Making Connections discussion

ARCHIVES > Looking for authors to interview

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message 1: by David (new)

David Lloyd | 10 comments I'm looking for authors to interview. I recently created a web site that helps authors with book promotion, beta reading and book cover design. I'd like to do some interviews for my blog, free of charge, and in in return I hope that you'll help me get the word out about my web site.

If you're interested, you may contact me on my web site:

message 2: by Karina (last edited May 03, 2017 03:31AM) (new)

Karina Kantas | 8 comments Is this a new site or revamped? Can you tell me how many followers you have?
Thank you.

message 3: by Raúl (new)

Raúl Gilo | 17 comments Thanks, David, for the chance to promote. I've already registered in your new site.

message 4: by June (new)

June Ahern (juneahern) | 19 comments Reviewed your website and signed up for an interview. Thank you.
June Ahern

message 5: by L.D. (new)

L.D. (ldnash) Signed up and am passing the word! Awesome site, thank you!


message 6: by Veena (new)

Veena Nagpal | 17 comments Submitted. Will pass the word around

message 7: by Nancy (new)

Nancy Foster Sounds interesting, will look at th site tomorrow if I have a brief chance.

message 8: by Raúl (new)

Raúl Gilo | 17 comments Thanks, David. I missed the day it was published and realized it today! Anyway, it would be great you could add some warning to the authors when the book is placed on the page, so they can start promoting the page that same day in their social networks, contacts etc. Just a tip that I hope will help you grow more!

message 9: by Tim (new)

Tim Rees | 17 comments I'm happy to give an interview.

message 10: by Shari (new)

Shari Sakurai (shari_sakurai) | 22 comments I've signed up for an interview and have liked and shared your site on facebook :)

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

David: Thank you for reaching out to authors. I've added my request for an interview on your website.

message 12: by Bill (new)

Bill Greenwood | 10 comments I have registered and will upload my book for a review.
Regards & thanks
Bill Greenwood

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