Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

Around the World Team Challenge > ATW: Ongoing team Challenge: AIRPORT LOUNGE

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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Any questions about how to play the game (i.e. need clarification of a rule) you can ask the NBRC Travel Agent

If you have questions like "Is this book yellow enough for the 'Read a book with a yellow cover' detour'? " You can ask your fellow players in this thread.

The travel agent may stop by here occasionally, but as this is a self managed challenge, we are relying on you and your peers to help with answering each other's questions. You can also refer to the Goal FAQ spreadsheet

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 4: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments When we get assigned a team can we start reading straight away?
I haven't started a new book yet but I don't want to if it means it doesn't count.

And if you read a book in week 1 and a couple of weeks later on it fits a task would it count or does it only count for the week that you read it in?

message 6: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15953 comments Mod
Yes and yes :)
(thanks for asking, I'll add it to the rules)

message 8: by Daphne (new)

Daphne (daphnesm) | 937 comments Are we allowed to get permission to edit our travel spreadsheet? It would make it easier for us to track goals, organize, and such. :)

message 9: by ❀Tea❀ (new)

❀Tea❀ (ttea) | 9596 comments Daphne wrote: "Are we allowed to get permission to edit our travel spreadsheet? It would make it easier for us to track goals, organize, and such. :)"

You'll have to wait for that. I'm not sure who made those and since they were not made by mod account I don't have access to change it.

message 10: by Daphne (new)

Daphne (daphnesm) | 937 comments ❀Tea❀ wrote: "You'll have to wait for that. I'm not sure who made those and since they were not made by mod account I don't have access to change it. "

Sounds good. Thanks for the quick reply. :)

NBRC Travel Agent | 368 comments Daphne wrote: "Are we allowed to get permission to edit our travel spreadsheet? It would make it easier for us to track goals, organize, and such. :)"

I've opened it up so anyone with the link can edit :)

message 12: by Romina (new)

Romina (romii) | 306 comments How do spell it out works? Im confused..sorry, havent done this before.

Only books read by members of the team since challenge started are able to be used for the spell it out? Or must books be read that week?
Also, am I correct that if the country/city is less than 6 letters long then the max number of points the team can get for that spell it out would just be 10?

Sorry, just trying to get everything in order in my head haha

NBRC Travel Agent | 368 comments No problems.

Spell-it-out rules

Using the first letter in the book’s title, the first letter of the series name, the first letter in the author’s first or last name, or the first letter of a character’s first, last, or nick-name, or the first letter in the audiobook narrators first or last name.
If you are reading a translated version, you can also use the first letter of the translator's first or last name.

As always, if the first letter of a title starts with ‘A’, ‘An’, ‘The’, etc., you may use the first letter of the second word in the title to spell out your chosen word.

You can check out the example under the spoiler tag here

Only books read by members of the team since challenge started are able to be used for the spell it out? Or must books be read that week?
As soon as you are assigned a team, books STARTED from then count for the whole of the challenge (min. 8 weeks)

Also, am I correct that if the country/city is less than 6 letters long then the max number of points the team can get for that spell it out would just be 10?


◈ Completing a task will earn the team 10 points AND
◈ If at least 6 members of the team read a book that contributes to the tasks, that is an additional 15 points AND
◈ If ALL team members read a book for the time you are at the stop, that is an additional 10 points

--so you would not get the additional 15 points. Just 10 and 10 if you did the spell-it-out and all read a book. So some teams have already worked out not to do the spell-it-out for countries like Japan or Spain as they want maximum points :)

message 14: by Romina (new)

Romina (romii) | 306 comments Perfect! Thank you :)

message 15: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9387 comments Mod
NBRC Travel Agent wrote: "Daphne wrote: "Are we allowed to get permission to edit our travel spreadsheet? It would make it easier for us to track goals, organize, and such. :)"

I've opened it up so anyone with the link can..."

Can you double check The Book Well Travelled / Team 4's sheet? I can't edit it... Is Google hating me again?
Google has been known to take against me for reasons unknown. It manifests itself in all sorts of annoying ways... mucking about with my edit ability in Drive is highly likely.

message 16: by ❀Tea❀ (new)

❀Tea❀ (ttea) | 9596 comments Catherine wrote: "NBRC Travel Agent wrote: "Daphne wrote: "Are we allowed to get permission to edit our travel spreadsheet? It would make it easier for us to track goals, organize, and such. :)"

I've opened it up s..."

Try now :)

message 17: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9387 comments Mod
❀Tea❀ wrote: "Catherine wrote: "NBRC Travel Agent wrote: "Daphne wrote: "Are we allowed to get permission to edit our travel spreadsheet? It would make it easier for us to track goals, organize, and such. :)"


working perfectly now, thank you Tea!

message 18: by Romina (new)

Romina (romii) | 306 comments Can one book be used for more than 1 task or detour?

message 19: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments Romina wrote: "Can one book be used for more than 1 task or detour?"

Just once.

message 20: by Romina (new)

Romina (romii) | 306 comments Sonia wrote: "Romina wrote: "Can one book be used for more than 1 task or detour?"

Just once."

Thought so! Pefect thanks :D

message 21: by Jennifer H (new)

Jennifer H How many people need to read a book for a task (or detour) to be considered complete?

message 22: by NBRC Travel Agent (last edited Mar 11, 2016 04:37AM) (new)

NBRC Travel Agent | 368 comments Jennifer ♔Princess Penguin♔ wrote: "How many people need to read a book for a task (or detour) to be considered complete?"

Had to go searching, but I found it!

--A detour requires at least 4 members of the team to complete that goal before the detour is considered complete.


Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple!

message 23: by Jennifer H (new)

Jennifer H Thanks!

message 24: by Rosina (new)

Rosina | 1777 comments For the detour could all the members read the same book?

message 25: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15953 comments Mod
Sure, if you want to

message 26: by Vicky (last edited Jan 29, 2016 01:55PM) (new)

Vicky (librovert) | 2973 comments I have a couple questions!

The rules say we move to a new stop each week. My team was formed today (Friday), so I'm assuming that our new stop will happen each new Friday? If we decided to spend an extra day to get the full team bonus, do our weeks then reset on Saturday from there on out?

If we choose to do the set in/author option, does that require 4 people as well? The rules specify 4 people for detours but not for the set in/author task.

message 27: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15953 comments Mod
You need to be at each stop for a minimum of a week, but there is no penalty for staying longer. So in your example, if you stayed at stop one from fri-sat then you may do stop two from sat-sat.

Tasks don't require a set number of people like the detour, however, if you want maximum points then six people need to contribute to the task (as that gives you an additional 15 points)

message 28: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 2239 comments For boarding a plane would the Hindenburg work?

message 29: by RachelvlehcaR (new)

RachelvlehcaR (charminggirl) | 4364 comments Just curious, the Team 10 spreadsheet link it sending me to the template. Is it meant to do that?

message 30: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments RachelvlehcaR wrote: "Just curious, the Team 10 spreadsheet link it sending me to the template. Is it meant to do that?"

not really, no.

I'm not at a computer, so no access to the Travel Agent account, but we'll fix it soon.

message 31: by RachelvlehcaR (new)

RachelvlehcaR (charminggirl) | 4364 comments Okay thank you for looking into that.

message 32: by RachelvlehcaR (new)

RachelvlehcaR (charminggirl) | 4364 comments Team 10 would like our group name to be "Smokin' Ladies Travel Brigade".

NBRC Travel Agent | 368 comments Done!

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Travel Agent there is a question in post #28 that didn't get answered, we would really like to know the answer to that. Thanks

message 35: by Sonia (last edited Feb 01, 2016 01:07AM) (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments Hey players... as said in post one:

1. Any questions about how to play the game (i.e. need clarification of a rule) you can ask the NBRC Travel Agent.

2. If you have questions like "Is this book yellow enough for the 'Read a book with a yellow cover' detour'? " You can ask your fellow players in this thread.

3.The travel agent may stop by here occasionally, but as this is a self managed challenge, we are relying on you and your peers to help with answering each other's questions. You can also refer to the Goal FAQ spreadsheet

What does this mean? That the Travel Agent will only answer questions about rules and how to play.

If a traveler ask a question about a goal, we're hoping that the other players help finding a solution, instead of waiting that a mod or the Travel Agent answers.

message 36: by Sonia (last edited Feb 01, 2016 01:08AM) (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments That been said, yes Stephanie, the Hindenburg works IMO.

message 38: by SandyL (new)

SandyL | 4607 comments Sorry if this was listed elsewhere (I can't find the answer) - what is the minimum page count for a book?


message 39: by ❀Tea❀ (new)

❀Tea❀ (ttea) | 9596 comments Sandy wrote: "Sorry if this was listed elsewhere (I can't find the answer) - what is the minimum page count for a book?


No minimum page count :)

message 40: by SandyL (new)

SandyL | 4607 comments Thanks Tea!

message 41: by Kim (new)

Kim Anderson (kimmatski) | 1223 comments Team 11 would like to be named Flying For Fiction


message 42: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments Kim wrote: "Team 11 would like to be named Flying For Fiction



message 43: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 1740 comments Team 12 would like to be called 'Around the world with a book' please

message 44: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15953 comments Mod
Sure thing :)

message 45: by Elinaly (new)

Elinaly Team 14 would like to finally also change their current team-name.
Please call us "Readers without Borders" from now on :)

Thank you!

message 46: by Karsyn (new)

Karsyn  (imzadi) Done! :)

Lindsay♫SingerOfStories♫ (lindsaysingerofstories) | 688 comments Our team is considering the detour "Read a book with the word magic, sorcery, enchant or divine (plurals are acceptable) in the title."

Plurals are acceptable, but can we use other forms of the word as well? For example: Sorcery....Sorcerer? Magic...Magician? Enchant....Enchantment? etc.?

message 48: by Mary X (last edited Feb 10, 2016 11:23AM) (new)

Mary X (marymaryalwayscontrary) | 5588 comments Our team has a detour of "read a book with the lowest page count on your to-read shelf". Does 0 count as the lowest for this? Or what if a book says "unknown"?

message 49: by Jim (new)

Jim Townsend | 174 comments Good evening!

Team 15 would like to be called "Reading Roamers". Thank you. :)


Misha (Heartsfullofreads) | 51 comments Echo in Time (Echo Trilogy, #1) by Lindsey Fairleigh

Would this book be considered blue enough to use as a detour for a "blue cover"?

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