Brain to Books Cyber Convention (FAIRGROUNDS) discussion

Adam Dreece
This topic is about Adam Dreece
2017 Archives > 2017 Adam Dreece, SciFan Author Showcase

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message 1: by A.F. (new)

A.F. (scribe77) | 369 comments Mod

Adam Dreece

Adam Dreece

The Wizard Killer: Season 2

Kill me with a floating city? You got my attention. But then steal from me and try to burn me alive? You got me thinking.
I think I’m going to find your yigging, walking carcass and introduce it to two friends of mine: pain and vengeance.
By the way, I borrowed a lightning rifle. Don’t worry, I’ll return it… empty.
See you soon,
The Wizard Killer

Season Two kicks everything up a notch with 22 all-new, action packed episodes.

message 2: by Maddy (new)

Maddy | 162 comments Your cover is very dramatic, did you draw it?

message 3: by Kylie (new)

Kylie Jude (kyliekerosene) | 46 comments Hi Adam!
Do you have to read these in order?
Because I really want to check this out!

message 4: by Kylie (new)

Kylie Jude (kyliekerosene) | 46 comments (BTW, passers by, he has tons of other cool books on his author profile you should also look into) ;)

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Brain to Books Cyber Convention (FAIRGROUNDS)

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The Wizard Killer: Season 2 (other topics)

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Adam Dreece (other topics)