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message 1: by Jennifer, The Paranormal One (last edited Dec 02, 2016 06:56PM) (new)

Jennifer (ivashkovlover) | 3376 comments Mod
E-Book VS Print Book

message 2: by Jennifer, The Paranormal One (last edited Dec 19, 2016 08:52PM) (new)

Jennifer (ivashkovlover) | 3376 comments Mod
I prefer to read on my kindle as it is so light and easy to hold. It's also backlit which makes reading at night in bed so easy! I loooove it! Plus I'm able to carry a thousand books! Makes my indecision easier cause I can always grab my kindle and decide on one of a million books later.

I love print books because I go to a lot of author signings and I need something they can sign. I have 200 signed books. The covers are also pretty!

message 3: by Sandra (new)

Sandra Almryd | 17 comments I prefer real books (print books). I get a completely different feeling when I can turn the page and the smell of the books. (I'm nuts, I know) :)

However, I have some e-books, but get tired of the light from the iPad.

message 4: by Chelsea (new)

Chelsea Warren (chelseanicolewarren) | 1 comments I love real printed books but having so many of them causes my allergies and asthma to act up because no matter how much I pick them up, they still collect and stir up dist. That's where the e-reader comes in handy. I can have all of my books in one place and they're not causing asthma and allergy attacks!

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

Print all the way

message 6: by Livvy (new)

Livvy | 5 comments I used to be team print - like. i refused to even consider having an e-reader. nothing beats the look and feel of a book, and more importantly the smell. and when I read i love re-reading the back cover to get re-oriented with the overall plot. (something I wish E-books had. like after the cover page or something.

with that being said, after getting my Kindle last christmas - I am in love with e-books. i find they are cheaper, easier to get, easier to travel with (i travel a lot).. so they both have their places in the world. Cookbooks i'll always buy in print, novels now, i don't mind a well-edited e-book ;) (some i'd love to have in print (hardcover is possible) - ie: Lunar Chronicles for example.

Gianinna Czareena Chavez (gianinnachavez) When I was younger I prefer paperback books because it makes me feel like I can carry them anywhere. When my dad gave me an iTouch for my 16th birthday that was when I was introduced to ebook. I read ebooks until I finished college, but now that I'm working and can afford buying my own books I am back to print books again. BEST DECISION EVAAAR

message 8: by jodie (new)

jodie  (nxahczerny) Personally, I prefer print books and very rarely read e-books. However, I do like the amount of options you have with an e-reader for annotations and highlights as well as tracking your reading. They're much easier to deal with as well as being (usually) much cheaper. However, paper books carry a certain...atmosphere? I guess? I think it's more of an experience reading a paper back or hardback, as if it invests me in the story more.

message 9: by Jennifer, The Paranormal One (last edited Mar 05, 2017 11:07PM) (new)

Jennifer (ivashkovlover) | 3376 comments Mod
Yes I also love being able to highlight, view my highlights, keep track of how many more hours are left in the book, and being able to tap a word for the definition. In my print books I used to put a million sticky notes in the book to mark my favorite quotes. E-Books pretty much win for me. I do love have beautiful books on my shelf but e-books are just way more convenient.

message 10: by Chris (new)

Chris | 1 comments I prefer print books. Don't get me wrong, I love ebooks too, but to me, there is something magical about holding a good book in your hands

message 11: by Dasha (new)

 Dasha (dashunka) | 16 comments I extol print books. I would say that my opinion is slightly biased considering that I've only ever read print books. I love the weight of the book, turning the pages, bookmarks yielding a small whiff of the book smell, seeing the progress you made as you read from start to end, and seeing someone read a book I've read. Whilst intermittently, I cant get in a comfortable reading position; neck, shoulders and back ache. Notwithstanding that eBooks are advantageous to our environment, isn't it more worrisome to bring an eBook to a big crowd that could be mistaken for a tablet and stolen, than bringing a book? Don't your eyes get tired from the screen? But, i respect both sides. Conceivably in the future, if book printing methods are modified, we won't have to ruminate about destroying our trees and environment.

message 12: by Edward (new)

Edward Rempala (erempala) | 9 comments I prefer print better, but with ebooks u can have so many more with you.

message 13: by Kristen (new)

Kristen (kziggy) I like both. I like my print books to hold more recently. When it come to on the go my ebook does come with me. But the smell of new and old paper is something that is just divine.

message 14: by Nataly (new)

Nataly (natalyreads) | 490 comments Print for sure. I like having the physical book and there's something about reading into the night with the light from a bedside lamp. I also like seeing my physical progress in the book. Being able to turn the pages until there are no more to turn is so satisfying! However, I will say the convenience of e-books is unbeatable and I do resort to those often.

message 15: by Sneha (new)

Sneha (lovegood19) I prefer print books. However I do use ebooks sometimes.

message 16: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Goit (rachelreadstoomuch) Print always

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