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'Young Adult' Space Opera > New Releases and Discoveries

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message 1: by Betsy (new)

Betsy | 964 comments Mod
Veronica Roth, of "Divergent" fame, has a new series coming out, beginning with Carve the Mark

message 2: by Gary (new)

Gary Hansen (garynealhansen) | 1 comments Has anyone read "Rogue Prince" by Lindsay Buroker? Teen protagonists in space ships with battles and tech. It is the first in a new series spun off of another that I don't think is YA.

I'm looking for more of this kind of book so have popped into this group for the first time hoping for recommendations, though it looks inactive. I would love to hear your thoughts on books or active goodreads groups on the topic.

message 3: by Edward (new)

Edward Hoornaert | 8 comments Gary wrote: "Has anyone read "Rogue Prince" by Lindsay Buroker? Teen protagonists in space ships with battles and tech. It is the first in a new series spun off of another that I don't think is YA.

I'm lookin..."

I haven't read this book, but I noticed there's another thread about a YA sf, Gemina. You may want to take a look:

message 4: by Lizzie (new)

Lizzie | 303 comments Gary wrote: "Has anyone read "Rogue Prince" by Lindsay Buroker? Teen protagonists in space ships with battles and tech. It is the first in a new series spun off of another that I don't think is YA.

I'm lookin..."

There are at least 3 in the series thus far - that I have read. I rated them 4, 5, and 3 respectively. It is her Sky Full of Stars series which is a spin off of her Fallen Empire Series. The latter was the search for her daughter. Sky Full of Stars the daughter is piloting her own ship that looks like a turtle. It's a good series for young people to read.

Personally, I wouldn't see it as a problem for a teen to read the Fallen Empire series.

There is a trilogy by Leonie Rogers that would be excellent for young adult. Frontier Incursion by Leonie Rogers Frontier Resistance by Leonie Rogers and Frontier Defiant by Leonie Rogers . I liked the series so much in addition to my kindle versions I bought the printed versions as a Christmas gift for my daughter.

message 5: by Betsy (new)

Betsy | 964 comments Mod
100 YA Sci-Fi, although it includes dystopian and some mixed SF-Fantasy:

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