Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

Around the World Team Challenge > ATW: Ongoing Team Challenge: SIGN UPs

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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Jan 26, 2016 07:15PM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
How to sign up
Please just post your name, and maybe a sentence about yourself as an introduction :)

First you need to make sure you have read all about this team challenge HERE.

Then, you can sign up to go into a team. They will be created every 8 sign-ups. Please be patient as mods need to sleep (and have a life) too, so you may not hear about your team immediately. We WILL post to this thread every time a team is created so make sure you turn on your notifications for this thread.
Goodreads only allows so many messages per day, so the mods will not be sending a PM to anyone about your team. Although your team mates may do so if you don't arrive. Remember, if you are MIA for 7 days, your team can replace you with a hitchhiker.

If you're happy to join an existing team, you can check the Hitchhiker thread here to see if a team is looking for someone, or you could advertise yourself there ;)

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 4: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 5: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 2239 comments I'll put my name on the plane.

Bookworm Reading (Plethora) - I like reading non-fiction history, although I haven't been reading as much of it as I like lately. I read a wide assortment of living and dead authors, as the first group I joined on Goodreads was (is) dedicated to reading strictly authors no longer with us, so catching up on all the classics I avoid in school.

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

I would like to sign up.

My name is NancyMarie and i'm 30 (almost 31). I like reading any kind of books that really catch my attention.

message 7: by Kate S (new)

Kate S | 1998 comments I am in.

My name is Kate, I like team challenges. I read a lot of books and I enjoy books from various parts of the world.

message 8: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3330 comments I would like to play.

I'm Michelle and I like to read a variety of genres.

message 9: by Zeni (new)

Zeni Taubl | 308 comments I'll sign up.

This will be my first team challenge. I read a wide range of genres, but I prefer fantasy.

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Is there a page limit? I didn't see it anywhere but I could have just missed it.

But I would still love to join up.

message 11: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15953 comments Mod
No page limit :)

Just 2 more players and you ladies will be our first team!

message 12: by Daphne (new)

Daphne (daphnesm) | 937 comments Greets all! I love to sign up. :)

I'm Daphne from Ohio. One of my great joys is traveling, so this group challenge looks like a lot of fun. Maybe I'll get to 'revisit' some places I've already been and relive some memories, or I'll discover a new one to add to my travel wish list.

I enjoy non-fiction history and science as much as I enjoy fantasy, classics, and several other genres. I like to make sure my reading is eclectic.

Looking forward to getting started!

message 13: by Andrea (new)

Andrea (deja05) | 732 comments I'd like to join as well! I love team challenges. They always push me to read more diverse books.

message 14: by NBRC Travel Agent (last edited Jan 26, 2016 10:25PM) (new)

NBRC Travel Agent | 368 comments TEAM CREATED

Team Members

Bookworm Reading (Plethora)


Kate S






Please find your team discussion thread here

message 15: by Delitealex (new)

Delitealex | 3990 comments I'm in. Sounds fun

message 16: by Lauri (new)

Lauri (otwlauri) | 1672 comments I'm Lauri from Hawaii. I love historical fiction, paranormal, travel memoirs -- but I read just about anything. I would love to try this!

message 17: by Kazen (new)

Kazen Ooo, count me in!

message 18: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (last edited Jan 26, 2016 11:29PM) (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15953 comments Mod
Oh, ok.. you know what... I'm going to jump in. Look at my restraint waiting a whole 4 hours ;)

I read pretty much anything except horror and I'm not really a romance reader. I also love to travel, but with two small kids don't do much at the moment!

message 19: by Laila Jane (last edited Jan 26, 2016 11:47PM) (new)

Laila Jane (axlilxlala) | 1212 comments I would love to join too. My name is Laila, I'm from Chicago. I read mainly fiction - romance, dystopian, paranormal; but if a book can keep my attention I'll read it no matter the genre. And I'm addicted to book challenges =)

message 20: by Drishti (last edited Jan 26, 2016 11:25PM) (new)

Drishti (drishti_ohri) | 1047 comments I would like to join!!!

This is an awesome challenge, mods! I love it! You guys are great! :-D

To proceed with the introduction, hi, I'm Drishti. I read YA, contemporary, fantasy and almost everything that interests me. But, historical fiction and non-fiction are not exactly my cup of tea.

message 21: by Jess (new)

Jess (jesscatt) | 200 comments This sounds fun! I'd like to join :)

I'm Jess, and I'll give a bit of every genre a go, though my favourites are probably science fiction and horror. I'm also a biomedical science student from Australia :)

message 22: by Cathy M. (new)

Cathy M. (mccathy77) | 5663 comments Count me in!!

My name is Cathy from LA (Cali). I read all different genres - I don't like to be limited :)

NBRC Travel Agent | 368 comments Just one more victim player and we have our second team! :D

message 24: by Suzanne (last edited Jan 26, 2016 11:41PM) (new)

Suzanne | 5320 comments I'd love to be a victim. Sign me up please! Looks like fun.
Oh oops - forgot to introduce myself - thanks to things like TT, I've found challenges to be pretty addicting. I like to read most things, but I do have a soft spot for fantasy.

message 25: by NBRC Travel Agent (last edited Jan 26, 2016 11:52PM) (new)

NBRC Travel Agent | 368 comments TEAM CREATED

Team members





Laila Jane



Cathy M

Please find your discussion thread here

message 26: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne | 5320 comments You may have missed Cathy (who posted right above you about the same time). If you want to switch me out for her, that is fine, or catch her on the next team or whatever. I just don't want to cut in line! And thanks so much for setting up the challenge!

message 27: by Becca (new)

Becca | 1123 comments This looks like fun sign me up :) My name is Becca

NBRC Travel Agent | 368 comments Suzanne wrote: "You may have missed Cathy (who posted right above you about the same time). If you want to switch me out for her, that is fine, or catch her on the next team or whatever. I just don't want to cut i..."

Whoops! Thanks Suzanne :)
Ok, I've put Cathy into team 2 and you will be in team 3 once we get 8 sign-ups :D

message 29: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne | 5320 comments Sounds great - hope I didn't cause you much extra work. Thanks again for doing the setup!

message 30: by Grace (new)

Grace (Calcat) | 665 comments I am Grace, I will read most things, I enjoy mysteries, classics and I do tend to read a lot of sub genres of romance. not a huge fan of sci fi or horror but will read a few.

message 31: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Suzanne wrote: "Sounds great - hope I didn't cause you much extra work. Thanks again for doing the setup!"

No, not at all. I'm glad you let me know. Sometimes not refreshing the page often enough can be a problem :)

message 32: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments I have no willpower whatsoever.

I'm in.
I read mostly Urban Fantasy and MM romance, but I'm open to almost any subject except Zombies (except for White Trash like), Stephen King and Poetry.

I also have Chip'n Dale living on my head which causes for some fun talking to myself moments!

Kidding. Sort Of. LOL

message 33: by Claire (new)

Claire  | 4063 comments I'm in too :)

I mostly read Young Adult, Urban Fantasy, Fantasy and MM Romance.

NBRC Travel Agent | 368 comments Sonia wrote: "I have no willpower whatsoever.


message 35: by Sara (last edited Jan 27, 2016 02:31AM) (new)

Sara | 1294 comments Obviously I'm in too as I have no willpower myself either.
I'm Sara, I'm Italian and I'm a reading challenges addict. Nice to meet you all :D

I mainly read Historical fiction, Classics, Epic & High Fantasy and Non-fiction - biographies and memoirs about WW2 especially.

I usually join way too many challenges and check way too many books out from the library at once; I think this gives a fair explanation of my addiction!

message 36: by Ellen (new)

Ellen | 294 comments Hi I would like to join in, I'm Ellen a 31 year old Brit living in Saudi Arabia. I like to read most genres.

message 37: by Chava (new)

Chava | 1506 comments Hi all,
I'd like to give this a go too. I'm starting to get addicted to challenges :)

I'm Chava, I'm from Australia. I like to read mysteries/thrillers/crime, but dabble in other genres at times too. I don't read fast or a lot as I work full time and have 4 little kids aged 0 to 5 :)

message 38: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments And that's 8 if I know how to count!


message 39: by NBRC Travel Agent (last edited Jan 27, 2016 03:21AM) (new)

NBRC Travel Agent | 368 comments TEAM CREATED

Team Members





Angel ~ ✿ Claire ✿




Please find your discussion thread here

message 40: by Alison (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments Was planning to take February off to recover from TT but can't resist.

I read mostly fantasy, romance, YA, horror and crime ie anything.

message 41: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments Alison wrote: "Was planning to take February off to recover from TT but can't resist.

I read mostly fantasy, romance, YA, horror and crime ie anything."

Well.. since this one is self made, not a competition one, maybe the pace is better?

message 42: by Alison (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments That's what I'm hoping :)

message 43: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) | 5160 comments I'd love to play. This is the closest to a vacation I will get this year. A sentence about me? I have four incredibly crazy but awesomr cats.

message 44: by megan (last edited Jan 27, 2016 05:58AM) (new)

megan | 1465 comments i'll join in

message 45: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments Stacie wrote: "I'd love to play. This is the closest to a vacation I will get this year. A sentence about me? I have four incredibly crazy but awesomr cats."

The one game that first to sign gets the spot and you're too late to be on my team *shakes head*

Maybe one day.

message 46: by Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (last edited Jan 27, 2016 06:07AM) (new)

Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (shuga) | 775 comments This sounds interesting...Toss my name onto the list please....

I read all genres except horror that is my least favorite

NBRC Travel Agent | 368 comments Okay... In the list to a new Team are Alison, Stacie, Meg & Sallie.

4 more and you're ready to start traveling.

Remember, you can start reading as soon as your team gets the thread.


message 48: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) | 5160 comments One day we will be teammates and it will be glorious.

message 49: by Vikki (new)

Vikki (silverstarz) | 1190 comments I'd like to join too please.

I'm Vikki, from Northern Ireland. I imagine this will be the most "travelling" I'll get to do in 2016 as well. My favourite genre is crime/thriller but I like to mix in some others too :o)

message 50: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9386 comments Mod
ah, what the hell, I'll sign up too

Catherine, from London, will read most stuff. except horror. I am not a fan of horror, especially creature feature horror.

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