Sci-fi and Heroic Fantasy discussion

War Stories from the Future
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War Stories from the Future > "Another Day of Infamy" by Ashley Henley

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

This is our discussion of the short story....

"Another Day of Infamy" by Ashley Henley

From the scifi anthology War Stories from the Future, part of our discussion of War Stories from the Future. (The entire collection is available free online in several formats.)

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm not sure what Henley's "Another Day of Infamy" was supposed to be. It's a short, 2-page A presidential declaration of war from 2041. Apparently that topic was specifically requested in the solicitation for this anthology. Because of the declaration of war as a cyber attack by an organization Henley assigns the acronym FASCISM, allowing her to group all the -isms she dislikes into one lump. Apparently Bernie Sanders and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi* are equivalent to Henley.

According to her biography, Henley is a teacher and Constitutional scholar. She's added two new amendments to the US Constitution (28 & 29) which apparently specifically deal with responding to terrorism (apparently it requires a 24-hour waiting period before responding to cyber attack. No other details given.)

* By posting Baghdadi's name, I expect Matthew Burrows will have me collected as a terrorist any minute. If this is my final post here, you know why.

message 3: by Jim (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jim (jimmaclachlan) | 2369 comments I didn't think this was very good, either. Since the electronic infrastructure is down, I wonder how this declaration was even posted to the people. From looking at her bio, I doubt it even occurred to her.

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