A Good Thriller discussion

Challenges Archive > Book Count for 2016

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message 1: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
How many books are you Going to read this year...

I have gone for 60 books, if I do more that's great

message 2: by Luci (new)

Luci (luciskydyme) | 23 comments I generally try for one book every two weeks.. so that would be at least 26 books. Mileage will vary.

message 3: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Welcome to the group Luci

message 4: by Gopal (new)

Gopal (gopaliyer) | 521 comments 52 - 1 book for every week.

message 5: by Vera (new)

Vera (Estante da Vera) (estantedavera) | 107 comments Since I managed to read 20 books in the last trimester, I'm going for 60 books this year, but I hope to surpass it.

message 6: by Jo-Anne (new)

Jo-Anne (fish44) | 67 comments I have a very dull life so I just listed my Goodreads Reading Challenge at 250 books. I tried for that last year but only got to 223 books.

message 7: by Darkslyric (new)

Darkslyric | 119 comments As I do PIFM and Book Pals that gives me 24. Then I have to include Netgalley and my monthly cozy and that's 24.

So 48 then add a few more for good measure, I will have to say at least 50 this year.

message 8: by Dominique (new)

Dominique L'm aiming for 100 this year.

message 9: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments I read 148 this year, so I am aiming for 225 in 2016.

message 10: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
I take my proverbial hat off to anyone who sets very high totals. But it's way more than I can achieve. I'm lowering mine to 50 from 55! An average of a book a week is enough for me. :-)

message 11: by Chris (new)

Chris | 267 comments I am only going for 40 books this year since it is going to be a really busy year for me. In June if I am really close I will probably up it to 60 since I did read 62 last year.

message 12: by Agnieszka (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 1464 comments After this exceptional year I wasn't sure - wanted to go for 50 but decided to stick with my original target of 75 and check in July if it's realistic or not. I hope I'll be able to manage with all the classics and Polish books I plan to read :-)

message 13: by Val (new)

Val (valugalde) | 81 comments i wish i had way more time to read! i tried to do 40 last year but with school, studying, travelling and working i only got to finish 30 and it was quite sad. i'm going for 30 this year so that i don't get disappointed if i don't reach 40 or more, though i'd love to read more than that. if anyone has any advice on time management i'd appreciate it hahaha xx

message 14: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie | 78 comments Going for 125 books!! Good luck to everyone & happy reading :)

message 15: by Chris (new)

Chris | 267 comments Val wrote: "i wish i had way more time to read! i tried to do 40 last year but with school, studying, travelling and working i only got to finish 30 and it was quite sad. i'm going for 30 this year so that i d..."

Audio books. I personally don't know how people read over a 100 books a year unless they are also listening to audio either that or I am a very slow reader.

message 16: by Brenda (last edited Jan 01, 2016 05:04PM) (new)

Brenda | 3213 comments Chris wrote: "Val wrote: "i wish i had way more time to read! i tried to do 40 last year but with school, studying, travelling and working i only got to finish 30 and it was quite sad. i'm going for 30 this year..."

Chris, I owe all my reading time to retirement! Mostly physical books, and a few ebooks, but no audio.

message 17: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
Whatever number reached, however big or small, is your own personal achievement and there's nothing wrong with that.

There is a little old thing called ......LIFE! So read what you can and enjoy! :)

message 18: by Agnieszka (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 1464 comments Chris wrote: "Val wrote: "i wish i had way more time to read! i tried to do 40 last year but with school, studying, travelling and working i only got to finish 30 and it was quite sad. i'm going for 30 this year..."

Or long extended sick periods. Last year I was more sick than not so I had much time for reading - mostly ebooks some physical books - Even though I read something over 200 books it were only almost 39,000 pages because I often couldn't concentrate long and read many shorter stuff (short-stories and novellas)

message 19: by Freda (new)

Freda Malone | 421 comments I chose only 100 for this year instead of more than my goal for last year because I was really, really pushing it. I found that I was not enjoying a few of the books I normally would have if I'd slowed down a little bit. If I read more than 100, so be it, I'll up (edit) my challenge. I have a feeling I'll be busy with additional hobbies I picked up last year. Good luck everyone!

message 20: by Gopal (last edited Jan 01, 2016 06:19PM) (new)

Gopal (gopaliyer) | 521 comments Freda wrote: "I chose only 100 for this year instead of more than my goal for last year because I was really, really pushing it. I found that I was not enjoying a few of the books I normally would have if I'd sl..."

100 whoa.. That's almost double of what I am targeting. But I agree with what you said pal. Sometimes in the haste to complete a book the enjoyment of reading the book is missed. I find that happening a lot to me when I speed read a library book nearing its due date. It's always that way with me. A rush to finish on time.

message 21: by Christine (new)

Christine (clt04) | 5731 comments I read 76 books in 2015, but my challenge this year is 50. I like to savor my books and not miss anything (no skimming except through any sections where there is animal abuse) and would not want to put myself under any pressure to read more than I want. I also need to get more stuff done around the house, like decluttering to the max.

message 22: by Katherine (new)

Katherine Decker | 23 comments I'm hoping for 125 books in 2016. One of my New Year's resolutions is to read more.
Good Luck Everyone!

message 23: by Katie (new)

Katie Morrison (ktmelody) | 3 comments My goal is 52 books. I read about 34 last year.

2 down already.

message 24: by Amy (last edited Jan 02, 2016 12:36PM) (new)

Amy (thenikitagirl) | 653 comments Christine wrote: "I read 76 books in 2015, but my challenge this year is 50. I like to savor my books and not miss anything (no skimming except through any sections where there is animal abuse) and would not want to..."

I bet you'll still smash your modest number of 50 and still get most of your "house to do list" done. I know what you mean of not wanting to feel the pressure though. I contemplated for a month joining a challenge I was interested in, as I have recently started to want to participate in one this year, but it just seemed overwhelming when I just got back into reading. However, the fun of it won me over and I nervously (lol) made my contributing list. I am eager to accomplish my goal and set new ones after that if I am able to do this one first. I know what you mean though about wanting to get to those "other" tasks. They never seem to go away before they are replaced by new ones. Hahah

message 25: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
I would just love it if you could ALL add your totals to our yearly challenge it really is fun to see as a group how many books and pages we read.

And yes all for fun

message 26: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
Yes, I'm going to add my totals as I go along, so come on guys - join me! ;-)

message 27: by Gopal (new)

Gopal (gopaliyer) | 521 comments Yup me too, the totaling always gives me a headache though!!!

message 28: by Agnieszka (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 1464 comments Gopal (The Minion) wrote: "Yup me too, the totaling always gives me a headache though!!!"

No worries you are not the only one and there are some big-time number junkies in this group and we love to help out in this field :-)

message 29: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 2001 comments I've committed to a 100 books. Hoping to read more than that.

message 30: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments I've chosen a goal of 250 books for 2016.

message 31: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
Wow, Lynn, good luck! :)

message 32: by Steve (new)

Steve mitchell | 5 comments I'm going for about 1 a week. but obviously depends on the book I started infin u te jest christmas day and want to he done by Jan 30 so I'll be 3 behind in one month and I really want to read swans way which is also giant. but there are some smaller ones.

message 33: by Gopal (new)

Gopal (gopaliyer) | 521 comments Lynn wrote: "I've chosen a goal of 250 books for 2016."

Wow, Lynn that's so cool!!!

message 34: by Dana (new)

Dana | 188 comments I am hoping for 75. Happy reading to all!

message 35: by Christine (new)

Christine (clt04) | 5731 comments Steve wrote: "I'm going for about 1 a week. but obviously depends on the book I started infin u te jest christmas day and want to he done by Jan 30 so I'll be 3 behind in one month and I really want to read swan..."

This is why I am not in love with the book challenge, Steve. You start hunting for shorts and novellas instead of reading what you really want to read and savoring the tomes.

message 36: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments I don't do that, Christine. The challenge is a goal. It's not a race where I get an award.

message 37: by Brenda (new)

Brenda | 3213 comments I set a goal, but then I ignore it. I don't really care if I meet it or not. It's just fun to see how close I got at the end of the year.

message 38: by Christine (new)

Christine (clt04) | 5731 comments Kirsten *Dogs Welcome - People Tolerated" wrote: "I don't do that, Christine. The challenge is a goal. It's not a race where I get an award."

That's good, Kirsten.

message 39: by Marla (new)

Marla | 5 comments I am going to try for 100.

message 40: by Guy (new)

Guy Portman (guyportman) | 159 comments Marla wrote: "I am going to try for 100."

That's a lot of books Marla.

message 41: by Guy (new)

Guy Portman (guyportman) | 159 comments Christine wrote: "Steve wrote: "I'm going for about 1 a week. but obviously depends on the book I started infin u te jest christmas day and want to he done by Jan 30 so I'll be 3 behind in one month and I really wan..."

I agree Christine. That is probably one reason I've read so many novellas the last few years. However, making up for it now with Anna Karenina (800+ pages).

message 42: by Leah (last edited Jan 04, 2016 01:29PM) (new)

Leah Labbe | 104 comments Agnieszka wrote: "Gopal (The Minion) wrote: "Yup me too, the totaling always gives me a headache though!!!"

No worries you are not the only one and there are some big-time number junkies in this group and we love t..."

Number Junkies? I like it.... so instead of a math nerd, I will now go with number junkie :) (I already have my spreadsheets with formulas going, and have the first entries from the thread tracked.)

I am going for 125 books this year. I completed 147 last year, but for me, I aim more for the total pages than the number of books.
Also, when you are reading a series, sometimes there are novellas in between books. One I read last year was only 3 pages - it was pretty much a prologue to the series, but was listed as a separate book in the series. Even with that, my average pages per book was 320 pages for last year. Part of my tracking I do includes counts of the number of books between page ranges.

I tend to devour books. I had an upper respiratory infection over new year's, and due to it's impact on my asthma, I was not able to do much over the weekend, so I am almost done with my fourth book. (Two were in an anthology, and I can not find them on Goodreads, so they unfortunately will not count to my books goal on GR - I have them on my spreadsheet tracking though!)

I love to add in different challenges, as they tend to get me to read books I may not otherwise - and to clean up some off my TBR mountain. (Yes, mountain is correct - it is too big to qualify as a pile anymore!)

message 43: by Viji (new)

Viji | 17 comments I have set my goal as 140 books for 2016.

message 44: by Vera (new)

Vera (Estante da Vera) (estantedavera) | 107 comments I have set my goal for 60 books. There will be weeks - long weekends and vacation - when hopefully I'll be able to read more than one book a week.

message 45: by Patricia (new)

Patricia | 1478 comments Took inspiration from Diane S. My goal is 36 but I generally read more. Just want to ignore the number.

message 46: by Daisy (last edited Jan 17, 2016 09:33PM) (new)

Daisy | 328 comments I set a goal of 75 books this year. I read 100 in 2015 but I struggled at the end of the year to get them all finished. I hope to go way beyond my goal.

message 47: by Gary (new)

Gary Sundell | 1271 comments Last year I set a 60 book goal on the Goodread's challenge. I actually read 64. I drastically cut back the number this year to 30. I am already on book 6 of the 30, but I have some doorstopper books coming up on my TBR and I factored that in while setting this years goal.

message 48: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (ylisa7) | 501 comments Sean wrote: "I would just love it if you could ALL add your totals to our yearly challenge it really is fun to see as a group how many books and pages we read.

And yes all for fun"

I'm going for 120 this year. I will post after each month with my monthly totals. It's too hard for me to keep up daily with everything, lol.

message 49: by Gary (last edited Feb 01, 2016 10:15AM) (new)

Gary Sundell | 1271 comments Finished book 6 and on to book 7 this year. I have upped my goal to 35 for this year.

message 50: by Melissa (last edited Jan 31, 2016 08:59PM) (new)

Melissa (melissal88) | 343 comments I usually read about 50 books a year. This year may be more since I have surgery scheduled for this year. But 50 sounds like a good, even number.

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