Challenge Corner discussion

IMPORTANT!☺ > Reading Challenge Suggestions

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message 1: by C.P. (new)

C.P. Cabaniss (cpcabaniss) | 8238 comments Do you have an idea for a reading challenge?

Let us know what they are and we can try to incorporate them in the groups challenges!

Jamie  (The Kansan Reader) (thekansanreader) | 294 comments One of my friends did a personal challenge. She called it Find Yourself. What she did was find books that she could relate to. Examples are:
A MC that is the same age.
A MC who works the same job as you.
A MC who did the same sports in high school.

Hope that helps.

Anna 'Bookbuyer' (bookbuyer) | 9905 comments It'd be nice to have a team challenge. :)

message 4: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jackiegirl02) | 4614 comments Thanks for the suggestion Jamie. I really like it!

message 5: by C.P. (new)

C.P. Cabaniss (cpcabaniss) | 8238 comments Thanks for the suggestion, Jamie!

And Bookbuyer, we'll try out another team challenge soon. We just haven't had the best luck with them in the past. I think now that we're having more consistent participation they would go better. :)

message 6: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (jackiegirl02) | 4614 comments Sorry, didn't see your comment Bookbuyer.
As Courtney said, we might try one soon, but we had problems with participation in the past. Now that we have more people joining the challenges, we might try something.:)

message 7: by Anna 'Bookbuyer' (last edited Jul 02, 2016 12:12AM) (new)

Anna 'Bookbuyer' (bookbuyer) | 9905 comments Jackie wrote: "Sorry, didn't see your comment Bookbuyer.
As Courtney said, we might try one soon, but we had problems with participation in the past. Now that we have more people joining the challenges, we might ..."

Courtney wrote: "Thanks for the suggestion, Jamie!

And Bookbuyer, we'll try out another team challenge soon. We just haven't had the best luck with them in the past. I think now that we're having more consistent p..."

YAY! That'd be fun! :D

message 8: by Ev (new)

Ev | 16 comments How about word scavenger hunts using books?

message 9: by Teresa (new)

Teresa (teresainohio) team challenge based on clue

cover scavenger hunt

color challenge

message 10: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 76677 comments Mod
Teresa in ohio wrote: "team challenge based on clue

cover scavenger hunt

color challenge"

Ev wrote: "How about word scavenger hunts using books?"

It’s funny that you both mentioned scavenger hunt. Mostly because our next TEAM and SOLO quarterly challenges will be exactly that. Solo will be looking for specific words. Team will be looking for a bunch of stuff: words, cover colors, something specific, or whatever else our evil minds came up with. The sign ups for those two will be up in March. The challenge itself will be from April to June. So get excited.

message 11: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 76677 comments Mod

Does anyone want to see a particular challenge next year? Whether it's for yearly, quarterly, or monthly! If it's something we've done but you want us to jazz it up or switch things around OR if you want to see something that we haven't done yet!

I know I would love some ideas for next year but would love to hear from the members!

message 12: by Jazmyn (new)

Jazmyn (jking1994) | 6 comments Maybe a bingo challenge.

message 13: by Felicia (new)

Felicia | 15003 comments Jazmyn wrote: "Maybe a bingo challenge."

We're actually in the middle of a bingo challenge right now! :D

message 14: by I'maWatt? (new)

I'maWatt? (imawatt) | 4 comments Hello so, I REALLY need some suggestions because I can't seem to find much books that fit my criteria. Here are my requirements:
1) Fantasy or urban fantasy genre
2) time period doesn't matter
3) Female character or switching PoV
4) 400 pages or more (could be a little less)
5) Romance, but not main focus
6) Young adult, but could be New Adult
7) 4 or more star ratings (could be little less)
Extra simple preferences: Series, written after 2010,
For anyone that can help, thank you so much! Please no hate!

message 15: by Anna 'Bookbuyer' (new)

Anna 'Bookbuyer' (bookbuyer) | 9905 comments I have something for all of that but the YA or NA. :/

message 16: by I'maWatt? (new)

I'maWatt? (imawatt) | 4 comments sure thats okay is it kids or adult? Thank you!

message 17: by Anna 'Bookbuyer' (last edited Dec 16, 2019 05:57PM) (new)

Anna 'Bookbuyer' (bookbuyer) | 9905 comments StarzIGE wrote: "sure thats okay is it kids or adult? Thank you!"

Adult. Written in Red (The Others, #1) by Anne Bishop

Fantasy/Urban Fantasy
Female MC
433 pages (most rated)
Has romance but is not the main focus
4.28 star rating
It's a 5 books series
Published 2013

It's literally one of my favorite series. I should warn you it has some things that may trigger people. :)

message 18: by I'maWatt? (new)

I'maWatt? (imawatt) | 4 comments OMG, thank you so much!! You are the absolute best! if anyone else has others, I'll be really grateful!

message 19: by Anna 'Bookbuyer' (new)

Anna 'Bookbuyer' (bookbuyer) | 9905 comments StarzIGE wrote: "OMG, thank you so much!! You are the absolute best! if anyone else has others, I'll be really grateful!"


message 20: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 76677 comments Mod
How does anyone feel about readathons? Maybe a weekend a month? Or more? Around holidays only? Let me know.

message 21: by Esther (new)

Esther | 1754 comments Alaina wrote: "How does anyone feel about readathons? Maybe a weekend a month? Or more? Around holidays only? Let me know."

That sounds like fun.

message 22: by R.D. (new)

R.D. Murray | 3 comments My book is FREE today would love for you to read it and Give a review..Could use any support to push forward through my tragedy,Please I can use any uplifting support...August I was run over by a reckless driver, I almost lost my life. I didn't want to continue writing, I didn't want to do much of anything but I fought hard and I finally went back to writing and I finished my second Novel called "Help Me Kill My Husband" A wife finds out several secrets about her husband. One of those secrets is that her husband is planning to kill her. She believes the only way out is to kill him before he kills her, but things aren't all that simple. I appreciate any support, reviews and just anybody to read it and help me through my PTS and Depression..... The book is very cheap.

message 23: by Yana (new)

Yana Khalid | 153 comments How about a challenge theme based on F.R.I.E.N.D.S. !!!!! Pllleeaaaaazassseeeeeeee

message 24: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 76677 comments Mod
Yana wrote: "How about a challenge theme based on F.R.I.E.N.D.S. !!!!! Pllleeaaaaazassseeeeeeee"

Hmm interesting.. I could try that out for a challenge next year.

message 25: by Celia (last edited Jan 24, 2021 11:38PM) (new)

Celia Buell (celiareadsbooks) | 3923 comments I had a few ideas for some that have come to me recently. One is kind of similar to the last quarterly iSpy one, where we have to guess the topic. I got this idea from the group Challenges and Fandoms on Goodreads but basically you pick a book and identify one feature of it that can be identified from the Goodreads main page for that book, and then participants have to guess by matching books to various covers. For instance
if the original starting book was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7) by J.K. Rowling , I might guess
Thief of Cahraman A Retelling of Aladdin (Fairytales of Folkshore, #1) by Lucy Tempest - MPG fantasy, my teammate might say
A Long Walk to Water Based on a True Story by Linda Sue Park - orange cover, and a third person might say
The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #5) by Rick Riordan - last book in a series.

We could play it similar to the iSpy game with 1-2 books per week that are the same for everyone, or the mods could each choose a variety of books and cycle them through.

My other idea is a book chain challenge. This could be done with an initial book that we have to link for the title and author, for instance, the prompt book might be A Ghost for Christmas, then I could read Christmas and Other Things I Hate, another player could read Hate List, and so on until we hit a wall. I know this one would be difficult to coordinate because it would require people to read books based on other people's books but if we did it as a December challenge or something it could work because a lot of people would be reading books with holiday words in the title.

In general I'd love to see more book and Goodreads-based challenges on here.

message 26: by Celia (last edited Jan 24, 2021 11:43PM) (new)

Celia Buell (celiareadsbooks) | 3923 comments Also would love to see more genre based challenges with certain points for certain genres and maybe the point values are secret or something.

Ooh and also ones based on really old game shows like Classic Concentration or Supermarket Sweep. Or any game shows. Or based on a cooking show, especially an amateur one like Nailed It.

Ooh, and more song based ones. Not necessarily spell-outs like the summer one but more task based on titles or lyrics

Sorry I have way too many ideas lol

message 27: by Ilse (new)

Ilse | 45 comments Ideas:
1. Read a book which takes place in a country you'd like to go to sometime.
2. Read a book written by a lgbtq+ person.
3. Read a book one of your teammates gave 5 stars.
4. Read a book about a book club.
5. Read a book about an AI character.
6. Read a book written by a poc.
7. Read a book that used to be banned.
8. Read a book in which a competition or race takes place.
9. Read a book you own but haven't read yet.
10. Read a book with numbers on the cover.

message 28: by Felicia (new)

Felicia | 15003 comments Thanks for the suggestions everyone! :D

message 29: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 76677 comments Mod
what the what.. how have I not gotten a notification for this?!?!

message 30: by Felicia (new)

Felicia | 15003 comments Alaina wrote: "what the what.. how have I not gotten a notification for this?!?!"

Terrible. -.-

message 31: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 76677 comments Mod
Felicia wrote: "Alaina wrote: "what the what.. how have I not gotten a notification for this?!?!"

Terrible. -.-"

LMAO my bad man. My bad.

message 32: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 76677 comments Mod
Anyone have any suggestions for next year? Whether it's for a quarterly or monthly challenge. New or revamped challenge. Let us know!

❀ Crystal ✿ -  PEACE ☮ LOVE ♥ BOOKS  (crystaldc18) | 4515 comments Me me, I do lol. 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️

While I was getting new tires the other day I randomly came up with the idea of a boy band challenge, needless to say I was there a while. Made a whole chart and everything, do with it anything you want if you like the idea!

message 34: by Felicia (new)

Felicia | 15003 comments Wow Crystal, that's awesome! Lol. I'm sure at some point we can make this a challenge! :)

message 35: by Celia (new)

Celia Buell (celiareadsbooks) | 3923 comments Can we do something based on colors? Not sure how it would work but up to mods I guess

message 36: by Ellen-Arwen (new)

Ellen-Arwen Tristram | 1556 comments Could we do a scavenger hunt type thing? That would be FUN!

message 37: by Kade (new)

Kade Gulluscio (kadebraylen) | 3757 comments ❀ Crystal ✿ - wrote: "Me me, I do lol. 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️

While I was getting new tires the other day I randomly came up with the idea of a boy band challenge, needless to say I was there a while. Made a whole chart and everyt..."

this is awesome!

message 38: by Kade (new)

Kade Gulluscio (kadebraylen) | 3757 comments What about a carnival / circus theme challenge? You could title categories by names of rides/games or circus "freak show" people?

Or a cult challenge? title things after the famous cults or do a cult vs cult like the current author vs author? ;x

message 39: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 76677 comments Mod
Kade wrote: "What about a carnival / circus theme challenge? You could title categories by names of rides/games or circus "freak show" people?

Or a cult challenge? title things after the famous cults or do a c..."

That could be a fun October or Fall Quarterly challenge.

message 40: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 76677 comments Mod
❀ Crystal ✿ - wrote: "Me me, I do lol. 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️

While I was getting new tires the other day I randomly came up with the idea of a boy band challenge, needless to say I was there a while. Made a whole chart and everyt..."

IDK how I'm just seeing this, but I will definitely look into this.

message 41: by Robert (new)

Robert Hinzman | 2 comments Jamies (The Kansan Reader) wrote: "One of my friends did a personal challenge. She called it Find Yourself. What she did was find books that she could relate to. Examples are:
A MC that is the same age.
A MC who works the same job a..."


message 42: by Andy (last edited Nov 28, 2022 10:26AM) (new)

Andy Of The Blacks | 2326 comments I had a lot of fun with a yearly "Around the world" challenge in another group, can I suggest we do an "Around the World challenge" here, too (areas could be like South America, North America, etch.), and prompts could be linked to things famously related to those areas...

What do you think? :)

message 43: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 76677 comments Mod
Andy wrote: "I had a lot of fun with a yearly "Around the world" challenge in another group, can I suggest we do an "Around the World challenge" here, too (areas could be like South America, North America, etch..."

We did do an "Around the World in 90 Days' challenge for the first solo quarterly this year.

message 44: by Andy (new)

Andy Of The Blacks | 2326 comments Alaina wrote: "Andy wrote: "I had a lot of fun with a yearly "Around the world" challenge in another group, can I suggest we do an "Around the World challenge" here, too (areas could be like South America, North ..."

Ah! Wasn't here yet! :P :)
Would love a repeat! :)

I'm also liking this quarter werewolves vs. vampires vs. fairy, where you can choose where your points go in the three categories, by the way! :)

message 45: by Kade (new)

Kade Gulluscio (kadebraylen) | 3757 comments i really liked the clue and wheel of fortune ones. what about a hangman type? it'd be similar to the wheel of fortune i'm sure.

message 46: by Toshita (new)

Toshita (toshibarve) | 313 comments This is more long term collaborative challenge inspired by the Word Monster over at NaNoWriMo. The way it work there is that word monster starts 1 word big. You enter it's cave and to leave you either feed it words or slay it. Feeding it requires double words (eg if it's 4 words big, you have to feed it 8 by writing 8 words) and slaying it requires triple words but you can only slay it after it get to be bigger than 100 words.

This could be adapted to pages where everyone works together to build it up to some crazy number like 131,072 (2^17) and then work together to slay it (131,072 x 3 = 393,216). You could also do teams where both the teams build it up for X number days and then have to slay each other's created monsters.

message 47: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 76677 comments Mod
Kade wrote: "i really liked the clue and wheel of fortune ones. what about a hangman type? it'd be similar to the wheel of fortune i'm sure."

Sorry for just seeing this now Kade! We have done a hangman type challenge before - I like to do some word ones every once in a while, in this group. So, we might be due for another soon.

message 48: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 76677 comments Mod
Toshita wrote: "This is more long term collaborative challenge inspired by the Word Monster over at NaNoWriMo. The way it work there is that word monster starts 1 word big. You enter it's cave and to leave you eit..."

Ooo.. this does sounds like a good idea. Maybe it can be created into a quarterly challenge.

message 49: by BabyLunLun (new)

BabyLunLun | 1174 comments Oh when can we have the challenge where there are a couple tasks and 3 different person have to complete the same tasks to move on to the next round

I miss that

message 50: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 76677 comments Mod
BabyLunLun wrote: "Oh when can we have the challenge where there are a couple tasks and 3 different person have to complete the same tasks to move on to the next round

I miss that"

Hmm... I'm not quite sure what the next quarterly will be about... so you might see it then.

For the monthly challenge, I will mostly likely do Disney Villains for September and then another movie-type challenge in October. Might make a 2-month challenge for November to December. So, you might see a task like that in that challenge too.

Lots of possibilities.

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