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YABC Giveaways! > Terms and Conditions

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message 1: by Jude, The First One :) (last edited May 17, 2017 10:00PM) (new)

Jude (judehnd) | 565 comments Mod
Print Book Giveaway Entry Terms & Conditions


All YABC official giveaways are run and approved by the moderators of this club. The giveaways can be brought to the members independently through the club or sponsored by authors, blogs or publishing companies. All giveaway offerings are thoroughly considered and accepted based on the club's best interest.

Official giveaways are announced through messages and discussions brought to you directly from the moderators of the club. Each announcement has its own prize details, the number of winners and countries in which the prize is available.

Winners will be notified by one of the Moderators, both through the Goodreads private message platform and through the e-mail provided through the entry of the giveaway. They will be notified within the first 24 hours after the giveaway has ended and they will have a maximum time of 72 hours to respond before another winner is chosen. Prizes independently brought to you by YABC will be shipped or sent around (5) business days after the giveaway. Prizes that are brought to you by other Sponsors run through the same selection process, but YABC has no control on the time they take to be sent/shipped, and if you are a winner, the Sponsor will use the shipping address you select for the promotion to fulfill your prize.

The odds of being selected as a winner depend on the number of entries received. Winners are chosen randomly through an independent Giveaway and Sweeptakes program.

You must be the older of 18 years of age or the legal age of majority in your state or jurisdiction of residence at the time of entry OR have the consent of a legal age adult to enter. You must have a Goodreads.com account in order to enter. You must be a member of The Young Adult Book Club to enter. The limit entry depends on the giveaway's own specifications.

Sponsors and Moderators of YABC are not eligible to participate.

Sponsor and YABC reserve the right to cancel or modify any promotion at any time.

By entering the promotion you agree that Sponsor and YABC, and each of their respective affiliates, will have no liability, and will be held harmless from and against any liability or loss, including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, for all matters related to your acceptance, possession, experience with, use or misuse of the prize or participation in the promotion.

The Sponsor of the promotion is the author, publisher, or other individual or entity that lists the promotion unless YABC explicitly says it is an independently run promotion.

Privacy Notice: All information submitted in connection with this promotion will be treated in accordance with these Giveaway Terms and Conditions.

**These Terms are based on the Goodreads platform's own terms and condition - platform to which YABC belongs.

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