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Group Read Archive > Readalong And Q&A with David Staniforth - Void

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message 1: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
David has kindly offered to do a readalong and q&a session for the month of March which we're delighted about. It's to showcase his new release, Void, which I can categorically say is a terrific read and should make for some great discussion pieces.

The book will be on a special promotional offer for the first week of March so look out for that and I hope many members will take part in what I hope will be a popular read.

message 2: by David (last edited Feb 04, 2016 01:24AM) (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments I want to thank Janet and Sean for putting my latest novel VOID up for a group read. Even though it's almost a month away, based on the response of those members that have already read the book, I'm really looking forward to it.

As Janet says, the book will be on promotion from 1st to 7th of March for 99p/99c. Unfortunately, due to Amazon restrictions this offer will only be in the US (dotcom) and the UK. The book is available for free loan, however, via Amazon Kindle Unlimited and Prime membership.

VOID by David M. Staniforth http://smarturl.it/voidpsychological

message 3: by Daisy (new)

Daisy | 328 comments David,

I thought you might like to know, Void came up in my recommend list on the kindle app. I was exvited to see your book being recommended. I really can't wait to get this and read it. I really liked Imperfect Strangers and it sounds as if you have written an even better book this time.

message 4: by David (last edited Mar 03, 2016 02:50PM) (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Thanks for passing on that information, Daisy. Its nice to know Amazon are getting behind the book.

Early indications from readers show Void to be the better book, so I hope you enjoy it. Hope to share your views on here next month.

message 5: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Not many people reading Void at the moment, though plenty have it on their TBR list. I'm hoping you're all waiting for the 1st of March, which of course, will be ideal.

message 6: by Sammi (new)

Sammi  (LittlePocketFox) | 3 comments I can confirm i'm waiting till March David ;)

message 7: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Sammi (Little Pocket Fox) wrote: "I can confirm i'm waiting till March David ;)"

Great. Thanks Sammi. I'll save you a seat :~)

message 8: by Sammi (new)

Sammi  (LittlePocketFox) | 3 comments Dont forget the popcorn David :)

message 9: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Okay. At least popcorn is light; won't do any damage if thrown.

message 10: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
I am waiting till March, finishin/reading Misdirection our Feb BOTM

message 11: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Great, Sean. Looking forward to it, and clearing the decks in readiness.

message 12: by Perri (new)

Perri | 11 comments Also waiting for March, but will say I appreciate your title because it will fill in the uncommon V in the title A-Z challenge :)

message 13: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Glad I could be of service, Perri :~)

message 14: by Darkslyric (new)

Darkslyric | 119 comments I will be reading it in March. I am very excited.

message 15: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Thanks, Darkslyric, good to have you on board.

message 16: by Lori (new)

Lori Dyer (loridyer) | 2 comments I just downloaded the book and can't wait to get started.

message 17: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Great, Lori, the more the merrier. Just setting up the starting blocks and refreshment tents in readiness of March :~)

message 18: by Todd (new)

Todd Simpson (toddgazelle) | 12 comments I'll pass the word around to all my reading friends in Australia what an incredible book this is. It took me less than a day to read. some people are born to write.

message 19: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Thank you, Todd, very much appreciated; the success or otherwise of any book is usually down to reader recommendation. And what a lovely compliment. Looking forward to the discussion over the next month.

message 20: by E. (new)

E. | 693 comments This is great! I've had issues with my kindle and will get the bugs worked out and start over reading with the group. This group always has smart and entertaining discussion threads with group reads. Especially with you, David. =}

message 21: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments *Blushing*

Thanks, E; very nice of you to say. And issues with your Kindle; nightmare. Hope you manage to sort it in time to join in :~)

message 22: by Janeandjerry (new)

Janeandjerry (janeandjerryculwell) | 54 comments I finished reading this book yesterday and was unaware of discussion til David sent me request and mentioned it...I ended up getting this book from the kindle unlimited books on Amazon after returning another book i had read at the time and thought this was a great book...I have not read the other one mentioned but do have it on my to read list through kindle unlimited though...well happy reading everyone...JANE

message 23: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Hi, Jane. The read and discussion begins tomorrow and throughout March, so feel free to join in if you would like to. I am certain others that have already read the book will be doing so.

message 24: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
Oh yes! :)

message 25: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments :~)

message 26: by Gopal (new)

Gopal (gopaliyer) | 521 comments So we get this party started today or tomorrow... :)

David I will be reading this one and discussing it incognito, Janet has an apb out on me...

message 27: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
Damn right. Hasn't been lifted yet! :)

message 28: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Started today, 20% in.

message 29: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Gopal (The Minion) wrote: "So we get this party started today or tomorrow... :)

David I will be reading this one and discussing it incognito, Janet has an apb out on me..."

OK, Gopal; perhaps we should arrange a drop of point and some sort of code.

message 30: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Janet wrote: "Damn right. Hasn't been lifted yet! :)"

How about a March amnesty?

message 31: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Sean wrote: "Started today, 20% in."

Good to know, Sean, and great progress. Look forward to seeing what you think of it.

message 32: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
Hhmmm. I could be bribed! Hehe! ;-) *what could I ask for?!!*

message 33: by Heather (new)

Heather Burnside (goodreadscomheather_burnside) | 393 comments Hi David, I'm jumping in now before I get bogged down with holiday preparation.
I've already read the book and want to start by saying how much I thoroughly enjoyed it. Not only is it a great thriller, which keeps the reader in suspense, but it is also very well written. Those that haven't yet read it are in for a treat.
Now for my question, which is about something later in the book so it has a spoiler alert. (view spoiler)

message 34: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Thank you for the compliment, Heather. I'm glad you enjoyed the book, and hope others agree with you :~)

The tunnel on the cover is the actual tunnel mentioned in the book, and yes, it did feature in my childhood in exactly the way you have guessed.

message 35: by Heather (new)

Heather Burnside (goodreadscomheather_burnside) | 393 comments David wrote: "Thank you for the compliment, Heather. I'm glad you enjoyed the book, and hope others agree with you :~)

The tunnel on the cover is the actual tunnel mentioned in the book, and yes, it did feature..."

Thank you, David. That's a very interesting fact. It's amazing where authors get their inspiration, isn't it?

message 36: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments It certainly is Heather, and that one, in part, was the catalyst for this entire story.

message 37: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
I am 50% in the book.

Very good and very different

message 38: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Thanks, Sean. Pleased to hear it. I believe "different" was a word you used in describing my last book :~)

message 39: by Faouzia (new)

Faouzia | 288 comments David wrote: "Thanks, Sean. Pleased to hear it. I believe "different" was a word you used in describing my last book :~)"

I think this is one of the particularities of your books David, they all seem different and somehow unique, at least this is how i felt with each of them. And Void is definitely Different :)

message 40: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Thanks Faouzia; I wonder what that says about my mind :~)

I'm reading the book, too, as a reader. Quite a different experience when I'm not looking to make any alterations etc.

message 41: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 2001 comments I'll be reading the book this month also. I just got it from Amazon.

message 42: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Yes I think you are right.

Different is good.

message 43: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Paula wrote: "I'll be reading the book this month also. I just got it from Amazon."

Thanks Paula. I hope you enjoy the book and I look forward to seeing what you make of it.

message 44: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Sean wrote: "Yes I think you are right.

Different is good."

I agree :~)

message 45: by Marsha (new)

Marsha | 3 comments I will be starting it soon. I downloaded it yesterday onto my kindle.

message 46: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Thank you, Marsha, I'll look forward to your reaction.

message 47: by Karen B. (new)

Karen B. (raggedy11) | 61 comments I'm on board now. Got the book a little while ago (thanks for the note David); didn't even know this group existed. Started the first few pages.

message 48: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Good to know, Karen, and thank you. I'm sure you'll like it here; it's a great group with some fantastic members.

message 49: by Jan (new)

Jan | 258 comments Thanks for the link David, I'm here! As stated I need to finish up some prior commitments but hope I can get this in and participate with the group! :)

message 50: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Glad to see you made it, Jan. Hope you can find the time :~)

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