Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

Challenge Theme: All About You > All About You, Part Two!

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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Jan 24, 2017 02:10PM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

This challenge lasts for 1 year from the date you start

Choose one of these a month and work your way through the year. As before, because this challenge is all about you, you can choose the order, you can trade out one monthly challenge for one you create. Have fun!

Month 1: A nickname you go by - or want to go by! You know...Bunny, Snookums, Babe. Spell-It-Out.

Month 2: Read four books where the protagonist has your current job, your dream job, or even your avocation.

Month 3: Again, your favorite color. Only this time choose four books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the cover, with at least one the predominate cover color.

Month 4: Read four books from your favorite series. They can either all be from different series or the same one.

Month 5: Make of your dream car. If you don't drive, then use your favorite form of transportation. If you want to find your mode of transportation on the covers of four books, go for it. Otherwise, Spell-It-Out.

Month 6: Birth Order. Were you born first, or sixth? Spell-It-Out.

Month 7: Whether you love to play it or watch it, what is your favorite sport? Baseball, football, hockey, the Olympics? Find four books on the topic, or Spell-It-Out.

Month 8: Your best subject in school. Math, science, French, Home Ec? Find four books on the topic, or the protagonist teaches or takes it. Or use the Spell-It-Out option.

Month 9:You against the elements. Read four books total, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, or has a depiction of them on the cover, or is the subject of the book.

Month 10: Your Kingdom: animal, vegetable or mineral? Decide on a kingdom, then choose something from within that kingdom. Example: elephant, zucchini, quartz. Read only three books this month. Or, you guessed it, Spell-It-Out.

Month 11: Read your favorite media delivery system: Kindle, NOOK, Kobe, iPad, e-book, audiobook, audio, iPod, paperback, paper, dead-tree version, etc. Spell-It-Out.

Month 12: Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1” .

In 2012 we started this challenge, and we've now decided to start a new thread for the challenge to freshen it up a bit! You can find the old thread here

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Jan 24, 2017 02:10PM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Amethyst Coin Challenge Themes ~ Amethyst Coin Amethyst Coin

Earn your Amethyst Coins with the Reading Challenges. Must Join a participating Reading Challenge on or after April 1, 2016.

To Earn an Amethyst Coin:
Amethyst Coin One Coin upon reading 25 or more books from this challenge in one year

Learn about Gem coins here

message 4: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 5: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 6: by Rokkan (last edited Oct 31, 2017 12:08PM) (new)

Rokkan (rokk) | 189 comments I had just started this in the old thread, so I'm copying it here to continue! Finished part one yesterday, funnily enough.

I'll be doing it in my own time rather than month by month because... well, that's easier for me with other challenges I have going on. As ever, books in italics are potential reads, linked books are already read and italic links are currently being read.

start date: 24/12/2016
end date ???

1. A nickname you go by
R - Rebel of the Sands - 7/3/2017
O - Openly Straight - 11/4/2017
K - The Killing Moon - 7/2/2017
K - The Kitchen God's Wife - 7/1/2017

2. Read four books where the protagonist has your current job, your dream job, or even your avocation.
1. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - 27/9/2017
2. An Exquisite Sense of What is Beautiful - 5/4/2017
3. The World According To Garp - 25/4/2017
4. The Help - 25/2/2017

3. Your favorite color (four books with purple on the cover)
1. Girl Hearts Girl - 21/1/2017
2. The Little Old Lady Who Broke All the Rules - 13/5/2017
3. Just One Damned Thing After Another - 20/8/2017
4. The Slow Regard of Silent Things - 5/9/2017

4. Read four books from your favorite series
1. Iron Winter - 22/1/2017
2. The Long Utopia - 9/10/2017
3. Thirty-Three Teeth - 4/10/2017
4. The Hanging Tree - 13/2/2017

5. Make of your dream car
A - All the Light We Cannot See - 17/1/2017
S - Six of Crows - 9/1/2017
T - The Trouble with Goats and Sheep - 4/8/2017
O - The Oddfits - 10/7/2017
N - Neverwhere - 15/5/2017

M - The Martian - 18/1/2017
A - The Accidental Apprentice - 4/3/2017
R - Red Sister - 22/7/2017
T - The Thief's Daughter - 12/9/ 2017
I - Intensity: A powerful thriller of violence and terror - 13/5/2017
N - NOS4R2 - 6/1/2017

6. Birth Order
S - Salmon Fishing in the Yemen - 28/1/2017
E - The Edge Chronicles 1: The Curse of the Gloamglozer: First Book of Quint - 4/2/2017
C - Cloudstreet - 29/1/2017
O - Once Upon a Time Ferret - 12/8/2017
N - No Hero - 11/1/2017
D - Death In Shanghai - 30/1/2017

7. Your favorite sport
H - The Hundred-Foot Journey - 18/4/2017
O -The Orphans' Promise - 19/8/2017
C - The Crossover - 15/3/2017
K - Kiss of Steel - 1/6/2017
E - Europe In Autumn - 16/9/2017
Y - Year 50 - 11/7/2017

8. Your best subject in school
G - The Girl Who Played With Fire - 14/1/2017
E - Egypt: The Book of Chaos - 25/6/2017
R - Redshirts - 23/2/2017
M - Mad Science Institute - 6/2/2017
A - Apocalypse Now Now - 8/3/2017
N - Neverwhere - 15/5/2017

9. You against the elements
Earth - Hollow Earth - 12/10/2017
Fire - The Fire Sermon - 6/4/2017
Water - The Color of Water in July - 18/5/2017
Air - The Court of the Air - 31/10/2017

10. Your Kingdom: animal
N - A Natural History of Dragons - 27/6/2017
A - Alice in Zombieland - 5/3/2017
R - Ravinor - 26/7/2017
W - What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions - 30/12/2016
H - Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race - 15/10/2017
A - Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter - 10/4/2017
L - Lies We Tell Ourselves - 17/1/2017

11.Read your favorite media delivery system
K - Kill Baxter - 27/4/2017
I - I Am the Messenger - 26/2/2017
N - Nexus - 8/1/2017
D - The Dogtown Tourist Agency - 28/12/16
L - Life After Life - 21/2/2017
E - Everything I Never Told You - 2/5/2017

12.Read 3 or 4 books by authors you've never read before but have been meaning to
1. Inkheart - 12/7/2017
2. Half of a Yellow Sun - 5/2/2017
3. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall - 20/2/2017
4. The Three-Body Problem - 15/4/2017

message 7: by Kay Kay (new)

Kay Kay | 1794 comments Ok I'll try 25 books

message 8: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Welcome Holly & Karrie!

message 9: by Allison Ann (last edited Jul 22, 2018 02:51PM) (new)

Allison Ann | 1408 comments Finished Part One finally, so I'm in for Part Two.

NBRC All About You Challenge
Part Two
Duration: March 1, 2017 - February 28, 2018

Month 1: A nickname you go by - or want to go by! You know...Bunny, Snookums, Babe. Spell-It-Out.
March 5/5

My nickname is AL, which is a pretty wimpy choice for a spell-it-out, so I'll use my old online nickname SUNNY.

S - Shades of Earl Grey by Laura Childs - 3/23/17
U - Unnatural Causes by P.D. James - 3/06/17
N - Never to Keep by Aimie Grey - 3/28/17
N - Not over You by Amanda Torrey - 5/05/17
Y - You Don't Have to Say You Love Me by Sarra Manning - 3/06/17

Month 2: Read four books where the protagonist has your current job, your dream job, or even your avocation.
April 4/4

1. A Deadly Cliché by Ellery Adams - 4/01/17 - MC owns a restaurant, I also own a (much less upscale) restaurant.
2. Chocolate Most Deadly by Mary Maxwell - 4/11/17 - MC owns a bakery, I own a bakery.
3. Just Between Friends by Sandra Steffen - 4/16/17 - MC is a caterer, my restaurant does catering.
4. A Wedding to Die For by Heather Haven - 4/29/17 - MC is a private investigator, which is what my Nancy Drew loving self planned to be when I was a kid.

Month 3: Again, your favorite color. Only this time choose four books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the cover, with at least one the predominate cover color.
May - Green - 4/4

1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #1) by Douglas Adams by Douglas Adams - 5/04/17 - green planet
2. Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese by Richard Wagamese - 5/04/17 - olive green square
3. Murder on the Prowl (Mrs. Murphy, #6) by Rita Mae Brown by Rita Mae Brown - 5/12/17 - green cat
4. Justice is a Woman by Catherine Cookson by Catherine Cookson - 5/30/17 - green cover

Month 4: Read four books from your favorite series. They can either all be from different series or the same one.
June 4/4

1. Chronicles of Brother Cadfael #13 - The Rose Rent by Ellis Peters - 6/02/17
2. Alexandra Cooper #5 - The Bone Vault by Linda Fairstein - 6/14/17
3. Lucas Davenport #21 - Buried Prey by John Sandford - 6/19/17
4. A Dog Lover's Mystery #12 - Evil Breeding by Susan Conant - 6/21/17

Month 5: Make of your dream car. If you don't drive, then use your favorite form of transportation. If you want to find your mode of transportation on the covers of four books, go for it. Otherwise, Spell-It-Out.
I miss the old school Jeep Grand Cherokees
July 8/8

C - Company Town by Madeline Ashby - 8/19/17
H - The Honey Queen by Cathy Kelly - 7/26/17
E - Entombed by Linda Fairstein - 7/21/17
R - Rampant by Diana Peterfreund - 9/09/17
O - Outfoxed by Rita Mae Brown - 7/14/17
K - A Killer Collection by J.B. Stanley - 9/13/17
E - The Emperor's Code by Gordon Korman - 7/23/17
E - Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott - 8/21/17

Month 6: Birth Order. Were you born first, or sixth? Spell-It-Out.
August 5/5

F - The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton - 8/21/17
I - Into the Gauntlet by Margaret Peterson Haddix - 8/06/17
R - Ruffly Speaking by Susan Conant - 9/26/17
S - Still Life by Louise Penny - 8/04/17
T - The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan - 8/29/17

Month 7: Whether you love to play it or watch it, what is your favorite sport? Baseball, football, hockey, the Olympics? Find four books on the topic, or Spell-It-Out.
September 6/6

H - Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts 1 & 2 by J.K. Rowling - 10/16/17
O - Obasan by Joy Kogawa - 9/05/17
C - The Cove by Catherine Coulter - 10/04/17
K - The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom - 10/25/17
E - Echoes in Death by J.D. Robb - 10/24/17
Y - The Year We Disappeared: A Father-Daughter Memoir by Cylin Busby - 9/18/17

Month 8: Your best subject in school. Math, science, French, Home Ec? Find four books on the topic, or the protagonist teaches or takes it. Or use the Spell-It-Out option.
October 7/7

E - Extreme Prey by John Sandford - 11/18/17
N - Night Work by Steve Hamilton - 10/03/17
G - The Girl Who Was Saturday Night by Heather O'Neill - 11/05/17
L - The Lake House by Kate Morton - 10/14/17
I - Insatiable Appetites by Stuart Woods - 10/28/17
S - Silken Prey by John Sandford - 10/08/17
H - Hit List by Lawrence Block - 10/17/17

Month 9:You against the elements. Read four books total, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, or has a depiction of them on the cover, or is the subject of the book.
November 4/4

1. Here on Earth by Alice Hoffman - 12/31/17
2. The Summer Wind by Mary Alice Monroe - 12/28/17
3. Night Fire by Catherine Coulter - 2/14/18
4. Burning Water by Mercedes Lackey - 1/22/18

Month 10: Your Kingdom: animal, vegetable or mineral? Decide on a kingdom, then choose something from within that kingdom. Example: elephant, zucchini, quartz. Read only three books this month. Or, you guessed it, Spell-It-Out.
December - Vegetable 9/9

P - The Perfect Christmas by Debbie Macomber - 1/03/18
O - Over the Edge by Jonathan Kellerman - 12/04/17
I - I Know a Secret by Tess Gerritsen - 12/06/17
S - The Summer Girls by Mary Alice Monroe - 12/05/17
O - Off the Menu by Stacey Ballis - 12/21/17
N - Never Buried by Edie Claire - 1/06/18
I - In the Clearing by Robert Dugoni - 12/27/17
V - Vanishing Point by Marcia Muller - 3/27/18
Y - You Only Get So Much by Dan Kolbet - 1/11/18

Month 11: Read your favorite media delivery system: Kindle, NOOK, Kobe, iPad, e-book, audiobook, audio, iPod, paperback, paper, dead-tree version, etc. Spell-It-Out.
January - Hard Cover 9/9

H - Haunted Spouse by Heather Allison - 1/07/18
A - Africa Road Trip: One LandCruiser, Two Australians, 300 Days by C.A. Jones - 1/05/18
R - Red Velvet, Dead Velvet by Mary Maxwell - 2/10/18
D - Death of a Glutton by M.C. Beaton - 1/08/18
C - The Clinic by Jonathan Kellerman - 1/04/18
O - Original Sin by P.D. James - 2/28/18
V - The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides - 7/20/18
E - Eyes on You by Kate White - 1/30/18
R -A Rare Benedictine by Ellis Peters - 3/29/18

Month 12: Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1” . - Month 6: Read 4 books from your favorite genre
February - Mystery - 4/4

1. The Trapped Girl by Robert Dugoni - 2/01/18
2. Any Other Name by Craig Johnson - 2/02/18
3. 16th Seduction by James Patterson - 2/03/18
4. The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern by Lilian Jackson Braun - 2/04/18

message 10: by ☘KathyD☘ (new)

☘KathyD☘ | 124 comments i'm in!

message 11: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Welcome to the challenge ☺

message 12: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Welcome to the challenge everybody!

I've linked all of your challenge posts at the top.

Good Luck!

message 13: by Sarah (last edited Dec 26, 2017 05:28AM) (new)

Sarah (outtaty) | 42 comments I never reposted this. Oops

January 1, 2017- Decemeber 31, 2017
Completed 11/12 Months

1. A nickname you go by - or want to go by! 4/4
L Leigh Bardugo Six of Crows 1/17/17 ****
O Once Upon a Prince 1/10/17 **
V The Virtuoso 1/14/17 **.5
E Elle Katharine White Heartstone 1/21/17 ****

2. Read four books where the protagonist has your current job, your dream job, or even your avocation. Nurse, Tea Shop, or Dancer. 4/4
Pekoe Most Poison 3/25/17 ****
Quickstep to Murder 4/29/17 ****
Dead Man Waltzing 5/6/17 ***
The Homicide Hustle: A Ballroom Dance Mystery 5/9/17 ***

3. Again, your favorite color. Only this time choose four books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the cover, with at least one the predominate cover color. Black 4/4
Flame in the Mist (Flame in the Mist, #1) by Renee Ahdieh 5/6/17 ****
The Tomorrow Code by Brian Falkner 7/29/17 **
Mind Games 9/5/17 ***
Ender's Game (Ender's Saga, #1) by Orson Scott Card 12/14/17 ****

4. Read four books from your favorite series. They can either all be from different series or the same one. 4/4
The Long Game 1/7/17 ****
Take the Key and Lock Her Up23] 1/8/17 ****
Always on My Mind 1/9/17 ****
The Beauty of Darkness 1/5/17 *****

5. Make of your dream car. If you don't drive, then use your favorite form of transportation. (just chose first sexy make I could think of) 6/6
J Jennifer E. Smith Windfall 5/28/17 ***
A Amy Bearce Mer-Charmer 6/12/17 ***
G Gloss 6/13/17 ***
U Under the Never Sky 10/21/17 ***
A Agatha Christie Murder on the Orient Express 7/24/17 *****
R Rachel Hauck Princess Ever After 6/21/17 ***

6. Birth Order. 4/4
O Once and for All 6/17/17 ***
N North and South 10/18/17 *****
L The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet 7/25/27 *****
Y You Will Know Me 9/25/17 ****

7. Whether you love to play it or watch it, what is your favorite sport? 10/10
D Diane Kelly Paw and Order 3/16/17 ***
A The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian 2/1/17 *****
N Never Evers 2/12/17 ****
C Carolyn Brown Wicked Cowboy Charm 2/7/17 **.5
E Eloisa James Seven Minutes in Heaven 3/22/17 ****
S Susan Gloss Vintage 1/21/17 ****
P Park, Jessica Flat-Out Love 3/9/17 ****
O O'Neill, Louise Asking For It 3/25/17 ****
R Rachel Hoffman Unf*ck Your Habitat: You're Better Than Your Mess 3/12/17 ****
T Tom Crosshill The Cat King of Havana 2/20/17 ***

8. Your best subject in school. 6/7
E Evans, Bronwyn A Promise of More 11/24/17 **
N The Nest 5/22/17 ****
G Gemina 8/6/17 ****
L Laura Drewry Catch and Release
I It's in His Kiss 7/12/17 ***
S Sarah J Maas A Court of Wings and Ruin ****
H Holly Smale Forever Geek 6/13/17 *****

9. You against the elements. Read four books total, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, or has a depiction of them on the cover, or is the subject of the book. 4/4
Earth My Not So Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella 3/8/17 ****
Wind A Court of Mist and Fury 2/9/17 *****
Fire Burn Baby Burn 4/1/17 *****
Water Like a River Glorious 4/3/17 ****

10. Your Kingdom: animal, vegetable or mineral? Decide on a kingdom, then choose something from within that kingdom. 5/5
O Orgain, Diana Nursing a Grudge 5/20/17 ***
K Katherine Garbera Pushing the Limits 4/27/17 ***
A Alex, Approximately 5/19/17 ****
P Panda-monium 4/29/17 ****
I Isabel Bandeira Bookishly Ever After 4/29/17 ***

11. Read your favorite media delivery system. 4/5
P Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood 7/27/17 ****
A Annie Adams Deadly Arrangements 8/22/17 ***
P Pies & Prejudice 9/18/17 ***
E The Escape 6/18/17 ****
R The Rogue Not Taken

12. Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1” . Read new to me authors. 3/3
Amy Bearce Fairy Keeper 4/30/17
Greer Macallister Girl in Disguise 6/11/17 ****
Arthur Conan Doyle A Study in Scarlet 6/14/17 ****

message 14: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Welcome to the challenge Sarah!

I've linked your challenge post at the top of the thread.

Happy Reading!

message 15: by Maddy (last edited Feb 04, 2018 10:34AM) (new)

Maddy | 2127 comments Hello :) I am in.
Start date - June 28
Finished - January 30

Month 1: A nickname you go by - or want to go by! You know...Bunny, Snookums, Babe. Spell-It-Out.
(view spoiler)

Month 2: Read four books where the protagonist has your current job, your dream job, or even your avocation.
(view spoiler)

Month 3: Again, your favorite color. Only this time choose four books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the cover, with at least one the predominate cover color. Green/Black
(view spoiler)

Month 4: Read four books from your favorite series. They can either all be from different series or the same one.
(view spoiler)

Month 5: Make of your dream car. If you don't drive, then use your favorite form of transportation. If you want to find your mode of transportation on the covers of four books, go for it. Otherwise, Spell-It-Out.
(view spoiler)

Month 6: Birth Order. Were you born first, or sixth? Spell-It-Out.
(view spoiler)

Month 7: Whether you love to play it or watch it, what is your favorite sport? Baseball, football, hockey, the Olympics? Find four books on the topic, or Spell-It-Out.
(view spoiler)

Month 8: Your best subject in school. Math, science, French, Home Ec? Find four books on the topic, or the protagonist teaches or takes it. Or use the Spell-It-Out option.
(view spoiler)

Month 9:You against the elements. Read four books total, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, or has a depiction of them on the cover, or is the subject of the book.
(view spoiler)

Month 10: Your Kingdom: animal, vegetable or mineral? Decide on a kingdom, then choose something from within that kingdom. Example: elephant, zucchini, quartz. Read only three books this month. Or, you guessed it, Spell-It-Out.
(view spoiler)

Month 11: Read your favorite media delivery system: Kindle, NOOK, Kobe, iPad, e-book, audiobook, audio, iPod, paperback, paper, dead-tree version, etc. Spell-It-Out.
(view spoiler)

Month 12: Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1” . ->
Month 6: Read 3 or 4 books from your favorite genre – paranormal romance
(view spoiler)

message 16: by Katherine (last edited Sep 28, 2017 04:54PM) (new)

Katherine | 298 comments 💎💎🎀💎💎 All About You, Part Two! 💎💎🎀💎💎

Month 1: A nickname you go by - or want to go by! Cat (view spoiler)
Return of the Aliens by Ruth Ann Nordin The Last Unicorn (The Last Unicorn, #1) by Peter S. Beagle Alien Rule (Clans of Kalquor, #2) by Tracy St. John
Month 2: where the protagonist has your dream job. (view spoiler)
Alien Embrace (Clans of Kalquor, #1) by Tracy St. John Black Butler, Vol. 23 (Black Butler, #23) by Yana Toboso Naruto (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 10 Includes Vols. 28, 29 & 30 (Naruto Omnibus, #10) by Masashi Kishimoto Year One (Living with the Dead #1-2) by Joshua Guess
Month 3: books with your favorite colour on the cover. Blue (view spoiler)
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Redeeming Zorus (Cyborg Seduction, #6) by Laurann Dohner Hotel Valhalla Guide to the Norse Worlds Your Introduction to Deities, Mythical Beings & Fantastic Creatures by Rick Riordan The Sword in the Stone (The Once and Future King, #1) by T.H. White
Month 4: Read four books from your favorite series. (view spoiler)
The Spook's Stories Grimalkin's Tale by Joseph Delaney Ral's Woman (Zorn Warriors, #1) by Laurann Dohner Tiger (New Species, #7) by Laurann Dohner Justice (New Species, #4) by Laurann Dohner
Month 5: find your mode of transportation on the covers. (view spoiler)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus, #5) by Rick Riordan Fairy Tales Of Hans Christian Andersen by Hans Christian Andersen Tossing the Salaad (Caverns and Creatures) by Robert Bevan
Month 6: Birth Order. First (view spoiler)
The House of Hades (The Heroes of Olympus, #4) by Rick Riordan The Spook's Nightmare (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles, #7) by Joseph Delaney My Little Monster, Vol. 5 by Robico Five Nights at Freddy's The Twisted Ones by Scott Cawthon I Am Grimalkin (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles, #9) by Joseph Delaney
Month 7: Find four books on a sport. Swimming (view spoiler)
Birth of a Killer (The Saga of Larten Crepsley, #1) by Darren Shan d6 by Robert Bevan The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 5 Like I'm The Only Squirrel In The World (The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015-)) by Ryan North The Spook's Blood (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles, #10) by Joseph Delaney
Month 8: Your best subject in school. Art (view spoiler)
Jem and the Holograms (2015-) #21 by Kelly Thompson The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents (Discworld, #28) by Terry Pratchett The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Volume 4 I Kissed a Squirrel and I Liked It by Ryan North
Month 9: You against the elements. (view spoiler)
Playing with Fire (Skulduggery Pleasant, #2) by Derek Landy United States Of Apocalypse by Mark Tufo The Spook's Destiny (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles, #8) by Joseph Delaney Spook's Slither's Tale (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles #11) by Joseph Delaney
Month 10: Decide on a kingdom. Mythical Kingdom (view spoiler)
Naruto (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 11 Includes Vols. 31, 32 33 by Masashi Kishimoto The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials, #2) by Philip Pullman Tramps Like Us, Vol. 1 by Yayoi Ogawa I Had a Black Dog His Name Was Depression by Matthew Johnstone How to Fight a Dragon’s Fury (How To Train Your Dragon, #12) by Cressida Cowell Coraline by Neil Gaiman Mr Mumbles (Invisible Fiends, Book 1) by Barry Hutchison
Month 11: Read your favorite media system. Audiobook (view spoiler)
Berrr's Vow (Zorn Warriors, #4) by Laurann Dohner Anne of Green Gables (Anne of Green Gables, #1) by L.M. Montgomery Tramps Like Us, Vol. 2 by Yayoi Ogawa Tramps Like Us, Volume 3 by Yayoi Ogawa Tramps Like Us, Volume 4 by Yayoi Ogawa Coto's Captive (Zorn Warriors, #5) by Laurann Dohner Spook's Alice (The Last Apprentice / Wardstone Chronicles, #12) by Joseph Delaney Next Top Villain (Ever After High A School Story, #1) by Suzanne Selfors
Month 12: Repeat. Month 8: Read 4 books written by your favorite authors: (view spoiler)
Orange The Complete Collection, Vol. 2 by Ichigo Takano The Adventures of Captain Underpants (Captain Underpants, #1) by Dav Pilkey My Love Story!!, Vol. 9 by Kazune Kawahara Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets (Captain Underpants, #2) by Dav Pilkey

message 17: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Welcome Maddy & Katherine!!

Sunshine✰✰✰ | 313 comments I was working on this in the old thread. Finally got it finished!

All About You, Part Two!
Duration: 6/1/16 - 5/31/17
Books: 67/67

Month 1: Read a nickname you go by
S Blood Will Tell by Samantha Young 7/27/16
M Trick or Treat Murder by Leslie Meier 7/9/16
O Sweet Magic Song by Olivia Hardin 6/7/16
O Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz 10/13/16
S Stray by Rachel Vincent 6/9/16
H The Hunt by Susan Sizemore 6/13/16

Month 2: Read 4 books where the MC has your Current Job, Dream Job, or Avocation.
1 Forbidden Pleasure by Lora Leigh 7/19/16 - Work-at-Home Accountant
2 The Long Quiche Goodbye by Avery Aames 9/20/16 - Cheese & Wine Shop Owner
3 Lost and Fondue by Avery Aames 1/14/17 - Cheese & Wine Shop Owner
4 Flip That Haunted House by Rose Pressey 12/9/16 - House Flipper

Month 3: Read 4 books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the cover - Red
1 Dirty Martini (Jack Daniels Mystery, #4) by J.A. Konrath by J.A. Konrath 6/15/16
2 Riding Red (Fairytale Shifter, #1) by Alexa Riley by Alexa Riley 11/10/16
3 Poison Study (Study, #1) by Maria V. Snyder by Maria V. Snyder 1/24/17
4 Dead Witch Walking (The Hollows, #1) by Kim Harrison by Kim Harrison 3/21/17

Month 4: Read 4 books from your Favorite Series, Can be all different or the same series
1 Fuzzy Navel by J.A. Konrath 8/3/16
2 Spectyr by Philippa Ballantine 8/11/16
3 Destined for an Early Grave by Jeaniene Frost 8/23/16
4 Cherry Bomb by J.A. Konrath 9/14/16

Month 5: Read the Make of your dream car.
C Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare 9/12/16
H Smoke Rising by Craig Halloran 9/1/16
E Ever Shade by Alexia Purdy 1/18/17
R Frostbite by Richelle Mead 9/23/16
O On What Grounds by Cleo Coyle 11/21/16
K Killer Cupcakes by Leighann Dobbs 12/31/16
E Deadly Magic by Elisabeth Crabtree 2/6/17
E Moseh's Staff by A.W. Exley 12/15/16

Month 6: Read your Birth Order - I am the Second child for each of my parents, but Third in order of ages.
S Uglies by Scott Westerfeld 6/22/16
E Eternal Kiss of Darkness by Jeaniene Frost 2/20/17
C Crush by Stefan Petrucha 9/6/16
O Taking Chances by Ann Omasta 2/17/17
N Nero's Fiddle by A.W. Exley 11/16/16
D The Maze Runner by James Dashner 11/9/16
T The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien 1/31/17
H Darkhouse by Karina Halle 6/28/16
I Invisible by Lorena McCourtney 6/20/16
R Xoe: or Vampires, and Werewolves, and Demons, Oh My! by Sara C. Roethle 6/30/16
D We'll Always Have Parrots by Donna Andrews 8/26/16

Month 7: Read your favorite sport
B Geist by Philippa Ballantine 7/18/16
A Awaken Me Darkly by Gena Showalter 5/25/16
D Touch of the Demon by Diana Rowland 8/29/16
M The First Patient by Michael Palmer 8/8/16
I The Peeling Omnibus by Iain Rob Wright 7/23/16
N Tempest's Legacy by Nicole Peeler 4/16/17
T Zomblog by T.W. Brown 12/31/16
O The Demon Trapper's Daughter by Jana Oliver 4/19/17
N Natural Causes by Michael Palmer 5/20/17

Month 8: Read your Best Subject in School
M Back to School Murder by Leslie Meier 8/30/16
A A Demon Bound by Debra Dunbar 8/1/16
T Tracking the Tempest by Nicole Peeler 6/3/16
H Happily Never After by Jeaniene Frost 8/27/16

Month 9: Read 4 books, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, on the cover, or is the subject of the book.
1 Jacob by Jacquelyn Frank 5/16/17 - Earth Elemental
2 Shadow Heir by Richelle Mead 7/12/17 - Controls Air
3 Onyx Dragon (Awakened Dragons, #1) by Terry Bolryder 8/12/17 - Fire Cover
4 Atlantis Riptide (Lost Daughters of Atlantis #1) by Allie Burton 3/10/17 - Water Cover

Month 10: Read 3 books from your Kingdom: Animal: Dog
D The Weight of Blood by David Dalglish 2/17/17
O Once Bitten, Twice Shy by Jennifer Rardin 4/6/17
G Genesis by Michaelbrent Collings 2/21/17

Month 11: Read your favorite media delivery system
K Panic by K.R. Griffiths 10/31/16
I Slasher: the Escape of Richard Heinz by Iain Rob Wright 7/19/16
N Paint it Black by Nancy A. Collins 8/21/16
D Secrets of the Demon by Diana Rowland 9/29/16
L Little Brats: Taboo A-Z Volume 1 by Selena Kitt 8/20/16
E Hatshepsut's Collar by A.W. Exley 9/26/16

Month 12: Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1” .
Read 4 books from your favorite genre - Horror
1 House of Blood by Bryan Smith 7/6/16
2 Blood Memory: Season One, Episode One by Perrin Briar 7/11/16
3 Suicide Forest by Jeremy Bates 10/6/16
4 World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks 12/4/16

message 19: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Congrats Sunshine!!!

message 20: by Ipshita (last edited Jan 07, 2018 06:40AM) (new)

Ipshita (miss_romanceaholic) | 276 comments Signing up!

All About You, Part Two!
Duration: 1st Jan,2018 - 31st Dec,2018
Books: 1

Faith (Brides of the West #1) by Lori Copeland Comanche Moon by Catherine Anderson

Month 1: A nickname you go by - Shilpa (mostly family) and Ippy (friends)


Month 2: Read four books where the protagonist has your current job, your dream job, or even your avocation.

Month 3: Again, your favorite color. Only this time choose four books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the cover, with at least one the predominate cover color.

Month 4: Read four books from your favorite series. They can either all be from different series or the same one.


Month 5: Make of your dream car. If you don't drive, then use your favorite form of transportation. If you want to find your mode of transportation on the covers of four books, go for it. Otherwise, Spell-It-Out.


Month 6: Birth Order. Were you born first, or sixth? Spell-It-Out.

F. Faith 04/01

Month 7: Whether you love to play it or watch it, what is your favorite sport? Baseball, football, hockey, the Olympics? Find four books on the topic, or Spell-It-Out.

C. Comanche Moon

Month 8: Your best subject in school. Math, science, French, Home Ec? Find four books on the topic, or the protagonist teaches or takes it. Or use the Spell-It-Out option.


Month 9:You against the elements. Read four books total, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, or has a depiction of them on the cover, or is the subject of the book.

Month 10: Your Kingdom: animal, vegetable or mineral? Decide on a kingdom, then choose something from within that kingdom. Example: elephant, zucchini, quartz. Read only three books this month. Or, you guessed it, Spell-It-Out.

Month 11: Read your favorite media delivery system: Kindle, NOOK, Kobe, iPad, e-book, audiobook, audio, iPod, paperback, paper, dead-tree version, etc. Spell-It-Out.


Month 12: Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1” .

message 21: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Welcome Ipshita!

message 22: by Jill (new)

Jill Tool | 28 comments All About You, Part Two!
Duration: 1st Jan,2018 - 31st Dec,2018

Month 1: A nickname you go by - Jillybeans

Completed: 0/10

J -
I -
L -
L -
Y -
B -
E -
A -
N -
S -

Month 2: Read four books where the protagonist has your current job, your dream job, or even your avocation.

Completed: 0/4


Month 3: Again, your favorite color. Only this time choose four books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the cover, with at least one the predominate cover color.

Completed: 0/4


Month 4: Read four books from your favorite series. They can either all be from different series or the same one.

Completed: 0/4


Month 5: Make of your dream car. If you don't drive, then use your favorite form of transportation. If you want to find your mode of transportation on the covers of four books, go for it. Otherwise, Spell-It-Out.

Completed: 0/5

T -
R -
U -
C -
K -

Month 6: Birth Order. Were you born first, or sixth? Spell-It-Out.

Completed: 0/5

F -
I -
R -
S -
T -

Month 7: Whether you love to play it or watch it, what is your favorite sport? Baseball, football, hockey, the Olympics? Find four books on the topic, or Spell-It-Out.

Completed: 0/8

B -
A -
S -
E -
B -
A -
L -
L -

Month 8: Your best subject in school. Math, science, French, Home Ec? Find four books on the topic, or the protagonist teaches or takes it. Or use the Spell-It-Out option.

Completed: 0/10

A -
C -
C -
O -
U -
N -
T -
I -
N -

Month 9:You against the elements. Read four books total, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, or has a depiction of them on the cover, or is the subject of the book.

Completed: 0/4


Month 10: Your Kingdom: animal, vegetable or mineral? Decide on a kingdom, then choose something from within that kingdom. Example: elephant, zucchini, quartz. Read only three books this month. Or, you guessed it, Spell-It-Out. DOG

Completed: 0/3

D -
O -
G -

Month 11: Read your favorite media delivery system: Kindle, NOOK, Kobe, iPad, e-book, audiobook, audio, iPod, paperback, paper, dead-tree version, etc. Spell-It-Out.

Completed: 0/6

K -
I -
N -
D -
L -
E -

Month 12: Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1” .

message 23: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Welcome Jill!

message 24: by Maddy (new)

Maddy | 2127 comments Thank you for the challenge! Bye bye :)

message 25: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
You are welcome Maddy!

message 26: by Keli (last edited Feb 08, 2019 01:09PM) (new)

Keli | 1164 comments Part 1 complete, time for part 2
Challenge Completed - 73 books read

✅Month 1: A nickname you go by - or want to go by! You know...Bunny, Snookums, Babe. Spell-It-Out.
L - The Long Earth - 27/02/18
A - Ilona Andrews, Magic Slays - 30/03/18
N - The Nest - 14/02/18
I - Larissa Ione, Pleasure Unbound - 02/09/18
✅Month 2: Read four books where the protagonist has your current job, your dream job, or even your avocation.
A - Kristen Ashley, The Will - 10/05/18
R - The Red Tent - 23/05/18
C - Kristen Callihan, Moonglow - 06/10/18
H - Her Dakota Man - 01/06/18
A - All the Birds in the Sky - 17/05/18
E - Eleventh Grave in Moonlight - 11/02/18
O - One for the Money - 27/03/18
L - Marjorie M. Liu, Monstress, Vol. 1: Awakening - 30/04/18
O - Old Man's War - 20/07/18
G - Dmitry Glukhovsky, Metro 2033 - 11/03/18
I - Ilona Andrews, Burn for Me - 15/07/18
S - Salvation in Death - 17/03/18
T - J. Maarten Troost, The Sex Lives of Cannibals: Adrift in the Equatorial Pacific - 24/05/18
✅Month 3: Again, your favorite color. Only this time choose four books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the cover, with at least one the predominate cover color.
I like all colours.
1 primary-(red) The Devil's Footprints by Amanda Stevens - 15/02/18
2 secondary - (green) Magic Shifts (Kate Daniels, #8) by Ilona Andrews - 06/05/18
3 metals - (gold) A Pocketful of Crows by Joanne M. Harris - 01/05/18
4 neutrals - (grey) Magic Breaks (Kate Daniels, #7) by Ilona Andrews - 05/04/18

✅Month 4: Read four books from your favorite series. They can either all be from different series or the same one.
1 - Charley - The Trouble with Twelfth Grave - 02/03/18
2 - Dante - Saint City Sinners - 09/01/19
3 - Rachel - The Good, The Bad and The Undead - 22/09/18
4 - Jane - Death's Rival - 07/04/18
5 - Kate - Magic Bleeds - 28/03/18

✅Month 5: Make of your dream car. If you don't drive, then use your favorite form of transportation. If you want to find your mode of transportation on the covers of four books, go for it. Otherwise, Spell-It-Out. 
J - Justice Calling - 15/06/18
A - Keri Arthur, City of Light - 14/06/18
G - Grace Draven, Entreat Me - 24/06/18
U - Unexpected Gifts - 30/05/18
A - Anne Bishop, Etched in Bone - 27/07/18
R - Red Sister - 27/06/18

✅Month 6: Birth Order. Were you born first, or sixth? Spell-It-Out.
L - Kate Locke, God Save the Queen - 25/08/18
A - Ilona Andrews, White Hot - 10/09/18
S - Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot - 18/06/18
T - Taming the Beast - 01/06/18

✅Month 7: Whether you love to play it or watch it, what is your favorite sport? Baseball, football, hockey, the Olympics? Find four books on the topic, or Spell-It-Out.
B - Beyond the Highland Mist - 16/04/18
A - Amanda Bouchet, Breath of Fire - 17/09/18
S Steven Johnson, The Ghost Map: A Street, an Epidemic and the Two Men Who Battled to Save Victorian London - 09/07/18
E Elantris - 23/03/18
B Blood Trade - 30/04/18
A - Ann Aguirre Grimspace - 15/11/18
L - Lois Duncan, Gallows Hill 16/10/18
L - Libriomancer - 19/12/18

✅Month 8: Your best subject in school. Math, science, French, Home Ec? Find four books on the topic, or the protagonist teaches or takes it. Or use the Spell-It-Out option.
F - Fool Moon - 19/02/18
R Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island - 24/09/18
E - Shea Ernshaw, The Wicked Deep
N - Naomi Alderman, The Power - 22/11/18
C - Capture - 03/06/18
H - Heat - 01/06/18

L - Living Dead in Dallas - 23/12/18
I - The Iron Hunt - 08/09/18
T - Taken - 14/07/18

Month 9:You against the elements. Read four books total, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, or has a depiction of them on the cover, or is the subject of the book.
1 - Water The Sealwoman's Gift by Sally Magnusson 23/07/18
2 - Earth Blood of the Earth - 04/07/18
3 - Fire Firelight (Darkest London, #1) by Kristen Callihan - 20/05/18
4 - Air- Love in Mid Air - 02/02/19

✅Month 10: Your Kingdom: animal, vegetable or mineral? Decide on a kingdom, then choose something from within that kingdom. Example: elephant, zucchini, quartz. Read only three books this month. Or, you guessed it, Spell-It-Out.
1 Animal - Sleeping Beauties by Stephen King - 29/10/18
2 Veg - The Diva Runs Out of Thyme (A Domestic Diva Mystery, #1) by Krista Davis - 26/12/18
3 Mineral - Iron and Magic - 21/01/19

✅Month 11: Read your favorite media delivery system: Kindle, NOOK, Kobe, iPad, e-book, audiobook, audio, iPod, paperback, paper, dead-tree version, etc. Spell-It-Out.
P - Polo - 10/03/18
A - Amelia Rose, Learning to Love - 05/06/18
P - Sarah Pinborough, The Death House
E - Every Dead Thing - 13/01/19
R - Penny Reid, Truth or Beard
B - Black Arts - 02/12/18
A - Ilona Andrews, Magic Rises - 01/04/18
C - A Confederacy of Dunces - 08/07/18
K - Kicking It - 27/08/18

✅Month 12: Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1” . New to me authors
1. C.J. Sansom, Dissolution - 15/05/18
2. Crista McHugh, The Queen B* Strikes Back - 30/05/18
3. Kate Willoughby, Falling for Flynn - 01/06/18
4. Joanne Fluke, Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder - 05/07/18

message 27: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Welcome Keli!

Your challenge post is linked HERE

message 28: by Colleen (last edited Nov 15, 2018 08:12AM) (new)

Colleen | 84 comments I'm in! Love these things, even if I don't finish them...

Duration: One year from start date.

Starting Date: 1/1/2018
Completion Date: 12/31/18

[ ] Challenge Complete

(view spoiler)

· Month 11: Read your favorite media delivery system: Kindle, NOOK, Kobe, iPad, e-book, audiobook, audio, iPod, paperback, paper, dead-tree version, etc. Spell-It-Out.
Start Date: 11/1/2018
End Date: 11/30/2018

P: Persuasion, by Jane Austen
A: The Red Tent, by Anita Diamant
P: Pellucidar, by Edgar Rice Burroughs
E: Wuthering Heights, by Emily Brontë
R: Remains of Innocence, by J.A. Jance
B: Before I Say Good-Bye, by Mary Higgins Clark
A: Across Five Aprils, by Irene Hunt
C: Missing You, by Harlan Coben
K: Kill Alex Cross, by James Patterson

(view spoiler)

message 29: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Welcome Colleen! Good luck finishing.

Your challenge post is HERE

message 30: by Rebecca (last edited Mar 06, 2018 05:52PM) (new)

Rebecca Waranch | 251 comments All About You, Part Two
March 1, 2018-March 1, 2019
(2/5) Books

Month 1 (March): A nickname you go by - or want to go by

I don't have a nickname, but I want to go by...

B Barton, Fiona The Child 3/2/18
T Tammy Cohen Dying For Christmas 3/3/18

Month 2 (April): Read four books where the protagonist has your current job, your dream job, or even your avocation.


Month 3 (May): Again, your favorite color. Only this time choose four books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the cover, with at least one the predominate cover color.


Month 4 (June): Read four books from your favorite series. They can either all be from different series or the same one.


Month 5 (July): Favorite form of transportation


Month 6 (August): Birth Order. Were you born first, or sixth? Spell-It-Out.


Month 7 (September): Whether you love to play it or watch it, what is your favorite sport?


Month 8: Your best subject in school. Math, science, French, Home Ec? Find four books on the topic, or the protagonist teaches or takes it. Or use the Spell-It-Out option.

Month 9:You against the elements. Read four books total, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, or has a depiction of them on the cover, or is the subject of the book.

Month 10: Your Kingdom: animal, vegetable or mineral? Decide on a kingdom, then choose something from within that kingdom. Example: elephant, zucchini, quartz. Read only three books this month. Or, you guessed it, Spell-It-Out.

Month 11: Read your favorite media delivery system: Kindle, NOOK, Kobe, iPad, e-book, audiobook, audio, iPod, paperback, paper, dead-tree version, etc. Spell-It-Out.

Month 12: Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1” .

message 31: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Mar 07, 2018 04:45AM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Welcome to the challenge Rebecca!

Your challenge post is linked HERE

message 32: by Allison Ann (new)

Allison Ann | 1408 comments Finally done. Now to track down Part 3 (if there is one). :D

NBRC All About You Challenge
Part Two
Duration: March 1, 2017 - February 28, 2018

Month 1: A nickname you go by - or want to go by! You know...Bunny, Snookums, Babe. Spell-It-Out.
March 5/5

My nickname is AL, which is a pretty wimpy choice for a spell-it-out, so I'll use my old online nickname SUNNY.

S - Shades of Earl Grey by Laura Childs - 3/23/17
U - Unnatural Causes by P.D. James - 3/06/17
N - Never to Keep by Aimie Grey - 3/28/17
N - Not over You by Amanda Torrey - 5/05/17
Y - You Don't Have to Say You Love Me by Sarra Manning - 3/06/17

Month 2: Read four books where the protagonist has your current job, your dream job, or even your avocation.
April 4/4

1. A Deadly Cliché by Ellery Adams - 4/01/17 - MC owns a restaurant, I also own a (much less upscale) restaurant.
2. Chocolate Most Deadly by Mary Maxwell - 4/11/17 - MC owns a bakery, I own a bakery.
3. Just Between Friends by Sandra Steffen - 4/16/17 - MC is a caterer, my restaurant does catering.
4. A Wedding to Die For by Heather Haven - 4/29/17 - MC is a private investigator, which is what my Nancy Drew loving self planned to be when I was a kid.

Month 3: Again, your favorite color. Only this time choose four books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the cover, with at least one the predominate cover color.
May - Green - 4/4

1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #1) by Douglas Adams by Douglas Adams - 5/04/17 - green planet
2. Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese by Richard Wagamese - 5/04/17 - olive green square
3. Murder on the Prowl (Mrs. Murphy, #6) by Rita Mae Brown by Rita Mae Brown - 5/12/17 - green cat
4. Justice is a Woman by Catherine Cookson by Catherine Cookson - 5/30/17 - green cover

Month 4: Read four books from your favorite series. They can either all be from different series or the same one.
June 4/4

1. Chronicles of Brother Cadfael #13 - The Rose Rent by Ellis Peters - 6/02/17
2. Alexandra Cooper #5 - The Bone Vault by Linda Fairstein - 6/14/17
3. Lucas Davenport #21 - Buried Prey by John Sandford - 6/19/17
4. A Dog Lover's Mystery #12 - Evil Breeding by Susan Conant - 6/21/17

Month 5: Make of your dream car. If you don't drive, then use your favorite form of transportation. If you want to find your mode of transportation on the covers of four books, go for it. Otherwise, Spell-It-Out.
I miss the old school Jeep Grand Cherokees
July 8/8

C - Company Town by Madeline Ashby - 8/19/17
H - The Honey Queen by Cathy Kelly - 7/26/17
E - Entombed by Linda Fairstein - 7/21/17
R - Rampant by Diana Peterfreund - 9/09/17
O - Outfoxed by Rita Mae Brown - 7/14/17
K - A Killer Collection by J.B. Stanley - 9/13/17
E - The Emperor's Code by Gordon Korman - 7/23/17
E - Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott - 8/21/17

Month 6: Birth Order. Were you born first, or sixth? Spell-It-Out.
August 5/5

F - The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton - 8/21/17
I - Into the Gauntlet by Margaret Peterson Haddix - 8/06/17
R - Ruffly Speaking by Susan Conant - 9/26/17
S - Still Life by Louise Penny - 8/04/17
T - The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan - 8/29/17

Month 7: Whether you love to play it or watch it, what is your favorite sport? Baseball, football, hockey, the Olympics? Find four books on the topic, or Spell-It-Out.
September 6/6

H - Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts 1 & 2 by J.K. Rowling - 10/16/17
O - Obasan by Joy Kogawa - 9/05/17
C - The Cove by Catherine Coulter - 10/04/17
K - The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom - 10/25/17
E - Echoes in Death by J.D. Robb - 10/24/17
Y - The Year We Disappeared: A Father-Daughter Memoir by Cylin Busby - 9/18/17

Month 8: Your best subject in school. Math, science, French, Home Ec? Find four books on the topic, or the protagonist teaches or takes it. Or use the Spell-It-Out option.
October 7/7

E - Extreme Prey by John Sandford - 11/18/17
N - Night Work by Steve Hamilton - 10/03/17
G - The Girl Who Was Saturday Night by Heather O'Neill - 11/05/17
L - The Lake House by Kate Morton - 10/14/17
I - Insatiable Appetites by Stuart Woods - 10/28/17
S - Silken Prey by John Sandford - 10/08/17
H - Hit List by Lawrence Block - 10/17/17

Month 9:You against the elements. Read four books total, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, or has a depiction of them on the cover, or is the subject of the book.
November 4/4

1. Here on Earth by Alice Hoffman - 12/31/17
2. The Summer Wind by Mary Alice Monroe - 12/28/17
3. Night Fire by Catherine Coulter - 2/14/18
4. Burning Water by Mercedes Lackey - 1/22/18

Month 10: Your Kingdom: animal, vegetable or mineral? Decide on a kingdom, then choose something from within that kingdom. Example: elephant, zucchini, quartz. Read only three books this month. Or, you guessed it, Spell-It-Out.
December - Vegetable 9/9

P - The Perfect Christmas by Debbie Macomber - 1/03/18
O - Over the Edge by Jonathan Kellerman - 12/04/17
I - I Know a Secret by Tess Gerritsen - 12/06/17
S - The Summer Girls by Mary Alice Monroe - 12/05/17
O - Off the Menu by Stacey Ballis - 12/21/17
N - Never Buried by Edie Claire - 1/06/18
I - In the Clearing by Robert Dugoni - 12/27/17
V - Vanishing Point by Marcia Muller - 3/27/18
Y - You Only Get So Much by Dan Kolbet - 1/11/18

Month 11: Read your favorite media delivery system: Kindle, NOOK, Kobe, iPad, e-book, audiobook, audio, iPod, paperback, paper, dead-tree version, etc. Spell-It-Out.
January - Hard Cover 9/9

H - Haunted Spouse by Heather Allison - 1/07/18
A - Africa Road Trip: One LandCruiser, Two Australians, 300 Days by C.A. Jones - 1/05/18
R - Red Velvet, Dead Velvet by Mary Maxwell - 2/10/18
D - Death of a Glutton by M.C. Beaton - 1/08/18
C - The Clinic by Jonathan Kellerman - 1/04/18
O - Original Sin by P.D. James - 2/28/18
V - The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides - 7/20/18
E - Eyes on You by Kate White - 1/30/18
R -A Rare Benedictine by Ellis Peters - 3/29/18

Month 12: Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1” . - Month 6: Read 4 books from your favorite genre
February - Mystery - 4/4

1. The Trapped Girl by Robert Dugoni - 2/01/18
2. Any Other Name by Craig Johnson - 2/02/18
3. 16th Seduction by James Patterson - 2/03/18
4. The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern by Lilian Jackson Braun - 2/04/18

message 33: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Congratulations Alison Ann!!

Welcome Gabi; your challenge post is HERE

message 34: by Tina ❣ (last edited Dec 31, 2019 09:51PM) (new)

Tina ❣ (nutrinut) | 1919 comments Start: 01/01/2019
End: 31/12/2019
Books: 66/66

Month 1: A nickname you go by - or want to go by! You know...Bunny, Snookums, Babe. Spell-It-Out.
Read: 5/5
M - My Thoughts Exactly by Lily Allen 05/01/19
R - Xoe by Sara C. Roethle 08/03/19

B - Beautifully Wounded by Susan Griscom 10/01/19
O - Obernewtyn by Isobelle Carmody 02/04/19
B - Working Class Man by Jimmy Barnes 31/01/19

Month 2: Read four books where the protagonist has your current job, your dream job, or even your avocation. I work as a medical receptionist and I know I will have a hard time finding a character in that job. so I will count a book if a character works in any field of health... doctor, nurse, paramedic, nutritionist, etc.
Read: 4/4

1. Emergency Engagement by Samanthe Beck 31/01/2019 - MC is a paramedic
2. The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger 19/02/19 - P.A., current job
3. Uncommon Type: Some Stories by Tom Hanks 22/03/2019, Receptionist in a short story
4. Eternal Eden Nicole Williams 11/04/19, MC is a doctor

Month 3: Again, your favorite color. Only this time choose four books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the cover, with at least one the predominate cover color.
Read: 4/4
Red Sparrow (Red Sparrow Trilogy #1) by Jason Matthews Back in the Brazilian's Bed with Bonus short story (Hot Brazilian Nights! #4) by Susan Stephens The Lion's Courtship (Anna Kronberg Thriller #1) by Annelie Wendeberg Unrivaled (Beautiful Idols, #1) by Alyson Noel

(view spoiler)

Month 4: Read four books from your favorite series. They can either all be from different series or the same one.
Read: 4/4
War Storm (Red Queen, #4) by Victoria Aveyard Wildcard (Warcross, #2) by Marie Lu Two Dark Reigns (Three Dark Crowns, #3) by Kendare Blake Queen Song (Red Queen, #0.1) by Victoria Aveyard

(view spoiler)

Month 5: Make of your dream car. If you don't drive, then use your favorite form of transportation. If you want to find your mode of transportation on the covers of four books, go for it. Otherwise, Spell-It-Out.
Read: 11/11

(view spoiler)

Month 6: Birth Order. Were you born first, or sixth? Spell-It-Out.
Read: 6/6

(view spoiler)

Month 7: Whether you love to play it or watch it, what is your favorite sport? Baseball, football, hockey, the Olympics? Find four books on the topic, or Spell-It-Out.
Read: 11/11

(view spoiler)

Month 8: Your best subject in school. Math, science, French, Home Ec? Find four books on the topic, or the protagonist teaches or takes it. Or use the Spell-It-Out option.
Read: 6/6

(view spoiler)

Month 9: You against the elements. Read four books total, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, or has a depiction of them on the cover, or is the subject of the book.
Read: 4/4

Earth (mountains on the cover) - The High Mountains of Portugal by Yann Martel by Yann Martel 08/09/19
Wind (wind in the title) - Metro Winds by Isobelle Carmody by Isobelle Carmody 02/10/19
Fire (fire in the title) - Kissed by Fire (Dragonkeepers, #1) by Kimber White by Kimber White19/08/19
Water (ocean on the cover) - Burial Rites by Hannah Kent by Hannah Kent 15/09/19

Month 10: Your Kingdom: animal, vegetable or mineral? Decide on a kingdom, then choose something from within that kingdom. Example: elephant, zucchini, quartz. Read only three books this month. Or, you guessed it, Spell-It-Out.
Read: 3/3
The Color Purple by Alice Walker White Gardenia by Belinda Alexandra In the Winter Dark by Tim Winton

(view spoiler)

Month 11: Read your favorite media delivery system: Kindle, NOOK, Kobe, iPad, e-book, audiobook, audio, iPod, paperback, paper, dead-tree version, etc. Spell-It-Out.
Read: 5/5

A - Matched by Ally Condie 03/11/19
U - Undercover Princess by Lenora Worth 31/12/19
D - Heartbreak Hotel by Deborah Moggach 14/11
I - Dream a Little Dream of Me by Iris Morland 11/09/19
O - Our Tiny, Useless Hearts by Toni Jordan 30/08/19

Month 12: Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1” .
- Month 2: Read your birthstone, Amethyst (purple)
Read: 3/3
Sometime After Midnight by L. Philips A Royal Engagement (The Young Royals #1) by Emma Lea

1. Sometime After Midnight by L. Philips 07/11/19
2. A Royal Engagement by Emma Lea 05/11/19
3. The Merman's Kiss by Tamsin Ley 28/12/19

message 35: by Allegra (new)

Allegra | 219 comments Just finished part 1, so I'll be moving on to this in the new year.

message 36: by Allegra (last edited Nov 30, 2019 07:37PM) (new)

Allegra | 219 comments Here we go!

Month 1: Read Your Nickname - Leggy (actually, most people use the full name, but my sister and her friend...)
L - Kelly Link's Get in Trouble
E - Evelyn in The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
G - George Harrow, Gabriel in Ahab's Return: or, The Last Voyage
G - Gracie in Rabbit-Proof Fence: The True Story of One of the Greatest Escapes of All Time
Y - Maggie Yates in The Day the Music Died
Ahab's Return or, The Last Voyage by Jeffrey Ford Rabbit-Proof Fence The True Story of One of the Greatest Escapes of All Time by Doris Pilkington The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton The Day the Music Died (Sam McCain, #1) by Ed Gorman Get in Trouble by Kelly Link

Month 2: Read Books Where MC Shares My Career - Journalism/Editing (that's what I'm going with as I still feel it's my calling)
1. Scoop (about reporters and news wars)
2. Crime & Punctuation (MC is copy editor)
3. Love in a Dish . . . and Other Culinary Delights by M.F.K. Fisher (author is food columnist)
4. The Fellowship of the Ring (author is sometime reporter; Bilbo records historic and current events)
5. The Good Women of China: Hidden Voices (author is reporter)
Scoop by Evelyn Waugh Crime & Punctuation (Deadly Edits #1) by Kaitlyn Dunnett Love in a Dish . . . and Other Culinary Delights by M.F.K. Fisher by M.F.K. Fisher The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, #1) by J.R.R. Tolkien The Good Women of China Hidden Voices by Xinran

Month 3: Read Books with Favorite Color on Cover - Purple (this year)
1. The Girl in the Train: A Short Story
2. Aru Shah and the End of Time
3. Mary Astor's Purple Diary: The Great American Sex Scandal of 1936 (OK, so technically not much of the color purple, but given the title--which is on the cover--I'm counting it; it is why I noticed the book in the first place)
4. The Blond Leading the Blond
The Girl in the Train A Short Story by Agatha Christie Aru Shah and the End of Time (Pandava Quartet, #1) by Roshani Chokshi Mary Astor's Purple Diary The Great American Sex Scandal of 1936 by Edward Sorel The Blond Leading the Blond by Jayne Ormerod

Month 4: Read the Make of Your Dream Car - Chevy Bolt (the series thing isn't going to happen this month, so I traded with Month 5; I just need to figure out what my current dream car is.)
C - Carlene O'Connor in Murder in an Irish Village
H - Bonnie Hearn Hill's Aries Rising
E - Emily Ehrlich in TransAtlantic
V - Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five, or The Children's Crusade: A Duty Dance with Death
Y - Yellin in The Princess Bride
B - Octavia E. Butler's Mind of My Mind
O - Flann O'Brien's The Third Policeman
L - Lois Lane in Fallout
T - Tom Spanbauer's The Man Who Fell in Love with the Moon
Murder in an Irish Village by Carlene O'Connor Aries Rising (Star Crossed, #1) by Bonnie Hearn Hill TransAtlantic by Colum McCann Slaughterhouse-Five, or The Children's Crusade A Duty Dance with Death by Kurt Vonnegut The Princess Bride by William Goldman - Mind of My Mind (Patternmaster, #2) by Octavia E. Butler The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien Fallout (Lois Lane, #1) by Gwenda Bond The Man Who Fell In Love With The Moon by Tom Spanbauer

Month 5: Read Books from Your Favorite Series.
1. Waking Gods (Themis Files #2)
2. Ms. Marvel, Vol. 5: Super Famous (Ms. Marvel #5)
3. The Valley of Fear (Sherlock Holmes #7) (finished on Sherlock Holmes Day)
4. The Under Dog and Other Stories (Hercule Poirot #29)
5. Clay's Ark (Patternmaster #3)
6. Poirot Investigates: Eleven Complete Mysteries (Hercule Poirot #3)
Waking Gods (Themis Files #2) by Sylvain Neuvel Ms. Marvel, Vol. 5 Super Famous by G. Willow Wilson The Valley of Fear by Arthur Conan Doyle The Under Dog and Other Stories (Hercule Poirot, #29) by Agatha Christie Clay's Ark (Patternmaster, #3) by Octavia E. Butler Poirot Investigates Eleven Complete Mysteries by Agatha Christie

Month 6: Read Your Birth Order Spell-It-Out - First
F - Dr. Rose Franklin in Only Human
I - I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
R - Roger Applebee in Sacred Clowns
S - Snow Crash
T - S.K. Tremayne's The Ice Twins
Only Human (Themis Files, #3) by Sylvain Neuvel I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou Sacred Clowns (Leaphorn & Chee, #11) by Tony Hillerman Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson The Ice Twins by S.K. Tremayne

Month 7: Read Your Favorite Sport - Multiple (I always hate to choose, so this month I, the couch lump, will read books to honor friends who are achieving milestones in their respective sports.)
1. Wilma Unlimited: How Wilma Rudolph Became the World's Fastest Woman - With respects to my charming neighbor who, as a freshman relayer, represented our town in a national track competition.
2. Babe Didrikson Zaharias: The Making of a Champion - With respects to the track-star neighbor and my sister, who competed in tennis singles and doubles in her second Senior Olympics. (Babe did it all.)
3. Under the Lights and in the Dark: Untold Stories of Women's Soccer - Okay, no direct connection, but as an American woman I couldn't skip them; I attended the parade as well.
4. Skeleton Key - With respects to a family friend who I've watched grow to a fine young man--and now a black belt. (MC Alex had his First Degree as well.)
5. Dragon Ball Super, Vol. 1: Warriors from Universe 6! - This was the planned karate book; SK was a bonus.
Wilma Unlimited How Wilma Rudolph Became the World's Fastest Woman by Kathleen Krull Babe Didrikson Zaharias The Making of a Champion by Russell Freedman Under the Lights and in the Dark Untold Stories of Women's Soccer by Gwendolyn Oxenham Skeleton Key (Alex Rider, #3) by Anthony Horowitz Dragon Ball Super, Vol. 1 Warriors from Universe 6! by Akira Toriyama

Month 8: Read the Elements - In each case, the element is shown on the cover. (I'm pulling the old switcheroo. Then I can head back to school in September.)
Earth - Binti
Wind - The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making or The Whispering Statue
Fire - Divergent
Water - Killer Crab Cakes
Binti (Binti, #1) by Nnedi Okorafor / The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making (Fairyland, #1) by Catherynne M. Valente The Whispering Statue (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories, #14) by Carolyn Keene / Divergent (Divergent, #1) by Veronica Roth / Killer Crab Cakes (A Fresh-Baked Mystery, #4) by Livia J. Washburn

Month 9: Read Your Best Subject in School - Drama
1. The Tempest
2. Hag-Seed
3. Death and the Maiden
4. Pack of Lies
The Tempest by William Shakespeare / Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood / Death and the Maiden by Ariel Dorfman / Pack of Lies  by Hugh Whitemore

Month 10: Your Kingdom - Animal: Cats
1. Naked in Death / Adopted pet Gallihad saves her owner (MC's) life
2. What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions / used in example for Human Computer question
3. We Have Always Lived in the Castle / MC's best/only friend was her pet, Jonas
4. A Game of Thrones / several cats used as "training aids" for Arya
5. The Haunting of Hill House / "I had a cat named Dancer."
6. Who's Your Mummy? / Cleopatra, the cat with 9,000 lives
PLUS: Animal: Bees
1. The Night Gardener / as farmers, the natural bees in the garden
2. Oriental Tales / as providers, "... the water of the springs and the honey of the bees sustaining the waning life of the fairy maidens...."
3. Circe / as jewelry, "... made of squares of beaten gold. Each one was enbossed: a sun, a bee, an axe ..."
4. A Sting in the Tale: My Adventures with Bumblebees / as subjects and stars
Naked in Death (In Death, #1) by J.D. Robb / What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions by Randall Munroe / We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson / A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1) by George R.R. Martin / The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson / Who's Your Mummy? (Goosebumps HorrorLand #6) by R.L. Stine
The Night Gardener by Jonathan Auxier / Oriental Tales by Marguerite Yourcenar / Circe by Madeline Miller / A Sting in the Tale My Adventures with Bumblebees by Dave Goulson

Month 11: Your Kingdom - Hardcover
H - Happiness Is a Choice You Make: Lessons from a Year Among the Oldest Old
A - Agatha Christie's Murder at the Vicarage
R - Robert Goodenough from At the Edge of the Orchard
D - Death by Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake
C - Calico Girl
O - Delia Owens's Where the Crawdads Sing
V - The Vampire Chronicles series: Interview with the Vampire
E - Eduardo from Scapegoat
R - Ronnie from Fallout
Interview with the Vampire (The Vampire Chronicles, #1) by Anne Rice / Calico Girl by Jerdine Nolen / Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie / At the Edge of the Orchard by Tracy Chevalier / Happiness Is a Choice You Make Lessons from a Year Among the Oldest Old by John Leland / Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens / Death by Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake (A Death by Chocolate Mystery #1) by Sarah Graves / Fallout by Todd Strasser

Month 12: Favorite AAYPart1 Prompt - Favorite Flower: Lilac (did Zodiac sign last year)

message 37: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Welcome Tina & Allegra!
( Well done Allegra for completing part 1)

message 38: by Keli (new)

Keli | 1164 comments Woo-hoo challenge completed! 1 year 73 books. Post # 27.
Thank you for the challenge.

message 39: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Congratulations Keli! Well done!

message 40: by Janis (last edited Aug 25, 2020 05:28AM) (new)

Janis (janispr80) | 80 comments Start: 11/09/19
Finish: 10/09/20
Completed: 52/52 - Completed 25/08/20

Month 1: A nickname you go by - or want to go by! You know...Bunny, Snookums, Babe. Spell-It-Out.
J. James Patterson I, Alex Cross 14/9
A. Lover Avenged 27/09
Y. You May Now Kill the Bride 5/10

Month 2: Read four books where the protagonist has your current job, your dream job, or even your avocation.
1. The Rumour 25/10
2. The Hypnotist's Love Story 27/10
3. The Chemist 23/11
4. Heir of Fire 14/12

Month 3: Again, your favorite color. Only this time choose four books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the cover, with at least one the predominate cover color. Purple.
1. Midnight 27/12
2. The Crown 31/12
3. All Fall Down 3/01
4. Beautiful Disaster 5/05

Month 4: Read four books from your favorite series. They can either all be from different series or the same one.
1. Wolfhunter River 12/10
2. The Dazzling Heights 10/01
3. One of Us Is Next 13/01
4. The Fear 22/01

Month 5: Make of your dream car. If you don't drive, then use your favorite form of transportation. If you want to find your mode of transportation on the covers of four books, go for it. Otherwise, Spell-It-Out.
A. A Good Girl's Guide to Murder 31/01
U. Diana Urban All Your Twisted Secrets 10/7
D. The Darkest Part of the Forest 26/09
I. Before I Let Go 24/02

Month 6: Birth Order. Were you born first, or sixth? Spell-It-Out.
S. Sometimes I Lie 22/11
E. It Ends with Us 19/9
C. The Child 6/02
O. Fool Me Once 3/11
N. Never Never 17/12
D. Dead to the World 9/03

Month 7: Whether you love to play it or watch it, what is your favorite sport? Baseball, football, hockey, the Olympics? Find four books on the topic, or Spell-It-Out.
T. Teri Terry Slated 11/04
E. The Evil Queen 17/04
N. The Queen of Nothing 16/11
N. Lynette Noni Whisper 20/04
I. Justina Ireland Dread Nation 2/07
S. She Can Run 25/11

Month 8: Your best subject in school. Math, science, French, Home Ec? Find four books on the topic, or the protagonist teaches or takes it. Or use the Spell-It-Out option.
M. Michael Grant Plague 14/05
A. All Eyes on Us 31/5
T. Three 14/06
H. Harriet Tyce Blood Orange 28/11

Month 9:You against the elements. Read four books total, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, or has a depiction of them on the cover, or is the subject of the book.
Earth: The Earth's End 1/10
Wind: Ill Wind 23/08
Fire: Cross Fire 21/06
Water: Immortal 25/08

Month 10: Your Kingdom: animal. Decide on a kingdom, then choose something from within that kingdom. Read only three books this month. Or, you guessed it, Spell-It-Out. Cat.
1. Mary Anne and the Search for Tigger 21/04
2. The Dream 12/7
3. The Hunt 17/07

Month 11: Read your favorite media delivery system: Kindle. Spell-It-Out.
K. Kiss the Girls and Make Them Cry 28/05
I. Ink and Bone 4/08
N. November 9 23/04
D. Death Note 23/06
L. The Last Sister 28/01
E. Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine 23/05

Month 12: Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1” . - 3 or 4 books by your favourite author
1. Regretting You 3/03
2. The Perfect Wife 1/04
3. All Your Perfects 5/06
4. Tithe 26/07

message 41: by Sammy (last edited Oct 10, 2020 02:25PM) (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11106 comments I'm in!

Month 1

S Flashforward by Robert J. Sawyer
A A Room with a View
M Steelheart - Character Megan
M The Turn of the Screw - Character Miles
Y Kushiel's Dart - character Ysandre

Month Two

1. The Road to Wigan Pier
2. The End Of The Affair
3. Gone Girl
4. Keep the Aspidistra Flying

Month Three (purple)

1. The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene
2. Orlando by Virginia Woolf
3. Burmese Days by George Orwell
4. Poison Fruit (Agent of Hel, #3) by Jacqueline Carey

Month Four

1. The Rosie Result - Don Tillman, book 3
2. Equal Rites - Discworld, book 3
3. Finale - Caraval book 3
4. Black Dog - American Gods book 1.2

Month Five

C It's So Easy: And Other Lies - Narrator Christian Rummel
H The Line of Beauty by Alan Hollinghurst
E The End of the World Survivors Club
V The Waves by Virginia Woolf
R All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
O The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - character Frank Owen
L The Thirteenth Tale - character Margaret Lea
E Emma
T The Tattooist of Auschwitz

Month 6

F Faceless Killers
I Little Fires Everywhere - character Izzy
R The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul by Deborah Rodriguez
S The Leopard - character Angelica Sedara
T The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul

Month 7

F - The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
O - The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet - character Orito Abigawa
O - Thérèse Raquin - character Olivier
T - Alan Turing: The Enigma - (Alan) Turing
B - Billy Budd, Sailor
A - A Book of Book Lists: A Bibliophile's Compendium
L - The Tales of Beedle the Bard - Jude law (narrator)
L - Last Man Standing: Tales from Tinseltown

Month 8

E - As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride (Cary Elwes)
N - Ninth House
G - The Moonstone (Gabriel Betteredge)
L - Amazing Fantastic Incredible: A Marvelous Memoir (Stan Lee)
I - Interior Chinatown
S - Heidi's Guide to Four Letter Words (by Tara Sivec)
H - Tess of the D'Urbervilles (Thomas Hardy)

Month 9

Earth: Holes by Louis Sachar

Wind: The Shadow of the Wind

Fire: The Consuming Fire

Water: Sword of Kings (The Last Kingdom, #12) by Bernard Cornwell

Month 10

Animal: The Importance of Being Ernest

Vegetable: The Poisonwood Bible

Mineral: Quicksand

Month 11

P The Penelopiad
A Bodies from the Library: Lost Classic Stories by Masters of the Golden Age ( Agatha Christie)
P Grimm Tales for Young and Old by Philip Pullman
E 84, Charing Cross Road
R Our Mutual Friend (Riderhood)
B The Bermondsey Bookshop
A Ash and Quill
C The Sandman (Calliope)
K The Printed Letter Bookshop

Month 12

Re-doing month 6, Favourite Genre.

1. Solaris
2. The Mote in God's Eye
3. The Fall of Hyperion
4. Morning Star

message 42: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Welcome Janis & Sammy!

message 43: by Jillypenny (last edited Jun 22, 2020 06:37PM) (new)

Jillypenny | 177 comments I just finished part one, so I'm starting this one now! I don't go month by month for these challenges because that is just not how I read books. also, this one looks massive from the outset!

Start: 12/09/2019 Finish: 06/13/20

Month 1: A nickname you go by - this is my gamer name and my Goodreads handle.
J- Joelle Jones, author of Lady Killer, Vol 2 (12/31/19)
I-Iain M. Banks, author of "Consider Phlebas"
L- Lady Killers Vol 1 (12/27/19)
L- Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel (12/26/19)
Y- Yanagihara, Hanya author of People in the Trees (12/28/19)
P- Patrick, detective in "Kissing Christmas Goodbye" by M C Beaton (03/23/20)
E- Enriquez, Mariana, author of "Things we Lost in the Fire" (02/10/20)
N-Nick Cutter, author of "The Troop"
N- Nutting, Alissa, author of "Made for Love" (03/21/20)
Y- Yaye, Pamela author of "His Christmas Gift" (12/29/19)

Month 2: Read four books where the protagonist has your current job, your dream job, or even your avocation.
1. Agatha Raisin and the Haunted House by M C Beaton (She's retired - that is 100% my dream job!) (12/15/19)
2. "tawaw" by Shane Chartrand (The author/protagonist is a chef)(02/06/20)
3. "Mockingbird, Vol 1" by Chelsea Cain (Protagonist is a kick-ass superhero)(02/16/20)
4. "Love, lies, and liquor" by M C Beaton (Protagonist is a detective)

Month 3: Again, your favorite color. Only this time choose four books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the cover, with at least one the predominate cover color.
My favourite colour is grey.
1. Code of the Woosters by P G Wodehouse (black silouettes on a grey background) (12/17/19)
2. Catch the Lightning by Catherine Asaro (Grey spaceship against black space) (01/05/20)
3. "Three Day Road" by Joseph Boyden (black and white photo of soldiers in WWI) (02/01/20)
4. "Jumanji" by Chris Van Allen (grey rhinos in a grey room)(02/09/20)

Month 4: Read four books from your favorite series. They can either all be from different series or the same one.
1. "Agatha Raisin and the Deadly Dance" by M C Beaton (#15)
2. "Sex Criminals Vol. 4" by Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky
3. "The Perfect Paragon" by M C Beaton (Agatha Raisin #16)
4. "Death Notice" by Zhou Haohui (Death Notice #1)

Month 5: Make of your dream car. If you don't drive, then use your favorite form of transportation. If you want to find your mode of transportation on the covers of four books, go for it. Otherwise, Spell-It-Out.
C-Chris Mankowski, detective from "Freaky Deaky" by Elmore Leonard (12/18/19)
O- Ortberg, Mallory, author of "The Merry Spinster" (02/11/20)
R- Ramos, Joanne, author of "The Farm" (01/31/20)
V- Vaseem Khan, author of "The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra" (03/06/20
E- Elizabeth Kostova, author of "The Historian" (02/18/20)
T- Toews, Miriam author of "Women Talking" (12/31/19)
T- Thistle, Jesse, author of From the Ashes" (02/18/20)
E- Eden Robinson, author of "Son of a Trickster" (02/21/20)

Month 6: Birth Order. Were you born first, or sixth? Spell-It-Out.
T- Talia Hibbert, author of "Untouchable" (03/14/20)
H- Haldeman, Joe author of "The Forever War" (01/09/20)
I- Ira Levin, author of "This Perfect Day" (04/02/20)
R- Roberto Bolano, author of "2666" (01/13/20)
D- "Decadent Holiday Pleasures" by Janice Sims (12/30/19)

Month 7: Whether you love to play it or watch it, what is your favorite sport? Baseball, football, hockey, the Olympics? Find four books on the topic, or Spell-It-Out.
O- The Orphan Master's Son by Adam Johnson (02/24/20)
L- The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapowski
Y- The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (03/15/20)
M- The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins (12/12/19)
P- Paris, one of the cities in "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Darwin (03/27/20)
I- Ito, Junji, author of "Gyo vol 1" (04/11/20)
C- Cheryl, protagonist of "The First Bad Man" by Miranda July (01/09/20)
S- "The Silent Patient" by Alex Michaelides (01/16/20)

Month 8: Your best subject in school. Math, science, French, Home Ec? Find four books on the topic, or the protagonist teaches or takes it. Or use the Spell-It-Out option.
E- Ende, Michael, author of "The Neverending Story" (04/12/20)
N- New York, the setting of Jim Carroll's memoir "The Basketball Diaries" (04/18/20)
G- Gail Coles, Megan, author of "Small Game Hunting at the Local Coward Gun Club" (02/09/20)
L- Larissa Brown, author of "Beautiful Wreck" (03/20/20)
I- Ito, Junji, author of "Gyo vol 2" (04/11/20)
S- A Sparrow's Roar by C R Chua and Paolo Chiliamco
H- Hopkinson, Nalo author of "Brown Girl in the Ring" (01/02/20)

Month 9:You against the elements. Read four books total, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, or has a depiction of them on the cover, or is the subject of the book.
Earth: "Songs of Sourdough" by Robert Service (poems are all about miners or mining for gold in the earth) (03/06/20)
Wind: "The Haunting of Tram Car 015" by P. Djeli Clark (sky is pictured on the cover, as well as suspended tram car system. book features spirits that exist in the air) (03/01/20)
Fire: "Hex Wives" by Ben Blacker (Fire on cover and integral part of book) (02/06/20)
Water: "The Deep" by Rivers Solomon (fish~being underwater on the cover and the book takes place underwater) (02/29/20)

Month 10: Your Kingdom: animal, vegetable or mineral? Decide on a kingdom, then choose something from within that kingdom. Example: elephant, zucchini, quartz. Read only three books this month. Or, you guessed it, Spell-It-Out.
T- "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens (03/27/20)
A- Art Spiegelman, "Maus" (03/10/20)
P- "As the Pig turns" by M C Beaton (06/08/20)
I- Island of the coast of Newfoundland, setting of "Sweetland" by Michael Crummey (04/19/20)
R- Robert Graysmith, author of "Zodiac"

Month 11: Read your favorite media delivery system: Kindle, NOOK, Kobe, iPad, e-book, audiobook, audio, iPod, paperback, paper, dead-tree version, etc. Spell-It-Out.
P- Black Prism by Brent Weeks (06/13/20)
A- "A Streetcar Named Desire" by Tennessee Williams (01/09/20)
P- Poison, murder weapon of choice in "A Spoonful of Poison" by M C Beaton
E- Eve Bunting, author of December (01/03/20)
R- Robert Louis Stevenson - author whose book Treasure Island is much discussed in "Treasure Island!!!!!" by Sara Levine (04/15/20)
B- Bras de Olivia Domingos, protagonist of Daytripper by Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba (02/21/20)
A- American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis (01/03/20)
C- Coatzee, J.M., author of "Waiting for Barbarians" (03/12/20)
K- Kundera, Milan, author of "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"(03/12/20)

Month 12: Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1” .
Read 4 books with somebody
1. "The Rhythm Section" by Mark Burnell (with book club)
2. "The Invisible Man" by H G Wells (friend Mindy) (03/03/20)
3. "Two Kisses for Maddy" by Matthew Logelin (04/11/20)
4. "What Alive Forgot" by Liane Moriarty (05/24/20)

message 44: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Welcome Jillypenny!

message 45: by Meg (last edited Mar 31, 2021 12:23PM) (new)

Meg (makeli2) All About You - Part Deux
April 2020 - March 2021

Choose one of these a month and work your way through the year. As before, because this challenge is all about you, you can choose the order, you can trade out one monthly challenge for one you create. Have fun!

Month 1: Read four books from your favorite series. They can either all be from different series or the same one.

Vanished in Paradise
Antiques Ravin'
Death on the Aisle
No Stone Unturned

Vanished in Paradise (Paradise #20) by Deborah Brown Antiques Ravin' (A Trash 'n' Treasures Mystery Book 13) by Barbara Allan Death on the Aisle (Annabelle Archer, #5) by Laura Durham No Stone Unturned (Lexi Carmichael Mystery #11) by Julie Moffett

Month 2: Make of your dream car. If you don't drive, then use your favorite form of transportation. If you want to find your mode of transportation on the covers of four books, go for it. Otherwise, Spell-It-Out.

B - Jenna Bennett - Wrongful Termination
M - Maya Corrigan - By Cook or by Crook
W - Tracy Weber - A Killer Retreat

Wrongful Termination (Savannah Martin Mystery #16) by Jenna Bennett By Cook or by Crook (A Five-Ingredient Mystery #1) by Maya Corrigan A Killer Retreat (A Downward Dog Mystery, #2) by Tracy Weber

Month 3: Birth Order. Were you born first, or sixth? Spell-It-Out. [June]

F - Caroline Fardig - Death Before Decaf
i - Issy Brooke - The Case of the Lincoln Imp
r - Sara Rosett - Murder at Archly Manor
s - Paige Shelton - The Cracked Spine
t - Tina Fey - Bossypants

Death Before Decaf A Java Jive Mystery by Caroline Fardig The Case Of The Lincoln Imp (Small Town Murder Bureau #1) by Issy Brooke Murder at Archly Manor (High Society Lady Detective #1) by Sara Rosett The Cracked Spine (Scottish Bookshop Mystery, #1) by Paige Shelton Bossypants by Tina Fey

Month 4: Again, your favorite color. Only this time choose four books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the
cover, with at least one the predominate cover color.

Death of a Sales Rep
Tess's Tale
Beach Read
Fireworks in Paradise

Death of a Sales Rep (Gotcha Detective Agency Mystery #3) by Jamie Lee Scott Tess's Tale (The Chanel Series Book 3) by Donna Joy Usher Beach Read by Emily Henry Fireworks in Paradise (TJ Jensen Paradise Lake Mystery #8) by Kathi Daley

Month 5: Whether you love to play it or watch it, what is your favorite sport? Baseball, football, hockey, the Olympics? Find four books on the topic, or Spell-It-Out. [August]

b - Barbara Ross - Jane Darrowfield, Professional Busybody
a - Angie Fox - Sweet Tea and Spirits
s - Leann Sweeney - Shoot From The Lip
e - Eva Gates - Booked for Trouble
b - Sara Barton - Miz Scarlet and the Bewildered Bridegroom
a - Amanda M Lee - Sinfully Delicious
l - Jill Marie Landis - Mai Tai One On
l - Lian Dolan - The Sweeney Sisters

Jane Darrowfield, Professional Busybody by Barbara Ross Sweet Tea and Spirits (Southern Ghost Hunter, #5) by Angie Fox Shoot from the Lip (A Yellow Rose Mystery, #4) by Leann Sweeney Miz Scarlet and the Bewildered Bridegroom (A Scarlet Wilson Mystery Book 4) by Sara M. Barton Sinfully Delicious (A Two Broomsticks Gas & Grill Witch Cozy Mystery, #1) by Amanda M. Lee Booked for Trouble A Lighthouse Library Mystery by Eva Gates Mai Tai One On by Jill Marie Landis The Sweeney Sisters by Lian Dolan

Month 6: Your best subject in school. Math, science, French, Home Ec? Find four books on the topic, or the protagonist teaches or takes it. Or use the Spell-It-Out option. [Sept]

E - Emma Jameson - Something Blue
n - Nancy Haddock -Paint the Town Dead
g - Julie Garwood - Wired
l - Louise Penny - The Brutal Telling
i - Isis Crawford - - A Catered Birthday Party
s - Cindy Sample - Dying for a Double
h - Heather Blake - The Good, the Bad and the Witchy

Something Blue (Lord and Lady Hetheridge, #3) by Emma Jameson Paint the Town Dead (A Silver Six Crafting Mystery #2) by Nancy Haddock Wired (Buchanan-Renard, #13) by Julie Garwood The Brutal Telling (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache, #5) by Louise Penny A Catered Birthday Party (A Mystery with Recipes, #6) by Isis Crawford Dying for a Double (Laurel McKay Mysteries Book 8) by Cindy Sample The Good, the Bad, and the Witchy (A Wishcraft Mystery, #3) by Heather Blake

Month 7: Your Kingdom: animal, vegetable or mineral? Decide on a kingdom, then choose something from within that kingdom. Example: elephant, zucchini, quartz. Read only three books this month. Or, you guessed it, Spell-It-Out.

Animal kingdom:
Raining Cats & Dogs (A Melanie Travis Mystery) by Laurien Berenson Raining Cats and Dogs
Escape Claws (Cat Lady Mysteries #1) by Linda Reilly Escape Claws
Ghost in the Gallery (The Inn at Holiday Bay, #11) by Kathi Daley Ghost in the Gallery

Month 8: Read your favorite media delivery system: Kindle, NOOK, Kobe, iPad, e-book, audiobook, audio, iPod, paperback, paper, dead-tree version, etc. Spell-It-Out. [Nov]

K - Kristen Painter - Sucks to be Me
i - Irina Shapiro - Murder in the Crypt
n - Nicola Upson - An Expert in Murder
d - Carola Dunn - The Winter Garden
l - Laura Pauling - Footprints in the Frosting
e - Ellery Adams - A Fatal Appraisal

Sucks To Be Me (First Fangs Club #1) by Kristen Painter An Expert in Murder (Josephine Tey, #1) by Nicola Upson Murder in the Crypt (Redmond and Haze Mysteries, #1) by Irina Shapiro The Winter Garden Mystery by Carola Dunn Footprints in the Frosting (Holly Hart, #1) by Laura Pauling A Fatal Appraisal (A Collectible Mystery #2) by J.B. Stanley

Month 9: Read four books where the protagonist has your dream jobs.

Marry and Bright (Annabelle Archer #9.5) by Laura Durham Marry and Bright (wedding planner)
A Merry Murder (A Special Pennyfoot Hotel Myst Book 10) by Kate Kingsbury A Merry Murder (hotel manager)
Murder with All the Trimmings (Josie Marcus, Mystery Shopper, #4) by Elaine Viets Murder with all the Trimmings (secret shopper)
Christmas Cookie Murder (A Lucy Stone Mystery, #6) by Leslie Meier Christmas Cookie Murder (columnist)

Month 10: A nickname you go by - or want to go by! You know...Bunny, Snookums, Babe. Spell-It-Out.

B - Emily Brightwell - Mrs. Jeffries Plays the Cook
A - Jennifer Alderson - Death on the Danube
B - Ginger Bolton - Survival of the Fritters
E - Elizabeth Peters - The Curse of the Pharaohs

Mrs. Jeffries Plays the Cook by Emily Brightwell Death on the Danube A New Year's Murder in Budapest (Travel Can Be Murder #1) by Jennifer S. Alderson Survival of the Fritters (Deputy Donut Mystery #1) by Ginger Bolton The Curse of the Pharaohs (Amelia Peabody, #2) by Elizabeth Peters

Month 10: Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1”: Read 3 or 4 books set in a country you'd like to revisit.

England - Aunt Dimity's Death
Canada - The Long Way Home
Italy - A Zany Slice of Italy

Aunt Dimity's Death (An Aunt Dimity Mystery, #1) by Nancy Atherton The Long Way Home (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #10) by Louise Penny A Zany Slice of Italy (Italian Living Book 1) by Ivanka Di Felice

Month 12: You against the elements. Read four books total, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, or has a depiction of them on the cover, or is the subject of the book.

Water: Dead in Dublin 03/03
Fire: The Rise of Magicks
Earth - Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet
Wind - Death by Windmill

Dead in Dublin (The Dublin Driver Mysteries, #1) by Catie Murphy The Rise of Magicks (Chronicles of The One, #3) by Nora Roberts Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet (Charley Davidson, #4) by Darynda Jones Death by Windmill (Travel Can Be Murder #3) by Jennifer S. Alderson

message 46: by Deanie (last edited Jun 06, 2021 11:02AM) (new)

Deanie Nelder | 117 comments All About You - Part Deux
July 1, 2020 -

Month 1 (August 2020): A nickname you go by - or want to go by!
D - Interlude in Death by J.D. Robb - 8/2/2020
E - Eve Dallas in Thankless in Death by J.D. Robb - 8/1/2020
A - Always Be My Banshee by Molly Harper - 8/1/2020
N - Blame it on Mistletoe by Noelle Fox - 8/2/2020
I - I Know A Secret by Tess Gerritsen - 8/9/2020
E - Eve Dallas in Salvation in Death by J.D. Robb - 8/1/2020

Month 2: Read four books where the protagonist has your current job (physician), your dream job (rescue dog veterinarian), or even your avocation (dog rescuer/photographer).

Month 3: Again, your favorite color. Only this time choose four books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the cover, with at least one the predominate cover color.

Month 4: Read four books from your favorite series. They can either all be from different series or the same one.

Month 5: Make of your dream car. If you don't drive, then use your favorite form of transportation. If you want to find your mode of transportation on the covers of four books, go for it. Otherwise, Spell-It-Out.


Month 6: Birth Order. Were you born first, or sixth? Spell-It-Out.
O - Once in a Lifetime by Sam Crescent - 9/6/2020
N - The Naughty List by Jodi Redford - 9/4/2020
L - The Knocked up Plan by Lauren Blakely - 9/3/2020
Y - Keep Her Safe by Bella Young - 9/9/2020

C - The Christmas Rescue by Elizabeth Kelly - 9/6/2020
H - How to Hang a Witch by Adriana Mather - 9/7/2020
I - The Billionaire's Secret Heart by Ivy Layne - 9/8/2020
L - A Lethal Love by Susan Harper - 9/8/2020
D - A Dangerous Business by Lorelei Moone - 9/11/2020

Month 7: Whether you love to play it or watch it, what is your favorite sport? Baseball, football, hockey, the Olympics? Find four books on the topic, or Spell-It-Out.


Month 8: Your best subject in school. Math, science, French, Home Ec? Find four books on the topic, or the protagonist teaches or takes it. Or use the Spell-It-Out option.

Month 9: You against the elements. Read four books total, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, or has a depiction of them on the cover, or is the subject of the book.
1. Earth -
2. Wind -
3. Fire -
4. Water -

Month 10: Your Kingdom: animal, vegetable or mineral? Decide on a kingdom, then choose something from within that kingdom. Example: elephant, zucchini, quartz. Read only three books this month. Or, you guessed it, Spell-It-Out.
Kingdom: Animal

Month 11: Read your favorite media delivery system: Kindle, NOOK, Kobe, iPad, e-book, audiobook, audio, iPod, paperback, paper, dead-tree version, etc. Spell-It-Out.

Month 12: Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1.” Book Boyfriend (Logan Hunt, Master of the Mountain)


message 47: by Frankie (last edited Aug 15, 2021 08:23PM) (new)

Frankie Johnson All About You, Part Two!
Duration: September 1, 2020-August 31, 2021

60/60 Completed. Finished

Month 1: A nickname you go by - or want to go by! You know...Bunny, Snookums, Babe. Spell-It-Out.

01.F:Free-Kristen Ashley 9/05/20
02.R:Ruthless Princess-Rachel Van Dyken 9/24/20
03.A:American Queen-Sierra Simone 9/24/20
04.N:Nineteen Minutes-Jodi Picoult 9/08/20
05.K:Kickin' It-Rachel Van Dyken 9/13/20
06.I:Into The Green-Jessica Gadziala 9/22/20
07.E:Endurance-Georgia Cates 9/16/20
Free (Chaos, #6) by Kristen Ashley Ruthless Princess (Mafia Royals, #1) by Rachel Van Dyken American Queen (New Camelot Trilogy, #1) by Sierra Simone Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult Kickin' It (Red Card, #2) by Rachel Van Dyken Into The Green (The Green, #1) by Jessica Gadziala Endurance (The Sin Trilogy, #4) by Georgia Cates

Month 2: Read four books where the protagonist has your current job, your dream job, or even your avocation.

08.Life To My Flight-Lani Lynn Vale 10/11/20
09.How Much I Feel-Marie Force 10/01/20
10.How Much I Care-Marie Force 10/02/20
11.Stone Vows-Samantha Christy 10/04/20
Life To My Flight (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC, #5) by Lani Lynn Vale How Much I Feel (Miami Nights, #1) by Marie Force How Much I Care (Miami Nights, #2) by Marie Force Stone Vows (The Stone Brothers #3) by Samantha Christy

Month 3: Again, your favorite color. Only this time choose four books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the cover, with at least one the predominate cover color.

12.Colson-Jessica Gadziala 11/02/20
13.The Forbidden-Jodi Ellen Malpas 11/20/20
14.The Woman in the Trunk-Jessica Gadziala 11/08/20
15.Bound by the Past-Cora Reilly 11/18/20
Colson (The Henchmen MC, #20) by Jessica Gadziala The Forbidden by Jodi Ellen Malpas The Woman in the Trunk (Costa Family, #1) by Jessica Gadziala Bound by the Past (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles, #7) by Cora Reilly

Month 4: Read four books from your favorite series. They can either all be from different series or the same one.

16.(SWAT Generation 2.0)Depends On Who's Asking-Lani Lynn Vale 12/11/20
17.(Gansett Island)Ready for Love-Marie Force 12/01/20
18.(Fatal)Fatal Justice-Marie Force 12/03/20
19.(Predators MC)Riot-Jamie Begley 12/10/20
Depends On Who's Asking (SWAT Generation 2.0, #12) by Lani Lynn Vale Ready for Love (Gansett Island, #3) by Marie Force Fatal Justice (Fatal, #2) by Marie Force Riot (Predators MC, #1) by Jamie Begley

Month 5: Make of your dream car. If you don't drive, then use your favorite form of transportation. If you want to find your mode of transportation on the covers of four books, go for it. Otherwise, Spell-It-Out.

20.P:A Perfect Lie-Lisa Renee Jones 1/27/21
21.R:Repeat Offender-Lani Lynn Vale 1/14/21
22.I:Irresistible-Melanie Harlow 1/24/21
23.U:Until Talon-Aurora Rose Reynolds 1/02/21
24.S:Swimming Naked-Laura Branchflower 1/10/21
A Perfect Lie by Lisa Renee Jones Repeat Offender (Souls Chapel Revenants MC, #1) by Lani Lynn Vale Irresistible (Cloverleigh Farms, #1) by Melanie Harlow Until Talon (Until Her/Him, #9) by Aurora Rose Reynolds Swimming Naked (A White Picket Fence, #2) by Laura Branchflower

Month 6: Birth Order. Were you born first, or sixth? Spell-It-Out.

26.F:Fatal Deception-Marie Force 2/17/21
27.I:It's in His Kiss-Jill Shalvis 2/12/21
28.R:Reclaim-Aly Martinez 2/05/21
29.S:Savaged-Mia Sheridan 2/18/21
30.T:Tigers Like It Hot-Tianna Xander 2/03/21
Fatal Deception (Fatal, #5) by Marie Force It's in His Kiss (Lucky Harbor, #10) by Jill Shalvis Reclaim (The Release Series, #2) by Aly Martinez Savaged by Mia Sheridan Tigers Like It Hot (Caspian Cascade, #1) by Tianna Xander

Month 7: Whether you love to play it or watch it, what is your favorite sport? Baseball, football, hockey, the Olympics? Find four books on the topic, or Spell-It-Out.

31.B:Bloody Vows-Lisa Renee Jones 3/02/21
32.A:Arrogant Arrival-Gail Haris 3/04/21
33.S:Seeking Worthy Pursuits-MariaLisa deMora 3/13/21
34.K:Keeping Her-Jordan Marie 3/12/21
35.E:Easy Kisses-Kristen Proby 3/01/21
36.T:Tru Blue-Melissa Foster 3/20/21
37.B:Bridged-Kendra Elliot 3/01/21
38.A:Angora Alibi-Sally Goldenbaum 3/04/21
39.L:The Lady Upstairs-Halley Sutton 3/03/21
40.L:Love at the Fall Festival (A Sugar Maple Romance)-Belle Willows 3/07/21
Bloody Vows (Lilah Love, #5) by Lisa Renee Jones Arrogant Arrival (Cocky Hero Club) by Gail Haris Seeking Worthy Pursuits (Alace Sweets, #2) by MariaLisa deMora Keeping Her (Savage Brothers 2nd Generation, #2) by Jordan Marie Easy Kisses (Boudreaux, #4) by Kristen Proby Tru Blue (The Whiskeys Dark Knights at Peaceful Harbor, #1) by Melissa Foster Bridged (Callahan & McLane, #2) by Kendra Elliot Angora Alibi (A Seaside Knitters Mystery, #7) by Sally Goldenbaum The Lady Upstairs by Halley Sutton Love at the Fall Festival by Belle Willows

Month 8: Your best subject in school. Math, science, French, Home Ec? Find four books on the topic, or the protagonist teaches or takes it. Or use the Spell-It-Out option.

41.M:Mine to Hold-Cynthia Eden 4/21/21
42.A:Amaryllis-Jayne Castle 4/05/21
43.T:The Things We Leave Unfinished-Rebecca Yarros 4/14/21
44.H:Happily Letter After-Vi Keeland 4/05/21
Mine to Hold (Mine, #3) by Cynthia Eden Amaryllis (St. Helen's, #1) by Jayne Castle The Things We Leave Unfinished by Rebecca Yarros Happily Letter After by Vi Keeland

Month 9:You against the elements. Read four books total, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, or has a depiction of them on the cover, or is the subject of the book.

45.Earth:Her Last Goodbye-Melinda Leigh 5/06/21
46.Wind:Meant for Love-Marie Force 5/29/21
47.Fire:From the Embers-Aly Martinez 5/14/21
48.Water:Time for Love-Marie Force 5/29/21
Her Last Goodbye (Morgan Dane, #2) by Melinda Leigh Meant for Love (Gansett Island, #10) by Marie Force From the Embers by Aly Martinez Time for Love (Gansett Island, #9) by Marie Force

Month 10: Your Kingdom: animal, vegetable or mineral? Decide on a kingdom, then choose something from within that kingdom. Example: elephant, zucchini, quartz. Read only three books this month. Or, you guessed it, Spell-It-Out.
49.O:The One for Me-Corinne Michaels 6/23/21
50.W:What The Heart Needs-Jessica Gadziala 6/19/21
51.L:The Last Sister-Kendra Elliot 6/03/21
The One for Me (The Arrowood Brothers, #3) by Corinne Michaels What The Heart Needs (Stars Landing, #1) by Jessica Gadziala The Last Sister (Columbia River #1, Callahan & McLane, #5) by Kendra Elliot

Month 11: Read your favorite media delivery system: Kindle, NOOK, Kobe, iPad, e-book, audiobook, audio, iPod, paperback, paper, dead-tree version, etc. Spell-It-Out.

52.K:Knox's Stand-Jamie Begley 7/02/21
53.I:In Finn's Heart-Roxie Rivera 7/07/21
54.N:Never Look Back-Mary Burton 7/01/21
55.D:Deep Under-Lisa Renee Jones 7/08/21
56.L:Lovewrecked-Karina Halle 7/18/21
57.E:Every Little Thing-Marie Force 7/10/21
Knox's Stand (The Last Riders #3) by Jamie Begley In Finn's Heart (Fighting Connollys, #3) by Roxie Rivera Never Look Back (Criminal Profiler #5) by Mary Burton Deep Under (Walker Security, #1; Tall, Dark & Deadly, #4) by Lisa Renee Jones Lovewrecked by Karina Halle Every Little Thing (Butler, Vermont, #1) by Marie Force

Month 12: Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1” .
Read 3 or 4 books from your favorite genre.

58.Not Dead Yet-Willow Rose 8/02/21
59.Bones Don't Lie-Melinda Leigh 8/02/21
60.All the Good Girls-Willow Rose 8/12/21
Not Dead Yet (Eva Rae Thomas Mystery, #7) by Willow Rose Bones Don't Lie (Morgan Dane, #3) by Melinda Leigh All the Good Girls (Harry Hunter Mystery, #1) by Willow Rose

message 48: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11106 comments Done! (post 43) Onwards to the next one :)

message 49: by Devann (last edited Mar 16, 2021 08:01AM) (new)

Devann (devannm) | 2778 comments Start Date: 1/26/21
End Date: 3/9/21

1 predominantly and 3 anywhere on the cover
Don't Scream! (Goosebumps Hall of Horrors, #5) by R.L. Stine Dryad, Vol. 1 by Kurtis J. Wiebe Lumberjanes Vol. 17 Smitten in the Stars by Shannon Watters Frankenstein in Baghdad by Ahmed Saadawi

Doctor Who Volume 3 Final Sacrifice by Tony Lee Doctor Who The Nemonite Invasion by David Roden Princeless Raven The Pirate Princess Book 8 Afterglow and Aftermath by Jeremy Whitley Critical Role Vox Machina Origins Volume II by Matthew Mercer

The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #5) by Rick Riordan Hyperbole and a Half Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened by Allie Brosh The Sleep of Reason An Anthology of Horror by C. Spike Trotman

[O] White Is the Color of Death by Catastrophone Orchestra
[N] Remote Control by Nnedi Okorafor
[L] Doctor Who Volume 2: Tesseract by Tony Lee
[Y] A Children's Illustrated History of Presidential Assassination by Bryan Young

[E] Passing Strange by Ellen Klages
[B] Exorsisters, Vol. 2 by Ian Boothby
[O] Zombie by Joyce Carol Oates
[O] The Dystopia Spell by Brian Olsen
[K] The Drowning Girl by Caitlín R. Kiernan

PART 1 REPEAT [Chinese zodiac]
[S] Saiyuki Reload Volume 1 by Kazuya Minekura
[N] Chu's Day by Neil Gaiman
[A] Amelia Cole and the Unknown World by Adam P. Knave
[K] A Country of Ghosts by Margaret Killjoy
[E] The Royal Art of Poison: Filthy Palaces, Fatal Cosmetics, Deadly Medicine, and Murder Most Foul by Eleanor Herman

message 50: by Meg (new)

Meg (makeli2) Done - 03/31/21 - another fun one!

All About You - Part Deux
April 2020 - March 2021

Choose one of these a month and work your way through the year. As before, because this challenge is all about you, you can choose the order, you can trade out one monthly challenge for one you create. Have fun!

Month 1: Read four books from your favorite series. They can either all be from different series or the same one.

Vanished in Paradise
Antiques Ravin'
Death on the Aisle
No Stone Unturned

Vanished in Paradise (Paradise #20) by Deborah Brown Antiques Ravin' (A Trash 'n' Treasures Mystery Book 13) by Barbara Allan Death on the Aisle (Annabelle Archer, #5) by Laura Durham No Stone Unturned (Lexi Carmichael Mystery #11) by Julie Moffett

Month 2: Make of your dream car. If you don't drive, then use your favorite form of transportation. If you want to find your mode of transportation on the covers of four books, go for it. Otherwise, Spell-It-Out.

B - Jenna Bennett - Wrongful Termination
M - Maya Corrigan - By Cook or by Crook
W - Tracy Weber - A Killer Retreat

Wrongful Termination (Savannah Martin Mystery #16) by Jenna Bennett By Cook or by Crook (A Five-Ingredient Mystery #1) by Maya Corrigan A Killer Retreat (A Downward Dog Mystery, #2) by Tracy Weber

Month 3: Birth Order. Were you born first, or sixth? Spell-It-Out. [June]

F - Caroline Fardig - Death Before Decaf
i - Issy Brooke - The Case of the Lincoln Imp
r - Sara Rosett - Murder at Archly Manor
s - Paige Shelton - The Cracked Spine
t - Tina Fey - Bossypants

Death Before Decaf A Java Jive Mystery by Caroline Fardig The Case Of The Lincoln Imp (Small Town Murder Bureau #1) by Issy Brooke Murder at Archly Manor (High Society Lady Detective #1) by Sara Rosett The Cracked Spine (Scottish Bookshop Mystery, #1) by Paige Shelton Bossypants by Tina Fey

Month 4: Again, your favorite color. Only this time choose four books where your favorite color appears somewhere on the
cover, with at least one the predominate cover color.

Death of a Sales Rep
Tess's Tale
Beach Read
Fireworks in Paradise

Death of a Sales Rep (Gotcha Detective Agency Mystery #3) by Jamie Lee Scott Tess's Tale (The Chanel Series Book 3) by Donna Joy Usher Beach Read by Emily Henry Fireworks in Paradise (TJ Jensen Paradise Lake Mystery #8) by Kathi Daley

Month 5: Whether you love to play it or watch it, what is your favorite sport? Baseball, football, hockey, the Olympics? Find four books on the topic, or Spell-It-Out. [August]

b - Barbara Ross - Jane Darrowfield, Professional Busybody
a - Angie Fox - Sweet Tea and Spirits
s - Leann Sweeney - Shoot From The Lip
e - Eva Gates - Booked for Trouble
b - Sara Barton - Miz Scarlet and the Bewildered Bridegroom
a - Amanda M Lee - Sinfully Delicious
l - Jill Marie Landis - Mai Tai One On
l - Lian Dolan - The Sweeney Sisters

Jane Darrowfield, Professional Busybody by Barbara Ross Sweet Tea and Spirits (Southern Ghost Hunter, #5) by Angie Fox Shoot from the Lip (A Yellow Rose Mystery, #4) by Leann Sweeney Miz Scarlet and the Bewildered Bridegroom (A Scarlet Wilson Mystery Book 4) by Sara M. Barton Sinfully Delicious (A Two Broomsticks Gas & Grill Witch Cozy Mystery, #1) by Amanda M. Lee Booked for Trouble A Lighthouse Library Mystery by Eva Gates Mai Tai One On by Jill Marie Landis The Sweeney Sisters by Lian Dolan

Month 6: Your best subject in school. Math, science, French, Home Ec? Find four books on the topic, or the protagonist teaches or takes it. Or use the Spell-It-Out option. [Sept]

E - Emma Jameson - Something Blue
n - Nancy Haddock -Paint the Town Dead
g - Julie Garwood - Wired
l - Louise Penny - The Brutal Telling
i - Isis Crawford - - A Catered Birthday Party
s - Cindy Sample - Dying for a Double
h - Heather Blake - The Good, the Bad and the Witchy

Something Blue (Lord and Lady Hetheridge, #3) by Emma Jameson Paint the Town Dead (A Silver Six Crafting Mystery #2) by Nancy Haddock Wired (Buchanan-Renard, #13) by Julie Garwood The Brutal Telling (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache, #5) by Louise Penny A Catered Birthday Party (A Mystery with Recipes, #6) by Isis Crawford Dying for a Double (Laurel McKay Mysteries Book 8) by Cindy Sample The Good, the Bad, and the Witchy (A Wishcraft Mystery, #3) by Heather Blake

Month 7: Your Kingdom: animal, vegetable or mineral? Decide on a kingdom, then choose something from within that kingdom. Example: elephant, zucchini, quartz. Read only three books this month. Or, you guessed it, Spell-It-Out.

Animal kingdom:
Raining Cats & Dogs (A Melanie Travis Mystery) by Laurien Berenson Raining Cats and Dogs
Escape Claws (Cat Lady Mysteries #1) by Linda Reilly Escape Claws
Ghost in the Gallery (The Inn at Holiday Bay, #11) by Kathi Daley Ghost in the Gallery

Month 8: Read your favorite media delivery system: Kindle, NOOK, Kobe, iPad, e-book, audiobook, audio, iPod, paperback, paper, dead-tree version, etc. Spell-It-Out. [Nov]

K - Kristen Painter - Sucks to be Me
i - Irina Shapiro - Murder in the Crypt
n - Nicola Upson - An Expert in Murder
d - Carola Dunn - The Winter Garden
l - Laura Pauling - Footprints in the Frosting
e - Ellery Adams - A Fatal Appraisal

Sucks To Be Me (First Fangs Club #1) by Kristen Painter An Expert in Murder (Josephine Tey, #1) by Nicola Upson Murder in the Crypt (Redmond and Haze Mysteries, #1) by Irina Shapiro The Winter Garden Mystery by Carola Dunn Footprints in the Frosting (Holly Hart, #1) by Laura Pauling A Fatal Appraisal (A Collectible Mystery #2) by J.B. Stanley

Month 9: Read four books where the protagonist has your dream jobs.

Marry and Bright (Annabelle Archer #9.5) by Laura Durham Marry and Bright (wedding planner)
A Merry Murder (A Special Pennyfoot Hotel Myst Book 10) by Kate Kingsbury A Merry Murder (hotel manager)
Murder with All the Trimmings (Josie Marcus, Mystery Shopper, #4) by Elaine Viets Murder with all the Trimmings (secret shopper)
Christmas Cookie Murder (A Lucy Stone Mystery, #6) by Leslie Meier Christmas Cookie Murder (columnist)

Month 10: A nickname you go by - or want to go by! You know...Bunny, Snookums, Babe. Spell-It-Out.

B - Emily Brightwell - Mrs. Jeffries Plays the Cook
A - Jennifer Alderson - Death on the Danube
B - Ginger Bolton - Survival of the Fritters
E - Elizabeth Peters - The Curse of the Pharaohs

Mrs. Jeffries Plays the Cook by Emily Brightwell Death on the Danube A New Year's Murder in Budapest (Travel Can Be Murder #1) by Jennifer S. Alderson Survival of the Fritters (Deputy Donut Mystery #1) by Ginger Bolton The Curse of the Pharaohs (Amelia Peabody, #2) by Elizabeth Peters

Month 10: Repeat your favorite challenge month from “All About You, Part 1”: Read 3 or 4 books set in a country you'd like to revisit.

England - Aunt Dimity's Death
Canada - The Long Way Home
Italy - A Zany Slice of Italy

Aunt Dimity's Death (An Aunt Dimity Mystery, #1) by Nancy Atherton The Long Way Home (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #10) by Louise Penny A Zany Slice of Italy (Italian Living Book 1) by Ivanka Di Felice

Month 12: You against the elements. Read four books total, one each with “earth, wind, fire, water” in the title, or has a depiction of them on the cover, or is the subject of the book.

Water: Dead in Dublin 03/03
Fire: The Rise of Magicks
Earth - Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet
Wind - Death by Windmill

Dead in Dublin (The Dublin Driver Mysteries, #1) by Catie Murphy The Rise of Magicks (Chronicles of The One, #3) by Nora Roberts Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet (Charley Davidson, #4) by Darynda Jones Death by Windmill (Travel Can Be Murder #3) by Jennifer S. Alderson

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