The Perks Of Being A Book Addict discussion

ARCHIVE Team Challenge: UNO 2016 > QUESTIONS?: UNO Team Challenge

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message 1: by Perks Moderator, Know-it-all (last edited Jan 21, 2016 12:30AM) (new)

Perks Moderator | 488 comments Perks UNO is back for another year, and we've made a few changes that we hope you will enjoy!

Have you read all about the UNO Team Challenge and still have questions?

Post them here!

message 2: by Perks Moderator, Know-it-all (last edited Jan 21, 2016 12:29AM) (new)

Perks Moderator | 488 comments

Interested in playing?
Fill out this SIGN UP FORM with a few details and we will start assigning teams towards the end of February.
If you have problems with the form, please let us know.
You can see if your form responses worked, and check out who else has signed up here

message 3: by Perks Moderator, Know-it-all (new)

Perks Moderator | 488 comments reserved

message 4: by Perks Moderator, Know-it-all (new)

Perks Moderator | 488 comments reserved

message 5: by Perks Moderator, Know-it-all (new)

Perks Moderator | 488 comments reserved

message 6: by Allison (new)

Allison | 269 comments If I'm reading a collection of poems, should I check its eligibility based on its page count or word count?

message 7: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments I'd go with word count Allison

message 8: by Allison (new)

Allison | 269 comments Thanks!

message 9: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne | 2453 comments I didn't see points for the Skip card if someone reads a book for it. Did I just miss that? Just checking :)

message 10: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Oh you're right. Somehow in my copy and paste from last year's rules I missed the line for skip and reverse! I'll update shortly

message 11: by Chava (new)

Chava | 493 comments Is it like with the TT that only books count which were started from or after 1 March?

message 12: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (last edited Jan 25, 2016 01:26AM) (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments We are going with books read from March 1 (I'll post a countdown prior), so you can have started reading them earlier.
--edit-- Ok, we are going to change it to date STARTED as March 1. Countdown will be posted prior.

Lisa - (Aussie Girl) | 1442 comments Karen wrote: "We are going with books read from March 1 (I'll post a countdown prior), so you can have started reading them earlier. Just date read counts"

Just an observation.. if you are allowed to start reading before the 1 March how do you stop people starting a ton of books then finishing all/after the 1st March? I only ask because this became a problem in the TTIII as I remember.

message 14: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Each team has a finite number of books that can be used anyway (12 hands x 7 cards) so it isn't really an advantage to stack books.
Happy to change it to date started though if you guys prefer!

message 15: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1251 comments I think it's more fair to have date started. I've played team challenges with both of these options, and start date seems to even the teams more than having the read date option. But I'm a new member here so don't want to force any changes unless you feel like it.

Lisa - (Aussie Girl) | 1442 comments Thanks Karen. I prefer start date also but like Camilla I'm new to the group and will happily go with whatever the Mods decide. ☺

message 17: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments No probs, I have added into the rules that books need to be started from March 1 :)

message 18: by Chava (new)

Chava | 493 comments Karen wrote: "No probs, I have added into the rules that books need to be started from March 1 :)"

THanks for clarifying!

Lisa - (Aussie Girl) | 1442 comments ☺☺

message 20: by Allison (new)

Allison | 269 comments This only applies for March, correct? Like I could count a book for May if I had started it in March or April?

message 21: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments That's right Allison :)

message 22: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer | 49 comments I'm new to this challenge, and I was just wondering can each player only read one book per hand?

message 23: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments No, you can read as many as you like!

message 24: by Laura (last edited Jan 30, 2016 07:45PM) (new)

Laura | 1144 comments Ditto the question above! I was wondering the same thing. Thanks for your answer!

Also, about how many books a month do Uno team members usually read? I just want to make sure I can keep up before I sign up.

message 25: by Allison (new)

Allison | 269 comments Last year I was only able to do 1-3 each month and it was fine (for some reason I chose to read a bunch of long books during the challenge :P ) and this year put down that I can do 3-4 per month. So I don't think it matters how many, it's just a gauge to keep teams even. (any mods please correct me if I'm wrong)

message 26: by Laura (last edited Jan 30, 2016 08:05PM) (new)

Laura | 1144 comments Great, thanks! I am only able to manage 1-3 per month during the school year, and I didn't want to let down my potential team with such low numbers.

message 27: by Kristie, Moderator (Retired) (new)

Kristie | 5824 comments That's right, Allison! Don't worry about your numbers, Laura. When you sign up, you just say how many books you can read and Karen will put you in a group where it will work. She tries to make the groups as even as possible with the total number of books the group can read as whole.

message 28: by ~~~N~~~ (new)

~~~N~~~ (chocolate-cannibal-bunnies) | 376 comments Okay, so on the sign up sheet it says "shelf name." Is that my name on Goodreads?

message 29: by ~~~N~~~ (new)

~~~N~~~ (chocolate-cannibal-bunnies) | 376 comments WAIT, nevermind... I understand now.

message 30: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments No probs :)

Avid Reader and Geek Girl (avidreaderandgeekgirl) | 1571 comments What if we started a book, say up to 25 pages into a 200-page book before the challenge started but stopped reading it due to circumstances, say health related, and you haven't read it in a while and you want to finish it, can we count that as a book if we read the rest after March 1st?

message 32: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments I'm ok with some exceptions like that, but I think you would need to start again from the beginning of the book

Avid Reader and Geek Girl (avidreaderandgeekgirl) | 1571 comments Karen wrote: "I'm ok with some exceptions like that, but I think you would need to start again from the beginning of the book"


message 34: by Kristie, Moderator (Retired) (new)

Kristie | 5824 comments Karen - Just clarifying, for the "Draw 2 Use the same book for two cards in this hand (and get points for both cards)", you use the book for 2 other cards, not the Draw 2 and 1 other card, correct? I noticed there are no points for the Draw 2, so I figured it's just completed once you use a book twice.

Also, I'm not sure how to put it in the spreadsheet. Do we just say which book was used and zero in the points part?

message 35: by Kristie, Moderator (Retired) (new)

Kristie | 5824 comments Also, if books don't fit in your current hand once they are finished can they be 'held' and used to finish the next hand? If so, do you need to apply books in the month which they were read or can you use them any time during the challenge? Thanks again!

message 36: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Kristie wrote: "Karen - Just clarifying, for the "Draw 2 Use the same book for two cards in this hand (and get points for both cards)", you use the book for 2 other cards, not the Draw 2 and 1 other card, correct?..."

Yes that's right. So basically a draw 2 sees you knock out three books in a hand. (including the draw 2 which is 0 points). If you go to the "example" tab on your spreadsheet, you will see an example in hand 2
I suggest the best thing to do is to look at each hand that has a draw 2, grey out the draw 2 so you remember that you don't need a book for it, and if you have 2 of the same card in that hand (e.g. 2x8) then I would use those for the draw 2 to make it easy. If you like, check out the muppets spreadsheet (link is in the first messahe of our team thread) and you'll see what I've done in preparation :)

message 37: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Kristie wrote: "Also, if books don't fit in your current hand once they are finished can they be 'held' and used to finish the next hand? If so, do you need to apply books in the month which they were read or can ..."

Provided a book was started after March 1 it counts for the month it was finished. (So you can't hold books read in March for April)

But you can read books starting March 1 and use them for hand 11, for example, and then towards the end of March if you only have enough books to cover 9 hands, then try and manouvre everything around. You don't have any books "locked in" until the end of the month. A tracking spreadsheet is always handy. I can share mine with you if you'd like to copy it

message 38: by Kristie, Moderator (Retired) (new)

Kristie | 5824 comments Excellent! Thanks, Karen. I'll take a look at your Muppets sheet and if you'd like to send me your tracking sheet, I'd love to take a look at it. I was planning to keep track of all the books read & what cards they fit, so if you already have something that works that's great.

message 39: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments No probs. I've copied it and given you edit rights. You just need to change the numbers in row 109 (or delete it if you dont want to use that)

message 40: by ♦Ashley♦ (new)

♦Ashley♦ (ascherger12gmailcom) | 89 comments For the Reverse cards (Read a book another member has already read), does it have to be a book another member read during the challenge or can it be a book another member has read ever?

message 41: by Kristie, Moderator (Retired) (new)

Kristie | 5824 comments Karen wrote: "No probs. I've copied it and given you edit rights. You just need to change the numbers in row 109 (or delete it if you dont want to use that)"

Thank you!

message 42: by Annika (new)

Annika | 1412 comments ♦Ashley♦ wrote: "For the Reverse cards (Read a book another member has already read), does it have to be a book another member read during the challenge or can it be a book another member has read ever?"

Read at any time, not just the challenge :-)

message 43: by ♦Ashley♦ (new)

♦Ashley♦ (ascherger12gmailcom) | 89 comments Annika wrote: "♦Ashley♦ wrote: "For the Reverse cards (Read a book another member has already read), does it have to be a book another member read during the challenge or can it be a book another member has read ..."

Thanks! :)

message 44: by Ray (new)

Ray Calaza (epilogize) | 35 comments Hi! Can I use audiobooks?

message 45: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Sure can. We just use the default GR edition to make sue they are over 100 pages. (usually more than 3 hours of audio will count)

message 46: by Catherine (new)

Catherine James | 48 comments A question! :)
Where it says 'First round sign ups closed, new sign ups will be reserves' - does that mean than anyone under that line is a reserve if someone above the line pulls out? Or are you still forming teams from the new enrolments?
A zillions thanks!

Avid Reader and Geek Girl (avidreaderandgeekgirl) | 1571 comments Do things like: The Teaching Company - Questions of Value, Complete Set/DVD, count? They're categorized as audiobooks by the library and on GR.

message 48: by Daphne (new)

Daphne (daphnesm) | 221 comments AvidReader1987 wrote: "Do things like: The Teaching Company - Questions of Value, Complete Set/DVD, count? They're categorized as audiobooks by the library and on GR."

I love TTC and TMS!

message 49: by Laura (new)

Laura | 1144 comments Can you re-read a book you've read in the past, as long as you are actually re-reading the entire thing, and obviously starting after March 1st?

message 50: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Catherine wrote: "A question! :)
Where it says 'First round sign ups closed, new sign ups will be reserves' - does that mean than anyone under that line is a reserve if someone above the line pulls out? Or are you ..."

I generally find there are always a few people that don't end up joining their teams (real life gets in the way) so we should be able to assign you before the challenge starts. I'll review any gaps we have and assign reserves after the 25th.
Of course if we get enough new signups to form a new team I may do that too

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