Beyond Reality discussion

City of Golden Shadow (Otherland, #1)
This topic is about City of Golden Shadow
Previous BotM--DISCUSSIONS > City of Golden Shadow: Roll Call & First Impressions **NO SPOILERS**

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Candiss (tantara) | 1207 comments Please let us know if you have read or are planning to read City of Golden Shadow by Tad Williams

Please: No spoilers in this thread!

DivaDiane SM | 235 comments I had planned on reading it but I want to finish Good Omens first. So, I'm behind....

message 3: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3956 comments Mod
I read this (and the rest of the series) several years ago. We'll see if I remember enough to join in the discussion.

message 4: by Ken (new)

Ken (ogi8745) | 1380 comments I read this when it was originally published
I liked it, very interesting premise.

My only complaint is that this series should of been cut, from four books to three, it was a bit long

message 5: by Shel, Moderator (new) - rated it 5 stars

Shel (shel99) | 2847 comments Mod
I have read it several times - love this series! It does need some editing and upon re-reads I do tend to skim a few bits, but still, it's a favorite.

If I had more time on my plate I'd consider re-reading it again, but my reading time is so scarce and precious these days that a four-book doorstopper epic isn't really in the cards.

message 6: by Lauren (new) - added it

Lauren (laurennnnn) This has been sitting on my shelf for awhile to I will try to join you. Is it hard to get into, with holidays and the craziness I'm hoping for something to compel me to stay home and read!

Frank | 3 comments Read the entire series, loved it. Very different Tad's other works.
Highly recommended.

message 8: by Sumant (new) - added it

Sumant Started reading it, enjoying it so far although it seems a bit weird.

But the characters are definitely well developed.

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