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Page Numbering Requests > Add page number

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message 1: by Spyridon (new)

Spyridon | 2 comments Hi,
Please add the number of page for the book with ISBN 960-352-545-6.
The book has 356 pages.

message 3: by Spyridon (new)

Spyridon | 2 comments Thanks a lot!

message 4: by pml (new)

pml | 1124 comments Please add page number for kindle edition of Spin State by Chris Moriarty. 642 pages according to Amazon page. ASIN: B000RH0E7K

message 5: by Xanthy (new)

Xanthy (xanthy_92) | 6 comments done

message 6: by pml (new)

pml | 1124 comments Just checked back - the page number for the kindle edition of Spin State is not listed.

message 7: by Chrissie (new)

Chrissie (silverwing) | 12 comments pml wrote: "Just checked back - the page number for the kindle edition of Spin State is not listed."

should be okay now. :)

message 8: by pml (new)

pml | 1124 comments Thank you!

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