Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

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Around the World Team Challenge > ATW: Ongoing team Challenge: READ ME FIRST

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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Jan 27, 2016 12:44AM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

This is our first "Self Directed Work Team" (SDWT) challenge. Using the One World Explorer Website the Mods will create and provide an itinerary for each team to take a round the world trip.

◈What is a "Self Directed Work Team"?

A self-directed work team (SDWT) is a group of people who combine different skills and talents to work without managerial supervision toward a common purpose or goal. An optimal SDWT is said to be between five and nine members.

◈What is a "Self Directed Work Team" challenge?

You will be grouped into teams of eight as members sign up for this challenge. There are no captains and no deadlines for posting. You work together at your own pace and determine how you want to manage your challenge.

◈ How does this work?

Using the One World Explorer Website the Mods will create and provide an itinerary for each team to take a round the world trip.

◈ Trips will start in a random country/city and the team will follow the globe in one direction the same as you would for a round the world fare.

◈ As soon as there are 8 new sign-ups, a team will be created and you will be notified of the team thread for your team, and your itinerary. Then you just need to decide on a team name and get started.

◈ Trips will consist of 8 stops across a maximum of 6 continents. You move to a new stop each week unless you want to stay longer, that is ok too.

◈ At each stop the team will need to chose the option of completing a task, or take a more difficult detour.

◈ The task to complete at each stop is determined by the team. The team can either:
(a) read books set in that country or by an author of that country or
(b) complete a spell-it-out of that country or city

◈ A "detour" may be chosen at each stop by the team instead of completing a task. The detour will be worth more points, but be more difficult to accomplish.
--The detours available at each stop will be given to your team when you start, so you can decide in advance if there are detours you want to do.
--Each team will be able to do a maximum of 5 detours over the course of the challenge
--The detours will be random and chosen from our Goal list.
--A detour requires at least 4 members of the team to complete that goal before the detour is considered complete.


◈ Completing a task will earn the team 10 points AND
◈ If at least 6 members of the team read a book that contributes to the tasks, that is an additional 15 points AND
◈ If ALL team members read a book for the time you are at the stop, that is an additional 10 points

◈ Completing a detour earns the team 25 points AND
◈ If at least 7 members of the team read a book for the detour, that is an additional 15 points AND
◈ If ALL team members read a book for the time you are at the stop, that is an additional 10 points

Tracking progress
◈ The mods will provide your team with a simple google sheet spreadsheet to begin with that shows your itinerary and detour options. It is the responsibility of your team to determine the best way to track and monitor your progress and keep a tally of your points.

◈ The mods will keep a status spreadsheet of each teams total points so you can see where you are placed against other teams. You just need to message the NBRC Travel Agent your points update when you have completed a stop so the points can be added. You can even challenge other teams to mini games like a read-a-thon if you like!


◈ The most points that can be earnt at each stop is 35 points for a task and 50 points for a detour

◈ There is no time limit to this challenge, but the minimum time is 8 weeks (8 stops). Your team may chose to take longer at each stop - it is up to you!

◈ If you don't contribute to the team (by discussion or reading books - i.e. you are MIA) for 7 or more days, the team can leave you at the stop and pick up a hitch-hiker at their next stop (i.e. a new member) or continue with one less member.

◈ There is no minimum page count requirements, as this your challenge to challenge your own reading!

◈ Books count that are started after your team thread is created. Provided the book is started during your challenge period, it can be used at any point during your challenge for a task or detour

◈ Of course you are not completely on your own. Each team will be given a discussion thread so you can track your progress and chat about books.

When your team has completed all eight stops

◈ At the end of the trip (minimum 8 weeks), the team can decide if they want to get a new itinerary and start a new trip, or pat themselves on the back and disband :)

◈ Your first trip as a team is in Economy class. Once you have completed, if you decide to go again as a team, then you are upgraded to Business Class. In Business Class you can do a maximum of six detours (rather than 5).
If your team decide to go for a third trip, because you have accumulated enough frequent flyer points, you are upgraded to first class, and you can do a maximum of seven detours.

◈ If your team decide to not continue, you can join a new team, but you start again in economy class or you can become a hitchhiker for a team that is missing a player

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Jan 26, 2016 06:32PM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

- 8 people sign up in the SIGN UP thread
- The mods assign an itinerary (example) and provide to the 8 players along with a discussion thread
- The players determine amongst them a team name, and what they want to do for the first stop (task or detour)
- Once the task/detour is completed, the team can submit their points to the NBRC TRAVEL AGENTto update the LEADER BOARD
- Once the task/detour is complete (or at least after one week) the team can move to the next stop
- At the end of the trip (minimum 8 weeks), the team can decide if they want to get a new itinerary and start a new trip, or pat themselves on the back and disband :)

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Jan 26, 2016 06:36PM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
What if we have questions?

Any questions about how to play the game (i.e. need clarification of a rule) you can ask the NBRC Travel Agent

If you have questions like "Is this book yellow enough for the 'Read a book with a yellow cover' detour'? " You can ask your fellow players at the AIRPORT LOUNGE.
The travel agent may stop by there occasionally, but as this is a self managed challenge, we are relying on you and your peers to help with answering each other's questions. You can also refer to the Goal FAQ spreadsheet

message 4: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Jan 27, 2016 12:58AM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Spell-it-out rules

Using the first letter in the book’s title, the first letter of the series name, the first letter in the author’s first or last name, or the first letter of a character’s first, last, or nick-name, or the first letter in the audiobook narrators first or last name.
If you are reading a translated version, you can also use the first letter of the translator's first or last name.

As always, if the first letter of a title starts with ‘A’, ‘An’, ‘The’, etc., you may use the first letter of the second word in the title to spell out your chosen word.

Example under spoiler
(view spoiler)

message 5: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

NBRC Travel Agent | 368 comments reserved

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