Genre Specific Review Groups discussion

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Genre Review Groups > Short Stories Review Group 1 (finished)

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message 1: by Stan (new)

Stan Morris (morriss003) How short is short? I have a novella that is 34,500 words.Kate's Movie Star

message 2: by Shannon (new)

Shannon Haddock I'm interested if there are still spots available.

Once a Hero, Always a Hero Shannon Haddock

message 3: by R. (new)

R. Leib | 765 comments Mod
Hello Short Story Writers.

My name is R. Leib, and I have been asked by Elizabeth to take over moderation of this group. If you have any questions for me, please feel free to message me through Goodreads.

We have one more slot open before scheduling reviews. As soon as another writer volunteers, I will post the schedule.


message 4: by S.M. (new)

S.M. White (smwhite) | 1 comments I'd like to join the review group.

message 5: by Amberle (last edited Aug 23, 2014 11:58AM) (new)

Amberle Husbands I'm game, if the offer still stands for the short story review group.

A Lovely Machine by Amberle L. Husbands.

message 6: by P.T. (new)

P.T. (phronk) | 47 comments I have a new short story out, if authors are still needed:

Strangers at a Funeral

message 7: by R. (new)

R. Leib | 765 comments Mod
In joining this review group you have agreed to review the short stories assigned to you on a two month schedule. The sign up phase is over and the review stage is starting.

This is the Short Story Review Group, which includes works in all genres. As with other review groups, you are expected to read and give an honest review of the short stories assigned to you. Reviews should be posted to Goodreads. If reviews are three stars or better, they should be posted to Amazon, as well.

Contact the authors you are scheduled to review to arrange to get a review copy of their short story. If you cannot complete your assignments on time, please contact me so that we can make other arrangements.

Please post to this topic, when you receive review copies and when you post your reviews.


01 Bonnie Ferrante - Inhale Inhale by Bonnie Ferrante

02 Melinda Brasher - Chaos Rises: A Far-Knowing Tale Chaos Rises A Far-Knowing Tale (Far-Knowing, #1.5) by Melinda Brasher

03 Suren Fant - Wrath of Michael Wrath of Michael (Shade of Light, #2) by Suren Fant

04 Isis Sousa - The XIIIth hour at Duskland (Stories of Duskland) - 2nd Edition - Revised The XIIIth hour at Duskland (Stories of Duskland) - 2nd Edition - Revised by Isis Sousa

05 Shannon Haddock - Once a Hero, Always a Hero Once a Hero, Always a Hero by Shannon Haddock

06 S.M. White - The Unfortunate Tale of Talid Farrowheart The Unfortunate Tale of Talid Farrowheart by S.M. White


August 25 to September 25:

Bonnie Ferrante reviews Melinda Brasher
Melinda Brasher reviews Suren Fant
Suren Fant reviews Isis Sousa
Isis Sousa reviews Shannon Haddock
Shannon Haddock reviews S.M. White
S.M. White reviews Bonnie Ferrante

September 25 to October 25:

Bonnie Ferrante reviews Suren Fant
Melinda Brasher reviews Isis Sousa
Suren Fant reviews Shannon Haddock
Isis Sousa reviews S.M. White
Shannon Haddock reviews Bonnie Ferrante
S.M. White reviews Melinda Brasher

message 8: by Stephen (last edited Aug 24, 2014 07:50AM) (new)

Stephen Delin (steph_delin) | 1 comments Count me in.


message 9: by Kathy (last edited Aug 26, 2014 10:30PM) (new)

Kathy Golden I'd like to participate also.

Children Who Never Grow Old

message 10: by Brady (new)

Brady Koch I'm able to review in the next cycle when that starts up. I also have a short to add to the list when the time comes.
Popular Mechanics for Young Widows

message 11: by R. (new)

R. Leib | 765 comments Mod
Everyone should have obtained their first round short stories for review. If you have not received it or have not been contacted by your reviewer, please let me know.


message 12: by Shannon (new)

Shannon Haddock Here is my review of The Unfortunate Tale of Talid Farrowheart:

message 14: by [deleted user] (new)

Here is my review for "Once a Hero, Always a Hero"

However, I would like to be pulled out of the group, if that is possible?
I had signed up long ago, when the group wasn't even formed.
Shortly after I turned my short story into an illustrated novella (60 k words) and I have depublished the original short story from Amazoon, Smashwords and other retailers - thought I can't remove it from GoodReads.

"The XIIIth Hour at Duskland" is now "The Night of Elisa".

It means I have no short story for review anymore...

Looking forward for a feedback on this, thanks :)

message 15: by Melinda (new)

Melinda Brasher | 58 comments Here's my review of "The Night of Elisa" (or the first chapter, which was the original short story, as agreed upon with the author)

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

Melinda wrote: "Here's my review of "The Night of Elisa" (or the first chapter, which was the original short story, as agreed upon with the author)"

Hi Melinda! Ow, that was so nice of you taking the time and reviewing the first chapter - which was the original short story! :) Many, many thanks! ^.^ :D

message 17: by Bonnie (new)

Bonnie Ferrante (bonnieferrante) | 90 comments Sorry I'm late.

Review of Melinda Brasher's Chaos Rises: A Far-Knowing Tale

message 18: by Melinda (new)

Melinda Brasher | 58 comments My review of Suren Fant's "Wrath of Michael" has been postponed by mutual agreement.

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

S.M. White review is coming by the weekend :)

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

message 21: by Bonnie (new)

Bonnie Ferrante (bonnieferrante) | 90 comments Still running behind. Will be starting Wrath of Michael in a couple of days.

message 22: by Shannon (new)

Shannon Haddock I've yet to receive my second review, despite Suren Fant having marked my story Read about a month ago.

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