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The Gentleman's Guide > GIVEAWAY - The Gentleman's Guide

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message 1: by Jude, The First One :) (last edited Jul 28, 2017 11:15PM) (new)

Jude (judehnd) | 565 comments Mod

1 Copy of The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue

Hello everyone! For this month of June we have a giveaway of The Gentlemen's Guide to Vice and Virtue brought to you by Harper Collins, whim we are collaborating this month. This particular giveaway is US Only . Please make sure you have read all the Terms and Conditions established in this folder before entering.

To Enter this giveaway: all you have to do is be a member of YABC - it is that simple :)

Of course we have added another many options to get extra entries in this giveaway, which you will find in detail here:

*Add The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue to your To-Read pile on Goodreads

*Participate in the Ramona Blue giveaway here

*Participate in any of The Gentlemen's Guide to Vice and Virtue topics here - this is an entry you can do once per day

*Chat with fellow members on Ramona Blue topics here - this is an entry you can do once per day :)

Giveaway ends on August 31st, 2017

Best of luck ;)

message 2: by Kira (new)

Kira Simion | 8 comments When I tried to enter, it said it hasn't started yet. When will it be starting? :)

message 3: by Jude, The First One :) (new)

Jude (judehnd) | 565 comments Mod
Kira wrote: "When I tried to enter, it said it hasn't started yet. When will it be starting? :)"

Up and running Kira ;)

message 4: by Jordan (new)

Jordan Moore (jordanmouse) | 6 comments I got a special copy of this book in the recent Owlcrate box. It sounds great and I cannot wait to start it! :)

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