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The Skye in June
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ARCHIVES - ARRs Completed > 4847. - THE SKYE IN JUNE by June Ahern

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message 1: by Tana (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 14676 comments Mod
The Skye in June by June Ahern June Ahern

Title: The Skye in June
Author: June Ahern
Genre: Woman's Fiction/ Woman's Literature
Formats Available: Pdf & Paperback (USA Only)
Time Frame: 4 Weeks


"The Skye in June" is a tale about the MacDonalds, a Scottish family and their youngest child, June, who has an uniqueness to attract unusual people. After a tragedy the family emigrate from Glasgow, Scotland to San Francisco, California for a chance of a new life. The family implodes when June is drawn into the world of mysticism and, along with her three sisters, comes of age during the colorful circa 1960's. It is a story of reconciliation and acceptance. Anyone who loves a good read of San Francisco's history during the 1950's and the radical changes in the early days of the '60's, will enjoy this story. Ms. Ahern uses the rich history of Eureka Valley (The Castro) by weaving her story around well-known businesses such as The Castro Theater and Cliffs' Variety Store. The story is also rich with nuances of Scottish culture and language. The sisters are lively, funny and rebellious as they find ways to deter their father from having control over them. The story takes readers through issues of family, their bond and how it changes over the years, religion, as wells as the challenges of immigrants, and the world of mysticism.

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Formats available: Pdf & Paperback (USA Only)

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message 3: by Tana (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 14676 comments Mod
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