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Archives > FA 2017 RG Plans

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message 1: by Kate S (new)

Kate S | 6459 comments It is not required that you post your reading plan for Reading Globally, but if you would like to, this is the thread for those plans.

message 2: by Kate S (last edited Aug 17, 2017 11:34AM) (new)

Kate S | 6459 comments 6 Continents and I believe all new countries

Aruba (N. America)
Belize (N. America)
Chile or Colombia (S. America)
Ecuador (S. America)
Faroe Islands (Europe)
Krygyzstan (Asia)
Papua New Guinea (Oceania)
Romania (Europe)
Yemen (Asia)
Zimbabwe (Africa)

message 3: by Elizabeth (Alaska) (last edited Aug 16, 2017 09:07AM) (new)

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13896 comments This is my plan - and there are 11 countries listed (none had yet been claimed when I made my plan). I'm leaving myself some latitude, in case I just can't stand something. I also have another backup list of 1/2 dozen countries but I'm truly hoping that this one does it. Feel free to explore any of these countries, but I have intentionally not included the titles here. I had so much fun exploring that I wouldn't want to deprive you of the same.

Albania - Europe
Bolivia - South America
Congo, Democratic Republic Of - Africa
Estonia - Europe
Haiti - North America
Israel - Asia
Lebanon - Asia
Malaysia - Asia
New Zealand - Oceania
Thailand - Asia
Uruguay - South America

message 4: by Ed (last edited Aug 16, 2017 06:41PM) (new)

Ed Lehman | 2628 comments (work in progress- possible countries-subject to change)

*Chile- South America
Cuba-North America
Germany - Europe
*Haiti - North America
*Morocco- Africa
*Nauru - Oceania
*New Zealand- Oceania
-Nigeria- Africa
*Peru-South America
*Suriname-South America
*Syria - Asia
-*Tunisia- Africa


message 5: by Bea (last edited Aug 17, 2017 05:12AM) (new)

Bea I decided to use books previously planned for RwS but not yet read. I have an extra country as I was not sure if it was >50% set in the country I planned it for.

France - Europe
Germany - Europe
Japan - Asia
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of - Asia
Malaysia - Asia
New Zealand - Oceania
South Africa - Africa
Sweden - Europe
United Kingdom - Europe
United States - North America

Vietnam ? - Asia

message 6: by Connie (last edited Sep 07, 2017 09:34PM) (new)

Connie G (connie_g) | 1739 comments I'm hoping to include some of the books I already own.

Canada--North America
Guyana--South America
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of--Asia
India--Asia or Ireland--Europe
Papua New Guinea--Oceania
United Kingdom--Europe or United States--North America

Libya--Africa if I can't find the books I picked.

message 7: by Anika (last edited Sep 13, 2017 03:40PM) (new)

Anika | 2541 comments This is the plan so far, but always subject to edits...lots and lots of edits....

Antigua and Barbuda-North America
Bosnia and Herzegovina-Europe
Costa Rica-NA

message 8: by Valerie (last edited Aug 18, 2017 06:31AM) (new)

Valerie Brown | 3064 comments As always (it seems) I'm trying to use owned books for this challenge - 7/11 so far!

Suggested itinerary:

Antigua or Austria - NA or Europe
Canada -NA
Denmark -Europe
France -Europe
Gabon -Africa
Italy -Europe
Japan -Asia
Korea, Dem. People's Rep. of. -Asia (add in, in case needed)
Namibia - Africa
Spain -Europe

message 9: by Lagullande (new)

Lagullande | 1109 comments Valerie wrote: "As always (it seems) I'm trying to use owned books for this challenge - 7/10 so far!

Suggested itinerary:

Britain -Europe

Hi Valerie. I don't think "Britain" is on the list of countries. You probably want "United Kingdom".

For anyone that finds this confusing....

The United Kingdom is a country that includes England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Its official name is “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".

message 10: by Shannon SA (last edited Aug 17, 2017 04:32AM) (new)

Shannon SA | 0 comments My plan covering the 7 continents, using books I already own, subject to change of course, leaving the other 3 to choice :)

Africa - Kenya - Circling the Sun
Antarctica - The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Asia - India - The Ministry of Utmost Happiness
Europe - Germany - Half Blood Blues
North America - USA - Camino Island
Oceania - New Zealand - He Called me Son
South America - Brazil - State of Wonder

message 11: by Valerie (last edited Aug 17, 2017 07:03AM) (new)

Valerie Brown | 3064 comments Lagullande wrote: "Valerie wrote: "As always (it seems) I'm trying to use owned books for this challenge - 7/10 so far!

Suggested itinerary:

Britain -Europe

Hi Valerie. I don't think "Britain" is on the list ..."

OMG! - how dumb on my part! Thank you so much for the catch. That is the benefit of posting tentative plans in these threads. I almost made the same type of mistake with North Korea, but managed to catch that one!

message 12: by Lagullande (new)

Lagullande | 1109 comments Valerie wrote: "I almost made the same type of mistake with North Korea, but managed to catch that one!

Well, thank you back, Valerie. I DID make that mistake with North Korea!

message 13: by Rosemary (last edited Sep 07, 2017 01:17AM) (new)

Rosemary | 3952 comments My plan. Reading in reverse order.

Australia (Oceania) - Walkabout
Colombia (South America) - Living to Tell the Tale
France (Europe) - Delicacy
India (Asia) - The White Tiger
Korea (Asia) - not sure which Korea - The Calligrapher's Daughter
Norway (Europe) - The Wife
Portugal (Europe) - Pereira Maintains
Russian Federation (Europe/Asia) - One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
South Africa (Africa) - In the Heart of the Country
United States (North America) - Miss Julia Meets Her Match

message 14: by Tien (last edited Aug 17, 2017 05:31PM) (new)

Tien (tiensblurb) | 2977 comments My Plan!! Stayed up late for this, of course ;p

Keeping my fingers crossed that all will qualify the 51% setting & that the library has not lost any of them in the meantime!

Antarctica: Out of the Ice by Ann Turner

Bahamas: The Far Side of the Sun by Kate Furnivall

Costa Rica: Midnight Rainbow OR Cyprus: Aphrodite's War

Djibouti: Djibouti by Elmore Leonard

Estonia: Purge by Sofi Oksanen

Falkland Islands: Exocet by Jack Higgins

Hong Kong: Whispering Shadows (The Rising Dragon #1) by Jan-Philipp Sendker

Indonesia: Gerbang Nuswantara by Victoria Tunggono

Micronesia: Marooned on Mogmog: A remote island, a shipwrecked Aussie family, a clash of cultures by Jennifer Barrie

Nauru: The Undesirables: Inside Nauru by Mark Isaacs

1. Antarctica
2. North America: Costa Rica, Bahamas
3. Asia: Cyprus, Hong Kong, Indonesia
4. Africa: Djibouti
5. Europe: Estonia
6. South America: Falkland Island
7. Oceania: Micronesia, Nauru

message 15: by Marina (new)

Marina (sonnenbarke) My plan is as follows, although it may change:

1. Austria (Europe) - probably Old Masters: A Comedy by Thomas Bernhard
2. Brazil (South America) - Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands by Jorge Amado
3. Egypt (Africa) - Miramar by Naguib Mahfouz
4. France (Europe) - Transit by Abdourahman A. Waberi
5. Germany (Europe) - Mephisto by Klaus Mann
6. Italy (Europe) - Game of Mirrors by Andrea Camilleri
7. Russian Federation (Europe) - Petersburg Tales by Nikolai Gogol
8. Samoa (Oceania) - Leaves of the Banyan Tree by Albert Wendt
9. Turkmenistan (Asia) - Unknown Sands: Journeys Around the World's Most Isolated Country by John W. Kropf
10. United States (North America) - too many to choose!

These should cover 6 continents :)

message 17: by Marina (new)

Marina (sonnenbarke) Just a quick note: in message #15 above I said I would be reading Transit for France. I'm now almost finished and I see it's mainly set in Djibouti (I'd say 90% probably). So I will be counting it for Djibouti. I thought I'd better clarify :)

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