A Good Thriller discussion

Challenges Archive > Book Count For 2017

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message 1: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
How many books are you setting yourselves to read for this year? Are you doing the GR challenge, increasing or decreasing your numbers?

So tell us, what's your number?

message 2: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
I think I'll be sticking with 50 again for 2017. I just about completed the challenge and anymore feels a book too far at present!

message 3: by Agnieszka (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 1464 comments I think I set it down to 150 though I think it will be much more again :-)

message 4: by Sue (new)

Sue (coccotoro) | 2464 comments Just made it under the wire with 118. I said I would do 115. I think I am going to reduce the number a bit for 2017, and reduce some of the stress to complete on time.

message 5: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments Since I read 140 book in 2016, I will aim for 210 next year.

message 6: by Rick (new)

Rick | 602 comments I'll try for 50 this coming year.

message 7: by Juliana (new)

Juliana | 350 comments I will try 30 this year

message 8: by Arathi (new)

Arathi Chitrapura (prettyleo21) | 693 comments I finished 133 in 2016, hoping to finish 200 in 2017

message 9: by Dana (new)

Dana | 188 comments I'm staying the same; 75 for 2017.

message 10: by Laurie (new)

Laurie (just__me2) | 22 comments I'm trying for 50. I surpassed last years easily so pushed it up a bit to challenge myself without over doing it.

message 11: by Eileen (new)

Eileen | 108 comments I am going to try for 40

message 12: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
This year I am going for 65 books, last year reached my total of 60, and read 63.

message 13: by G.J. (new)

G.J. (buch-wurm) | 93 comments I am trying for 50 ! My husband looked aghast at this idea !

message 14: by Donna (new)

Donna Adams | 83 comments I'm starting with 50.

message 15: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
Lol G.J.!! Your poor husband! :-D

message 16: by Jim (new)

Jim | 1702 comments This year I am going for 60 (up from 52 last year).

message 17: by Alan (new)

Alan I am trying for 40 this year. I set my goal last year at 20 and really doubted I could achieve it, but I ended up reading 33. Thanks to ya'll, I found some really great new authors.

message 18: by Anna Maria (new)

Anna Maria | 187 comments This year I am going for 95

message 19: by Tracy (new)

Tracy Quarrell | 373 comments I am going to try for 50. I was a couple short of that this year, but game on!

message 20: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
Go, T!! ;-)

message 21: by Perri (new)

Perri | 11 comments We should have a books total challenge for the group-the math would be less complicated ;)

message 22: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
You may be onto something there, Perri!! Anyone else interested in that?

message 23: by Gary (new)

Gary Sundell | 1271 comments I set this year's goal at 50. Have to start somewhere.

Lorrea - WhatChaReadin'? (whatchatreadin) My aim is to read 100 books in 2017. I hope I am able to accomplish it. Last year I only did 41, but I barely read any books the first 4 months. So we'll see.

message 25: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie | 78 comments Going with a practical number since I will be having a newborn due in March and a 1 year old to keep me busy.

75 Books in 2017!

Lorrea - WhatChaReadin'? (whatchatreadin) Stephanie wrote: "Going with a practical number since I will be having a newborn due in March and a 1 year old to keep me busy.

75 Books in 2017!"

Good luck Stephanie. The little ones keep us busy!!

message 27: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie | 78 comments Lorrea(WhatChaReadin'?) wrote: "Stephanie wrote: "Going with a practical number since I will be having a newborn due in March and a 1 year old to keep me busy.

75 Books in 2017!"

Good luck Stephanie. The little ones keep us bu..."

Thank you! I need all the luck I can get :)

Good luck to you as well!

message 28: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
You will be busy, Stephanie! Can totally relate. I had four myself a few moons ago. Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes really well. Put those feet up when you can. :)

message 29: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie | 78 comments Janet wrote: "You will be busy, Stephanie! Can totally relate. I had four myself a few moons ago. Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes really well. Put those feet up when you can. :)"

Thank you! Trust me I try! And always with a book in hand :)

message 30: by Eva (new)

Eva (bookworm_eve) My number is 60 for this year, but I think i'll hit 70 at the end of the year. As long as I don't encounter a readingslump!

message 31: by Paula (new)

Paula Adams (goodreadscompadams57) | 2001 comments I'm going to try for a 100 again this year even though this summer we are putting our MA house up for sale. Lots of packing and selling of stuff to do.

message 32: by Jaime (new)

Jaime (absorbedinpages) My goal is 100 books, same as last year. I read around 70 books last year and did not quite meet my goal because I had my daughter in May of 2016. I took some time away from reading but I am back on it!

message 33: by Gerald (new)

Gerald Sessions (gwades) | 6 comments No goal but from this year learned. If you reviewed it on amazon but did not buy from Amazon does not cross over. Also if reviewed on goodreads but did not put date read may not show up on list

message 34: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments Going for 210 this year.

message 35: by [deleted user] (new)

Kirsten *Miss Misty is awfully sick... please send good thoughts her way!" wrote: "Going for 210 this year."
Wow! I'm shooting for 100. I've never done a challenge before

message 36: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Yes a total books read for the group does seem a good idea Perri

message 37: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
Hhmmm. Maybe. Or it might be be a challenge too far!! :)

Any thoughts. Shout out folks!

message 38: by Leah (new)

Leah Labbe | 104 comments I read 171 last year, but there was a handful of novellas in there for series I was reading. I set my GR challenge to 130. Depending on book length, I might change it later in the year, but we will see. I have some longer books queued up this year, so my book number is likely to be less than last year.

message 39: by Sandy (new)

Sandy | 190 comments Last year was 125 and I did 129 so this year I am going to try for 150. We will see - like others some are rather longer than last year.

message 40: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments I read 200 books for 2016, still adding them into my count due to not having internet. I've set my goal for 2017 at 250 books.

message 41: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments 2 down, 208 to go!

message 42: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
That's one heck of a number, Kirsten! :-)

message 43: by Franky (last edited Jan 14, 2017 09:21PM) (new)

Franky | 236 comments 30 is a good number for me. I get way too busy and have no time at certain points in the year. Sucks when life gets in the way of reading.

message 44: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments Janet wrote: "That's one heck of a number, Kirsten! :-)"

I take how many books I read the previous year and multiply it by 1.5.

message 45: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments 3 down, 207 to go!

message 46: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer | 3 comments Almost 2 down, 33 to go! I wasn't sure exactly what would be realistic for me since during college I couldn't read much for pleasure... but here we go!!

message 47: by Patricia (last edited Jan 16, 2017 09:19PM) (new)

Patricia | 1478 comments Lowering expectations - 24 for 2017. I just want a leisurely pace, no pressure at all.

message 48: by Daisy (new)

Daisy | 328 comments I didn't make my goal of 75 for 2016 since I was so sick. I've set my goal for 50 this year, just in case. :)

message 49: by Daisy (new)

Daisy | 328 comments I love the idea of total books read for the group.

message 50: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments 4 down, 206 to go!

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