusReads* (twistedcactusreads) I'm in! Pick it for Me shelf please :)

message 48: by Judy (new)

Judy Robertson | 1 comments I'm in

message 49: by Gail (new)

Gail Fetter (gaillovesagoodbook) | 4 comments I'm in!!!

message 50: by Karen (new)

Karen Miles (karbear1022) I'm in!

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