Space Opera Fans discussion

Book and Author of the Month > How to Find Out What We've Read Already

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message 1: by Betsy (new)

Betsy | 964 comments Mod
Several people have asked me how to find out what we've read already, so they don't nominate something that's already been read. So here for everyone is how to do that:

The books listed on our bookshelves are all the books we've read or are currently reading so far. On the group home page, or on any page of group discussions, look to the top right of the screen for the group menu. Bookshelf is one of the menu items. Click that.

You can also find all the discussion threads for prior books read in our archive discussions in the following folder:

If you lose this link, you can find the folder again from the group home page. Scroll all the way down. Click More Discussions. Scroll way down again. It should be one of the last folders listed.

message 2: by Lizzie (new)

Lizzie | 303 comments Thank you.

message 3: by Laz (new)

Laz the Sailor (laz7) | 209 comments I had figured that there would be more books on the shelf than just those selected in BOTM.

message 4: by Betsy (new)

Betsy | 964 comments Mod
Laz wrote: "I had figured that there would be more books on the shelf than just those selected in BOTM."

I know a lot of groups do include on their bookshelves more than just those books that are selected for the BOTM, but Anna, who originally set up the group, did it this way and Teresa and I both continued the practice. It can take a lot of time to add books to the group bookshelves. If someone were willing to take on that task to help Teresa out, maybe we could do that.

message 5: by Laz (new)

Laz the Sailor (laz7) | 209 comments Observation, not complaint.

I have nominated books that had been selected already, and didn't think to check the bookshelf. Now I will.

message 6: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
We could start adding all the nominations, but then it would take a bit longer to check whether we have read a given book, over and above the time adding the nomination.

message 7: by Laz (new)

Laz the Sailor (laz7) | 209 comments Teresa wrote: "We could start adding all the nominations, but then it would take a bit longer to check whether we have read a given book, over and above the time adding the nomination."

Ah, that would be solved by creating a BOTM shelf. But this is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

message 8: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
We would need to add a nominated shelf, the tricky way so that nominations don't get marked as read, currently reading, or to read. So after finding the book we'd just have to make sure it was on nominated shelf.

But more trouble than it's worth in my opinion.

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