Space Opera Fans discussion

'Military' Space Opera > Super huge aliens of Frontlines series

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message 1: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Bergeron (scifi_jon) | 370 comments I'm reading book 2 of the Frontlines series by Kloos. As with the first book, I find his writing style very odd. It's a good book, right writing, but I'm not really buying 80 foot tall, 100 metric ton aliens.

For those who have read the series, does Kloos get around to explaining how the Lankies create their spaceships and everything else that goes with a civilization get explained?

message 2: by Martin (new)

Martin Wilsey | 27 comments No spoilers. He does explain much more.

BTW, you may notice a character named Sergent Wilsey that is named after me! He hasn't killed me yet!

message 3: by Aaron (new)

Aaron Nagy | 111 comments Jonathan wrote: "I'm reading book 2 of the Frontlines series by Kloos. As with the first book, I find his writing style very odd. It's a good book, right writing, but I'm not really buying 80 foot tall, 100 metric ..."

As of book 5 more has been revealed, quite a bit more. But there has been zero big grand reveal as of yet.

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