Francophiles discussion

French Themed Links and Services > French literature Twitter Chat

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message 1: by Liza (new)

Liza Perrat (httpwwwgoodreadscomlizaperrat) If there are any Twitter users in the group, please join us this coming Tuesday 26th January 19:30GMT for our next Tweetchat over on Twitter. We'll be discussing French literature. Please use the hashtags: #FrenchLit and #‎triskeletuesday‬. Hope to see you there!

message 2: by Linda, Author of the French Illusions Series (new)

Linda Kovic-Skow | 198 comments Mod
Sounds interesting, Liza. I'll try to join you :)

message 3: by Liza (new)

Liza Perrat (httpwwwgoodreadscomlizaperrat) Linda wrote: "Sounds interesting, Liza. I'll try to join you :)"

That would be great Linda!

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