Nook books discussion

April 17, 2016 More books

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message 1: by Kelly (last edited Apr 17, 2016 03:36PM) (new)

Kelly (marquis784) Here are more free books I've found today. Some are books Jenny already posted weeks ago that are still available. I provided links to Amazon and Nook.

Becoming Us (London Lovers, #1) by Amy Daws Becoming Us by Amy Daws
London Lovers Book 1

Nook link:

message 2: by Kelly (last edited Apr 17, 2016 12:46PM) (new)

Kelly (marquis784) Loose Ends (California Corwin PI, #1) by D.D. VanDyke Loose Ends by D.D. VanDyke
California Corwin P.I. Mystery Series, Book 1

message 4: by Kelly (last edited Apr 17, 2016 12:55PM) (new)

message 5: by Kelly (last edited Apr 17, 2016 03:09PM) (new)

message 6: by Kelly (last edited Apr 17, 2016 01:02PM) (new)

message 7: by Kelly (last edited Apr 17, 2016 01:08PM) (new)

message 14: by Kelly (last edited Apr 17, 2016 02:26PM) (new)

message 22: by Kelly (last edited Apr 17, 2016 03:17PM) (new)

message 25: by Jenny T. (new)

Jenny T. | 456 comments Mod
Thanks so much for adding the links Kelly! That's a lot of hard work. I started this group after B&N changed the way they were posting their Free Friday books. So every week I post free books that I found during the week, but as you know those offers don't last forever. Thanks again for all of your help!

message 26: by Kelly (new)

Kelly (marquis784) I actually found that the free books I saw on Amazon were also free on B&N but not "advertised"...I only found out when I searched for the book!

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