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Book Chat > Audiobook recommendations and chat

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message 1: by Jo (new)

Jo Weston (joster) | 1697 comments Mod
Does anyone else regularly use audiobooks?

I think there are a number of group members who listen to books as well as read them, I am one of them. This year in particular, I have had little chance to sit and read, but have listened to some wonderful books whilst in the car, walking the dog, moving house and so on. I find it relaxing and a great way to keep my mind on books even if I can't actually turn the pages of the book itself.

Sometimes, to my mind, a narrator can even enhance a book. Really special ones that spring to mind are Timothy West reading The Way We Live Now, Robert Glenister reading the Cormoran Strike series and all the Simon Serrailer books read by Steven Pacey. These narrators can read in such a way that is completely consuming.

I do subscribe to Audible now and then, and try to make the most of my credits in getting "2 for 1" deals and so on.

Also, I have just been back onto BorrowBox (available in the UK via libraries) for the first time in some months and I see that they have added quite a lot of content which can be borrowed for free, so I have several books I am very much looking forward to on reserve:

Our Endless Numbered Days
Beside Myself
Viral and
Try Not to Breathe

Please share your audiobooks successes (and those which were less than successful).

message 2: by Paul (new)

Paul (halfmanhalfbook) | 5463 comments Mod
I tend to listen to the Radio 4 adaptions when making lunches and clearing up in the evenings. My boss listens to a lot of audio books through Audible though

message 3: by Jason (new)

Jason (jasondenness) | 1877 comments Nope, tried and My mind wanders if I don't have a book in my hands anchoring me in place. Friend at work uses audible a lot, will tell him about borrowbox.

message 5: by Pat (new)

Pat Morris-jones | 1373 comments I use Borrowbox, via the library, for free. It can drive me mad with glitches but is improving. Love it on the way to and from work and also if I have to drive around at work. Great way of trying some books you would never pick up otherwise (Borrowbox is limited and appears to be Australian as most narrators are or lots of looks about Australia). Just listened to a book about the life of Steve Austin (no not the 6 million dollar man) the Australian dog trainer. Didn't know he existed! He is very famous and interesting too. My dog is delighted as she now has more treats.
Also just listening to Alexander McCall Smith about driving round Italy on a bulldozer. So easy listening and fun.
When I listen to boring books I sometimes persevere (otherwise its the Today programme!) or sometimes give up.
Thanks wonderful library - may you continue for ever (unlikely in our neck of the woods)

message 6: by Kent (last edited Jan 29, 2017 08:24PM) (new)

Kent (kentmd) | 1 comments It can be hard to separate if I loved an audiobook primarily because of the narration or not, but these were some particular favorites:
I found Euphoria to be particularly improved because the audiobook shifted narrators with the change in POV characters and it really added something to this book (not always the case). The Gene: An Intimate History was particularly well written but the audio carried me through it in a way that I think would have been far more difficult if I was reading. And last, Born a Crime is not just a spectacular memoir, but the author as a comedian is also a fantastic narrator and having him telling his own life story adds another layer of poignancy.

message 7: by Pat (new)

Pat Morris-jones | 1373 comments There are a few I prob wouldn't have read but loved as audiobook
The 12 lives of Samuel Hawley
The Tidal Zone
The last paintings of Sarah de vos
A house in the sky
And at present I am listening to a very long book which I may have given up on as a book. It's excellent as an audiobook....Six Four, Hideo Yokoyama
I agree that narration is most important ( that said I nearly abandoned a house in the sky because of narrator, sadly the author, but that feels wrong, given the content.

message 8: by Edward (new)

Edward Hughes (guin36) | 6 comments If you have trouble falling to sleep try to listen to the Dune Audiobook! Fantastic book in that despite the monotone voice I loved that universe.

message 9: by Edward (new)

Edward Hughes (guin36) | 6 comments Forgot to say that my favorite Audiobook is "The Name of the Wind" as the voices are well done and this story is even better the second time around.

message 10: by Pat (new)

Pat Morris-jones | 1373 comments Jo. I may look for those now I know they are on BorrowBox. I have 3 on my tbr list and have read Viral already. I have chopped and changed from iPad to Samsung tablet. Prefer format of iPad, as usual. I dislike Apple policies but find them the most useful company. Grr.

message 11: by Pat (new)

Pat Morris-jones | 1373 comments Beside myself is now my next book. Thanks Jo, just catching up on threads after a very long weekend away.

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