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Group Read Archive > Q & A's and November Read a long With Ann Girdharry

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message 1: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Hello members

Ann Girdharry, a regular member here and an author is doing a read a long for November. Free books at the end of October for

London Noir.

Please join in with the book and questions..

message 2: by Diane Lynch (new)

Diane Lynch (dianedesmarrstlynch) | 308 comments Right now Paperback is the only choice. Will a Kindle version be available by the end of the month?

message 3: by Ann (last edited Oct 05, 2017 02:09AM) (new)

Ann Girdharry (anngirdharry) | 317 comments hello Diane, thanks for asking,

London Noir London Noir (Kal Medi #2) by Ann Girdharry

The kindle version of the book is available pre-order on Amazon.

Here is a universal link to the sales page

The pre-order price is 0.99p and it will be published/available 17th October

(For anyone not in the know, if you order on pre-order then you pay the price shown (0.99c) and it gets sent to your reading device on publication day)

Plus, specially for the ReadALong,

the kindle version will be FREE worldwide 1st and 2nd November.

hope that helps

message 4: by Luffy Sempai (new)

Luffy Sempai (luffy79) Hi Ann, will your e-book have DRM?

message 5: by Ann (new)

Ann Girdharry (anngirdharry) | 317 comments Hello Luffy,
Yes, I think it will.

message 6: by Ann (new)

Ann Girdharry (anngirdharry) | 317 comments Just to be clear -

London Noir is the second in the Kal Medi series but I've written it so that it can be read as a stand-alone.

This means there is a story which starts and finishes in this book - though, of course, the characters are the same as in book one.


message 7: by Susan (new)

Susan (superbookfreak) | 171 comments I look forward to reading it.

message 8: by Vicki Willis (new)

Vicki Willis I am looking forward to this one too.
I love the cover, Ann!

message 9: by Amy (new)

Amy (thenikitagirl) | 653 comments I just tried to purchase the kindle version at regular price, but it is saying it's unavailable. Is it not available in Canada in that format?

message 10: by Agnieszka (last edited Oct 30, 2017 02:41PM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 1464 comments Amy wrote: "I just tried to purchase the kindle version at regular price, but it is saying it's unavailable. Is it not available in Canada in that format?"

according to Amazon.ca it's available in Canada. I had a similar issue with one ebook and contacted the help center chat. After they made sure it's really available in Germany they checked my options and found a kind of conflict that didn't work with the options of the web page or ebook. It took some time but they were able to fixe it and I got my ebook the same evening.
I hope it helps.

message 11: by Ann (new)

Ann Girdharry (anngirdharry) | 317 comments thanks Agnieszka - LONDON NOIR is available worldwide in kindle format - as far as I can see it shows in the Canada store, so I've no idea what the problem is....

message 12: by Ann (new)

Ann Girdharry (anngirdharry) | 317 comments hi Amy, I verified with Amazon Author central and they assure me the kindle version of London Noir is available worldwide.

Here's the info they gave me -

...", please request the customers to contact our Kindle Customer service, so that we'll be able to look into their account information and Kindle or Kindle application software version, and assist them in downloading your book. Customers can reach Kindle Customer Support via phone or chat by clicking one of the links below:

To contact us via phone:


To contact us via chat:


hope this helps :)

message 13: by Amy (new)

Amy (thenikitagirl) | 653 comments Thanks Ann & Agnieszka! I called and they got it to work. I purchased book one and book two. I haven't participated in a Q&A thread before. Hopefully, I'll find the time this month. I've stopped participating in GR the last while. It's been a big reading slump year. Just picked up an I Am Pilgrim copy and am hoping the slump is over.

message 14: by Ann (new)

Ann Girdharry (anngirdharry) | 317 comments The Read A Long of London Noir by Ann Girdharry is now officially open!

Feel free to post your comments in this thread - I'm looking forward to hearing your takes...

message 15: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
Thanks, Ann. Hope it goes well. ☺️

message 16: by Perri (new)

Perri | 11 comments Amy wrote: "Thanks Ann & Agnieszka! I called and they got it to work. I purchased book one and book two. I haven't participated in a Q&A thread before. Hopefully, I'll find the time this month. I've stopped pa..."

That's a great book to shake you out of your slump!

message 17: by David (new)

David Staniforth (davidstaniforth) | 1242 comments Good luck with the Q&A, Ann. For once I'm not in the middle of writing something and can take part.

I've just finished Good Girl Bad Girl, which I enjoyed, and have just begun London Noir. One of the aspects I enjoyed the most, and what made Kal an interesting character, was the psychological analysis of people. I just wondered, given your background, to what extend can you do that, and do you use it to advantage in social situations?

message 18: by Ann (new)

Ann Girdharry (anngirdharry) | 317 comments Great to have you in the discussion, David.

When I was creating Kal as a character, it was a natural thing for me to make psychology her speciality. I really enjoy putting the emphasis on this in the stories.

As for me personally, I now pretty much never use psychology or analysis consciously, outside of my writing.

The only exception to this is moments when I've been in public and I feel the need to understand the situation around me a bit better. It's happened when I've felt under a mild threat.

To give a real example - I can think of a couple of times when I've been out with my children and I've wanted to keep them safe and so have avoided certain people or situations.
I think everyone has this instinct.

message 19: by Mackey (new)

Mackey (mackeylee) Thank you Ann. I've just downloDed London Noir and cat wait to get started on it.

message 20: by Ann (last edited Nov 03, 2017 01:04AM) (new)

Ann Girdharry (anngirdharry) | 317 comments Mackey said '...just downloaded London Noir and...'

hello Mackey and welcome.

message 21: by Ann (last edited Nov 03, 2017 01:04AM) (new)

Ann Girdharry (anngirdharry) | 317 comments Susan said 'I look forward to...'

thanks, Susan!

message 22: by Diane Lynch (new)

Diane Lynch (dianedesmarrstlynch) | 308 comments I finished Good Girl, Bad Girl and have started London Noir. Kal is an extraordinary character. Very complex. How much of Kal is based on you or people close to you? Her heritage, interests and other qualities? Where did her character come from? (Like while you were singing in the shower and she popped into your head)

message 23: by Ann (new)

Ann Girdharry (anngirdharry) | 317 comments Hi Amy, great to see you here!

message 24: by Ann (new)

Ann Girdharry (anngirdharry) | 317 comments hello Vicki :)

message 25: by Ann (new)

Ann Girdharry (anngirdharry) | 317 comments Diane said, 'Kal is an extraordinarily...'

Thank you for your questions, Diane, and I'll try to answer them, though it's not easy to pinpoint where Kal comes from (even for me!)...

Kal's expertise in psychology is based on my own professional experience.

I'm going to be candid and say (just for this thread!) that her heritage is the same as mine. The experiences she recounts and memories of growing up as the first generation of her family in the UK - are based on my own experiences.

As for her personality - well that's much more tricky.

My initial idea came from a certain type of 'spirited' woman that I often met during my work in the not-for-profit sector. These women had strong similarities - high moral and ethical values, fierce independence, a need to follow their own destiny away from the crowd and to forge ahead against the odds. I met so many women (and men too, of course) that were ready to fight against injustices and throw themselves into it. That all became written into the character of Kal.

Then what happened is that Kal grew on her own. What I mean is, that as the first story progressed, Kal developed and became a person in her own right.

message 26: by Vicki Willis (last edited Nov 04, 2017 09:05AM) (new)

Vicki Willis I started and read the first 6 chapters. (At 12%)

This one caught my attention right away. You did a great job with the setting (view spoiler) to help set the tone. I was tense from the get go.

I also like the strong characters. Kal of course, but (view spoiler)

message 27: by Diane Lynch (new)

Diane Lynch (dianedesmarrstlynch) | 308 comments Ann wrote: " Diane said, 'Kal is an extraordinarily...'

Thank you for your questions, Diane, and I'll try to answer them, though it's not easy to pinpoint where Kal comes from (even for me!)...

Kal's experti..."

Thank you. That’s exactly what I was looking to find out.
This second book is a real page turner.

message 28: by Perri (new)

Perri | 11 comments I agree with Vicki- each characters is intriguing in their own ways..even Mr. Italics

message 29: by Ann (new)

Ann Girdharry (anngirdharry) | 317 comments Perri said, '...even Mr Italics'

hi Perri - that made me laugh!

message 30: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Just bought the book today, and will start later.

As I am off sick should be able to read and catch up quickly.

message 31: by Ann (new)

Ann Girdharry (anngirdharry) | 317 comments Hi Sean, great!

message 32: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Hi Ann

Finished the book this morning.

Review in "Just Finished"

My honest review was a three star book.

I think would have been best if I had read the first book.

Liked the three main characters, just a little slow.

Last two chapters were good and fast paced.

Apologies, my honest review.

message 33: by Ann (last edited Nov 11, 2017 10:15AM) (new)

Ann Girdharry (anngirdharry) | 317 comments Sean said, "... my honest review"

I don't see a need for your apologies.

Luckily for me as an author, London Noir has a 4.2 out of 5 average on Amazon US and 4.1 star average on Goodreads - everyone has different tastes...

message 34: by Perri (new)

Perri | 11 comments One thing I really like is how many female characters there are and especially the friendship between Kal and Marty-unusual in a thriller story

message 35: by Vicki Willis (new)

Vicki Willis I finished and I really enjoyed it.
(view spoiler)

Vicki's Review

My questions for you are...
Are you a full time writer? How do you schedule your writing and where do you write? Do you listen to music or like it auiete, etc.? Do you have multiple projects going on at once?

message 36: by Ann (last edited Nov 20, 2017 02:45AM) (new)

Ann Girdharry (anngirdharry) | 317 comments Vicki said '...the way you...'

I really appreciate your great comments, Vicki!

Thanks for your questions -

Am I a full time writer?

I write five full days a week, sitting at my living room table.
From there, I have a great view of the garden and a couple of large, old oak trees that my neighbour has.

I'm pretty disciplined.
As soon as the rest of the household leaves for school and work, I go and get my keyboard and start writing. I only stop when I have to and I hate interruptions.
At the end of the day, I very often have the feeling the day has rushed by in a few hours- because I get very engrossed in the plot and characters.

As for quiet or music - I like it quiet, with only me and one or two cats (we have four in all) - that's perfect.

Do you have multiple projects...?

I'm an independent author, so, aside from writing, it's really important for me to spend a couple of sessions a week (2-3 hours) on social media and interacting with readers.
I usually schedule this for an afternoon or early evening.

These sessions are a really important part of my week and I enjoy them, I get feedback and I get to feel connected to readers and to other authors and book bloggers. Plus it's practical, because many of my new readers hear about me from word of mouth recommendations.

As for my writing, I only work on one book at a time - otherwise I think my head might explode.

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