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Mini Challenge Archive 2014-2016 > Crazy Calendar : Spring Edition 2016

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message 1: by Renee, Mistress of the Mini-Challenge (last edited Mar 25, 2016 07:22AM) (new)

Renee M | 4753 comments Mod
Mission: Read Three books with April, May, and June in the title before the end of spring. June 20.

The Enchanted April
May We Be Forgiven
Happy Birthday, Wanda June

message 2: by Jackie (last edited Jun 18, 2016 11:42AM) (new)

Jackie Crazy Calendar: Spring Edition 2016

March 20, 2016 to June 20, 2016

Completed 2/3

√ 1. Snow In April by Rosamunde Pilcher READ 4/30/2016
√ 2. May Day by Jess Lourey READ 5/27/2016
3. The Skye in June by June Ahern

Snow In April by Rosamunde Pilcher May Day (Murder-by-Month Mystery, #1) by Jess Lourey The Skye in June by June Ahern

message 3: by Renee, Mistress of the Mini-Challenge (new)

Renee M | 4753 comments Mod
Looks great, Jackie!

message 4: by Stella (new)

Stella (stellarreads) | 46 comments Haha, I'll be continuing with the Calendar Girl series (finally).
Finished: April for now. (will edit and add the books as I read them)

message 5: by Renee, Mistress of the Mini-Challenge (new)

Renee M | 4753 comments Mod
It's great that you found a series do so perfect for this challenge.

message 6: by Stella (new)

Stella (stellarreads) | 46 comments I know! The only thing that is a bit hard is that once I read the three for this season I have to wait until fall, when all I want to do is marathon them haha

message 7: by Renee, Mistress of the Mini-Challenge (new)

Renee M | 4753 comments Mod
Yeah. That would be a challenge. :(

But you'll have lots of time to read other lovely books! :D

message 8: by Renee, Mistress of the Mini-Challenge (new)

Renee M | 4753 comments Mod
Don't forget... Crazy Calendar/Soeing Edition is open through June.

message 9: by Jenny, Certified Bookworm (new)

Jenny Clark | 1602 comments Mod
I am goanna read
An April Shroud
Snow in May
June of the Corn Huskers Ball

I found another 12 book/month series about.a boy whose father is a spy who was terminated ad he's next

message 10: by Renee, Mistress of the Mini-Challenge (new)

Renee M | 4753 comments Mod
Sounds interesting. You'll have to let me know how it is.

message 11: by Jenny, Certified Bookworm (new)

Jenny Clark | 1602 comments Mod
Yes, I will! I think I'm going to read them for the next two crazy calendars, hope that gives me enough time to read the first six!

message 12: by Jenny, Certified Bookworm (new)

Jenny Clark | 1602 comments Mod
It's called Conspiracy 365

message 13: by Jenny, Certified Bookworm (new)

Jenny Clark | 1602 comments Mod
An April Shroud
Snow in May: Stories
June Of The Corn Huskers Ball
They were all pretty good. I am the only one on goodreads to have added June, so if anyone wants to give an underated book a chance, theres one!

message 14: by Renee, Mistress of the Mini-Challenge (new)

Renee M | 4753 comments Mod
Great job, Jenny! In so glad you're enjoying the series. :)

message 15: by Jenny, Certified Bookworm (new)

Jenny Clark | 1602 comments Mod
Conspiracy 365 was pretty good, Renee. They are quick reads, action packed. Set in Australia too, so always a bonus :)

message 16: by Renee, Mistress of the Mini-Challenge (new)

Renee M | 4753 comments Mod
Just a few more days left on this one!

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