A Good Thriller discussion

Books > Your top Three books Ever

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message 1: by Aymen (new)

Aymen Ben cheikh you have to pick your favourite 3 books, I know it is not easy, take your time. the books you pick might be the new favourite books for someone else ;)

message 2: by Aymen (new)

Aymen Ben cheikh 22-11-63 by Stephen King
Parce que je t'aime by Guillaume Musso
Full Dark no Stars byvStephen King

message 3: by Tracy (new)

Tracy Quarrell | 373 comments Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. My Antonia by Willa Cather. But loved 11.22.63 too and my heart hurts because it's like choosing your favourite child. Love Doris Lessing's The grass is Singing too and... too many lovely books.

message 4: by Aymen (new)

Aymen Ben cheikh yess Tracy after I chose I almost modified the topic to your to five books so I can pick more lol, after you pick your three books, you start feeling guilty :D

message 5: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
Ooh heck. I'd have to have a big think.... and my brain....!

message 6: by Aymen (new)

Aymen Ben cheikh members gonna hate me lol

message 7: by David (new)

David Freas (quillracer) | 542 comments Three top books? I can't even narrow my author list down to 3 favorites.

There are so many books that are favorites for a variety of reasons - the story, the book that turned me on to a series, some event in the story that resonated with me - that I can't say I liked this one better than that one.

Going through my list of books, I could only pare the 1848 down to 19.

message 8: by Liz (new)

Liz Conti | 4 comments The Truth About The Harry Quebert Affair by Joel Dicker. I Am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes . Snow Wolf by Glenn Meade

message 9: by Linda (new)

Linda Wells | 4 comments Aymen wrote: "you have to pick your favourite 3 books, I know it is not easy, take your time. the books you pick might be the new favourite books for someone else ;)"

My top three mystery-thrillers in the last five years:
Before the Fall by Noah Hawley
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
Make Me by Lee Child (Who can resist Jack Reacher? )

message 10: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Carden | 397 comments Now You See Me by Sharon Bolton

City of the Lost (Casey Duncan #1) by Kelley Armstrong

Little Black Lies by Sharon Bolton

message 11: by Diane Lynch (new)

Diane Lynch (dianedesmarrstlynch) | 308 comments He Counts There Tears by Mary Ann D'Alato

Legally Gone: A Novel by Sally Shanks

Troubles Keeper by Susan May

message 12: by David (new)

David Freas (quillracer) | 542 comments Red Storm Rising by Tom Clancy - I've read it ten times at least and still get something new out of it every time.

Billy Strobe by John Martel - the best legal thriller I've ever read.

Criminal Conversation by Evan Hunter - the ending haunted me after I finished it and sill haunts me today.

message 13: by Michael (new)

Michael (micky74007) A Separate Peace
by John Knowles

A Christmas Carol
by Charles Dickens

The Yearling
by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

message 14: by James (new)

James (jvpsurf) | 1 comments You by Caroline Kepnes
The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson
Dune by Frank Herbert

message 15: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
Katherine by Anya Seton

message 16: by iasa (new)

iasa subject to change on a whim, but at this moment my favourites are

The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler

Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier and

The Killer Inside Me by Jim Thompson

message 17: by Erin (new)

Erin  | 605 comments 1)The Color Purple
2)The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
3)I Know Why A Caged Bird Sings

Tenielle 💕 | 2 comments I’ve only recently become addicted to reading fiction crime/thrillers, the last few years it has been True Crime.
Top 3 so far...
1) Tami Hoag - A thin dark line
2) Jane harper- The Dry
3) Jeffery Deaver- The bodies left behind

I couldn’t put them down!!!

message 19: by Yasmin (new)

Yasmin The Count of Monte Cristo- Alexandre Dumas
The end of the affair- Graham Greene
Danny the Champion of the world- Roald Dahl

message 20: by Marie (new)

Marie | 270 comments Top three?! Really?! Wow that is hard! Let me think....

1) The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3) by J.R.R. Tolkien by J.R.R. Tolkien

2) It by Stephen King by Stephen King

3) A Subtle Agency (The Metaframe War, #1) by Graeme Rodaughan by Graeme Rodaughan (this book starts off one of the best vampire urban fantasy series out there - that is my personal opinion. I have already re-read it three times in three years if that is any indication.)

message 21: by Kandice (new)

Kandice | 2039 comments So many people are listing some of my favorite books! I am so happy to see that. My top three can change daily, but The Scarlet Letter, Tess of the D'Urbervilles and 'Salem's Lot will always be among my top 10. There are just so, so many, though!

message 22: by Creolecat (new)

Creolecat  | 17 comments 1. The Monk - Matthew Lewis
2. The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov
3. Bone Black: Memories of Girlhood - bell hooks

message 23: by Christine (new)

Christine Indorf | 2228 comments Redeeming love by Francine Rivers
Behind Closed Doors by B. A. Paris
Ya Ya Sisterhood series by Neta Jackson

All these books I will read time and time again, esp Redeeming Love. I faithfully read this book at least once a year. I get something new out of it everytime I read it!!

message 25: by Kandice (new)

Kandice | 2039 comments Clearly mine can change, because I see I listed one differently in November!

message 26: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
So many, hard to bring down to top 3, top 5

Maybe top 50 ?

message 27: by W (new)

W | 37 comments And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

My top mystery book.Nothing else comes close in this genre.

message 28: by Sandy (new)

Sandy | 190 comments The Stand by Stephen King

Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien - I have it in one book so I am allowed to claim all three right?

message 29: by Kandice (new)

Kandice | 2039 comments W wrote: "And Then There Were None by Agatha ChristieAnd Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

My top mystery book.Nothing else comes close in this genre."

I own this book in it's original form with the racial name, it's second form with the not much better name, and two versions with this name. It's a fantastic read even when you know exactly what happened!

message 30: by W (new)

W | 37 comments I think I've read it with all those titles too.

message 31: by Christine (new)

Christine Indorf | 2228 comments Redeeming love by Francine Rivers
Behind Closed Doors by BA Paris
The One by John Marrs
This list can go on and on by I would say these are my top reads

message 32: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments Christine wrote: "Redeeming love by Francine Rivers
Behind Closed Doors by BA Paris
The One by John Marrs
This list can go on and on by I would say these are my top reads"

I really enjoyed The One.

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