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Author & Blogger Shop-Talk > Camp NaNoWriMo April 2016

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message 1: by Jemima (new)

Jemima Pett | 166 comments Have you done Camp Nano before? Are you wavering on signing up - maybe to finish one of those writing projects you've put to one side until you've got time?

We have and are -that's Rebecca Douglass and I - so we've signed up for April's Camp, and set up a cabin for like-minded people. It'll be about progress and process, not content. So it doesn't matter what your genre or wordcount is - or whether you're writing a first draft (me) or editing to get to publication (Rebecca), or anywhere in between.

If you'd like to join us at camp in our cabin this April, you need to set up your project, then set your Cabin Settings - to 'don't allocate me to a cabin' and leave ' I don't want any invitations' unchecked.

As the Camp NaNo page says:
* First, make sure you have defined a project for the upcoming event.
* On your Cabin Settings page, make sure you have:
* - Selected “I don’t want to be included in a cabin” so you are not sorted into a random cabin,
* - Deselected the ”I don’t want cabin invitations this session” option.

Then just pop your Nano username below and I'll send you an invitation! Happy camping :)

message 2: by R. (new)

R. Billing (r_billing) | 196 comments I shan't be joining in this year due to pressure of work. However I have done the November NaNo twice, one of these produced a completed novel, although it may never get published. The anti-heroine is possibly too extreme. For example someone asks her to sign a petition against animal experimentation. She agrees, on the grounds that animals are much more expensive and troublesome than political prisoners...

However I wish you all well. Have fun.

message 3: by Jemima (new)

Jemima Pett | 166 comments Thanks, R.

Just an update - there are now 5 of us with targets from 30k to 60k words, new or editing, different genres on the whole. So all still welcome!

message 4: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) I should check in on this, though I'm still in edits of my latest doorstopper :-) Kinda hard to write and edit at the same time. The two sides of the brain like to bicker.

message 5: by Jemima (new)

Jemima Pett | 166 comments Anna wrote: "I should check in on this, though I'm still in edits of my latest doorstopper :-) Kinda hard to write and edit at the same time. The two sides of the brain like to bicker."

I think you've got that in one, Anna. Had seven in the cabin this April, and those writing did far better than those editing. If you're ready to do one or the other, it looks like three of us will be heading to another private cabin in July, so you'd be welcome to join in!

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